Historical novels Fuminglu Chapter 2245: Fish Underwater

Chapter 2245: Fish Underwater

Beijing, heavy snow.
This is not the first snow in Beijing, but it is the first heavy snow this year.
Flakes of snow fell continuously, as light as goose feathers, starting in the evening and reaching ankle height by nightfall.
夜深,雪大,极寒。  街上几无行人,偶见提着灯笼缩着脖子的更夫又或兵马司的巡查匆匆而过,路过青楼酒肆时听到里边的丝竹欢笑声,会侧目看一眼,嘴角勾起不屑的咒骂几
Near the Andingmen area, at a three-way intersection, there is a wonton restaurant that hasn't closed yet. Inside, there are two or three customers sitting, chatting and sipping tea.
With a creaking sound, someone pushes open the door, bringing in a gust of wind and snow. The people inside couldn't help but shiver and glance towards the door, where they see a person wearing a bamboo hat and completely covered in white. Please note that the translation provided may not be perfect, as the original text contains some colloquial expressions and implied meanings that may not have direct equivalents in English.
"Could you please close the door quickly? It's freezing," a dissatisfied customer said.
The person bent down apologetically, closed the door, and casually took off the bamboo hat, placing it at the entrance. They also brushed off the accumulated snow from their body and glanced inside, saying, "Innkeeper, bring me a bowl of wonton soup."
A waiter responded and quickly brought a bowl of steaming hot wontons. The man took out a penny from his pocket and placed it on the table. "Sir, the price of these wontons has increased to two pennies..." the waiter said, his gaze suddenly fixed on the penny on the table. He picked it up and examined it carefully, then glanced at the middle-aged man who was devouring his food. He then...
Hurrying towards the counter, I handed it over to the shopkeeper.
The shopkeeper carefully examined it on the oil lamp, then walked out from behind the counter and bowed to the few customers: "I apologize, gentlemen, but the store is about to close."
"Hey, Deng Jiuer, why did you close so early today? Usually you don't close until late at night, and there are still customers here." "I'm sorry, it's been snowing heavily today and it's very cold, so we have to close early. Please excuse us." The shopkeeper apologized with a smile. The customers were actually locals from nearby who usually treated this place as a teahouse in the evening to chat with a few friends.
Passing time.
But hearing the shopkeeper's words, it's not good to stubbornly stay here. Muttering in my mouth, I leave reluctantly and the assistant closes the door and locks it, turning to stare at the big man. Translation:
The man was still busy enjoying his wontons when the shopkeeper quietly approached him, clasping his hands in front of his chest and softly reciting, "Kneeling before the emperor in the Qilin Palace."
It was only then that the man put down his chopsticks and replied with a gesture, "Gallop west to attack the Great Wall barbarians."
"Originally, we were brothers from the same family. May I ask how to address you?" The shopkeeper smiled lightly.
"I am Yu Zi'er from Hangzhou Jiutian Hall." The big man stood up and saluted.
"So you are Brother Yu, one of the three great warriors under the leader's command. It's an honor to meet you." The shopkeeper quickly bowed in respect.
"It has been five days since you arrived, where is Brother Yu?"
"He has been traveling in the capital for half a month." Little Fish Seed exclaimed, "Where is the founder?"
The grocery store still has a layout with a front store and a backyard. The backyard has a main hall and rooms on the east and west sides. At this late hour, only the lights are still on in the west room.
An oil lamp, small like a bean.
Flickering in a swaying motion, a person sits in front of the lamp. A refined and composed individual, nearing the age of thirty, holds a book in one hand and warms their hand against a teapot.
The sound of knocking on the door rang out, three long and two short. The person who was just lying on the bed moments ago suddenly appeared at the door: "Who's there?"
"A guest from the Nine Heavens Pavilion has arrived," the familiar voice outside the door responded. The person inside the door sheathed their short knife, pulled out the door latch, and opened the door: "You're here so late."
“事关宗主安危,自是要谨慎”那人说着将门插上,鱼籽儿淡淡一笑,快步走到那儒雅中年男人跟前,单膝跪拜:“属下参见宗主”。  中年男人放下手中书,探手将其扶起:“夜寒风大,喝口热茶暖暖身子吧”说着起身欲倒茶,鱼籽儿赶紧起身:“不敢劳驾宗主,属下刚才已经吃饱喝足了,
It's very warm."
The middle-aged man nodded: "When did you arrive in Beijing?"
"I've been in Beijing for more than half a month," Yuzi'er replied, pausing for a moment, "I heard that the master only arrived three to five days ago. When we were in Taian, you were already a step ahead of me. Could it be that something happened on the way...?"
The elegant man waved his hand and said, "The journey went smoothly, but I have spent some time wandering around. You have been in Beijing for over half a month. What have you seen and experienced?"
Yuzi let out a sigh and replied, "If I were to talk about what I have seen and experienced, it would be more of a reflection."
The refined man chuckled and said, "Well, then tell me what impressions do you have?"
Yuzi scratched her head and replied, "Compared to two years ago, the city's demeanor has changed, and so has its essence. It leaves a completely different impression on people. If I were to describe it, I would say it makes me feel on edge."
The refined man was momentarily taken aback, then silently nodded: "Do you know why I haven't set foot outside this yard for five days since I arrived in Beijing?"
"Is it because the situation is different now?" Yu Zi'er looked grave: "Could it be that the master also feels a sense of panic?" "As you said, this capital city is no longer the same as two years ago, it has undergone a complete transformation, a total facelift," the refined man picked up the tea cup and took a sip, "As for the situation here, I still remember when we came two years ago, the place was full..."
The troublemakers on the streets are looking for trouble... Of course, this is only superficial. When we came here, it felt as pleasant as enjoying the mountains and rivers. But now everything feels unfamiliar, and this unfamiliarity is causing panic."
Yu Zi nodded and said, "There are soldiers from the Bingmasi and Jingying patrolling the streets and alleys of Beijing all day long. Our people who were planted or the informants we bought in the past, either got exposed or were eliminated."
"So, it's no wonder that we feel panicked," the elegant man sighed. "It seems that the Eastern Depot and the Embroidered Uniform Guard have been putting effort into digging into our affairs." "Fortunately, we have concealed ourselves deeply and made few moves. Unlike Li Chuang and the Tatars from the northern border, who have made a lot of noise and acted recklessly, they have provided us with cover. It is said that several of Li Chuang's strongholds were all wiped out last year, so it's estimated that it might happen to us as well."
"Inside the city, there may be none, but outside the city, they are also hard to come by. I have only heard of fox spirits having nine tails, but I have never heard of fish seeds having nine nests," Yuzi scratched his head and then said, "Fortunately, our brothers usually hide well and act cautiously and discreetly. Although the court has caught some of us, they are only outsiders."
Little fish and shrimp that are surrounded, without any injuries to their bones.
The refined gentleman stood up and paced in the room: "Be cautious. The people we have infiltrated in various industries and those we have bribed, try not to contact them easily. First, investigate whether they have been exposed or have turned against us."
"This subordinate knows that no contact has been made for half a month since the arrival, until yesterday when I saw the master's token and learned that the master came to the capital. Only then did I contact the branch in the capital and find my way here."
"Well, you are quite cautious," the elegant man walked up to Fish Seed and patted his shoulder. "Tell me what you have heard in the capital in the past half month."
"The most well-known thing in the capital recently is the selection of the Eastern Palace's concubine..." Fish Seed coughed lightly, but before he could finish speaking, the elegant man interrupted him. "If it's already well-known, there's no need for you to repeat it. Tell me something I don't know."
“略有耳闻,知之不详,说说你知道的”。  “属下也仅知一二,据说先是那太监去关外巡查军务,不知就怎么挑起了战火,现在拉开架势要和鞑子在关外大干一场……而且听说朝鲜现在和鞑子也撕破脸
"Speaking of this, Yuzi's face is full of mystery as she lowers her voice: 'It is said that it was instigated by the chief eunuch of the Eastern Factory...'"
Oh, the refined man frowned: "He has such a long reach and controls so much, it's as if he has three heads and six arms! Did you find out anything else?"
"Hmm... also, I heard that the court is raising funds under the pretext of border conflicts!" After thinking for a moment, Yuzi Er said, and the refined gentleman couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, they wouldn't be targeting those honorable nobles again, would they?" "Hehe, the lord really guessed it right. It is said that the emperor donated 20,000, and the dukes, marquises, and earls along with the third-ranking civil and military officials have to donate as well, with a minimum of 5,000 each," Yuzi Er chuckled. "Basically, they are..."
It's fundraising, huh? It's like being forced!"
"Not sure, it is said that the Minister of Revenue, Ni Yuanlu, and the Marquis of Xinle, Liu Wenbing, took the lead, and the emperor followed suit." "Well, that's interesting. Those eunuchs are ruthless and act swiftly. They are fearless and not afraid to offend anyone except the emperor. But why would the Minister of Revenue and the Marquis of Xinle do such a thing? Did they make a mistake?"
失心疯了么?”儒雅男子一脸疑惑。  “那就不知道了”鱼籽儿轻摇头:“反正皇帝都带头打了样,那些勋贵们在家跳脚骂娘,再怎么哭丧叫穷终究也得割点肉出来,只是少不得问候那户部尚书和
The noble Xun, the noble Xun, they have forgotten how they gained their wealth and prosperity at their own home. Who gave it to them? When the court is in trouble, they are nowhere to be seen...hah, if not for this, how could the Great Ming Dynasty decline like this?" The refined man's eyes were filled with frustration.
A cold light flashed and immediately extinguished: "Fortunately, they are like this, so we can seize the opportunity! If everyone is loyal to the emperor and defends the country wholeheartedly, how can we have a chance to fulfill our ambitions and dominate the world!"
Seeing that Yuzi'er remained silent, the refined man asked again, "You indeed have heard more than I have, but where did you discover such secretive information? We haven't had any contact recently, so these insider details are not something an ordinary person could know." Translated:
“I have not contacted any eyelashes, I found out in the big world. Does the leader know about the big world?” Yuzi'er asked with great interest.
“The one outside the front door, the golden palace?” the elegant man raised an eyebrow. "Yes, yes, yes, it's the golden palace. There you can find everything - food, drinks, entertainment, but it truly is a golden palace. On my first day, I spent over sixty taels of silver there!" Yuzi'er's face was full of regret. The elegant man exclaimed, "Did you eat dragon meat and sleep with the Queen Mother to spend so much silver?"
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