Chapter 655 The Embryonic Form of Leadership Power

Apparently, this question will not receive an answer.
However, no matter what, this still startled everyone and made them deeply frightened afterwards.
Just focused on carrying out the Nuwa Plan and protecting the Tang Tianxin lineage, they didn't even realize that there was another more important lineage being born and dying on the battlefield.
Especially Zheng Mo and her husband, they were so nervous and self-blaming that they almost wanted to bury themselves in the alloy floor.
Both of them recalled many narrow escapes from death over the years, feeling the cold sweat pouring down their backs.
It's no big deal if I die, but if it ends the path for my ancestors to be revived, then what can be done?
But now, it turns out that I and my ancestors' grandparents are cut from the same mold, and it is very likely that they will become the biological grandparents of my ancestors.
This is just...
It's both twisted and secretly pleasing!
Looking back at their infant in the cradle, the two of them were also filled with emotion.
This little guy is really lucky. He's not even a month old and already has a future wife lined up, and maybe even a future son-in-law.
Wait, where is our daughter-in-law?
According to historical records, the mother of the late Chen Feng was named Liang Yun.
If the assumption is correct, another Liang Yun would be born in a month.
These two people must meet before the year 2996, otherwise it will lead to a big event.
There are only 25 years left.
If the other Liang Yun was born in the capital of the empire, wouldn't that be...
Thank god, just two weeks later, the cloud top combat zone was the first to complete the population's genetic information census, and found that the genetic information of a soon-to-mature artificial embryo newborn is highly similar to that of Liang Yun.
The decision of marriage is settled, just like that.
Good things come in pairs. At the end of the year 2972, 29-year-old Tang Qin also got his son.
Tang Qin, who had been suppressed by Nuwa's plan for more than ten years, was finally liberated, and also joined Tang Xiaao's special forces team, starting to fight side by side with the Zheng Mo couple.
Once Tang Qin entered the scene, he quickly became a powerful force alongside Zheng Mo, who is considered unmatched in both the field of smart machine pilots and combatants.
At this point, the Cloud Peak Starfield has already established a new combat system.
With the four main war zones as the core framework, each war zone is responsible for both defense and independent production, while also needing to coordinate with the Cloud Peak Headquarters to implement the overall strategy. When the enemy learns to concentrate their forces and launch a strong attack on one area, the other war zones must also quickly respond and move to provide support.
On this basis, there are also a large number of special forces directly under the command of the Cloud Peak Supreme Command, not restricted by the war zone.
Among them, the Da Yu Special Forces led by Tang Xia'ao is the largest, with a total of one million medium-sized warships, including over ten thousand reinforced ships with continuous jump capability, and top-tier individual combat power led by Tong Ling and Zheng Mo.
The Dayu Special Forces Team has a high degree of autonomy and can flexibly operate in any of the four major war zones. Tang Xia'ao chooses to mainly station at the junction of the third and second army zones, where the defense is the weakest, and remains highly vigilant at all times.
Within this vicinity, when accidents occur or when the defensive line is under excessive pressure, the Dayu Special Operations Team will arrive at the fastest speed.
Under certain specific circumstances, the Dayu Special Operations Team will also carry out long-distance maneuvers and participate in large-scale strategic operations formulated by the Cloud Summit Headquarters.
At the same time, the Dayu Special Operations Team also completed internal integration, allocating one million warships to form one large and three small fleets.
The main fleet has a total of 400,000 warships, while each of the three smaller fleets has 200,000 warships.
Compared to other comprehensive fleets and stationed bases, the Dayu Special Operations Team only needs to undertake combat missions, without the need to participate in production and scientific research, and all members are elite, with extremely powerful combat capabilities.
After Tang Qin entered the special forces, Tang Xiao Ao did not hesitate to recommend him, and after a brief assessment, he handed over a small fleet of two hundred thousand warships to Tang Qin, and also assigned Zheng Mo, who had recently risen, to him.
From then on, the golden duo of Da Yu special operations team was formed.
In the battlefield, Tang Qin is responsible for devising overall operational plans for small and medium-sized battles, while Zheng Mo either controls 80,000 small intelligent ships in the rear as a smart pilot, using precise tactics to attack and defend, or personally wears armor to the front line to charge into battle with other top warriors, while controlling intelligent ships to attack the enemy's flanks or attract fire in the front line.
The rapid growth of two people in a day, let Zhou Donglai and others feel delighted, and couldn't help but look forward to the scene in the history of virtual civilization led by Chen Feng, Tang Tianxin, Ou Qinglan and others.
This kind of mentality seems a bit childish.
But in fact, they also get tired, and sometimes feel inferior, worrying that they are still not good enough, longing for the leadership of the ultimate human leader, who is the more unattainable, the more yearned for.
Perhaps some people would say that Zhou Donglai and others have already represented the highest level of human civilization, so why would they think like an adolescent, producing such "down-to-earth" thinking, which is really disrespectful to their wielding of power and the authority over hundreds of millions of lives.
But the interesting thing about humans lies in this.
Ordinary people always use their relatively narrow perspective to look at great people and attach various extraordinary halos to them in their hearts.
Because of the distance, it is impossible to truly make contact, the leader in the eyes of ordinary people is never a real leader, but a leader imagined in their own hearts.
In ancient times, there was a saying, a feudal scholar asked an old farmer to imagine the life of the king, and the old farmer said, "The king must be working with a golden hoe."
This may seem absurd and ridiculous, but it may well be the truth.
Many people overlook the fact that no matter how great a person is, no matter how much power they hold, they still have to eat, drink, and use the bathroom just like everyone else. They still have to awkwardly sit on the toilet, and they still have to bow their heads when getting a haircut from a barber.
No matter how high a person stands, after taking off countless halos from him, his essence must also be human, must have seven emotions and six desires, and must feel tired and exhausted when he wakes up at midnight. Similarly, he also longs for help and salvation from others.
The imperial leadership represented by Zhou Donglai is no exception.
Why is it like this?
That's because every leader, before becoming a leader, has to go through a young and ignorant youth, and will act rebelliously in adolescence.
Under the competitive promotion system of the Empire Republic, no one is born to be a leader.
Even "heavenly children" like Zheng Mo, Tang Xia'ao, and Tang Qin have to face an incredibly large number of peers competing from birth.
Only when they combine diligence with talent perfectly and demonstrate sufficient ability, can they be promoted to lower-level leadership positions.
Then, in the new position, they have to face new competition while continuing to strengthen their abilities, exercise their will and character, and unleash their talents.
They can only be selected to the next level after they have surpassed their peers and counterparts once again.
For example, such as Commander Tang Qin, who became a colonel-level staff officer in the rear staff headquarters at an early age.
He was promoted quickly, but it was never because he was the son of Tang Xiaao, just because his ability improved too quickly, and he always deserved higher positions.
In the Empire Republic, every leader, high or low, has emerged step by step from the grassroots in the cruel and intense competition.
Having a low starting point has never been a disadvantage for a leader, but rather an advantage.
It is precisely because these people have lived and thought like ordinary people that when they rise to high positions, they understand what the majority of ordinary people need.
Only those who know what human beings are can lead humanity in the right direction.
Of course, higher positions do in a way "deify" a person.
But this so-called "deification" does not turn the person into a three-headed, six-armed deity; rather, as the promotion process accompanies greater ability and responsibility, the person's position will in turn profoundly influence their soul.
For example, when Tang Qin had just become the commander of a fleet of two hundred thousand warships, he completed the handover of work with the former commander, standing in front of the neat array of two hundred thousand warships in space.
As he looked around, against the endless backdrop of the starry sky, under the radiant glow of the not-so-distant brilliant silver heart, two hundred thousand solemn warships radiated and formed a huge umbrella-shaped military array in space. The first emotion that rose in Tang Qin's heart was not pride, but the inevitable thought of the lives of forty million brothers being entrusted to his hands within these warships.
From now on, every decision I make will affect the life and death of at least forty million people. When involved in major tasks, it will affect the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions, even billions, of fellow human beings.
This is a great honor, but also an indescribable pressure.
Any person with a bit of humanity, as long as they realize that they carry the expectations and destiny of so many people, they can't help but have the impulse to cast aside all personal honors and disgrace, life and death.
The greatest charm of the imperial republic system lies in being able to gradually push an ordinary person who is talented but born with ordinary spiritual qualities up along the civilized system step by step until he reaches the limit of his ability.
And it can also ensure that when this person becomes a highly exalted leader who is easily deified, they still remember the essence of their own people.
It is not ruled out that in certain circumstances, certain individuals may become obsessed with power, their inner selves become corrupted, their will no longer steadfast, and they either become arrogant and self-serving, weak and timid, or covet personal indulgence.
This kind of person represents "corruption".
But the appearance of the Destiny Covenant has preemptively cut off all "corrupt" tendencies, making humanity unprecedentedly united, with only conflicts of different ideologies under the guidance of the same belief.
There is currently only one belief universally acknowledged by mankind, and that is in the face of the threat from the compound eyes, there is no compromise, only resistance.
The ultimate decision-making principle for all affairs is only one: everything is for a better and more effective resistance, and any cost can be sacrificed as long as this goal is achieved.
Belief is firm, and principles are above all.
It looks good, but there are pros and cons in everything.
Under the dual influence of the Empire Republic and the Destiny Covenant, able to obtain the highest level of recognition from all people, any command can be executed perfectly without reservation, completely surpassing the highest leader of ideological conflict, there is only one person, that is the yet unborn Chen Feng.
As for the others, whenever irreconcilable ideological differences arise, they can only be weighed through voting.
But sometimes even voting cannot make a decision.
In the year 2975, something big happened in the Third Legion base of the Cloud Peak Starfield.
In the star domain where the Third Legion is stationed, there is a medium-sized star, within which there is a large planet that humans have transferred to from other orbits in the habitable zone.
In this planet, there is a breed of simple-minded but highly combative multi-eyed slave species known as the Lizard People.
The posture of the lizard people looks very much like that of lizards on Earth. As carbon-based life forms, their physiological structure is very similar to that of cold-blooded animals.
The lizard people originally lived in the Silver Heart region, but after successful defection by humans, they relocated en masse to join the human multi-universe system.
Although the entire Lizardman tribe suffered heavy losses during the relocation, with a population loss rate of up to 90%, ultimately one billion people successfully arrived in the year 2968 and reproduced to a population of one hundred billion in 2975. They also provided a large number of elite warriors for humans, and even formed a special operations fleet predominantly consisting of Lizardmen.
In order to accommodate the development of the lizard people and coordinate the relationship between the two parties, humans have dispatched a planet development advisory group to the lizard people, with retired military officer Macken Ansell as the group leader.
McKen Ansell is a second-generation nobody, who once held a high position in the Free Will Alliance, but later repented and turned over a new leaf. Guided by the imprint of the Covenant of Destiny, he made a profound repentance and vowed to spend his whole life making up for the mistakes he had made.
His will and faith are particularly firm. He has participated in wars several times and experienced life and death on the front line, and has carried out important missions several times while following the 2816 small team.
Whenever there is a need, he will always volunteer to take on the most difficult tasks with the lowest survival rate. But as luck would have it, he miraculously managed to survive every time, until 2968, when he had to retire with the rank of colonel due to old age and declining mental reflexes.
Logically, at this point, he could have chosen to enjoy his old age, or even accept cryonic suspension, but he longed to continue to dedicate his last bit of warmth and become the chief consultant of the Lizard People's planet.
For many years, Mckenna Ansell had been doing a good job, until there was a rebellion within the Lizard people planet in February 2975.
Historically, due to the relatively simple emotional thoughts, the social system of the Lizard people is actually very similar to the primitive society of humans, which is a tribal alliance system.
Even though technology is very advanced, lizard people are accustomed to using simple ways of online meetings and joint voting to make major decisions, and there has never been a universally recognized top leader.
But after joining human society, perhaps influenced by humans, or perhaps finally liberated from the oppression of compound eye rulers, the internal evolution of the lizard people began to occur subtly. A lizard person with extraordinary emotional intelligence and wisdom was born in 2969, and in just six years, gained absolute obedience from over 60% of the tribe.
He even chose a name of the Indo-European language family for himself, called Su Bo, meaning "super lizardman."
In February 2975, Su Bo decided to start a small-scale civil war to force another 40% of the tribes to pledge allegiance to himself, advancing the social structure of the lizardmen from a primitive society to a feudal empire.
Under normal circumstances, humans tend to turn a blind eye to the internal power struggles of slave tribes and do not interfere.
Because based on their own experience, humans believe that giving these slave tribes some degree of autonomy can help them discover their potential during rapid evolution.
Many scholars also believe that the lizard people, who have had contact with human technology, should undergo a rapid advancement of civilization to integrate their seemingly scattered and simple thinking.
But this time, Macen Ansel believed that the feudal monarchy of the lizard people did not adhere to the principles of the human republic system, and decisively took action to assassinate Su Bo, the newly born leader.
This is the first direct interference in the affairs of another tribe since the unification of human civilization.
What was originally a small matter took an unexpected turn when another 40% of the tribal leaders, who seemed to be resisting Su Bo, publicly declared their intention to swiftly improve their laws and fully submit to Su Bo. They are also awaiting a new leader to lead them to rise up.
Things suddenly escalated.
McKin's actions interrupted a tribe's civilization's progress towards freedom.
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