Science fiction novels I really didn't think I would be the savior Chapter 701 Rampage, the Realm of God [6000 words for monthly pass]

Chapter 701 Rampage, the Realm of God [6000 words for monthly pass]

After a fierce collision, Zheng Feng heard a loud buzzing in his ears.
His beetle was blasted by the huge shock and flew off to the side, falling into the distance.
His beetle momentarily lost control.
Zheng Feng's ear was then bombarded with the jarring alerts from the smart brain, warning him of structural damage to the beetle armor.
Even though the anti-gravity centipede was caught off guard by Zheng Feng and his group, after all, it was a second-level product, with much better structural stability and material strength than the beetle.
Moreover, the centipede itself has the function of a patrol, and it has a certain combat capability, which is fundamentally different from the purely low-level engineering unit like the beetle.
When Zheng Feng's beetle collided with it, the anti-gravity centipede's self-generated reverse unified force shock wave force field shield automatically activated, and its counterattack force was completely feedbacked to Zheng Feng.
Although Pang Ke has made a lot of effort to improve the beetles for everyone, Zheng Feng's is especially customized, but this transformation has limitations after all, and cannot completely exceed the performance limits of the basic unit of the beetle, otherwise it will not serve the purpose of disguise.
So, Zheng Feng suffered quite a bit from this collision.
If it weren't for him using the strengthened mental memory of the super short-range leap and slash that he had practiced repeatedly in the moment, and exerting a miraculous operation, using the wing impact to dissipate part of the force, and using rotation to buffer and dissipate another part of the force when his body collided, I'm afraid his beetle would have completely fallen apart now and regressed to its initial nano-scale micro-robot state.
Zheng Feng was seriously injured, but the anti-gravity centipede was not doing well either.
Just like hitting a snake at its seven-inch point, the third connection of the centipede is indeed its weak spot.
Although Zheng Feng did not manage to break it with one stroke, relying on the sturdy wings, he still managed to cut into it slightly, breaking several of the centipede's information transmission lines, reducing the efficiency of information transmission by 30% in the short term, which manifested as slightly slower movements.
Furthermore, under the control of Jian, the powerful magnetic material and electromagnetic powder gradually entered its joint, which not only imposed additional load on the centipede, but also greatly reduced its maneuverability.
At this time, Zheng Feng did not know that his series of control operations had subconsciously reminded many spectators in the live broadcast channel of the ancient sages in the history of the void.
Make a comprehensive decision in a very short time and maximize the use of all available resources.
Even in the face of unbeatable opponents, the decision-making is still methodical, with a clear plan, and then use every means to weaken the opponent's advantages and make up for our own disadvantages. Use subtle operations to influence the situation, constantly let both sides gain and lose, until the impossible becomes possible.
Before, Zheng Feng had displayed the personal potential of a top warrior level. Now, what he is showing is his outstanding ability to control the battlefield in small-scale special operations, which is hard to surpass.
Previously, the high-level chat channel was dead and heavy with anxiety and worry, but it gradually livened up again.
"If the sages can maintain this momentum and continue to suppress the centipede's ability to act, maybe they can actually hold out until reinforcements arrive?"
Bainestar Guy: "I am urgently leading the Glorious Special Forces Team to the Second Academy of Yunding. We will arrive at the scene in ten minutes at the latest. My team and I can replace the participating students near the position of the ancestors in the Second Academy within fifteen minutes, and then arrive within five minutes. The ancestors just need to hold on for twenty minutes."
Yunding Second College is a core star domain professional military training college within the Yunding battlefield. Many of the trainees studying here are potential professional soldiers who have returned from the front line, and they are strong and powerful in strength.
As a newly rising top force, Beinsta Gay's strength is no less than Zheng Yifeng and Spartacus, and his Glorious Special Forces is outstanding.
In the previous battle of the Sauron evolution bodies, the Glorious Special Forces were damaged, but the organization is still intact. Now they have just finished resting at the front-line treatment station and are rushing to the third front line to rescue the situation.
Bainstar has set his sights on the team that has developed a fourth-level unit. As long as he can catch up and find another high-level substitute, Zhengfeng's security will immediately rise to the next level.
Unfortunately, as Bainsa himself has said, ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel, and time is now a scarce resource.
"I think twenty minutes is still too tight, two or three minutes is already the limit."
"The k3152 star representative team closest to the ancient philosophers comes from the productivity galaxy, and the little guy in that team is the strongest potential warrior in the region. They can arrive in three minutes, but no one can replace them."
"There was no need to substitute in the first place, k3152 team has already eliminated the anti-gravity centipede."
"The problem still lies in the time difference."
"Mainly because I'm afraid that our large-scale personnel mobilization will alert the Sphenoid race and attract more enemy units."
"But we can't ignore it, it's a difficult situation to get out of now."
"It's okay, the sage has undoubtedly started to awaken. Trust him, three minutes is absolutely no problem!"
"That's right. He's the sage!"
Even the seasoned veterans like Zhou Donglai, Andre, and Lu Xianfeng never dreamed that they would one day feel so thrilling and passionate watching a mere new recruit's competition.
Just as Zheng Feng had previously deduced in his mind, this seemingly insignificant covert operation on the third front line of the planet is already intertwined with the rise and fall of human civilization, but the understanding of this intertwining by others is slightly different from Zheng Feng's own understanding.
"Edgar! Right now!"
Zheng Feng shouted as he floated in the air.
"They're here!"
Edgar's beetle rolled on the spot and turned its abdomen up.
A round hole opened in the middle of its abdomen, revealing a total of 5 launchers.
Behind these five emitters is the nano-thread that includes Edgar and four others. They used the preparation time just now to squeeze out all the stock materials of their beetles and also used some secondary materials made on the spot to manufacture nano-threads.
These nanoropes are different from the ropes previously used to bind ore, as their internal energy structure has been altered during manufacturing, giving them "magnetic" properties almost akin to strong interaction.
Five ropes in mid-air were woven into a large net due to high-frequency shaking, whistling towards the anti-gravity centipede.
The centipede, falling from mid-air, saw the danger and activated its propulsion engine, while twisting and contracting its body in an attempt to avoid the large net.
But Zheng Feng's previous layout worked, and the decrease in information flow transmission ability made the time it takes for the centipede to control its body from generating the command to reaching the target physiological structure longer.
Carrying the extra mass of a centipede and suffering from the entanglement of magnetic powder and gel in many joints, it moves much more slowly, as if it were thrown into a gear transmission structure with iron sand.
In the end, Edgar followed Zheng Feng's order and accurately predicted the appropriate web to stick onto the tail of the centipede. Like a festering bone ulcer, it extended and spread along its elongated body.
The centipede began to struggle constantly, but for a while it seemed unable to break free from the strong nano-silk net.
Sure!" "
Edgar and the others, along with many high-ranking officials of the empire who were watching, shouted out in unison.
At this point, the centipede had become a toothless tiger caught in a swamp, and Zheng Feng's hope of holding on had increased.
Below the centipede, Jane Roland had already turned over and was lying face up.
Her beetle-like eight-footed creature was gripping a short rod only 1 centimeter long.
At the tip of this rod, a tiny 1-millimeter diameter ball was slightly oscillating, emitting explosive energy waves.
This is the only true long-range weapon held by the five-person squad, called the Pulse Cluster Grenade Launcher, which is a labor of love created by Poingtelli using limited resources, with only three grenades. The theoretical killing power can obliterate a bug with one shot, but the killing power against the anti-gravity centipede still needs to be verified.
After all, when Ponkett designed this thing, he didn't consider the secondary unit as the hypothetical enemy, but just as an emergency tool for members who might accidentally encounter beetles while going out.
In order to maintain the camouflage performance, the main material of the grenade launcher and the internal energy operation mechanism are still within the category of beetle itself.
Jian Roland carefully observed, sending high-frequency commands to the smart brain in his mind, conducting intense calculations, continuously simulating and predicting the next move of the struggling centipede in the air.
Opportunities are rare, this shot must hit!
Just at that moment, Zheng Feng suddenly shouted, "Not good! Jian, run! Don't aim!"
Although Jian Roland was puzzled, she dared not question a word from Zheng Feng and immediately rolled and tried to move away to a distance as he had warned.
However, it was too late.
Only to see the centipede body suddenly burst out with a series of jet-black halos.
These halos surrounded the body of the centipede, spreading out like ripples, and then receding like the absorption of water on the sea surface, continuing to oscillate on the surface of the centipede's body.
0.3 seconds later, the surface of the centipede began to explode in succession just as Jane Roland had rolled out less than two meters.
The shock wave tilted down and shook Jane Roland, who was nearest to its distance, and rolled over a few times until she hit a large rock in the distance and barely stopped.
If it weren't for her quick shooting, the only long-range weapon, the grenade launcher, might have exploded on the spot.
On the other side, Zheng Feng, who had just landed, as well as Edgar and Mata on the two wings, also suffered a considerable impact, and the structure of the scarab was more or less damaged.
Other centipedes that were eliminated never exhibited this strange full-body black shockwave before they died.
So there's only one explanation, this centipede is not a regular type, but like an elite unit of s-class warriors among humans.
Mata quickly made a strategic analysis, calculated the energy and physical laws of the centipede's body during the blackout shock, and built a data model to break it.
On the other side, Zhou Dong took a look and immediately looked ashen, feeling that something was very wrong.
This centipede is indeed a new species. In addition to the regular weapons of a common centipede, it also has an active distortion space force field defense shield module inside its body.
More bad news came one after another. As the impact dissipated, the centipede's body was exposed again, and it could be seen that the magnetic net that had just been hit was already shattered, falling in large pieces on the ground.
A lot of magnetic dust and colloids have also fallen.
The centipede twisted in the air, suddenly turned its head towards Zheng Feng's direction.
Just by looking at its agile movements, it can be seen that its mobility has recovered a lot.
After a brief skirmish, the anti-gravity centipede, as foolish as it may be, should recognize who the backbone of the five-person team is, and has adjusted its main attack direction, targeting Zheng Feng.
Furthermore, Jean Roland, who is the only one with a long-range weapon, also reported bad news.
Due to the recent close-range impact, Jian's beetle was not destroyed on the spot, but its internal information transmission path was severely damaged, and the stability of the quantum central core of the micro-brain was also in turbulence. In order to prevent harm to the consciousness of the accessors, the emergency repair mechanism has been activated.
Within the next five minutes, Jian's super micro-robot brain can only guarantee basic information reception and transmission functions, and can no longer carry Jian Roland's consciousness.
In short, Jian's beetle has now turned into a large-scale standardized nanorobot.
Zheng Feng's five-person team has reduced its numbers.
Under the heavy and sorrowful news, Zheng Feng appeared to be at a loss.
With a twisted and aged face due to nervousness, Zhou Donglai's eyes were already burning with hidden fire, "It's over. All over."
In order to complete the plan of the ancestors, human beings have made so many preparations, investing continuously for hundreds of years, consuming so much human and material resources. Who could have imagined that the long march of thousands of miles is about to reach its end, but it is going to fall in such a dramatic way before dawn.
Emotionally, Zhou Donglai cannot accept it, but reason tells him that it is beyond his capability to change the situation.
After a brief adjustment, the centipede rushed straight towards Zheng Feng.
At this point, Zheng Feng was still waiting for his body's self-healing function to take effect and eliminate structural damage, making his movements slightly sluggish.
But even so, he still used the intact wing on the other side to flap fiercely on the ground, darting straight towards the side, heading towards Edgar.
The centipede slammed into the ground, raising countless golden dust, then turned around, with its pincers aimed at Zheng Feng, slightly opening, and a mist-like toxin shot out.
The speed of the toxin pursuit was slightly faster than Zheng Feng's mid-air flight, and it was getting closer and closer.
"Captain can't die!"
Just as the toxin was about to make contact with Zheng Feng's armor, Edgar, who had never gotten along with him, suddenly appeared and stood between the toxin and Zheng Feng.
In the next moment, Edgar's beetle fell victim to the attack.
The toxin entered the beetle's body, causing a sustained impact that surged straight to the core of the brain.
Edgar's nanorobots had to decisively cut off the connection with the external beetle module, and the five-person team suffered another loss.
Edgar was in a state of anxiety, but no matter what orders he issued, he received no response.
He was able to "see" the situation outside through simple information exchange, but he couldn't do anything.
He also found himself in a situation similar to that of Jean Roland.
The centipede did not finish off Edgar completely, but chose to bypass him and continue to pounce towards Zheng Feng.
In the centipede's judgment, Edgar had temporarily lost his threat.
When the centipede approached again, Zheng Feng's beetle, with the miniaturized medium engine added to its punk tail, sprayed a particle beam and then evaded to the rear obliquely.
This time, the one who blocked the attack for him was Mata Nicholas, who was holding the line in the rear.
Everyone knows that Zheng Feng, who has activated the absolute link, cannot die. Helping him to block the gun may only buy a little more time, but lasting for even a second is still worth it.
Another casualty.
With her equipment still in good condition, Li Qingqing finally caught up from behind and, imitating Zheng Feng's previous look, collided head-on with the third connecting part of the centipede, "Captain, you go ahead!"
It's easy to say, but Li Qingqing actually has no idea where Zheng Feng could go, or if he can escape.
In just a few seconds, all of Zheng Feng's teammates had already fallen just as his beetle had recovered.
The human high-ranking officials who were observing the situation from a distance no longer dared to look.
The closest reinforcements will arrive in one minute and twenty-six seconds, but rescue is already meaningless.
The last flicker of hope has been extinguished.
But at this moment, something amazing happened.
Cornered, Zheng Feng crouched behind the ore that the others had been moving earlier, but instead of escaping, he slightly arched his beetle's back and spread his newly repaired wings.
In front of him, the centipede was steadily advancing.
"Huh? What's going on?"
"How did these four little guys stand up again?"
The situation took a sudden turn, and the spectators gasped in surprise.
At the same time, the beetles of the other four, who should have lost their mobility, quickly began to move, forming an arrow formation from the rear and advancing.
With Edgar in the middle at the front, Mata and Li Qingqing on the left and right wings, and at the rear, Jane Roland's beetle abdomen once again pulled out a grenade launcher, aiming in that direction.
The four beetles moved extremely fast, and when the three in the front formation flapped their wings to rush forward, their small, delicate legs were hurling the dust they'd just picked up on the ground like stones. Moreover, the surface of each stone was covered with a layer of acidic energy released simultaneously by the beetles.
These energy clusters intertwine behind the centipede into a dense firepower net, sealing off the space for the centipede to move up and down.
Moreover, as the micro-dust and debris already contain a large amount of elemental iron, once they approach the surface of the centipede, they will be attracted by the magnetic field of the few strong energy magnets on the centipede's surface, turning into tracking missiles and then sticking again.
This whole set of operations, seemingly routine, but the tactical ideas hidden in them, the precision adjustments of the direction and force control of each spray, the route selection and energy allocation of the beetle when it moves rapidly in the air, and so on, are simply art.
Especially these beetles are somewhat structurally damaged, which enables them to perform such high-intensity instant actions without falling apart, is itself an extremely advanced micro-control technique!
“Could it be that these little guys are faking their injuries?”
“That's impossible. Machines don't lie.”
In the analysis feedback, it is clearly written that the devices of these four individuals are all in a disconnected state.
So, there's only one explanation.
At this moment, only one person on the scene can fully operate the equipment, and that's Zheng Feng.
He utilized the unique multi-operational capability of a Liet Yang 3 star system warrior - the ability to control a massive amount of nanobots alone, using a minimal amount of communication with the other team members' braincores, and briefly took over the control of the others' armors!
But this is different from others using nanobots.
In normal circumstances, nanobots are disposable, after all, professional soldiers can control as few as tens of thousands, as many as hundreds of billions, so they often don't need to be used with great precision, but Zheng Feng can only control five including himself now, and none of them can die, the technical difficulty is also too...
Everyone was feeling anxious, and in the next moment, Zheng Feng made his move, not retreating but advancing, heading straight towards the enemy.
The centipede opened its mouth and spewed out poison.
However, the iron fragments chasing behind it were not evenly distributed, with one side having larger fragments. Using the magnetic field on its body to create interaction forces, it caused the centipede's head to tilt, and its spray ended up slightly off target.
Zheng Feng's beetle made a fierce turn and just managed to dodge the attack, drawing an arc in the air and hitting the centipede's abdomen from bottom to top.
With this hit, the centipede suddenly raised its head, and more metal dust and gravel came close to its back.
Almost simultaneously, a grenade fired by Jean Roland's armored vehicle hit the third connecting part directly from the rear!
The pulse beam grenade exploded with a loud bang, and one after another shock wave slammed into the weak spot of the centipede's body through the connecting part.
Almost at the same time, Zheng Feng's just kicked out beetle kicked its hind legs on the ground and soared into the sky again.
The other three beetles pounced from behind.
In just twenty seconds, only four of these originally small and fragile basic unit beetles were flying around this enhanced centipede, striking a thousand times a second.
Janos Roland's beetle, on the other hand, drew back and fired three cold shots in the back, all of them hitting the vital points.
At the twenty-fifth second, Zheng Feng and three other beetles responsible for close combat retreated simultaneously.
He jerked his leg at the back, causing the large net wrapped around the ore to fall off. He brought it out from behind and covered the centipede's carapace from the front.
Jian Roland's beetles, on the other hand, swarmed out and probed their front legs onto the large net, starting to infuse space-force energy.
A muffled explosion.
"This... "
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