Historical novels Emperor Han Shi Zu Chapter 45: Taizong Part 45 - The Resurgence of the Struggle for Succession

Chapter 45: Taizong Part 45 - The Resurgence of the Struggle for Succession

Chapter 2098: Taizong Part 45 - The Resurgence of the Struggle for Succession
Liu Wenhuan returned to court and, not surprisingly, missed the Mid-Autumn Festival. However, upon arriving in the capital, he was summoned to the palace for a performance report; Emperor Liu Yang wanted to personally hear his insights and opinions on the Peninsula War as the "involved party."
The conversation between father and son lasted a full hour. Liu Yang was as serious as usual, showing little emotion, and his attitude was only slightly encouraging. However, shortly after meeting Liu Wenhuan, he promptly sent someone to issue an edict, promoting Liu Wenhuan to the title of Prince of Ruyang for his achievements in Annan.
Meanwhile, regarding the evaluation of the heroes of the Battle of Annan, the Political Affairs Hall has also received an imperial edict to commence. Regardless of the controversies within the court surrounding this war in the south, the numerous sacrifices made and the merits of the soldiers cannot be erased. The strategic decision-making issues at higher levels will be resolved, and the recognition and treatment that should be given must not be diminished in the slightest.
As a result, while the court issued a substantial amount of compensation, the Han Empire also saw the emergence of several military noblemen, with the foremost being Hou Yan Guang, who served as the deputy commander. The court was well aware that he was the real commander of the Han army. Coordinating the movement of over a hundred thousand troops was truly beyond the capabilities of Liu Wen Huan, who had insufficient experience.
Therefore, although Hou Yangguang relinquished the title of "first merit," he obtained practical benefits. Liu Yang granted him the title of Pingnan Marquis, and after five years, the noble title originally belonging to the Wang Quandan family was passed on again through Hou Yangguang.
At the same time, Kou Zhun was praised for actively gathering grain and supplies during the war, efficiently and systematically mobilizing resources to ensure the army was well-supplied.
Not long after receiving the award, Kou Zhun summarized the situation of the peninsula war from his perspective and submitted a memorial of ten thousand words to Emperor Liu Yang.
The crux of his argument was a heartfelt plea for the emperor to halt the military action and not to initiate another conflict, as war was extremely costly, especially in these border regions. It could almost be said with certainty that it would be more trouble than it's worth.
Taking the Vietnam War as an example, if the manpower used for fighting was redirected towards building bridges, paving roads, and developing water conservancy, the agricultural conditions in the entire region of Annam could be significantly improved.
Of course, if the focus is merely on urging cessation of hostilities and advocating for recuperation, such common platitudes are hardly surprising. Moreover, all peace has a major prerequisite: the dignity of the court must not be violated, and the territory of the empire must not be encroached upon.
What makes Kou Zhun intelligent is that, while expressing his political stance as a member of the "Literary Reformist" faction, he focuses on the issue of stabilizing the frontier. Taking Annan as an example, he presented ten suggestions to Liu Yang. In summary, there are five main points: to promote Han settlement, to divide and pacify the indigenous tribes, to improve irrigation, to develop transportation, and to encourage agriculture.
None of these can be achieved without investment. For the frontier provinces and prefectures, the court has always implemented preferential policies, but it absolutely cannot meet the "Ten Articles for Border Stabilization" proposed by Kou Zhun. The true purpose of Kou Zhun writing such a lengthy memorial seems to be quite evident.
After reading the memorial, Liu Yang issued an edict to reduce the tax burden in Annan Dao for one year. It’s important to note that this reduction doesn’t mean the local areas stopped collecting taxes; rather, the regular tax payments to the court for that year were waived. This portion would be used as "startup funds" for Zhao Zun to govern Annan.
Of course, this process inevitably involves the court dispatching officials like censors and secret envoys to conduct thorough inspections and investigations. Liu Yang no longer trusts a single hair of the local bureaucrats' integrity, including that of Zhao Jun.
Take Jianan as an example. After the rebellion was quelled, the court also took appropriate measures to exempt or reduce taxes for the severely affected prefectures and counties. However, as a result, dozens of officials were executed, and the court dispatched more than a dozen envoys to the counties to investigate and curb the malpractice.
Liu Yang also discovered that some local officials were particularly inclined to manipulate the court's "beneficial policies for the people," as if the court's benevolence and favors were not intended for the common people, but rather for these officials themselves. They seemed to be unusually eager to reach out and make use of it, as if they were itching to extend their hands and not cut off the benefits.
Meanwhile, after a brief consideration, Liu Yang temporarily assigned the four newly established states by Liu Wenhuan in Northern Chenla to the jurisdiction of Annan Dao. To be more precise, it was to give Kou Zhun more responsibility; after all, he liked to stir things up and this would provide him with a place to use his talents.
Of course, this doesn't mean letting Kou Zhun mess things up; otherwise, he would bear the brunt of it. Kou Zhun is not foolish; at least he understands the situation a lot better than Liu Wenhuan.
“Congratulations, Your Highness.” In front of the palace gates, Zhao Kuangyi gave a somewhat complex expression as he greeted the newly appointed Ruyang Duke Liu Wenhuan, who had just met with Zhao Fei.
Liu Wenhuan's mood was evidently good, though he didn't indulge too much in reckless abandon; the spring-like satisfaction on his face was hard to conceal.
However, upon seeing Zhao Kuangyi, he immediately regained his seriousness, respectfully bowed, and called him "uncle ancestor." Liu Wenhuan respected this uncle ancestor far more than his mother did; he understood better the help Zhao Kuangyi could provide him, unlike Zhao Fei, who at times had to maintain a facade and wrestle with some inexplicable "prejudice against different social classes."
Probably due to Liu Wenhuan's attitude, Zhao Kuangyi's serious expression softened a bit, and he took the initiative to invite him for a casual chat. Liu Wenhuan naturally had no reason to refuse.
Instead of returning to their mansions, the two sat down at an ordinary tavern outside the Zijin Temple, ordering a pot of warm wine to accompany their conversation. It wasn't that they didn't mind the presence of others, but rather that their own residences were probably less "private" than this little tavern.
“Your Highness’s decision to lead the army to counterattack Chenla seems rather impulsive,” Zhao Kuangyi couldn’t help but point out after a cup of warm wine.
Upon hearing this, Liu Wenhui immediately frowned and said, “This matter is already in the past; why should my uncle bring it up again now?”
Noticing Liu Wenhuan's reaction, Zhao Kuangyi sighed inwardly and poured two cups of wine, saying, "Please forgive this old minister for being meddlesome; I just wish to remind His Highness of a few things: being overly pleased can lead to forgetting oneself, which will not benefit Your Highness!"
Hearing Zhao Kuangyi say this, Liu Wenhuan's brow furrowed even tighter. Such preaching is really hard for passionate and accomplished young people to accept. At least, Zhao Kuangyi does not yet have the authority and status to suppress Liu Wenhuan.
Therefore, Liu Wenhuan's expression immediately crumbled, and he said with some indignation, "I clearly understand what my uncle is implying! However, to discuss the matter at hand, the Jinla have violated the rules without reason; I led my troops to retaliate and give them recompense. What is wrong with that?"
"Mighty Han, how can we allow a petty nation to provoke us? If they dare to offend the strong Han, they will be punished, no matter how distant they are. After the chaos of the past, we now have such strong voices; are we really worse than our predecessors? If it were during the era of the Emperor of the World, would the nation of Chenla and its barbarian subjects still exist? Who would dare to comment on this matter?"
“What Your Highness says is reasonable!” Liu Wenhuan spoke with conviction, his words resonating strongly. Zhao Kuangyi also nodded in agreement and continued, “Without this reason, do you believe that Your Highness could successfully counterattack and conquer North Chenla? If you rashly advance into enemy territory, even if you capture the entire Chenla Kingdom, do you think you would still be accepted by the court without the identity of the Crown Prince?”
Hearing Zhao Kuangyi's words, the defiant look on Liu Wenhuan's face faded considerably. He bowed his head in deep thought but still couldn't find a solution. Finally, he lifted his head to gaze directly at Zhao Kuangyi and said, "What exactly does Uncle want to say? If the Murong clan and the court officials are dissatisfied, they will ultimately express their dissatisfaction. As for whether the Emperor has objections, the southern expedition and the merits have already been settled, and I have also been promoted to the rank of Duke. What is there to worry about?"
Liú Wénhuàn looked at Zhào Kuāngyì with a questioning tone, his gaze fixed intently on him. Zhào Kuāngyì was taken aback for a moment and then asked dejectedly, "Does Your Highness think that His Majesty can be deceived?"
“Your Majesty perceives the smallest details and sees for miles; how could one deceive you? It is precisely for this reason that one is not taken advantage of by petty individuals!” Liu Wenhuan stubbornly replied.
Zhao Kuangyi then took a gulp of wine and said, “Your Highness, reflect on your heart—was the campaign against Zhenla driven by righteous indignation to display our nation's strength, or was it merely to gain fame and achieve merit?”
As soon as these words were spoken, Liu Wenhui's expression immediately became unsteady, and he even stood up directly. However, upon noticing that people around were casting their eyes over, he pretended nothing was wrong and slowly sat down again.
Looking at Zhao Kuangyi, who was raising his cup and sipping a drink, I took a deep breath of the autumn chill, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke in a low voice, "Third brother is already twelve. My time is running short, and opportunities are limited. If we don’t strive forward now, how can we break the deadlock?"
Liu Wenhuan revealed his heart's intentions, which surprised Zhao Kuangyi somewhat, but upon hearing his words, his expression became more solemn as he replied, "Since Your Highness has this ambition, you should plan carefully and not act rashly; otherwise, it will only lead to adverse results."
“Your Highness, do you know how much money and grain the court has spent on the war in Annan and Chenla, and how many local resources have been mobilized?” Zhao Kuangyi said earnestly, “If we do not consider these matters, how can we win the Emperor's favor?”
“Your Majesty is a person who considers the bigger picture. Bestowing you the title of king also reflects a father's deeper affection! Allowing His Highness to lead troops against the enemy is, after all, a test. Does His Highness believe that his performance in the southern campaign can move His Majesty?”
“Has Your Highness carefully pondered over the policies and guidelines for governing the country set by Your Majesty? If you do not recognize this, then no matter how much you do or how hard you try, it will merely be like seeking fish in a tree, going against the grain.”
For Liu Wenhuan, Zhao Kuangyi's words were indeed hard to listen to; not only were they unpalatable, but they were also somewhat tedious and nagging, which was quite annoying. However, Liu Wenhuan ultimately expressed that he would be more attentive in the future, studying the governing policies and philosophies of the emperor father, and would no longer be so impatient for progress. Yet, how much of this Liu Wenhuan truly absorbed remains unclear.
No matter how much Zhao Kuangyi tries to persuade, at least what presents itself on the surface is that the crown prince is currently in the limelight and favored. Zhao Kuangyi's cold water being thrown in does feel somewhat out of place.
Liu Wenhuan took his leave first, while Zhao Kuangyi sat alone in the tavern, pouring and drinking by himself, swallowing all his worries along with the wine.
Zhao Kuangyi is now 59 years old, nearing the age of sixty. With age advancing, the political ambitions of his youth have gradually been worn away by the passage of time.
To speak frankly, the current Zhao Kuangyi's desire for power is no longer as strong as it was in the beginning. In the court, aside from fulfilling his duties as a minister and cultivating himself for governance, all his efforts and hopes are placed on Liu Wenhuan, solely to support Liu Wenhuan in rising to power. This way, he can also consider himself successful and have a worthy end when he dies.
However, after all these years, seeing the Zhao Concubine and her son’s performance, Zhao Kuangyi’s confidence wavered; there were simply too many things beyond his control.
The Zhao Concubine, being merely a woman, had limited insight, and while Zhao Kuangyi could overlook that, Liu Wenhuan, whom he had previously held in high regard, was now also filled with a sense of powerlessness.
For some reason, Zhao Kuangyi suddenly remembered Zhao Dezhao. When it came to supporting Zhao Fei and her son, he hadn't been very proactive himself. Indeed, the Zhao family is now led by him, Zhao Kuangyi, but Zhao Dezhao and Zhao Fei are siblings. Thinking back, it seems that Zhao Dezhao, this elder nephew, is more insightful than he is.
However, at this point, Zhao Kuangyi had no way to retreat; there was only one path to take, and of course, he had no thoughts of turning back.
While Zhao Kuangyi criticized Liu Wenhui for his impatience, there were others in the palace who were even more anxious and unable to find peace.
"Your Majesty, I reiterate, in these times, sometimes stillness is better than action. As long as the Third Prince is humble, filial, cautious in thought and diligent in action, and practices etiquette and virtue, his position will be unshakable by anyone. Otherwise, the pillars of the state and the nobility will not agree, nor will the officials of the court!" In the Kunming Hall, the Minister of Personnel, Murong Defeng, was earnestly persuading Empress Murong.
However, the queen wouldn't listen and immediately retorted, "You always speak so confidently, but have you looked at the current state of the court? Liu Wenhui has even been granted a royal title!"
“At first, when I said my son was young and unable to take the throne, I accepted it. Now that my son has grown, why is he still unable to assume his rightful position?”
“You always say that time is on my side, yet these five or six years have passed without any indication from the emperor, and instead, the Zhao family and their offspring have gained even more favor.”
The legitimate eldest son, does the royal family regard Wen Peng as a legitimate child?”
“Your Majesty!” Hearing the Empress Murong's complaints, Murong Defeng became somewhat anxious, his tone even a bit stern, and he said loudly, “You must not blame His Majesty!”
```htmlNoticing Murong Defeng's serious expression, the Empress realized she had misspoken. A hint of embarrassment flashed across her dignified demeanor as she turned back to sit down, took a deep breath, and said with a sullen expression, "Ri Xin, what do you think the Emperor really thinks? When the late Emperor conferred the title on the Emperor, he was only eight years old, and the title was already established. Thus, for more than thirty years, even the Longhu brothers found it difficult to compete with him.```
Now, my son is twelve years old. If we delay in establishing a legitimate status, won't it invite the observation of the noble families and the suspicion of court officials, and also give the Zhao family unrealistic hopes?
Continuing like this will undermine the foundation of the nation. Not to mention how it affects my mother and me, what benefit does it bring to the great Han dynasty's country and people?
It's rare to see the queen analyze the matters of succession with such calmness. Murong Defeng listened, thought for a moment, and replied as peacefully as he could: “Times have changed, and the situations are different now. Regarding the issue of the crown prince's succession, His Majesty must have his own considerations, and I fear he is still observing. However, I often say that as long as the queen and the third prince do not make mistakes, His Majesty cannot possibly abandon the legitimate heir in favor of a commoner.”
The primogeniture system of inheritance was established by the Son of Heaven and the nobles, and it is also the great righteousness that allowed Your Majesty to ascend the throne smoothly. Going against this system to establish an heir is a path of chaos, and Your Majesty cannot possibly be unaware of this.
“That being said, it is precisely because of this that I feel uneasy!” Empress Murong said with a solemn expression: “The emperor’s mind is hard to fathom! With the current power and prestige of the throne, if he insists on establishing the eldest son, who among the court’s noble ministers can stop him? Can you?”
The question from Empress Murong truly stumped Murong Defeng, who furrowed his brows in contemplation for a moment, then clasped his hands and said, "I humbly request Your Majesty, the Empress, to remain patient and handle this matter with usual grace."
Despite Murong Defeng's persuasion, the Empress clearly did not heed his advice. In the autumn of the sixth year of Yongxi, a group of scholars from the Three Libraries, along with censors and officials from various departments, rushed to submit memorials, requesting the Emperor to establish an heir to stabilize the hearts of the people and the ministers.
More than five years later, the issue of the crown prince was once again presented to Liu Yang. However, this time, Liu Yang handled it more decisively, not allowing the two factions to clash, which would affect the government and disrupt the hard-won harmonious and stable situation of the Han dynasty.
All the officials who submitted reports were demoted and dismissed. More importantly, Empress Murong was also reprimanded by Liu Yang under some pretext. Starting from the autumn of the sixth year of Yongxi, she hardly set foot in the Kunming Palace. Unless it was a formal occasion, the emperor and empress rarely saw each other.
Of course, Zhao Fei received the same treatment. The two women usually did not dare to contradict Liu Yang, but when it came to their sons and the position of the crown prince, they set aside all concerns, leaving Liu Yang quite troubled.
The "crown prince struggle" of the sixth year of autumn has been subdued under Liu Yang's decisive handling; however, Liu Yang himself is aware that such situations will only increase, and the pressure and conflicts will become heavier, which is almost unavoidable.
The achievement of supporting the rising leader has always been paramount in any era; there will always be individuals willing to strive for it, and as long as there is life, they will wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to this cause.
This time, Liu Yang also seriously contemplated the issue of the crown prince. On one hand, it was prompted by the undercurrents of the power struggle for succession; on the other hand, it was also because Liu Yang himself was no longer young.
The emperor Liu Yang of the sixth year of Yongxi is already 49 years old.
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