The so-called wedding ceremony of the Agrod tribe is to receive the blessings of the elders. In Suladak's view, this is more like a kind of contract reached between young men and women. After the ceremony, Suladak can sense some emotions hidden in Delia's heart, allowing both parties to have a higher understanding between them.
This type of contract is very similar to the magical contract that Aphrodite signed.

An elder is using his loud voice to preach about the wedding of Delia and Suldak.
Upon hearing that Princess Delia is marrying Commander Suldak, the indigenous warrior were initially taken aback, but soon people in the crowd started cheering.
A group of elders also walked out of the room, with only Elder Ambrose sitting in front of the hearth, squinting his eyes with a smile on his face, wondering what he was thinking.
On the way back to the Hosen's Mountain West Road camp, Suldak and Delia shared a black-horned deer, while Elder Ambrose sat in a magic carriage.
A great war is imminent, and there is a tense atmosphere outside the Hosen Mountains' western army camp.
In the past, infantry soldiers used to be able to sit together and exchange a few words, crack some small jokes while maintaining their weapons.
Now everyone is a bit nervous, sitting together preparing to have breakfast, while the ghost mark soldier ants hidden in the cave on the hillside are appearing outside the camp in dense numbers. These ghost mark soldier ants, after passing through the West Army Camp, are drifting towards the evil camp at Mount Hossenns.
Tens of thousands of ghostly warrior ants are crowded together, their limbs trampling upon the scattered pebbles on the slope, creating a rustling sound.
Some infantry soldiers even set down the spoons in their hands, staring dumbfounded at the silently advancing ghostly warrior ants.
The outcome of this battle will determine the fate of the Muyunling Evil Demon Legion...
Throughout the years, this evil demon legion from Muyunling has been like a thorn stuck in the throat, constantly threatening the Han Danahr County in the south.
The Benar Legion planned two campaigns against Mount Moyunling, but unfortunately, both ended in failure.
This time, Suldak led the Western Army to capture the highlands of Mount Moyunling, causing the nobles of Handanar County to celebrate and rejoice.
The noble lords of Handanar County could never have imagined that the Western Army would launch a full-scale attack on the Demon Legion at the end of the year.
They even felt that it would be a long war of attrition.
As long as the West Route Army surrounds this evil ghost legion to the west of the North Sondelland Mountains, it will be considered a victory for them.
Sulduc steps out of the tent fully armed, followed by a group of officers, many of whom return to their respective camps after leaving the military tent.
Andrew and the orc Gulitmon led the Construction Knight Corps of the Western Army. Galidecal and the Wolf Knight Teg led the 9,000 Ant Cavalry Corps. Samira and Selina mingled in the camp of the giant Ghost Mark Ants.
These armies are all prepared for battle.
The sky is filled with dull grey clouds, and the north wind blows on the face, cold and wet.
Surdak and Elder Ambrobi ride their mounts out of the Western Army's camp and walk forward from here, crossing a nearly two-kilometer gorge. On the other side is the demon army camp hidden in the mountain hollow.
In the past couple of months, as the flying demons have been killed by the ant cavalry on the peaks of various mountains, the activities of the Mage Battle Corps have started to expand.
Apart from the inability to fly over the Hosen's Demon Camp, this group of mage battle corps has left traces almost everywhere else.
Especially in front of the eyes, this canyon is not very open. Almost every inch of land in the canyon bears the mark of scorched lakes, and there are bone armor fragments left from exploded limbs everywhere. The purple blood even dyed the land of this canyon dark brown.
Until the demon warriors in the Horsenshan Demon Camp dared not charge out anymore, the fighting here came to a halt.
In the vast wilderness outside the valley, there are numerous adventurer groups lurking, hunting down scattered demons. These adventure groups follow behind the Western Army, roaming around the battlefield and hunting down those demon warriors who escape from the battlefield.
@@ @It is said that a very lucky adventure team managed to ambush and defeat a severely injured evil ghost general.
Now you can still find some broken battle blades in this valley.
A flag of the Western Army is planted on the other end of the gorge, from where you can overlook the entire Horsens Mountain Demon Camp.
Although it is uncertain how many additional demon reinforcements can still come out of the Gate of Evil Spirits, there are currently at least 50,000 demon warriors in the demon camp, and the number of demon generals is estimated to be over a hundred...
From a distance, you can see the demonic gate of the camp resting against the edge of the mountain. It appears to be a massive demonic figure sitting next to the mountain wall, with a bloody hole in its chest. There is no sign of life on its body, and underneath it lies a heap of corpses made of countless white bones.
The evil demon, standing at nearly five meters tall, is guarding the gate of demons.
Surdak and Elder Ambroby stand beneath the tattered flag, accompanied by several heavily armored attendants wielding tower shields.
Behind the two of them, there was a dense swarm of ordinary ghost-marked soldier ants. Suldak had almost gathered all the ordinary ghost-marked soldier ants from Mount Moyun, totaling over 34,000. The grinding sound they emitted when gathered together was annoying. Translation: "They were surrounded by a swarm of ordinary ghost-marked soldier ants. Suldak had managed to gather almost all of them from Mount Moyun, totaling over 34,000. The grinding noise they produced when gathered together was quite bothersome."
A group of foul-smelling hatreds blended in with this army of ghost-patterned soldier ants, with each hatred being as round and fat as a ball, totaling more than two hundred.
The ghost-patterned soldier ants have already approached.
Twilight approaches, the sky darkens, and the shadow of the mountains envelops the entire gorge...
Watching the silent ghost army camp ahead, Suldak waves to the druids behind the ghost-marked ant soldiers.
A series of horn blows, sounding like wailing demons, sounded one after another as 35,000 ghost-marked soldier ants opened their gigantic mandibles and launched the first wave of attack towards the demon barracks, which had no defense measures.
Just as the ghost markings of the soldier ants surged forward, the evil ghost generals hidden in the dark corners of the rocks unexpectedly emerged one by one. They all positioned themselves at the forefront of the team formation.
Unlike previous battles, this group of ghost-marked soldier ants does not have a knight corps, nor ant cavalry and a monster legion of giant ghost-marked soldier ants.
Surprisingly, there is a gap behind them, with no army following.
The nearest army to them is Andrew's Mech Knight Order, but currently, the Mech Knight Order is still in the middle of the canyon and has no intention of preparing to charge...
The forward Ghost Pattern Soldiers rushed into the Evil Demon Camp without hesitation, colliding with squads of Evil Demon soldiers led by General Evil Demon.
In the next moment, a battle erupted like a meat grinder, where only life and death mattered, and surrender was out of the question. As soon as the battle broke out, nearly a hundred of the forefront ghost-patterned soldier ants exploded, their limbs and heads crushed by the full-force attacks of the evil ghost generals.
Just like a tide, a swarm of ghost-patterned soldier ants surged from behind, instantly submerging these evil ghost generals, mixing with the evil ghost warriors in the camp.
Because there is a group of evil ghost generals at the forefront of the military camp, when the ghost-patterned soldier ants face these evil ghost generals, they are completely powerless to fight back, and almost as soon as they charge up, they will be torn apart, with the battlefield littered with the corpses of ghost-patterned soldier ants.
Some of them explode with hatred in the evil camp, forming a constantly expanding toxic circle.
The poison mist pervades the battlefield.
Just as the officers of the Western Army on the battlefield looked at Suldak with confusion, a loud whistle pierced through the sky and a huge magic rune formation emerged in the center of the open space in the middle of the gorge, with a blood-red gate appearing at the center of the formation.
As soon as the blood-red door made up of stacked skeletons stabilized, the double doors were forcefully pushed open from the inside. The first one to rush out was the fully armed Count Fornak, who was floating in the air. Behind him, there were countless ghost knights.
These ghosts are all in a semi-transparent state, just like jellyfish in the sea. They rush towards the direction pointed by Count Funak's giant scythe.
Countless ghosts follow behind...
These ghosts rushed out of the Scarlet Gate, howling as they charged towards the Demon Legion's camp, filling the entire valley with a dense aura of death.
The ghost knights charged at a speed just slightly slower than the black-scaled horses. They crashed into the demon warriors, but surprisingly, the demon warriors were unharmed. They looked on as the ghosts passed through their bodies, feeling a sense of strangeness. Soon, more and more ghosts passed through their bodies, and the demon warriors realized that their own bodies seemed to be somewhat sluggish.
Many ghost warriors had a layer of blue ice condensed on the outside of their bone armor. As the ice layer gradually thickened, the ghost warriors realized that their bodies became extremely sluggish.
After these incorporeal ghost riders rushed into the ghost army camp, they quickly dissipated into clusters of deathly aura.
At this moment, Count Funak appeared beside Suldak and said to him:
@ "Due to the suppression of the dimensional laws, the ghost warriors in the blood-colored gate can only launch mental attacks. They are suppressed to the point where they have almost no physical form and only exist in the Warsaw dimension for a mere minute."
"But I guess you should have a way to deal with these ordinary demons, Dak. Where is the leader hiding? I have limited time to stay here, let's hurry up and take care of it."
The sky gradually darkened.
The construction knight brigade behind the canyon was engulfed in thick black mist. In fact, the black mist was also mixed with a large number of giant ghost mark soldier ants, and the black mist surged towards the demon camp of Mount Hosens.
Surdak did not enter the dark mist; instead, he and Count Furnac and Elder Ambroby took the opportunity to charge towards the Demon Gate guarded by the Demon Lord.
Surdak rode on a black-scaled horse, wielding a gold-adorned shield and a long sword, leading the way. He continuously swung his sword, shattering the sluggish demon warriors along the way.
His goal is not these ordinary evil ghost warriors frozen by the Phantom Knight. When he was about five hundred meters away from the evil leader, Suldak's body was fully illuminated by the magic rune constructs. Through the magic rune constructs, he injected a tremendous power into the body of the Black Scale Horse.
A shadow of an angel appeared behind Suladak. As the angelic figure infused into his body, a pair of wings made of holy light sprouted from his back.
Countless powers of holy light surged into Suladak's body, like a tide.
Afterwards, the Black Scale Horse transformed into a white light.
The Demon Lord, seemingly sensing something, stood up from beside the Gate of Demons, holding a green battle blade in his hand, his face solemnly staring at Suldak.
Suladak opened the 'Spatial Domain' halfway through the charge, and he and his warhorse suddenly disappeared in a white light, only to reappear unexpectedly in front of the Demon Lord. The golden shield in his hand emitted a golden light as he fiercely collided with the Demon Lord's waist and abdomen.
The Demon Lord, caught off guard in this moment, was struck hard by Suldak's attack.
A huge impact force caused a shockwave in the surrounding space.
Countless fragments of debris floating around Su Dake suddenly fell to the ground, and everything within five meters of Su Dake violently smashed towards the ground.
Even the ground sank nearly a foot, and the demon lord had not yet regained consciousness from the momentary dizziness, feeling inexplicably heavy.
At this moment, it couldn't help but kneel down on one knee and let out a savage roar towards Suldak.
This is Suldak's second domain released, the 'gravity field'. In the Warsaw plane, the power of the laws he comprehended allows him to freely switch among several domains. Therefore, as soon as he rushed up, he delivered a heavy blow to the leader of the demons.
Count Fornac followed behind Suldac, wielding his great scythe to constantly reap the lives of the demonic warriors trying to charge up. He was somewhat surprised to see the shockwave formed by the collision between Suldac and the demonic leader, obviously not expecting Suldac to possess such strength.
Elder Ambrobi fell behind the three of them, jumping off the back of a Wujiao stag. With his hands clasped together in constant prayer, he continuously drew runes on his body. As Elder Ambrobi continued chanting spells, a tall ancestral apparition appeared behind him, mimicking his movements.
The incantation's sound spread throughout every corner of the evil spirits' camp on Mount Hosen.
A powerful force poured out from the ancestral shadow's hands, continuously flowing into Elder Ambroby's body.
Elder Ambrobi's body quickly began to rejuvenate, his shriveled body swelling up like a balloon, expanding into a powerful Earth Bear.
'Rock Domain,' countless rocks flew up from the ground, rapidly coalescing into a massive stone club.
He held a giant stone stick, which was about as thick as an adult's waist, with both hands, and carried it on his shoulder, walking briskly behind Count Funak.
At this moment, the Demon Lord had already recovered from the fierce collision with Suldak. The Demon Lord immediately swung his sword towards Suldak, who instinctively raised his shield to block. The dark green sword did not strike the gilded shield.
At the moment when the demon leader bent down and leaned forward, his elbow fiercely clashed against the edge of the decorative golden shield, and a tremendous force surged forth.
In the hands of Suldak, the decorative golden shield crashed heavily into his chest, and in the next moment, he felt his body uncontrollably flying backward, while the pair of wings made of light behind him suddenly ignited.
Sudak's body slammed into the demon lord's demonic gate...
Just as he was about to crash into a protruding black bone spike, a portal to the void silently opened behind Sudak, and his body fell into the portal.
    Followed by Count Fornak and Elder Ambroby, they quickly arrived.
    Count Fornak's bone scythe swung towards the face of the demon leader.
    Just as the demon leader defended against the bone scythe, Elder Ambroby's stone staff hit the green sword, resulting in a thunderous explosion. The crystal edge of the green sword cracked open, while Elder Ambroby's stone staff also showed several fractures.

Next to the gate of the demon, another void rift opened, and Suldak jumped out from inside, holding a gilt shield and looking extremely embarrassed.
Suldak stepped on a pile of white bones and did not rush up immediately to join forces with Elder Ambrose and Count Fornac to kill the demon lord. Instead, he chanted the runes of "War's Call" in the Dragon language.
A gate of summoning appears in the dark night sky above Suldark, and Yinsel, engulfed in flames, emerges from the gate.
As Yinsel sticking out its huge head from the summoning gate, a loud and resonant dragon's roar echoes through the night sky.
The demons on the battlefield all looked up to the sky, only to see a gigantic dragon engulfed in blazing flames soaring through the air.
It circled above the night sky, with magic runes appearing clear as day on its chest and abdomen, fierce flames gathering in its belly.
The wailing cries of those demonic warriors echoed, but unfortunately these cries couldn't save their lives. A blast of dragon's breath descended upon them, swiftly engulfing the surrounding demons in a sea of fire.
Even the demon lord's body is burning with raging flames. The demon lord roars angrily at the red dragon, Yinsel, but this time he doesn't throw away the green longsword in his hand.
He just wanted to pull out a black bone spear and stab the red dragon Yinser from the night sky.
Before the demon leader could completely pull out the black bone spear from his body, Count Fonark's scythe suddenly appeared at his shoulder, and the huge bone scythe cut diagonally across the demon leader's scapula, cutting a crack in the hard bone armor on his shoulder.
The white bone sickle quickly turned a bright red color...
The commander of the evil spirits used a blue giant sword to shatter the bone sickle in Count Funak's hand, but was hit with a stick by Elder Ambrobi and staggered back several steps.
Elder Ambrobi avoided the flames beneath his feet and then swung his stone club to repeatedly push back the commander of the evil spirits, who slammed his back hard against the gate of the evil spirits...
Around dozens of demon generals seemed to have heard the call of the demon leader and surged from all directions of the camp.
Hovering in the air, the red dragon Yinsel once again breathed out a burst of dragon's breath towards the ground.
This time, the Evil Demon Leader was forced by Elder Ambrose to the side of the Evil Demon Gate. With its back against the Evil Demon Gate, it had nowhere to hide and was completely engulfed by the incoming Dragon's Breath.
A demon leader wrapped in flames, even the bone spurs on its body melted.
In the raging dragon breath flames, its body turned red and rolled on the ground to extinguish all the flames, causing steam to rise from its charred body.
Suldak rode on the Black Scale Horse and charged forward, holding up his shield and crashing into the leader of the evil spirits once again, pinning him against the threshold of the incredibly sturdy Gate of Evil Spirits.
A massive stone club fell from the sky and slammed into the leader of the evil spirits' head, leaving him unable to resist. He knelt on both knees in a disheveled state, using his hands to support himself on the ground.
Count Funak appeared behind the leader of the evil spirits, his protruding white bone scythe hooked around the leader's neck. With a strong tug, he effortlessly severed the head of the leader, adorned with long horns, and the enormous skull rolled onto the ground.
Elder Ambrose stepped on the constantly trembling body and it only collapsed onto the pile of corpses.
As the chant started, Elder Ambrose cast various negative spells such as aging, weakening, and slowing down onto the demon lord.
Count Funakaka cut off the legs and arms of the demon leader with the giant scythe made of white bones.
The demon camp is now completely shrouded in black mist.
Within the black mist, even cries for help and screams cannot be heard.
In the night sky, hundreds of magicians rode their magic brooms and flew in the air. They witnessed the red dragon flying back into a teleportation gate.
The evil ghost leader died, and Suldak put its skull and blue long sword into a demon-sealing box. The severed limbs and body were also put into extra-large demon-sealing boxes separately.
Seeing the battle here end, Count Funak flew straight into a newly risen blood-colored gate without even saying a word.
The battle continued for a whole night even after the death of the demon lord.
The demon warriors who were engulfed in the black mist were all killed by the assembled knights and the giant ghost patterned ant soldiers. However, there were still some demons cunningly escaping from the Hosen's Mountain demon camp under the cover of the night.
At this moment, the adventurers on the outermost circle began their hunt, being chased by ant cavalry soldiers spread all over the mountains.
Cleaning up the battlefield is still a tough but incredibly exciting task.
However, when Suldark tried to destroy the demonic gate after the war, he discovered that the entire demonic gate was actually connected to the Mount Hossens, and this enormous demon had transformed into solid rock after its death.
Sudak only understood at this moment that the so-called Demon Gate is to sacrifice a demon commander, carve some magic rune arrays on their body, use their body as a position coordinate point, and then cut open their abdomen to create a connecting passage, so that the demons from the depths of the dark domain can crawl out.
However, this demonic gate has existed for far too long, and the body of the demon lord has transformed into indestructible black stone.
Andrew attempted to hack at it with the 'Butcher's Child', but the axe only caused sparks to fly as it struck the protruding black bone spurs...
Good old friend Nao Hua used magic to summon flames, and he and several other magicians burned for a whole day, but the Gate of Evil Spirits miraculously had no trace of scorching.
Even the acid corrosion of the ghostly warrior ants cannot leave any marks on the Gate of Evil Spirits.
For a moment, everyone was completely unable to destroy this Gate of Evil Spirits.
A sinister demon warrior crawled out from a dark and blood-stained pit, only to have its head severed by Saludak's sword. It lay motionless on the pile of corpses, destined to become a part of the macabre scene.
This demonic gate often has demons crawling out of it.
For now, there doesn't seem to be a way to destroy it. Suldak frowned and planned to arrange a squad of mechanized knights to station here, and then slowly figure out a solution.
"Someone needs to guard this place, I'll stay here and watch over this demonic gate, see if there's any way to destroy it!" Elder Ambrose sat next to the demonic gate and quietly said to Suldak.
At this moment, he has already transformed into an elderly man with a body that is withered all over, and his face is covered with wrinkles...
Since Elder Ambrose has agreed to help guard the Gate of the Evil Spirits at Mount Hosen, this is undoubtedly the best outcome.
Surdak readily agreed to Elder Ambrobi's proposal, allowing the mages to investigate the remnants of the evil spirit legion in the surrounding mountains. He was worried that small groups of evil spirit warriors might gather in the vicinity, posing a threat to both the adventuring parties and the ant cavalry troops.
He walked down from the pile of demon warrior and ghost mark soldier's corpses, holding the Sword of Kurdwen, and looked at the ground covered with their bodies. Slowly, he walked to the ruins of a stone house.
A group of heavy-armored infantry soldiers are cleaning up the battlefield inside the demon camp, while mounted knights and giant ghost-patterned soldier ants are chasing down fleeing demon warriors in the surrounding mountains.
The infantry soldiers saw Suldak standing on the roof of a stone hut and they all put down the demon corpses in their hands and gathered towards him...
At this moment, Suldak raised the epic long sword in his hand and shouted loudly in the demon camp, "Brave and fearless soldiers of the West Army, we have won..."
With each shouted word, the entire valley seemed to echo in response.
In the winter of 2593, the Western Expedition Army announced the capture of the Moyun Ridge, and Count Suldark became the master of this territory.
The Gandaer Mountains, between Linchang Camp and Moyun Ridge, belong to Duke Numan and the Imperial Family. The dense forests in the Gandaer Mountains are rich in resources and home to rare and precious trees.
Newman Duke's Mansion in Berna City.
The Duke of Newman's restless mood immediately calmed when he saw the war report from the Warsaw dimension.
Recently, he has been receiving a series of bad news about interdimensional wars, a responsibility that used to be handled by the military. Now, it has been handed over to the Duke of Newman, which makes him somewhat unable to adapt.
He took the battle report and walked over to the wall where the map of the Warsaw dimension was hanging.
While looking at the Handanar County region on the wall, he recalled the battlefields of the Warsaw dimension. To the north was the Gandaer Mountains, and the cloud-shrouded region of Moyun Ridge had already been filled in on the map.
I didn't expect Lord Hailunsa to give up the Gandael Mountains. It's surprising that he quickly took control of the Moyun Ridge Highlands and then led his troops to the battlefield of the Kenpato River. He's truly a young and promising commander.
If it wasn't for Lusser judging first and choosing him, I would really want to marry my daughter to him.
In my heart, I couldn't help but joke: Lusser's taste is really toxic...
Duke Newman then thought again: It seems not too late to marry his daughter off now...
Under the setting sun, a touch of golden...
In the castle of Luyin City, Heather lay in Suldak's arms, her pointed chin resting on his strong chest, her beautiful eyes staring at his stubbled face, and she asked with a smile:
"I heard that the Duke of Newman wanted to marry the most beautiful seventh princess of the Newman family to you, but you refused?"
Surdak glanced at Heather and asked, "What happened?"
Anne Hathaway squinted her turquoise eyes and, like a mermaid, enraptured Suldak, murmuring softly: "It's nothing, love me..."
...End of the book...
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