Chapter 101 The Hero, Huo Yingxiong

Chapter 101 The Hero, Huo Yingxiong
Kowloon Tong, Mr. Deng's garden villa
"Fine, I got it!"
Receiving the message from Jiang Zhen hanging up, Mr. Deng, feeling neither happy nor sad, hung up the phone expressionlessly.
"Fought for decades, and never thought you would still end up in front of me." Deng Bo murmured softly, finally showing a genuine smile on his face. He had been losing for half of his life, but today he finally won the last game.
Due to the problem of obesity, Deng Boping, who has been paying great attention to health care in recent years, not only goes to bed and gets up early, but also quits smoking and drinking for fear of falling behind.
Jiang Zhen has passed away, but Deng Boping, who believes he still has a promising future, at least can cultivate several suitable successors for He and Liansheng. He suddenly thinks of wine as he looks at the teacup in front of him.
Dengbo, who wants to drink and get drunk, urgently needs wine and whiskey to celebrate the unexpected victory!
"Bring me a bottle of whiskey." Sitting in a traditional Chinese study, looking at the lingering sunset on the horizon outside the French window, Dengbo smiled and ordered the servant at the other end of the electric bell.
"Jiang Zhen, oh Jiang Zhen, you have been a power figure for your whole life, but still couldn't sort out the family affairs. You clearly know that the eldest son is useless but still treat him like a treasure, and the youngest son who is most like you was driven away to Thailand by you! If Hung Hing is in chaos, I'll use my head as a ball for you to kick!"
"I am different, I have trained A Le, Big D, and they are all talented. Oh, and also the recently risen epilepsy dog, although with his play style, he will play himself to death sooner or later."
"But with this mad dog biting around, believe me, your idle waste of a son will soon go down to accompany you."
Normally smiling, Mr. Deng could no longer restrain the heroic spirit in his chest and muttered to himself.
There's no way. I'm already old, and I've been suppressed for half of my life. At this point, even the most dominant will inevitably lose their composure.
"Dang dang dang!"
After three polite knocks on the door, Huo Qizhen, dressed in a black suit and holding a tray with whiskey and crystal glasses, walked into Mr. Deng's study with a smile.
Looking at the quite unfamiliar Huoqi Town, Deng Bo, who had been excited, quickly switched to a calm smile and said, "Sit down and have a drink with me!"
Without waiting for his consent, he casually barged into his study. The man in front of him could not possibly be a servant of the Deng family.
"No, I'm not used to drinking foreign liquor." He shook his head and refused, then casually opened his suit to reveal a Beretta 92 (pistol) at his waist.
"Can we talk? There's ten million in cash inside." Deng Bo picked up the whiskey on the tray and poured himself a glass, pointing to the safe beside him.
“Here is the corticosteroid specially prepared by my boss for you. Drink it and you'll feel the effects in three minutes, and within ten minutes, you'll pass without any pain.” Withdrawing the gun, Huo Qizhen slowly aimed it at Deng Bo's forehead and gestured for him to drink it.
"Jiang Zhen sent you?" Faced with the gun, Deng Bo still smiled and looked at Huo Qizhen, with a slight twitch at the corner of his eye.
"You're also a big shot from one side. Since I can enter this study, there's no point in dragging it out." If it weren't for Hou Wencong repeatedly instructing to make the old man in front of him drink the whisky in the bottle, the decisive Huo Qizhen would have shot already.
"I want to chat about....."
Facing death, no one can be as stoic as Hoda. Well... maybe the Dung Bo of decades ago could, but now that he's old, he's no longer the underworld strongman who once ruled the roost.
Before Deng Bo finished speaking, Huo Qizhen, with a gun against the bottom of the cup, forced Deng Bo to drink the whiskey in the cup.
After the first glass went down, knowing that it would be difficult to escape this time, Deng Bo poured himself a second glass and said, "I just want to know who is behind you?" After speaking, he raised his glass and toasted Huo Qizhen, then drank the contents of the glass in one gulp.
He said his name was Jiang Tianyang. After reporting Jiang Tianyang's name, the silent Huo Qizhen just looked at Deng Bo, from poisoning to pain to death.
"You... said... it's not... painful, right? You... bastard!" Dengbo, who was suffering from a paralyzing heart and blocked blood vessels, uttered his final words and then breathed his last.
Even after mixing for decades, she's still so naive, it serves her right to be done in by someone!
Not knowing who Jiang Tianyang was, Huo Qizhen glanced at the already dead Deng Bo when he heard the name from Hou Wencong, and silently murmured to the other's body. After he took out a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on, he slowly brought in a half-drunk bottle of whiskey from outside and replaced the poisoned bottle with a crystal glass.
After finishing the scene of the crime, he carefully double-checked to make sure nothing was missed before leisurely walking out of the villa.
......I am the dividing line......
"It's useless to be tough with me here. Why don't you go and say that to the two outside the door?"
With Hou Wencong’s words and pointing direction, Ben Shu from the Number Gang and Hao Shu from New Memory brought Yao Wen, Ax Jun, and other little brothers in through the front door of the spiritual hall.
"It seems like they're not very welcoming to us, considering the situation!" Upon arriving at the memorial hall, Ben glanced around and then focused his gaze on the leader, Jiang Tiansheng, saying.
"I dare not! Both you and Haoshu are seniors in the martial arts world, please!" Jiang Tiansheng gestured for everyone to disperse and made a polite gesture towards Ben and Haoshu.
“How is it calculated now? Are you going to take over as the head of the Hongxing in the future? I...” What I want is to catch the opponent off guard. Uncle Ben looked at Jiang Tiansheng in front of him, then turned his head to glance at the other big brothers of Hongxing.
"Tonight is the seventh day of my father's passing. Let's talk about company matters another day." Knowing that the other party has ill intentions, but constrained by the rules of the underworld, Jiang Tiansheng forcefully interrupted Uncle Ben's words as they were about to enter to pay respects.
Abiding by the rules, Jiang Tiansheng naturally had no scruples. Hou, Ben, and Hao were not enough to make Jiang Tiansheng retreat without limits. After all, he was the son of the big shot Jiang Zhen.
With a cold laugh, Uncle Ben said, "It's okay, I can wait. But I'm afraid you won't make it through tonight. Bring it up!"
As he gestured for the henchman to bring the things forward, Uncle Ben pointed at the sackcloth bag and said, "Mr. Fang! If you don't want to involve your family, then repeat what you just said in front of the big bosses here. How did Jiang Zhen die?"
As Uncle Ben's voice fell, several quick-handed little brothers quickly opened the burlap bag, revealing the badly beaten owner of the Fangyuan Teahouse, Fangyuan.
(Yes, he is the owner of the tea house in Kowloon Walled City who acted as the middleman for Hou Wencong to find Ah Wu).
"The person was hired by Tai Ban in Causeway Bay, and the gunman is a mainland assassin called Holland. As for the rest...I really don't know!" With his voice wavering like a leaking bellows, Fang Yuan looked up and glanced at Jiang Tiansheng, who was standing in the mourning area with his family wearing mourning clothes.
It's obvious that Fangyuan, whose lungs are all damaged, won't survive. If it weren't for the last favor from Lao San, he wouldn't have disclosed the information of both buyer and seller, as he is committed to his job and loves it, Fangyuan would rather die with his whole family.
“You think it's true?” There was a hint of panic in Jiang Tiansheng's eyes as he turned to look at the elder uncle who had sat back in the front row of the mourning hall.
“Zhen Ge's death was so sudden, I have long suspected it was an inside job!” Regardless of whether it is true or not, Trustworthy Uncle immediately began to incite the crowd, trying to pin the blame for patricide on Jiang Tiansheng.
"No way, how could Mr. Xiao Jiang be so cruel as a son of Brother Zhen. He should not be like this." He said "No way" but actually, Brother Ji had already had suspicions about Xiao Jiang. Following the principle of being two-faced, Brother Ji chose a ambiguous "neutral" attitude.
Unlike the contentious crowd, the top-row bully charged toward Fang Yuan and grabbed his collar, bellowing, "Are you the Dutch boy with dyed blonde hair and a Henan accent?"
Well... when Niu Lao mentioned a yellow-haired person, everyone subconsciously glanced at Hou Wencong with his crew cut. No need to say, this guy's golden hair style has already become ingrained in people's minds.
After attracting the attention of the crowd with his own actions, the bull, who suddenly showed great acting skills, put on a sad expression and said, "A few days ago, this guy took my boat from the mainland to sneak over. He didn't have money to pay for the boat fee and even injured my men. I've been looking for this guy for the past two days, and this morning I received a report from my men saying they saw him at a hair salon in Big B in Causeway Bay. This guy even dyed his hair yellow."
“What are you all looking at me for while Hongxing is in turmoil?” said Hou Wencong, patting his crew cut with a smile and a shrug.
“Guohua and Wenzhen also suspect that there's a problem within the Jiang family, so they've decided not to help distribute goods for them in the future. Please allow them to break free from Jiang's control, as no one wants to die in such a mysterious way.”
"I, Wen Zheng, know clearly what role I should play at this moment!" Wen Zheng, who knew what role he should play, quickly stood up and said.
"Alright, the matters between our three families are considered settled, as for the internal affairs of Hongxing, we outsiders should not interfere!" Hou Wencong, who recognized the strength of the three families, smiled and snapped his fingers confidently.
Now that all the evidence and documents are complete, the chain of evidence is also quite sufficient. Jiang Tiansheng, who has no way to argue, can only insist on being the son of Jiang Zhen and bark madly, "I am the real son of Jiang Zhen. How could I kill my old man? This is all a conspiracy arranged by you. I am the head of the Hongxing. You are framing me, you want to seize power!"
"Jiang Tiansheng, you are indeed Zhenge's son, but you have not yet become the leader of Hongxing! If you can't give a reasonable explanation for Zhenge's actions tonight, no one in Hongxing will follow you!" Xin Shu, full of anger, tried to use this opportunity to pull Jiang Tiansheng down, at least to make the Jiulong Frontline a kingdom independent of the family. "
"I'm here to offer incense to Jiang Zhen."
In the midst of the gradually approaching voices, an old man with the momentum of an invincible army strode quickly from the gate of the hall.
Well, what dragon walking and tiger stepping, what thousands of troops and horses, these are all just fabricated by Hou Wencong. Knowing the identity of the visitor, the only result that Hou Wencong can think of after hearing the other party's words is that no matter how much thought and calculation the people at this funeral have put into it, it's basically a waste.
There's no way, the person walking towards us right now is a bug, a human bug from Hong Kong.
In terms of financial power, he is not inferior to the richest man in the city, Song Shiwan. In terms of political power, he can handle what the Hong Kong governor, Yude, can or cannot handle. In terms of influence, he is even more powerful than Jiang Zhen. (Referring to the Hong Kong and Macau regions)
He was a neat and sharp-dressed old man in a black suit, with a serious balding on his head. However, it did not diminish his imposing look at all. He walked straight to the coffin of Jiang Zhen, and after a moment of silence, he turned and walked to Jiang Tiansheng, who was standing in the family greeting area, and said, "You are Jiang Zhen's son? My condolences."
"My name is Jiang Tiansheng," said Jiang Tiansheng respectfully, as he shook the hand of the elderly man surnamed Huo with both hands in a formal manner.
“I remember it was thirty-three years ago, your old man was still working at the Triangle Pier. One night, the government's military police suddenly conducted a large search on a warehouse in Sai Ying Pun where I was staying.
Fortunately, that night he received a tip from a small policeman two hours in advance, and organized manpower to help me transfer the goods from the warehouse in Xiyinpand to the ship at the dock.
If it weren't for him, dozens of tons of drugs and cotton...forget it, doesn't he always say 'you have to pay back when you come out to run'? Today, let's just consider me coming to repay this favor to him."
After speaking, he gently placed his hand on Jiang Tiansheng's arm, gesturing for him to stand up straight. The old man then looked around and said, "My old friend has passed away today, and I don't want to see any unpleasant incidents happen at his funeral."
"If there are any, I consider them all as challenges to me, Huo Yingxiong!" After saying this, he patted Jiang Tiansheng's shoulder and left without looking back.
There is a bit of acquaintance with Jiang Zhen, but it is not deep. For Hero Huo Ying, being able to leave this "promise" is already the limit of what he can do for Jiang Zhen.
There is no way. Jiang Zhen is really too shady, and Hero Huo Ying, as a humanoid walking bug, doesn't want to get involved with this family too much.
Ma Legobi, it's too damn bullying, what the hell are we playing!
After whispering a sentence, Hou Wencong glanced at Uncle Ben and Uncle Hao, then turned and walked out of the spiritual hall.
Well... if to put it simply, the promise from Huo Yingxiong can be translated in plain language as: Before Jiang Zhentou's burial on the seventh day, no one can touch Jiang Tiansheng, but he himself can freely find someone to assassinate all his enemies or anyone who stands in his way to power. (As for him being arrested by the police, or being killed by someone after the seventh day, that is not Huo Yingxiong's concern.)
Unless you have the strength to challenge the person-shaped self-walking bug Huo Yingxiong, you'd better follow what he says.
??4200 words, don't want to split it into two chapters.
Yesterday went out for a drink, but my alcohol tolerance is so bad, I just went straight to bed when I got back!
(End of this chapter)
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