Great National Artisan!

Xuanqing's words almost broke through Li Zexuan's defense!
In fact, Li Zexuan doesn't have much emotional attachment to Longhushan Celestial Master Sect.
Whether it is the current soul or the past, it is the same!
It is not that he is naturally aloof, but rather that when he was brought to Longhu Mountain by Ling Xu, he didn't even stay in Tian Shi Dao for a few days.
起初为了方便他调养身体,灵虚真人特意将李泽轩带到了江南一带的一处药园,这期间跟他接触最多的人,除了灵虚真人,就是经常来看望他们的玄清了!  几年之后等他身体稍微好些了,灵虚真人又开始带着他四处游历,一边游历,一边传授他功夫,所以在天师道门派里,别说是普通弟子,就连风灵子这个掌
Gate, he has never seen him!
Therefore, when it comes to the Tian Shi Dao sect, whether it is its predecessor or Li Zexuan at present, he doesn't have much emotional attachment or sense of belonging. The only things he cares about in the sect are his master, Lingxu Zhenren, and his junior martial brother, Xuanqing! However, Xuanqing's recent words made him realize that even though he is a Tian Shi Dao disciple who hasn't spent much time in the sect, he is still one of them. Behind him, there is the support of his junior martial brother, the sect leader, and other senior martial uncles.
Hundreds of senior martial brothers!
No matter when and where, they are always his support! This time, when the Celestial Master Sect descended into the mortal world, its disciples chose the Yanhuang Academy as their base. Apart from the fact that Li Zexuan, the Marquis of the Nation, could better assist in integrating the Celestial Master Sect into the mortal world due to his identity, it was mainly because Xuanqing wanted to help his little nephew.

For example, the Jiugong Bagua Formation under the Yunshan Mountain, or the support of the Tian Shi Dao disciples to the Great Tang United Clinic!
Since he crossed over, Li Zexuan has been striving. As the child of a merchant, although he does not agree with the hierarchical status of scholar, farmer, craftsman, and merchant, the feudal era does not care whether he agrees or not!
In order to protect his family from being bullied, he constantly strengthens himself, whether it is at home or later at the Yanhuang Academy. Whenever he encounters difficulties, he always stands at the forefront.
At this moment, Xuanqing's words warmed his heart. It turns out that it feels quite nice to be taken care of by someone!
"Junior martial uncle, rest assured, if there is a need, I will definitely speak up!"
Li Zexuan smiled and said, "Furthermore, in a war between two countries, individual courage is of no help. I wouldn't be foolish enough to show off my courage like a hero!"
Xuanqing nodded.
Li Zexuan then asked about the progress of the mountain protection formation. After receiving assurance that it would be completed before Xuanqing Academy's reopening, he took his leave!
I really can't stay any longer. He really didn't expect that Xuanqing, who usually doesn't like to talk, would become so sentimental. If I stay a little longer, what if he starts crying? It would be so embarrassing.
This time when I returned to Yunshan, I didn't meet junior apprentice brother Zhang Heng or other fellow disciples. Perhaps it was too late and everyone had already gone to bed.
Thinking of this, Li Zexuan also didn't plan to disturb the old masters in the other courtyard, such as Li Gang, Yan Silu, Mo Huai, and others. It was late, and it wouldn't be good to disturb the elderly resting, so he went straight down Yunshan and headed towards the new workshop of Qiqu Ge.
After more than an hour, Li Zexuan arrived outside the gate of the new workshop.
To his surprise, at this hour, the workshop was brightly lit with the constant roaring sound of various machines running.
Li Zexuan walked straight in, and the gatekeeper naturally did not stop him, passing through a courtyard in front of the office building.
The courtyard was filled with the smell of sawdust, metal, and printing ink, which seemed more modern and technologically advanced compared to the ordinary handicraft workshops outside. Since the development of the steam engine, the workshops have gradually started incorporating steam engines. Craftsmen have long designed corresponding machines to be driven by steam engines in order to complete repetitive and simple tasks.
"Master, can you see if the accuracy of this guide rail is sufficient?"
"Sufficient for what? I can tell at a glance, it's not good enough! Fuguanshi said the accuracy of this guide rail must reach 0.1 millimeters, and you are still far from it! Can't you focus when you polish it?"
"Master, I'm already focused enough! It's just that my hand isn't as steady as yours, otherwise could you help me? I've been polishing all day, if I can't get it right with more polishing, I won't have the face to take a rest!"
"Go go go! You little brat! Bring the stuff over here! Watch carefully and learn!"
"Hey! Thank you, Master!" Li Zexuan's arrival did not attract anyone's attention, perhaps because the craftsmen were too focused on their work, or perhaps because there were too many unfamiliar faces in this courtyard, many of whom were probably recently called from other provinces and counties.
And he had never seen the excellent craftsmen before.
The craftsmen were dressed in rough linen clothes, their hair casually tied up, and their faces marked with traces of metal and wood. Their gaze was firm and focused, as if engaged in a sacred task.
The blacksmiths are adjusting some components, sweat dripping from their faces, but they are fully focused as if creating a living object.
Beside them, a young craftsman is skillfully installing a delicate gear onto another component, his movements as nimble and refined as performing a wonderful dance.
In another workshop, Li Zexuan caught a glimpse of an old craftsman through the partially closed door. The craftsman was carefully examining a completed lathe model, observing the intricacies of its structure.
His eyes were filled with astonishment and admiration, and he kept exclaiming phrases like "ingenious craftsmanship" from his mouth.
At this moment, a craftsman in his twenties inside the room spoke up and advised:
"Master, it's already four quarters past midnight. You should go rest now, or else your body won't be able to take it!" "
Rest my ass! I'm wide awake right now. How can I sleep? Let me keep working for a while longer! Oh, you see how brilliant Marquis Hou's mind is? How could he come up with such a clever design? It's truly remarkable!" "Master, you already finished the lathe model three days ahead of schedule. These past few days, you haven't rested for more than three hours a day. If you continue like this, you won't be able to hold on! If you don't rest soon, I'll go and tell..."
Complain to the steward, do you think I wouldn't dare to listen to him?" "Brat! Don't use the steward to intimidate me! Fine, fine, fine! I'll go to sleep now! Really, you said the marquis gives us ten times the salary than others, and even arranged a job for my son in the county town.
Calculate, if we don't work for ten hours a day, how can we face Lord Hou?
I can't feel at ease when I see you being lazy and enjoying good food every day, even though I give you so much money! You need to tidy up the house, then polish the parts behind the door, and then you can take a rest!
Outside, Li Zexuan couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this. In his heart, he thought, "Oh, old man, I pay you guys so much money because your skills are worth this price, not because I want you to work so hard!" Translation: "
Wow, you work a whopping ten hours a day. That's even tougher than the 996 work schedule in the 21st century. Capitalists would shed tears if they encountered someone like you!
Master, do I really seem lazy? Well, well, okay! You're right, go get some rest! I'll take care of everything here!
Li Zexuan didn't stay for long after seeing the honest old craftsmen retiring to rest. He continued on his way towards the office building.
along the way, he witnessed similar scenes repeatedly. The entire workshop was filled with creativity and enthusiasm. The craftsmen were fighting tirelessly for the first machine tool of this era. They were not only artisans but also scientists of this era, pioneers using technology to change lives. With their hard work and sweat, they would eventually prove to the people of this era that technology can change lives, improve...
Change the world! In this setting, Li Zexuan couldn't help but recall a story from a century-old documentary about the difficult early years of New China. It tells the tale of the "most impressive graduation project" in history, where the entire school's faculty and students fought tirelessly for 100 days,
In 1957, there was still no domestically designed and manufactured aircraft in New China. The students and faculty members of the North China Aviation Academy at that time aimed to be the first to achieve this milestone. In February 1958, Premier Zhou and other leaders attentively listened to the Vice Presidents of the Beijing Aviation Academy, Wang and Shen, regarding the academy's plan to integrate teaching, scientific research, design, and production to create and manufacture an aircraft. After the discussion, they gave their full support.

This expresses support and allocates a funding of 150,000 yuan for the development of "Beijing 1st Aircraft".
Premier Zhou's concern and support greatly encouraged the "Beihang people".
However, designing and manufacturing an aircraft is a complex and massive systems engineering project. For Beijing Aviation College, which has only been established for 5 years and lacks prototypes, design information, and specialized equipment, there are numerous difficulties. But the majority of faculty and students faced these challenges and actively participated in the design. In order to propose a more reasonable and superior design, they worked tirelessly day and night, searching for information, calculating performance, and plotting curves. They subsequently presented 11 different design proposals, determined the aircraft's weight, speed, ceiling, climb rate, and created three-dimensional drawings. After dozens of wind tunnel tests, they obtained an optimized aircraft configuration and finalized the overall design plan for "Beijing 1st Aircraft". Following that,
Component design and part design are both comprehensively underway.
In order to make "Beijing No.1" fly over the capital during the National Day, the entire school's teachers, students, and staff unite as one and collaborate with great effort.
In just three months, the workload is immense, ranging from the manufacturing of every aircraft component to the assembly of the entire aircraft, from the production of various specialized equipment to the refinement of processing techniques.
In order to ensure the timely production of products, the participating teachers, students, and workers are all willing to work extra hours, even moving their luggage to the workshop so as not to waste time resting or sleeping. They work tirelessly day and night, dedicating themselves to their jobs.
Some precision parts with high accuracy requirements were manually polished by teachers and students because there were no high-precision machine tools in China at that time.
After the "Hundred-Day War", the teachers and students of Beihang University finally launched the "Beijing No. 1" into the blue sky of the motherland on September 24th. This scene in the workshop is similar to the hundred-day construction of an aircraft by the teachers and students of Beihang University in the past, both starting from scratch and facing numerous difficulties. However, the craftsmen on the land of China are the least afraid of hard work. They have the spirit of continuous improvement and perseverance.
Indomitable spirit.
This is the spirit of a great nation's craftsmen, this is the spirit of craftsmanship!
"Lord Hou, why are you here?"
Just then, a surprised voice pulled Li Zexuan back from his vague thoughts.
Well, he has been in the workshop for so long, and finally, a craftsman recognized him! It's not surprising though, firstly because there are many new craftsmen in the workshop who haven't seen Li Zexuan before, and secondly, it's late at night and even with electric lights, the lighting is nowhere near as good as during the day, so no one could recognize him at all.
Not strange at all!
"Hong Sheng!"
Li Zexuan looked closely and nodded in greeting to the incoming person.
The person is none other than Zhang Hong Sheng, the son of Zhang Ya Jiu, the master swordsmith of Yan Jiu Sword. He is also the next caretaker of the workshop valued by Fu Bo.
Fubo realizes that he is getting old and Li Zexuan is creating more and more complex things that require high technical skills and knowledge. He feels increasingly inadequate and therefore intends to cultivate a successor.
However, Zhang Hongsheng not only comes from a scholarly family but also has excellent technical skills and is willing to work hard and delve into his studies. He is truly the perfect candidate in Uncle Fu's eyes to take over the management of the workshop!
Therefore, recently Uncle Fu has entrusted Zhang Hongsheng with all the tasks that can be handed over to him in the workshop, which can be seen as a way of training the younger generation!
Li Zexuan smiled, without offering much explanation, and instead asked, "Hongsheng, you're still not resting at this hour?"
"Hey! There's still something I haven't finished arranging! I'll rest after it's done! It's almost done! Houye, let me take you to the office of the manager of Fu, it's too noisy here!"
Zhang Hongsheng grinned and was about to take him to the office building.
Manufacturing machine tools is extremely complex, requiring the subdivision of tasks into many parts. He has been very busy these days. Although his face is tired, there is a glimmer in his eyes because he knows that the workshop is building a great machine capable of changing this era. As a craftsman, being able to participate in such a project is a lifetime accomplishment.
So he doesn't feel tired and has never complained.
Li Zexuan waved his hand, rejecting Zhang Hongsheng's offer to show him around: "You don't need to worry about me, I'll just wander around. You go and get busy, after you're done, go rest. We still have a long way to go, and there's still a lot to do. Don't exhaust yourself! Not just you, but everyone in the workshop is,
Take it easy and rest when you're tired, don't force yourself. Remember to inform everyone tomorrow!"
Zhang Hongsheng smiled and said, "Hey! Lord Hou, don't worry, we understand the reason and won't push ourselves too hard! I will also inform everyone tomorrow. Now, I'll go busy myself. Please take care, Lord Hou!"
After saying that, he turned around and left without any politeness! Indeed, there was no need for politeness. Li Zexuan has always led by example, never putting on airs or engaging in formalities in the workshop. Therefore, the atmosphere in the workshop has always been pure; there is no hypocrisy or formalities, only hard work.

"Hey, wait! There's another thing I need to tell you!"
Li Zexuan suddenly remembered something and quickly called out to Zhang Hongsheng. Zhang Hongsheng paused and listened as Li Zexuan continued, "
! These days, students and teachers from the academy will also come to help debug the telegraph machine. Please arrange for people to cooperate!"
"Okay! I've noted it down, I'll make arrangements tomorrow!"
Zhang Hongsheng took out a small notebook from his pocket, carefully made a note, and seeing that Li Zexuan didn't have any other instructions, he left decisively. ... ...
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