That's right, the aura of the two powerful warriors clearly exceeded everyone's expectations. The crowd felt a similar aura on the Golden Winged Eagle, slightly weaker than the one on the boss.
They have weakened a lot, but they have indeed felt a similar information to Boss Fang, which is enough to show that the strength of the romantic duo is beyond imagination and not something they can participate in testing. Joking aside, Boss Fang's strength is so powerful that it doesn't need much explanation. Countless facts have already proven this. In front of Boss Fang, no matter how powerful the opponent is, they are not worth mentioning, just like ants.
Like ants. Fang Laoda can kill and crush at will, as countless instances of absolute strength have proven. And at this moment, both of them have a similar aura as Fang Laoda, which is indicative of...
It can also prove that the two of them have a strong and unimaginable strength, at least not reserved, which is beyond the imagination of Da Peng and his team. It should be known that the strength of the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird is also very remarkable, especially after devouring the bloodline power of a whole ancient fierce beast, the strength of the Golden-winged Great Peng Bird has long surpassed imagination, surpassing the usual powerful monsters.
然而眼前这两名强者却让他感受到了一种极度危险极为可怕的气息,可想而知两人的实力强大到了什么地步。  然而不仅仅如此,对面足足有6人,确切的说是8人另外两人在攻击着上空的蛛网,而另外6人则在攻击战里头如同巨像一般的台古凶兽,其中这两人的实力强大到了如此地步,另外4人的实力同样也不弱,在面对这头太古凶兽的时候,他们表现的也极为强大,极为恐怖,最起码惊翅大鹏鸟在他们身上感受到了极为
Terror emanated from them, leaving little room for him to fight back. Even the usually arrogant Golden-winged Great Roc couldn't help but feel a deep sense of defeat at this moment. He dared not be careless or reckless, knowing that in the face of absolute strength, everything else was just a joke. If it weren't for Boss Fang being here, he would have long fled jokingly. With such a powerful group of clouds and two horrifying primordial beasts, he had no chance of survival with his current strength.
Self-protection ability. This is not an exaggeration. Despite his formidable strength, which is many times greater than that of ordinary monsters, such things are most afraid of comparison. Without comparison, there is no harm. Compared to the two Primordial Fierce Beasts in front of him.
Moreover, among these eight individuals, he has no advantage in strength. Even the weakest among the eight is likely stronger than him, not to mention the presence of eight other individuals on the other side. The strongest being, the man in the red robe, and the swordsman, to say the least, are even more formidable. He doesn't even doubt that the two individuals on the other side are highly capable.
They can kill him with just one move. The two ancient dragon elephants also frowned at this moment, showing a look of shock and disbelief in their eyes. Obviously, the strength of the two actors on the opposite side completely exceeded their expectations. Before they took action, although the aura of the two was powerful, it did not give them such a strong feeling. Perhaps they were hiding their aura, or perhaps there were other reasons. Anyway, before they made a move, even though they knew their strength was formidable, however,
并没有感受的那么真切,可是此刻不一样,那人出手之后恐怖的气息和蓬勃的能量波动足以让所有人震惊不已。  太古龙象二人也不例外,感受到最恐怖的容量冲击波,他们的脸色都变得极为难看,一个个严重露出了惊骇和不可思议的神色,或许他们都没有想到,这个
There are still such powerful cultivators in the world. This is probably only possible for the legendary world's strong ones. The world's strong ones have always been legends, at least until today. They have never seen them, even though they are already the pinnacle existence as the strong ones in the middle world. But for countless ten thousand years they
们从来没有见过大世界强者,也没有听说有谁见过,好像大世界强者早就已经销声匿迹。  但是今天他们却突然看到了两名疑似大世界强者的人类超级强者已经不需要用一次来形容了,因为这样的两名强者在他们看来必然就是大世界无疑,也只有大世界强者才能够强大到如此地步他们都看到胆战心惊,要知道哪怕之前一开始的时候面对方老大他们也没有这样的感受过,而那时放到他就能够以一敌六可想
However, they know. And the two figures in front of them give off such terrifying auras, even though it seems unbelievable because the great world powers no longer exist. But this world is full of too many unknown mysteries, who knows? Perhaps the great world powers are in a realm they don't know about, in an unknown and inexplicable space. Who could have imagined? In any case, all of this is not important. What is important is that the strength of these two individuals gives them unparalleled pressure.
让他们感受到了一种高不可攀的感觉。  确实如此,要知道他们可都是中世界强者,而在进入这个世界之后,实力更是提升了,不知多少倍,此时此刻还能够让他们生出一种高山仰止的感觉,绝对
是难以想象的,然而事实就摆在眼前,由不得他们不信。  在他们心中几乎已经肯定这就是两名大世界强者,嗯,他们身边的那些人,即便不是大世界强者,相信也差不了多少,或者只有一步之遥或者已经一只脚迈
了进去,究竟如何他们也无法肯定,因为他们终究不是大世界强者或许方老大已经是了,但是他自己还不知道罢了。  所谓的中世界,小世界,大世界的评判规则,一直以来都没有明确的规划,确切的来说,当一个世界凝聚出完整的世界之后,那就是小世界,然而当小世界凝聚足够多形成3000小世界变成了一个中世界,那便是中世界了然三清中世界便是大世界大世界究竟是什么样的?并没有人知道,中世界他们都知道他们体内都
有3000小世界他们的其中都开辟出了3000小世界,但是想要开辟三清中世界,却是无比无比的艰难好像已经不足以让他们凝聚出一个大世界。  最起码他们目前为止还没有看到类似的强者存在,也没有看到这样的人存在因为凝聚3000中世界所需要的能量,简直无可估量,好像已经完全不存在了,所
As the powerful figures in this world have long disappeared, it is clear that Yanqing and Erren are now the great world strongmen. Whether Fangle, the elder, is one of them, they don't know. In fact, even Fang Yi himself is not clear about the reason. It seems that since the fusion with the mysterious great world, he has discovered a kind of transformation in his power. This transformation is extremely peculiar, as if any energy in front of him will be devoured and transformed into the energy of his mysterious great world. And this mysterious great world is also expanding little by little, but whether this world has
As he grew up into the big world, he didn't know or maybe he was already born in the big world, and it wasn't like the initial small world that needed to condense 3000 small worlds.
To put it simply, the great world powerhouses no longer exist, so no one knows what the great world powerhouses are like, and Fang Yi is no exception.
So he doesn't know what situation he is in right now, but it doesn't really matter, strength is ultimately everything, and any realm is external and meaningless to them. Being entangled in these things is just out of curiosity in the heart, or out of respect for the strong, curiosity about the realm powerhouse. However, in the current situation, all of this is meaningless as the two super powerhouses are bombarding the ancient savage beast, Eastern Dependence, which is being attacked by a huge wave. Several other super powerhouses are also fiercely attacking the ancient savage beast. A total of six people, the attacks of the six people are like tides, the whole space seems to-
Completely exploded.
I have to say, the strength of these six people is so powerful that it is unimaginable, especially the red-robed old man and the swordsman. Their strength has reached an incredible level, beyond imagination. However, even so, the ancient fierce beast still showed a strong resistance. The attacks from these people did not cause much damage to him, at least the attacks from the other four did not affect him.
Causing too much damage, at most leaving behind white scars, while the attacks of the red-robed old man and the swordsman were relatively swift and sharp, leaving behind bloodstains on the body of that ancient ferocious beast.
那头太古凶兽的防御第1次被打破了。  而他也表现出了极为愤怒的情绪,恐怖的嘶吼声回荡在整个天地,偌大的峡谷也仿佛摇摇欲坠,仿佛要彻底崩塌开来一般这气息如同海啸一般,席卷整个天
In an instant, the surrounding humans and demons who had just approached were originally planning to watch from a distance or seize any opportunities that came their way. However, under the terrifying shockwave, they all turned to dust. Jokingly, while their strength was indeed formidable, it was inconsequential in the face of such a horrifying shockwave. In front of the ancient ferocious beasts and six super-strong individuals, they were as insignificant as ants.
Powerless. Without a doubt, such a battle has lost its qualification for them to participate, not even the qualification to observe. At the very least, they should not get so close, as it would undoubtedly be suicidal. Not to mention them, even the proud roc bird feels uncomfortable sensing the terrifying shockwave. It feels a tremendous pressure, as if it could tear it to pieces completely. And its strength is strong enough, even though it is not as
Some people are opponents, but they don't even have the qualifications to wait and see.
But it must be said that the terrifying pressure and powerful shockwave have put great pressure on him, making him feel fearful. If it weren't for Boss Fang here, maybe he would have wanted to take the opportunity to escape. Of course, in the current situation, it is impossible for him to escape because the huge spider web in the sky has already covered the entire ground, and countless strong men, beasts, and countless flesh torn apart by the shockwave have all fallen onto the spider web, which then devours them. At the same time, the aura of a huge ancient ferocious beast transformed into a pig on the other end of Zhu Wang is also becoming more and more intense.
Terror, the ketone body also turns blood red, as if it has been infused with countless flesh, emitting an extremely bloody and terrifying aura. A unique and despair-inducing aura fills the powerful beings entering this valley, where there is no chance of survival. Above, there are countless spider webs, and below, there is a
More powerful Thai monsters, it can be imagined that this place has already been covered with a net, and anyone who enters here will completely die and become the food of these two ancient monsters. Various Tibetan mastiffs and desperate voices come, filling the entire gorge, filling the entire world. Countless strong people are devoured, leaving no trace, and those two strong individuals are still attacking this huge spider web. But...
Unfortunately, their attacks were ineffective, and the spider's web had no significant effect, or any effect at all. Compared to the other eight people, these two were relatively weaker in terms of strength. They wanted to restrain the giant spider with these two weaker individuals, break open the opening, and provide an escape route for the journalist. However, it was unfortunate that they were unable to achieve this goal.
Alas, they undoubtedly failed. The strength of this enormous ancient savage beast may be inferior to the one below, but the toughness of that pig king far exceeds everyone's expectations.
The two super powerhouses below also clearly saw this point, and faced with the situation in front of them, they had no time to consider other things, shouting loudly, "Don't pay attention to that spider anymore, kill this elephant first."
"Good!" The two of them received the order without further ado, then transformed into two figures and charged towards the enormous ancient savage beast at the other end, while the six of them surrounded it. The ancient savage beast was already quite passive."
Just kidding, all six of them are strong, especially the two leaders, whose strength is particularly powerful. Now, imagine two of them and eight others teaming up to attack an ancient savage beast.
The whole world is filled with bloodshed and horror...
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