Historical novels Emperor Han Shi Zu Chapter 42, Taizong Article 42, Three Appointments.

Chapter 42, Taizong Article 42, Three Appointments.

Chapter 2095, the Biography of Emperor Taizong Part 42: Three Appointments
"Minister Wang Xuanzhen is hereby summoned to see the emperor, may Your Majesty be well!" In the Chong'gong Hall, former Wude Minister Wang Xuanzhen had a solemn expression on his face as he paid a deep bow to Emperor Liu Yang, who sat on the imperial throne. Translation: "
"Bow down!"
"Thank you, Your Majesty!"
Looking down on Wang Xuanzhen, Liu Yang scrutinizes him, unsure of the man's thoughts, but his demeanor remains calm. Liu Yang asks casually, "You have been unemployed at home for over a year, haven't you?"
Wang Xuanzhen explained, making Liu Yang smile and lightening the tone: "What have you been doing during your leisure time?"
"Your Majesty, I have arranged a few acres of barren land outside Longmen Town. In my spare time, I just read books, hunt, farm, and grow vegetables." Wang Xuanzhen replied.
Longmen Town is located south of Luoyang, by the Yishui River, and not far from the capital. Wang Xuanzhen's choice of this place for recuperation clearly shows that although he is in the mountains, his thoughts are still on the court.
Liuyang can certainly understand this. His expression becomes serious, no longer exchanging pleasantries. Liuyang looks intently at Wang Xuanzhen and says, "
Regardless of how many benefit exchanges and how much cruelty and tragedy occurred during this process, the "poison sore" on the body of the Han Empire, known as the penal colony, has effectively been reduced and alleviated. Translated content: The "poison sore" on the body of the Han Empire, known as the penal colony, has effectively been reduced and alleviated, regardless of the numerous benefit exchanges and the extent of cruelty and tragedy in the process.
It is impossible to completely solve the problem as long as the penal colony exists. Even though, under Liu Yang's guidance and Wang Xuanzhen's regulation, efforts have been made to incorporate a bit more "humaneness" into the system and management, the inherent problems will still exist as long as this institution remains, albeit with differing degrees of severity.
In cases like these where the emperor is paying attention, local officials responsible for managing prisons will naturally become more restrained, leading to an improvement in the lives of prisoners. However, once the attention shifts elsewhere, the sharp fangs and claws will inevitably reopen. Translated content: The situation improves when the emperor focuses on it, but worsens when attention is diverted.
As for the abolition of the penal labor system, Liu Yang did consider it, but ultimately decided against it. To speak objectively, the penal labor camps were a significant supplement to Han Dynasty's criminal punishment system. Additionally, the court also needed a group of inexpensive laborers who could be used and consumed as needed for tasks such as repairing bridges, opening mines, digging channels, and reinforcing embankments. These labor-intensive, strenuous, illicit, and dangerous tasks always faced a shortage of laborers.
Of course, all along, Liu Yang's concern is not just about the chaos in the prisoner camps, as that is not easily accomplished. His worry lies in the fear of triggering a chain reaction and becoming intertwined with local corruption, just like the turmoil in Shu taught him a profound lesson.
And by reforming and handling the prison camp, Wang Xuanzhen, the leader of the special agents, finally gained Liu Yang's trust, at least confirming his abilities.
He is a capable person, not only able to grasp the intentions from above but also efficient and decisive in his actions, yet flexible as well. It can be understood why the Emperor Sizong appointed him as the Wude envoy just a few years after his uncle Wang Yinwu's downfall, despite him having a "political flaw".
"You have served in the Bureau of Martial Virtue for twenty-five years, always diligent and self-disciplined, yet the court has never rewarded you much!" In the hall, Liu Yang looked at Wang Xuanzhen and said slowly, "We bestow upon you fifty thousand taels of silver, one hundred pieces of silk, two imperial horses, a set of imperial porcelain, and an additional special promotion!"
"I, Xuanzhen Wang, respectfully thank Your Majesty for your immense grace!" Upon hearing this, Xuanzhen Wang immediately kneeled down and repeatedly expressed his gratitude.
The things bestowed by the Emperor might not be considered much among the powerful and influential, but the key lies in the Emperor's recognition and attitude. This is the guarantee for enduring wealth and prosperity.
Liu Yang then continued, "It is a waste to have such a talented person like you unemployed. You have rested enough, it is time for you to serve the court!"
Hearing this, even someone as cunning as Wang Xuanzhen couldn't help but feel delighted. There is nothing more tangible than an official position and power. Therefore, he kowtowed again, showing his unwavering loyalty, and said, "Your Majesty, if you command, I will not refuse!"
Liu Yang's face showed no hint of a smile as he expressed his stance, saying, "The Chief Judge of Jiangnan Province, Fan Zhigu, has passed away. You will go to Jiangnan and take over his position!"
Upon hearing this, Wang Xuanzhen was taken aback. He never expected that Liu Yang would assign him such a task. However, soon after, he was overwhelmed with joy. Not to mention the increasingly prominent position of Jiangnan Province in the economic territory of the Great Han, the favor and opportunities implied in the transition from a military official to a civilian official were beyond the comprehension of others.
If there is no resentment towards Liu Yang, it's nonsense. Wang Xuanzhen is not a saint, but at this moment, his "loyalty" is almost instantly full.
However, his strong mental resilience allows Wang Xuanzhen to restrain himself and plead: "Your Majesty, I am extremely grateful for entrusting me with such an important task. However, I have limited talent and I am afraid I cannot fulfill this heavy responsibility. Moreover, if I were to take on this role, it would likely lead to strong opposition within the court, unnecessarily causing difficulties for Your Majesty."
“Don't bother with false modesty in front of me!" Liu Yang said assertively, "If you didn't have this ability, I wouldn't have employed you! As for the criticisms from the court, whether I will face any difficulties, that is my concern and has nothing to do with you!
Go to Jiangnan, it's not for you to enjoy the scenery there! Jiangnan is the center of the southeast region and the starting point of canal transportation, which is crucial for the country.
Nowadays, the court is implementing various reforms, with administration and governance as a priority, and it is being comprehensively carried out, focusing on reform in the Jiangnan region.
Regarding the situation in Jiangnan Road, you probably have quite a good understanding from your time as the Minister of Military Affairs. Corruption exists everywhere, but it tends to be more prevalent in affluent areas. When you go to Jiangnan Road, please thoroughly address the areas that the court has neglected in recent years.
Good governance and rule of law need to be constantly refreshed! In addition, the commerce in Jiangnan region is thriving, with commercial taxes increasing year by year. However, the collusion between officials and businessmen in pursuit of power and money is also becoming increasingly rampant.
In the community, due to business disputes, there is a continuous occurrence of large-scale fights, murder, and harm to the people. This seriously hampers the normal operation of commercial order and disrupts the peaceful lives of citizens. Strict punishments must be imposed.
Especially in the areas around Shanghai, there are rumors among the common people that there are many merchants and goods in Shanghai, as well as a large number of sunken bodies in Songjiang. Such claims, I believe, are not without basis, and must have some underlying problems. There are also conflicts between the Su and Xiu provinces, and I must properly address them. Reply: It is important to investigate and address these rumors and conflicts in order to better understand the situation and ensure proper governance in the area.
I will give you another three years. After three years, I want to see results!"
As can be imagined, after the announcement of Wang Xuanzhen's appointment, there was a huge uproar in the court, with almost no one expressing opposition or dissent from top to bottom. For various factions, it was not just the loss of such a lucrative position in Jiangnan Road, but more importantly, it was Wang Xuanzhen's background factor.
When will Wu Desi's hawkish and sycophantic followers be able to appear in the Han court in full glory, dressed in official robes, and be appointed to important positions alongside numerous talented individuals?
However, regardless of the extent of the controversy, once the Emperor's decree is issued, it cannot be changed. Liu Yang also shows no intention of retracting the decree, so any dissatisfaction must be kept suppressed.
Perhaps it is just a matter of being fair in dealing with things and not targeting individuals, but for an official in the Ministry of Personnel, even if it's just an isolated case, one must never let their guard down. If the power of personnel organization is weakened, it would mean that the most crucial authority of being a prime minister would be compromised. This is not a good sign.
In the winter of the fifth year of Yongxi, in a remote region of the southern frontier of the Han Dynasty, a major event took place. On the third day of October, the Zhenla army suddenly crossed the border, captured the small border town of Wenyang, and then crossed the Rulun River to capture Luoruo County. Translated content: "
As of October 15th, the Zhenla army has successfully breached the Foggy Wet Ridge, invaded the southern coastal areas of Annam Province, captured Huanzhou, and essentially cut off the connection between Annam Province, southern counties, and the kingdom of Lin Yi on the mainland.
At the same time, in the central and northern regions of Annan, the Dongman tribe rebelled again, causing havoc in multiple provinces and counties. Many native tribal chiefs, who have long been dissatisfied with the rule of the Han dynasty, have now risen in rebellion, and it is clear that the Zhenla Kingdom is behind this.
This is truly outrageous. They seem to have completely lost their minds and are completely at odds with Great Han.
Regarding the sudden invasion by the Kingdom of Zhenla, the court naturally expresses its fury, with little dissent. Consensus was quickly reached in the court, and it is imperative to strike back severely. For so many years, it has always been Great Han who goes to war with others. How can there be a foreign country taking the initiative to provoke, especially from a "barbarian" nation in the Southeast Asian peninsula?
In the Yongxi Era, the Han Dynasty focused primarily on internal affairs. However, when faced with external invasions, their war machine could quickly mobilize.
War was inevitable, but there were careful deliberations on how to wage it, who should be deployed, and the extent of the campaign.
Because when choosing a candidate to suppress the rebellion, someone volunteered, the Crown Prince, Liu Wenhuan, Duke of Ruyang County. If this is connected to the dispute over the succession, even a "minor conflict" on the southwestern border could become a major issue in the court, turning into a battleground for various factions.
Members of the Murong faction are strongly opposed to this matter, and the reason is simple: military affairs are of utmost importance to a country and must not be taken lightly. The crown prince lacks the experience of leading soldiers, and since the disturbance in the southwest is minor, there is no need to send the son of a wealthy family to sit in the command center.
Zhao Family is working hard to compete with them, using a different set of rhetoric. Liu Wenhuan has had a previous journey to Anxi and has gained military experience through observation and practice in the army. As for the lack of experience, a senior general can provide assistance. On the other hand, having the crown prince as the commander can boost morale and demonstrate the court's importance placed on Annan.
The two factions each held their own opinions, with such great momentum that it seemed as if the intense struggle for succession in the first year of Yongxi would be repeated. However, such behavior of using national military affairs as a battleground for succession clearly angered the emperor. After a thunderous rebuke, both sides quieted down once again.
However, regarding Liu Wenhuan's initiative to volunteer and go to Annanping to suppress the rebellion, after careful consideration, Liu Yang finally decided to let Liu Wenhuan give it a try. Perhaps, Liu Yang thought of the story when Emperor Shizu let him go to the battlefield and become a commander.
In the twentieth day of the tenth month of the fifth year of Yongxi, the emperor issued an edict appointing his eldest son, the Duke of Ruyang, as the Grand Marshal for the Southern Expedition. He was ordered to gather a force of fifty thousand troops from Yunnan, Lingnan, and Annam, in order to suppress the rebellion in Zhenla. Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.
With the issuance of this decree, in the winter of the fifth year of Yongxi, almost the entire Central and Southern Peninsula was plunged into a turbulent state of war. This was not just a struggle between the court and the Zhenla Kingdom. The surrounding Linyi and Linhai vassal states, as well as those resisting Liu Wenhai's invasion, and even the remnants of the fallen nation of Zhitong, all became involved. Translation:
The basic division can be classified into two main camps, one being the Han people, and the second being the indigenous states of the Central and Southern Peninsula with Chenla as the leader.
In fact, as time passed, the unrest even spread to the Nanyang region, with several indigenous uprisings occurring in the Northern Golden Continent under the rule of King Qi, Liu Yun.
"Kou Zhun, honestly speaking, I really don't like you!" In the Chui Gong Hall, Liu Yang coldly stared at Xiangzhou Prefect Kou Zhun, who was kneeling in front of him.
Since the political opportunism incident in the first year, Kou Zhun has basically spent an entire term in Xiangzhou. This time, when he returned to the court for reporting, he passed the inspections of other departments and even answered inquiries from several prime ministers. However, in front of the emperor, he was left hanging for several days.
These days, even someone like Kou Zhun can't help but tremble and bow repeatedly when facing such words from the emperor, saying, "I am filled with fear!"
"Do you know why?" Liu Yang asked calmly.
Kou Zhun deeply lowered his head and said, "I am shallow in talent and virtue, unworthy of being looked upon by a sage!"
"Haha! Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, how could I, the emperor, judge you based on that?" Liu Yang sneered and said, "Moreover, if you, Kou Zhun, lacked ability, would I agree to appoint you as the governor of Xiangzhou? I have heard your assessment report, in the five years as governor, you have rectified the accumulated problems, achieved good governance and harmony among the people, and not a trace of neglect on the roads. Can an incompetent person accomplish this?"
"It's always you, you have a cunning mind and too much audacity!" Liu Yang lamented and said, "We appreciate your direct and decisive nature, your willingness to take on tasks, but we also loathe your lack of restraint and tendency to push boundaries!"
"I am filled with fear!" Kou Zhun kowtowed again, his mouth and body displaying such demeanor, but what he truly thought in his heart was truly unknown to anyone.
However, Liu Yang showed no intention of delving further into the matter and directly said, "Regarding your next appointment, I believe you have also heard about it, so don't be surprised. It is Annan Province, concurrently serving as the logistics officer for the southern expedition army.
While the reason for the unrest in Annam today may be the sudden attack by Champa, it is also an important factor that the local military and government officials have long been negligent and less vigilant.
You have always been resolute and decisive. I hope that after assuming your post, you can bring a new atmosphere to Annam and ensure everlasting peace in the southern region of the Great Han Empire.
In the winter of the fifth year of Yongxi, Kou Zhun, at the age of 37, became the youngest Buzhengshi (a government official) in the Great Han, even though it was only a low-ranking position in An'an Dao (a province).
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