Science fiction novels Venom Crossing Realms Chapter 867 Monkey King Battles Three Demons

Chapter 867 Monkey King Battles Three Demons

Yang Jian asked Bajie to help the land up, and then asked, "Since you have been guarding here and investigating the whereabouts of the monsters, you must have some understanding of them. Can you tell us some information about the monsters?"
"Holy monk, those three monsters have great magical powers. The eldest among them is called the Green Lion Great King, who is skilled in using a large knife to cut through the sky, with unparalleled power and the ability to devour heaven and earth."
Monkey King and the others looked at each other, and Pigsy hesitated and said, "It should be a coincidence! Last time, we were in the country of the Wujiguo, and the Bodhisattva had already taken back his mount, so he wouldn't let him come out and do evil again."
Sha Wujing also nodded and said, "That's right, that's right, it must be a coincidence. How could Manjusri Bodhisattva be so shameless."
Yang Jian did coldly sneer, "That's not necessarily true. Maybe someone is just shameless for the sake of merit."
The Monkey King shook his head, "Stop talking, we'll go see for ourselves later. And the Land, as well as two other monsters, tell me about their abilities."
The Land continued, "The second king is called the White Elephant King, wielding a long spear that can topple mountains and split the earth. He also has the supernatural power of his divine trunk, and no matter who you are, with a swing of his trunk, he can capture you."
As for the three great kings, it is said that they are not ordinary monsters, but the legendary Peng bird that soars above the nine heavens, with wings that span nine thousand miles. It is said that they carry a precious item called the Yin Yang Qi Bottle, and if a person is trapped in the bottle, they will turn into pus within moments.
After hearing the words of the earth, the Monkey King fell into contemplation. The other kings were not a big concern, but the key issue was the Three Great Kings. With a single flap of his wings, the Great Peng could travel ninety thousand miles. Although the Monkey King could travel one hundred and eighty thousand miles with his somersault cloud, it seemed faster on the surface. However, the problem was that it couldn't be calculated in this way. The Great Peng's ability was a natural talent, and when he used it, it was beyond his control. Even if the Monkey King flipped several times, the Great Peng's wings had already flapped enough times. Even though he had achieved the status of a quasi-saint, the Monkey King did not have the confidence to outpace the Great Peng.
It seems that I need to be prepared before taking action. I can't let that monster escape. Thinking of this, the Monkey King touched the map of mountains and rivers in his arms and had made up his mind.
"Alright, Land God, thank you for your information. You can go now. I will take care of those monsters."
"Thank you, Great Sage. Please be sure to bring the monster to justice. This old man is very grateful." The land was red-eyed, originally a commoner of the Lion Camel Country. Due to good luck, he became the land deity. His former home was destroyed, and he was also very sad. Now he finally sees hope for revenge.
"Rest assured, I will use those three monsters to offer sacrifices to the souls of the tens of thousands of people in the Lion Camel Country!"
"In that case, I'll leave it to you, Great Sage!" After the Earth Deity finished speaking, it turned into a light smoke and drilled into the ground.
Eight precepts came over and said, "Monkey, do you really want to deal with those three monsters? Just now you heard that those three monsters are not simple, and they have more than ten thousand little monsters under their command. It's not so easy to deal with them."
Monkey King sneered and said, "In the face of absolute strength, it's just a joke. These monsters act recklessly and have killed countless innocents. If no one else is going to do anything about it, then I'll take care of it. You all stay here for a moment, I'll go back to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits to get a few magic weapons. Dealing with those little monsters will be easier."
"Are we really going to the Flower Fruit Mountain to retrieve a magical treasure? What exactly is this treasure that we need to go through all this trouble for?" asked Bajie with some curiosity.
"You don't need to worry about that. You'll find out when I come back," the Monkey King said, before leaping into the air, somersaulting, and disappearing into the sky.
Eight and sand monk carefully guarded by Yang Jian side, to prevent the monkey king not during this time there are monsters to attack.
Fortunately, there was no accident. The monkey king was very fast. It only took the time for a cup of tea. Now he appeared in front of Yang Jian again, holding a bag in his hand, and directly turned it over and poured out a bunch of strange "magic weapons" from it. It looks like... six iron pipes forcibly assembled together, there are about hundreds of them.
Bajie bent down and picked up one of the "magic weapons", but no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't understand what the purpose of this magic weapon was. "Monkey, is this the magic weapon you use to deal with those monsters? What's its name? How do you use it?"
The Monkey King gave a mysterious smile and said, "This magic weapon is called the Six-Barrel Gatling Gun. It's also simple to use. Just load the bullets, pull the trigger, and that's it. Let's go, come with me to find those monsters and see for yourself."
The Monkey King plucked a handful of fur from his body, blew it out, and instantly hundreds of small monkeys appeared. The group of small monkeys then began to act, each one grabbing a Gatling gun and taking 1000 bullets from a box. With hundreds of small monkeys and each one having 1000 bullets, the total amount added up to tens of thousands. With so many bullets, it was more than enough to deal with over ten thousand little demons.
The Monkey King led a group of little demons and walked forward quickly, and Piggy followed along with full of doubts.
On the way, the Monkey King and Piggy met several little demons and easily took care of them. The little monkeys followed closely in an orderly manner, carrying Gatling guns. They quickly arrived in front of the Lion Camel Cave and happened to see thousands of little demons there, arranging and practicing their military formations.
"Humph, it seems that I, Sun Wukong, have arrived just in time. I'll take you to shed some blood first. Let's fight!"
With the monkey king's command, the hundreds of little monkeys all moved at once, opening fire with their six-barreled Gatling guns.
Da da da da da da......
At this moment, a dense shower of bullets was fired, with every little monkey holding a Gatling spitting out tongues of fire, and thousands of little demons were shot through the body and fell to the ground, dead.
The scene was in chaos, with a group of little monsters fleeing everywhere, but they were no match for bullets no matter how fast they were. In just a few breaths, thousands of little monsters died on the spot, and the blood stained the ground red.
Zhu Bajie was stunned, the scene was too tragic, what treasure is this? It's so vicious, although it can only deal with a group of little monsters, it's still amazing.
"Okay, Bajie, do you understand how to use this magic weapon now?"
"Of course, it's so simple, how could I not know?"
"That's good, I'll allocate half of the troops to you, and you lead them to clear the small demons around Lion Camel Mountain. Can you solve them as soon as possible?"
"No... no problem, it's on me!" Zhu Bajie wiped off a cold sweat secretly and readily agreed.
"Very good, go and don't let me down!"
With a wave of the Monkey King's hand, half of the little monkeys immediately stood by Bajie. Under Bajie's leadership, they began to clean up the scattered little monsters on Lion Camel Mountain.
The Monkey King turned back to look at Lion Camel Cave, thought for a moment, took out a scroll from his arms, gently shook it open, and it grew bigger and bigger, covering the surroundings. Then, taking a deep breath, he shouted, "Monsters, get out of here."
Actually, the three demon kings in the cave have heard the movement and are rushing out. They just didn't expect the Monkey King to clear up the thousands of little demons outside in such a short time.
Three demon kings walked out from the demon cave, followed by hundreds of small demons wearing armor. The first demon king had a green face, sharp teeth, and a bushy fur, the second had a white face and big ears with a long nose, and the third had a sharp mouth, hairy cheeks, and eyes full of murderous intent.
The Monkey King looked at the leading monster and angrily shouted, "So it's really you! I regret not killing you back in the Wujing Country!"
The leader of the monsters was none other than the Green Lion, the mount of Manjusri Bodhisattva, who had previously impersonated the king of Wujing Country and was defeated by the Monkey King.
The proud green lion laughed loudly and said, "Pohou, it's too late to say anything now. You must regret it. I couldn't defeat you on my own, but now with the help of my two brothers, you will surely be defeated. You'd better surrender and I'll give you a quick and painless end."
“Just by yourselves!” The Monkey King Principal looked at the two monsters behind the Green Lion, a White Elephant Spirit and a Great Peng Demon.
“That's right, just by ourselves. Although you have great magical powers, it's hard to beat the three of us working together. We three brothers have been inseparable for this period of time, just worried about being attacked by you separately. We were originally worried about how to gather information about you. I didn't expect you to come to us on your own. It's really effortless. You're doomed.”
Monkey King sneered, "Arrogant and shameless, but that's fine. I will take this opportunity to make up for my past mistakes. This time, you are absolutely doomed. I will seek justice for the tens of thousands of souls in Lion Camel Country. Come on, you are no longer considered a man. I wonder if you still have the courage to take me on."
"Sun Wukong, you are asking for death!" When Qing Shi heard this, he was immediately enraged. It was obvious that the Monkey King had hit a nerve. He immediately swung his big knife towards the Monkey King.
"Bring it on!" The Monkey King grabbed the Golden Cudgel with both hands and met him head on.
As the knife and stick collided, a piercing screech rang out, and Qing Shi's arm was numbed by the shock, constantly retreating backwards, leaving a deep footprint on the ground with each step, retreating seven or eight steps before stopping.
The white elephant and the dà péng glanced at each other, each holding a weapon and attacking the Monkey King from the left and right. Lord Green Lion regrouped and seemed to be planning a surprise attack from behind the Monkey King.
Monkey King grinned, his body twisting and his bones crackling as he transformed into a three-headed, six-armed form, with his staff also splitting into three. He then began to battle with the three demon kings.
In an instant, the world changed, the sun and moon lost their light, the spirit energy stirred and exploded, each strike carrying the power to destroy heaven and earth, the earth collapsed, the sky cracked, a scene of destruction, the Monkey King's heart filled with the anger of the tens of thousands of civilians of the Lion Camel country who had died, and he swung his staff with increasing force.
After a fierce battle, the three demon monkeys were left with numb arms from the impact, and could barely hold their weapons. Despite joining forces to attack a single monkey, they ended up at a disadvantage, feeling extremely embarrassed.
Three monsters felt that the situation could not continue like this, and they must make a change. They looked at each other, and the Green Lion made the first move, suddenly shouting, "Swallow the sky and devour the earth!"
The Green Lion King opened his big mouth, immediately emanating a powerful suction force, pulling and tearing at the Monkey King, as if trying to swallow him up.
The Monkey King was not flustered at all. He extended the golden cudgel in his left hand forward, and the cudgel kept growing larger, as if it was going to poke into the mouth of the Green Lion King.
The Green Lion King was startled. If the cudgel poked into him, a slight stir would definitely shatter his internal organs.
The Blue Lion immediately forced himself to stop his magical powers, then rolled on the ground to avoid the Monkey King's golden hoop.
"Long-nosed Omniscient!" the White Elephant also used his magical powers, and his nose grew longer and longer, directly reaching out towards the Monkey King.
As I kept stirring the golden hoop, the long nose wrapped around it several times, preparing to press it down.
Unexpectedly, the long nose twisted, its nostrils aimed at the Monkey King, and the white elephant's mouth suddenly burst, ready to spray out in one breath.
The Monkey King's right arm suddenly enlarged, grabbing the nose and holding his breath forcibly, the nose swelled up like a balloon, and then burst with a bang.
The White Elephant Demon King let out a painful roar, quickly retracting his trunk and looking at the split wound on it, his eyes turning red.
Seeing his older and younger brothers fail one after another, the Great Roc immediately spread his wings, exerting his speed to the extreme, instantly creating a dense and numerous bloody afterimage, with sharp claws grabbing towards the Monkey King.
The Monkey King's golden cudgel smashed towards the sky, but the great roc was able to control its movement and effortlessly evade the attacks while moving at high speed. The Monkey King's attacks were ineffective and he was temporarily held back. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Green Lion and the White Elephant attacked again. The great roc also increased its attacks, hoping to distract the Monkey King and create an opportunity for the Green Lion and the White Elephant to launch a sneak attack.
"Huh, this method doesn't work on me. Since that's the case, I'll find you an opponent to play with!"
The Monkey King suddenly tapped the back of his head, and a white gas rushed out. A Great Sage Equaling Heaven appeared and pulled out a stick from his ear. He swung the stick, forcing the Great Peng to retreat and dodge.
Three monsters stopped attacking at the same time, and retreated to the side, looking at the Monkey King in horror. They were all special identities and used to be famous figures, so they were well-informed and saw at a glance that this was not a clone, but one of the three corpses. In other words, their opponent Sun Wukong was not the great Golden Immortal they had speculated before, but a quasi-saint.
White Elephant spoke impatiently to Green Lion: "Big brother, you didn't tell me that this monkey is a quasi-saint! You kept saying that he's just a golden immortal, and the three of us can easily defeat him together. Now how am I supposed to fight him?"
The green lion's face also looks not good, "I don't know either! If I had known earlier, even if I were given great courage, I wouldn't dare to challenge a potential saint. Is it too late to beg for mercy now?"
Da Peng bitterly smiled and said, "It's impossible now. We have offended him badly. Just by looking at his expression, we know that he is determined to kill us today!"
"Then what can we do?"
"Run! Big brother, second brother, take care of yourselves. I'll go first!" Da Peng said, then suddenly soared into the sky, transforming into the form of a giant roc, flapping his wings and disappearing in an instant.
The blue lion and white elephant looked at each other and then turned to flee in different directions. The three monsters fled in different directions, and if the Monkey King wants to pursue, he can only chase one.
It's just strange that the Monkey King didn't chase any demons at all. Instead, with a command, the little monkeys behind him all started shooting wildly at a group of demons with six-barreled Gatling guns.
The screams continued, and the little monsters could only flee desperately. Only a few lucky ones managed to escape into the cave, but soon the little monkeys rushed into the lion camel cave, and in the end, they could not escape. Before long, the monsters in the cave were cleaned out.
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