Chapter 650 The Rise of Zheng Mo

From this point on, the intensity of the siege on the Oasis Star Base suddenly dropped sharply, and the joint fleet shattered the shackles that had been pressing on them for years.
However, the battle did not end immediately, and the joint fleet's major counterattack began.
After months of relentless pursuit and attacks, the pseudo-human legion and the remaining forces of various slave tribes besieging the Oasis Star were defeated and scattered. Some were annihilated, some fled, and some were captured.
However, the Multiplex Eye Slaves have no intention of surrendering, not because these enslaved races are particularly brave, but purely because all the slaves have undergone biological modification and multiple control by the Multiplex Eye, just like the fish people of the past.
Once they give up the idea of ​​attacking humans, these slaves will soon die.
But the new technology of blockade invented by humans still manages to take them all down before the slaves die, just like humans were frozen and locked in unified force that year.
The retreating compound eye fleet is still trying to reorganize its forces in the distance, attempting to restore its combat effectiveness.
However, the joint fleet, unlike the previous defensive posture, took the initiative to attack, quickly deploying interference clouds to block curved flight and leapfrogging, trapping a large number of enemies within a cosmic space with a diameter of 0.5 light-years. Subsequently, humans used their numerical advantage to start infiltrating and flanking, dispersing and then quickly integrating forces in a small area, forming an advantage and then concentrating on annihilating the strategy. In just over a week, the compound eye fleet, which had just restored its formation, was annihilated by more than 80%, with one-tenth escaping and one-tenth captured.
From then on, the forces with compound eyes near the Oasis Star were completely destroyed and could no longer organize a systematic offensive.
The Oasis Bridgehead is officially established.
Human beings have truly created an oasis near the enemy's headquarters.
Subsequently, the development of economy, industry, technology and population began to expand exponentially.
Everyone knows that this hard-won peace is actually very short-lived.
There will inevitably be more arduous battles waiting for oneself in the future.
The efficiency of the joint fleet's military and civilian work has suddenly risen to a new height, and they have begun to be fully prepared for war.
The number of ships in the joint fleet is rapidly rising to several hundred thousand per month.
The growth rate of the population has slowed down slightly as a large number of frozen embryos stored previously have been "hatched" and consumed, but it still maintains a scale of several tens of millions per month, and the number of infants and young children has rapidly surpassed one billion.
At this moment, whether it is the third or fourth generation of unknown people, under the imprint of the fate convention, they have found the meaning of their lives and the highest mission.
Regardless of any civilization or era, there are always people who bear more than others.
These people are the warriors of the human race, the soldier ants in the ant colony, the soldier bees in the bee colony.
Indeed, no one is born to sacrifice themselves for others.
But if everyone thinks like this, then this civilization is doomed to perish.
Because no one is born with the right to watch others sacrifice for themselves without feeling guilty.
Civilization will always have division of labor.
There are those who are responsible for creating a peaceful and prosperous society in the rear, and there must also be those who bear the fate of everyone on the front lines and strive and fight with all their might.
Since fate has already made a decision in advance, the nameless men in the nameless fleet choose to accept their fate calmly.
No one thinks about why I should suffer from the beginning, but instead proudly declares, we, the nameless men from Oasis Star, are born as the most fierce fighting nation in the entire human civilization on Earth.
The development of human civilization is advancing rapidly, while the strategic command center on the side of the compound eyes is already at a loss.
From any perspective, the human fleet rooted in the Oasis Star is not a match for the compound eyes fleet, at most it can only hold on for a year or two.
But the fact is that this battle was lost.
The original plan was to use a giant stargate that could last for at least a few hundred years. Just as the first wave of the main fleet was sent over, the second wave had just completed its assembly and was preparing to pass through, but then the stargate was suddenly gone.
The first main fleet unfortunately fell into trouble.
The strategy of using pseudo people to divide and dissolve, which was developed at great difficulty, not only failed completely, but also was outsmarted by humans and raided their lair. The expected plan to hold back the united fleet for at least ten years, and as long as fifty years, has all gone up in smoke with a large amount of reserve resources.
Although compound-eyed creatures, as arthropods with mechanized thinking, do not have the complex and undulating emotional changes of earthlings, the fly-eyes responsible for devising strategies still want to curse loudly.
If the collective thinking of the strategic command center of compound eyes were to be symbolized in a language understandable to humans, it would probably be like this.
How is the damn brain of these meat worms structured, and why can such a complex and uncontrollable thinking emerge from the pile of "junk cells" that looks so unstructured and unattractive.
How cunning are the human race on Earth and how much malice lies within their hearts?
Why are there always so many strange and bizarre tactics that are scorned upon in the wars of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations?
Why does this short-lived civilization have such terrifying explosive growth potential, such a learning ability of universal laws with no apparent limit, and yet be so warlike?
Why is it that with similar computing power, similar technological levels, and roughly equal firepower, every time a real battle breaks out, the theoretically balanced situation always seems to gradually shift towards the disadvantage of one's own side?
Also, after long-term exploration and calculation, we have vaguely found the reason, which is that some elite warriors of human beings always show extra combat power and perform supernormally on the spot.
Okay, we have readjusted the calculation method again, trying to dispatch as many troops as possible each time.
But why is it that the elite human warriors seem to have no upper limit, every time... they are a little stronger than before, and then a little more...
The ruling room of the Virgo Supercluster has existed for billions of years, at the boundary of the territory, or in the territory of others, and has had confrontations with other fourth-level civilizations and nearly fourth-level civilizations, so it is not lacking in combat experience.
As a high-level civilization relying on the vast resources of the massive galaxy cluster composed of countless years of accumulation, the compound eyes have always understood the universe war as a clear confrontation between the two sides, exchanging volleys of firepower.
Whoever can't hold on first, loses the war.
Isn't this principle very simple?
The essence of interstellar civilization warfare lies in the depth of technology and the ability to allocate energy and resources.
In the eyes of the vast majority of advanced civilizations, no matter how clever you are, how many tricks you have, if I can destroy a whole star system with one shot, you can only lie down and wait for death no matter how much you show off.
Or I can use the blockade cover, no matter how unwilling you are, you will still be locked up and exterminated one by one by me.
In the cosmic cognition of the compound eye, there is an unwritten rule among the advanced civilizations composed of independent individuals, that is, the lives of these individuals should be extremely precious.
When developing equipment, humans constantly enhance their protective capabilities, which clearly shows that humans attach great importance to individual life.
But when it comes to the battlefield, these human warriors, whose lives should be extremely precious, are all fearless and unafraid of death.
Human beings on Earth can always use the same amount of energy to obtain higher military power.
This is too much!
In short, in just a few hundred years, they suddenly advanced from a level 0.7 civilization to level four. Despite the total shortage of resources, the depth of technology has clearly surpassed level four for the Earth's humanity, completely overturning all the common sense of the Reptilians.
With a limited brain of compound eyes and an insufficiently complex chaotic logical analysis ability, perhaps one will never get the answers to countless questions.
By the middle of the year 2948, the scale of the Oasis fleet has rapidly expanded to fifty million large and medium-sized ships, with countless small warships and aircraft.
The population has swelled to 2.68 billion.
Due to the extreme surplus of resources, Oasis Star has once again improved the concept of ships, beginning large-scale development of large unmanned warships and dual-purpose warships.
The so-called dual-purpose battleship refers to the ability to participate in warfare in the form of intelligent equipment when there is a shortage of human resources, as part of a legion-level fleet.
But when the newborns gradually grow up, or when the unnamed fleet reunites, and there is a lack of equipment in other brother fleets, compatriots can quickly enter these battleships, complete the entire training, and form the main combat force.
At the same time, due to the birth of Xuan Yuan Jia and the emergence of a large number of peak armored warriors, the programming-type mech pilot, which was gradually losing its position in the human army, has regained vitality due to the production of a large number of unmanned equipment, and has now become an intelligent mech pilot.
In the past, ordinary pilots controlled small and medium-sized smart combat equipment, but now smart pilots are controlling battlegroups consisting of a few to tens of thousands of various types of ships.
The top-level ace pilot can even be a legion on his own.
There is a clear distinction between the ace pilot and the commander.
The commander will consider more strategic and tactical aspects, while the ace pilot's focus is on using his fast command distribution ability and super logic ability to perform more precise micro-operations in a unit of time, to complete the area combat tasks assigned by the commander.
In simple terms, if Tang Tianxin's abilities were divided into two parts, her strategic vision and tactical thinking represent the epitome of a commander, while her precise piloting skills represent the epitome of an intelligent mech pilot.
Tang Xiaao is very strong, but there is a clear difference with Tang Tianxin in historical allusions.
Other people are also in a similar situation.
Humans have not yet seen an invincible commander like Tang Tianxin, so the joint fleet is starting to try to completely distinguish between the two abilities, only pursuing one of the abilities to the extreme. Maybe this can open up a new situation.
At the end of 2948, Andre even established a wisdom legion consisting of over a thousand top pilots, commanding a vast fleet of over twenty million large and medium-sized unmanned warships as the core.
These more than a thousand top-notch smart pilots are not just adults, the older ones are in their thirties and hundreds of years old, and the younger ones are also members of the fourth generation born in batches in the Oasis Star.
But no one expected that the most dazzling would be a child who is only three years old this year, just started elementary school, has not even touched many basic courses, and has not formed a complete world view at all.
Even more incredible is that the formation of the Wisdom Legion is the achievement of this child.
This child's name is Zheng Mo, the only son of the special-class combat hero Zheng Chenglong.
In September, Xiao Douding Zheng Mo completed a day of collective lessons and was "abducted" by the intelligent parenting robot and returned home at 6:30 in the afternoon.
According to the original plan, Zheng Mo's mother should have arrived home before him. However, due to the fleet just capturing a new and never before seen liquid slave race, space linguistics expert Zheng's mother had to work overtime, with no time to even arrange after-school activities for Zheng Mo.
With the help of the childcare robot, Xiao Zhengmo was at a loss for what to do after dinner, so he randomly selected some items in his personal learning system.
Due to the nature of children's love for playing and having fun, Xiao Zhengmo clicked on the latest game in the learning system, "Space Corps."
With this click, he opened up a whole new world.
"Space Legion" is not a game at all, but a nationwide simulation warfare selection system launched by the Joint Fleet Education Department in cooperation with the Staff Department, which is considering forming an intelligent legion.
Every member of the fleet can open and create an account, then receive a basic beginner's tutorial, and participate in competition selection.
This is different from the commander's simulation war system, its gameplay is to set very clear tactical tasks, so that "players" can complete tasks through micro-operations, or win the game.
Compared to real war, "Space Corps" is more like a postmodern version of a combination of Go and chess, it is a game with less variety.
In the blink of an eye, two hours have passed.
On this side of the prisoner of war camp, just completed the initial exploration of the new prisoner of war race language, and sorted out some basic texts. Zheng's mother, panting hard, just thought of her forgotten son, quickly opened the children's education system, planning to arrange a task for Zheng Mo. Unexpectedly, she saw at a glance that Zheng Mo's concentration at this time reached 100%.
Zheng's mother thought to herself that her son might have already found something he was interested in and was self-learning.
This is a good thing and I shouldn't interfere with him.
She then stopped paying attention and only set the study system to forcibly shut down at twelve o'clock at night, and ordered him to go to sleep.
Zheng's mother never expected that the selection system of the "Space Legion" on this night would turn Little Zheng Mo's world upside down.
A brand new player with a jumbled ID has joined the game.
Half an hour later, this gibberish id completed the beginner tutorial that takes an average person two weeks to a month, and jumped right into beginner matches.
One hour later, this id experienced three defeats within thirty minutes, but each one was a more stylish loss.
Two hours later, he started winning.
Five hours later, at midnight, this new id was playing a "King of Glory" promotion match.
If he wins, he will directly reach the highest level "King of Glory" position in the selection system.
Before this, the fastest "king" took almost a week to emerge, and that is considered a genius in the current selection system ranking list.
Countless people are watching this high-profile battle, waiting for this mysterious jumbled ID to create a miracle.
But when both sides were in full swing, the garbled ID dropped the line.
These novice smart pilots almost collapsed on the spot.
Can this even be done?
The audience and the opponent of the garbled ID waited all night, but did not see any trace, and got so angry.
Time went to the evening of the second day, and that person finally logged on, but his opponent had stayed up all night, plus half a day, and was catching up on sleep.
Chaos ID opened a new game with another person, once again trying to reach the "King" rank.
As luck would have it, his opponent in this match turned out to be the genius pilot who had shot up the ranks in just a week.
After an intense three-hour battle, they completed a simulation that spanned an equivalent of eight years of high-intensity conflict.
Garbled id won.
This incident also alarmed Andre Frechek.
When Andre, the overall commander, used his privileges to see the owner behind the garbled id, he was even more dumbfounded on the spot.
This is a three-year-old little brat!
Andrey started to play tricks, personally intervened in the selection system, and assigned tasks to this id in a targeted manner.
The tasks he assigned were no longer to confront people, but to turn Xiao Zhengmo's opponent into a preliminary draft of a real intelligent fleet external mission and target, and adjust the simulation timeline to be completely consistent with the real timeline.
The meaning is that Xiaozhengmo thought he was playing a game, but in fact, there is a new fleet of smart warships outside the Green Oasis executing the commands he issued.
On December 14, 2948, Xiao Zhengmo did a great thing, prompting Andre to immediately decide to form the Legion of Wisdom, and selected Xiao Zhengmo as the first top-level wisdom pilot, and the Legion Commander who could command the entire Legion of Wisdom.
Of course, little Zhengmo knew nothing at this time.
He still thought he was playing a game.
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