纳达尔毕竟身经百战,立刻冷静下来,命令最大功率扫描,务必在第一时间弄清楚来袭舰队的身份。  随着命令下达,舰队周围荡起了一圈圈若有若无的涟漪,所有星舰的护盾都黯淡了些许。最大功率扫描吞噬了太多的能量,以至于星舰所有的系统运行都受
时间在一分一秒中流逝,前锋舰队已经和光年残余舰队交火,而纳达尔依然沉稳,心思都放在了那支袭来的舰队上。  又是半小时过去,另一支舰队的前锋分舰队已经完成了跳跃,开始向战场靠拢,纳达尔的舰队则是对光年残余舰队实现了半包围。其实想要完全包围也不是
不可以,但那一来就失去了机动性。如果来的真的是联邦和王朝联合舰队,那纳达尔还可以从容撤退。  哪怕来的真是三支舰队,只要是人类舰队,给纳达尔的压力其实并没有比光年残余舰队大多少。所以纳达尔任由那支大舰队接近,等扫描结果出来后再做决
定。  片刻之后,扫描系统终于积累了足够的数据,连成一片的光点开始陆陆续续地显露舰型信息。当第一艘完整舰型信息出现时,纳达尔的脑中顿时嗡的一声,
In an instant, there was a blank space!
扫描系统判断,那是光年的星舰,型号不明。  紧接着一艘又一艘的舰型信息出现,全部是此前没有出现过的舰型,但是扫描系统判断都是光年的星舰。毕竟光年星舰设计只此一家,和三大势力完全不同

The marshal generals' emotions immediately stabilized a bit. The main battleships are not so easy to build within such a short period of time, and moreover, Lightyear even abandoned the dock when escaping. Several more minutes passed, and the scanning system finally provided more detailed data. Finally, a few of the huge dots at the center of the enemy fleet were confirmed to be the main battleships, totaling 5! There was another dot that seemed to be even more powerful than the main...
The generals and marshals had been waiting for this order, and immediately dispatched a small portion of the fleet to engage the remaining light-year fleet, while the main fleet slowly withdrew from the battlefield, preparing for an accelerated jump.
就在这时,一道高能光束突然从侧后方射来,直接命中了纳达尔旗舰的主引擎!  纳达尔又惊又怒,迅速寻找攻击来源,然后发现开炮的竟然是随行的王朝舰队!当初为了防止王朝背后捣鬼,纳达尔逼迫王朝拿出一支分舰队共同追击光年
Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the Wang Dynasty fleet actually made a move from behind!
“消灭他们!”纳达尔恶狠狠地下令。  王朝分舰队本来就没什么实力,只有两艘重巡,还是一分为二。纳达尔虽然对他们恨之入骨,但眼下逃命要紧,只想把王朝舰队逼开,报复的事等以后再说

此时指挥大厅不断震动,星舰正承受着猛烈攻击,但是主炮一直在攻击着纳达尔旗舰的引擎,没有停过。  陈耳的目光扫过大厅,所有的军人都站了起来,神情肃穆。陈耳深吸一口气,说:“诸位跟我一样,都是主动申请的这个任务。废话不多说,现在已经到了我
们牺牲的时刻!我们不是白死,我们的死换来的是共同体4艘主力舰的灭亡,换来的是王朝30年的太平!诸位,最后一战,我们同行!”  重巡如同孤勇的骑士,不退反进,向着纳达尔的旗舰冲去,不管敌人的炮火多么猛烈。其余的王朝星舰也都有各自的目标,同时开火,攻击的全都是敌人的推进引擎。另一支跳跃回来的舰队中,王朝的星舰也突然开火,他们的战果更明显,刚刚完成跳跃的星舰护盾能量还在低谷,很快两艘主力舰的引擎就都被打得
起火爆炸。  旗舰中,纳达尔脸色铁青,疯狂地咆哮着,但全无用处。就在这时,和王朝舰队的通讯终于接通了,纳达尔面前出现了一个白白净净的微胖男人,并无多少
那个白净的微胖男人微微一笑,说:“记住,送你下地狱的是王朝预备役少将陈耳。”  纳达尔还想要说什么,突然舰体猛烈震动,主推进引擎终于在持续攻击中爆炸,而那艘王朝重巡也走到了生命的尽头,炸成一团比恒星还要耀眼的火球。此
王朝分舰队最终全军覆没,无人生还。  他们整整拖住共同体舰队半个小时。这是关键的半个小时,此时共同体舰队再想撤离已经来不及了,在他们加速到能够跳跃的前一刻,就会被追上来的光年
The fleet is within range of attack.
At this moment, the ship damage report has already appeared in front of Nader. Although the flagship has 6 main engines, the performance has significantly decreased due to one being damaged, and it is too late to make a jump.
庞大的光年舰队终于进入了战场,铺天盖地的高能光束淹没了共同体舰队。  无人星系一战,共同体两支主力舰队全军覆没,震惊了整个人类世界。共同体三分之一的主力舰和20%的舰队兵力化为乌有,伤亡超过400万。共同体传奇
Marshal Nadal disguised himself and boarded a small starship, narrowly escaping but sacrificing his lifelong reputation in the process. Everyone knew that light-years had once again gathered an unprecedentedly powerful fleet and a colossal starship never seen before had emerged. However, nobody knew where these starships came from, nor did anyone know the extent of the losses suffered in this battle.
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