他们受到的战争影响要远低于其他城镇,但天启军的步步紧逼依旧给他们带来了相当大的压力, 粮食供给变成定额发放不说,宵禁也成了司空见惯之事。人人都担心这里会爆发一场旷日持久的攻城战,如果不是传闻天启军极守军纪,从未有过屠城泄愤的事例,说不定城内会自己先动乱起来。
因此得知枢密府决定投降的消息时,大家都松了口气, 不仅没有感到失落,反倒兴高采烈的热议此事——对大部分徐国百姓而言,更换统治者并非什么难以接受的事情, 再怎么说启国女皇又不是异族,由她来统领也没啥不光彩的。
On the contrary, many people are even looking forward to the arrival of this female emperor, eager to witness her appearance and charm with their own eyes.
Therefore, as she walked out of the royal guard team and stepped onto the surrender platform step by step, the dense crowd immediately became restless.
That is a woman full of heroic spirit.
Of course, there are also doubts.
"Is the Queen... Your Majesty really an adult?"
"She looks about the same height as my daughter..."
"Shut up, you're asking for trouble. That is the Emperor who unifies the six kingdoms! With one hand, he can crush your head!"
“没错, 我也听说过,她个头虽然娇小,但力量大得惊人,每次作战都会驾驶一台红色机关兽在阵中横冲直撞,没人能拦得住她!”
Discussions like these abound, even though people know very well that the content being discussed is highly dangerous. However, they cannot contain their curiosity.
"Greetings, Your Majesty." Chu Pu stared at the woman for a moment, then lowered his head deeply, kneeling on one knee, and held up the letter of surrender in his hand. Translation:
Ning Wanjun took the surrender letter but didn't open it immediately. Instead, she gestured towards the long table between them, "Please have a seat first."
"Okay," replied Yuhengshi as he stood up.
"Are there only this few people in the Yongding Prime Minister's residency who can attend?" She slowly scanned the people behind Yuhengshi - apart from Chu Pu, there were eleven others who participated in the surrender, including the military commander and the capital's officials. The number of advisers from the Prime Minister's residency was relatively small, and together with Yuhengshi, there were only five of them.
"Some people pretend to be sick to recuperate, I...
"It's okay, I was just asking casually," Ning Wanjun interrupted her, "Anyway, the leader of the Seven Stars is here, so this decree is surely valid, right?"
"Of course, the Seven-Star Prime Minister's Mansion also hopes to quickly bring an end to the war and restore normalcy in the lives of the six states."
"Have you seen Xia Fan? How is he doing?" The Emperor suddenly changed the subject.
"Uh...what?" Chu Pu was momentarily unable to react.
"Xia Fan, huh? He should be doing fine in Shangyuan City, right? After all, he has a fox demon accompanying him."
Hold on, what does this mean?
Why does she always feel like there's an underlying meaning in what the other person says?
Gu Jian
Is this the lack of harmony between the monarch and his ministers that the Privy Council has been waiting for a long time?
But though they may not be getting along, this question does show a genuine concern for Xia Fan. At least the concern doesn't seem fake.
Shaking his head after a moment of contemplation, Chu Pu decided to answer truthfully.
"Well, I guess it's fine. Let him enjoy himself for a while longer." Ning Wanjun shrugged. "But I didn't expect the Seven Stars Mission to decide on the final war after just one visit to Qiguo. It seems that his persuasive skills are still remarkable."
Can you convince people with a bridge that spans across the underground and a high-speed moving box? Yuheng couldn't help but mock in her heart. Isn't this just a matter of talking? Even she could do it if she were in charge.
"Lord Xia...indeed has a convincing determination. Before arriving at Qiguo, I couldn't have imagined that I would make up my mind so quickly."
"Making a decision early is naturally best. In doing so, the people of the world can also suffer less hardship." Ning Wanjun finally returned to the main topic, she untied the silk ribbon on the letter and spread it out on the table.
Just at this moment, a black smoke suddenly spewed out from the books and hit Ning Wanjun directly.
“Cough cough— What is this—”
“Your Majesty!” The guard behind her had a drastic change in expression and swiftly stepped forward, sweeping away the descending books with his sword. Another person used their body as a shield, separating her from the black smoke.
“Protect the carriage!”
"Kill the traitor!"
"Eliminate the Seven Stars!"
The crowd immediately turned chaotic!
"Protect Queen Qiguo!" Tian Xuan exclaimed urgently, "Ning Wanjun must not die at our hands!"
Chu Pu had already engaged in a melee with the other attackers - as soon as she started fighting, she could sense that among this group of people, there were not only Green Sword-level sorcerers, but at least one Feather Robe-level as well.
Of course, the other party must also spare no effort for their own purposes. Regardless of whether Ning Wanjun herself possesses defensive skills, she is surrounded by powerful guards, and the attending Seven Star Envoys cannot simply stand by. In order to severely damage the Queen before the Tianqi Army reacts, one must seize this rare opportunity. Once the surrender is over, this matter will be set in stone, and even assassinating Ning Wanjun afterwards will not be able to change this outcome.
If someone wants to make trouble, the only choice is for Qiguo to revoke his decision to accept surrender!
There is nothing that would anger the Tianqi Army more easily than the assassination of the queen.
"Is everyone here?" Chu Pu suddenly stepped back and returned to a corner of the platform.
"I guess so."
"Even if not all, at least most of the key members. Once these people die, the instigators won't be able to stir up any more trouble." Yao Guang communicated to Tian Xuan through telepathy.
It was surprising that they gradually changed their appearances and ended up looking exactly like Chu Pu.
Suddenly, three Yu Hengshi appeared on the scene!
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