Chapter 726: Operation Approaching

Chapter 726: Operation Approaching
The crowd present couldn't help but be shocked. The Vulture, Qin Sanhu, Boss Wu, and others all stood up.
Xu Crazy's nickname "Crazy" comes from the fact that this guy is unscrupulous and would do anything to achieve his goals.
徐疯子拔枪的那一刻, 罗战就已经察觉到危险,枪口刚刚抬起,还没来得及扣动扳机,罗战手腕一抖,手中匕首化作一道银光激射而出,不偏不倚直接射穿喉咙。
Originally, I didn't plan to kill Xu, but then I thought, this crazy Xu is cunning and treacherous. If he stays, he will be a disaster and might even affect our mountain attack plan. It's better to take this opportunity to get rid of him once and for all, to prevent future troubles.
The tip of the knife stabbed out from the back of the neck, and blood instantly flowed out. Xu Frenzy widened his eyes, looking at Luo Zhan in disbelief. He covered his neck with both hands, his mouth wide open, making a whimpering sound, but unable to say a single word.
Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at this scene in a daze. After holding on for a moment, Xu Fengzi's body twitched twice and the vitality in his eyes rapidly faded away. Finally, he fell to the ground slowly, with unwillingness and pain.
罗战露出一副惋惜的模样,缓缓走到近前, 抬脚踢掉他手里的枪, 然后弯腰捡起看了看,随手扔给一旁的柱子。
Squatting next to the body, Luo Zhan grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it out fiercely. The warm fresh blood gushed out like a fountain, but fortunately Luo Zhan quickly dodged.
"To die by one's own sword, you died justly."
No sympathy at all, Luo Zhan sneered, considering anyone who wanted to assassinate him as an enemy, a deadly foe. There was no need for mercy. If it came to a fight to the death, one must be prepared for death.
"Does anyone else want to come out and give it a try?" Luo Zhan held a blood-stained dagger, his cold gaze sweeping the surroundings. No one dared to meet his eyes. Today, the Fourth Prince seemed a bit unfamiliar.
"Since nobody else has stepped up, Shuangtou Mountain will take charge of this." Luo Zhan glanced at Vulture and the third in command, signaling them to speak up.
"Congratulations, Big Brother. From today onwards, you will be the head of the San Mountain gang." The third in command immediately stood up and took the lead, as this was his specialty.
"Greetings to the big boss!" The small henchmen below all made a salute, their roaring voices deafening. Upon closer inspection, they were all brothers from Shuangtou Mountain. The people from Qinglong Gang were all crippled by Luo Zhan, even their leader was killed. And although the Wumong Ridge was unwilling, they had indeed been defeated, with no choice but to accept it."
As Big Brother Wu stood up to bow to the Vulture, the other lackeys dared not make any trouble.
Big Brother Wu was unwilling to bow, but Luo Zhan's power was too strong. Xu Crazy had already been killed, and no one dared to say a half word. The Vulture also showed no indication, it was clear that today was a trap. If Big Brother Wu did not agree, the next one to die would be him, and it might even bring harm to Yang Ling, Little Sister Wu, and other brothers.
When seeing Minister Wu accept the position and Bald Vulture finally stand up, his gaze swept over the crowd and he said, "Since my brothers have raised me up, I won't decline. Actually, it doesn't matter who becomes the leader, what matters is that we must unite and work together. Otherwise, it won't be long before the three of our banditry bases are wiped out. Only by combining the strength of our three families can we contend with the army."
"I am very sorry about the death of Xu Dajia. The merger of the Three Mountains was originally a good thing, but unfortunately Xu Dajia could not see it. I don't know why he pulled out his gun. We are all on the same side. The decision to have a martial arts competition was made collectively. If anyone disagrees, they can speak up, but they must not point their gun at their own people."
"The Four Master's intervention was also out of helplessness, and I regret it. The brothers of Qinglong Village will be our family in the future, and I will take care of them on behalf of Xu Da."
"Starting from tomorrow, Qinglong Village and Wumong Ridge will become our second and third villages. All able-bodied fighters should gather at Shuangtou Mountain. We need to form a team with sufficient combat strength to resist the army."
"We have enough food, equipment, to last us for three years. By then, perhaps we won't be bandits anymore, but a force that can challenge the army. Who knows, we might even have our own army, and all our brothers can become platoon leaders, company commanders, or even commanders."
The vulture's speech aroused the crowd's enthusiasm, and the bandits below were all excited, as if all those things were about to succeed.
After the matter was settled, Qin Sanhu and the third leader headed straight to the Qinglong Stronghold with Xu Fengzi's body to explain the true situation. With Xu Fengzi's death, the Qinglong Stronghold no longer had any masters. If anyone dared to challenge, Qin Sanhu alone would be enough to deal with them.
After the construction of the wooden houses on Shuangtou Mountain, the number of people will explode when the main forces of the three mountains gather here, so the previous buildings are definitely not enough.
Although Boss Wu is unwilling, he can't say much since the situation is already set. As the second-in-command after the merger, Boss Wu still has some benefits, but he is an experienced person who sees everything through.
Xu Fengzi is dead, and Qinglong Village has been completely assimilated into Shuangtou Mountain. Now, Boss Wu is like a thorn in the vulture's side. As long as he is there, the brothers in Wumong Ridge will never have the same goal as the vulture. Once the timing is right, they will surely make a move on him.
As a result, Boss Wu became disheartened and decided to quit Wumong Ridge, handing everything over to Vulture and asking for nothing in return. He only took Wu Xiaomei and his family to start a new life, allowing Vulture to feel at ease and become the true leader.
When the vulture learned the news, it hypocritically ran over and advised for half a day. In fact, it was already ecstatic in its heart. Without Xu Crazy and Wu Boss blocking the way, from now on, everything would be under its control.
At the end of the day, Wu Laoda is the smartest among these people. He has evaded not only the vultures but also the approaching army.
After the end of the Korean War, Wu Laoda realized that they didn't have much time left. It would be a pipe dream for a mere group of bandits from three mountain strongholds to challenge the army. Even the planes and cannons of the UN forces were ineffective, so what can these bandits amount to? It all depends on whether the army is determined or not.
He is not as blindly confident as the vulture. He has long seen through the situation. Even without this merger, Boss Wu is ready to withdraw from the arena. This is also the true reason why he refused to let his sister marry Qin Sanhu.
After learning this news, Luo Zhan pondered for a long time whether or not to let him go. After all, he had been a bandit for so many years and now he didn't want to do it anymore. How could it be so easy, just leave with a pat on the butt?
Ultimately, Luo Zhan decided to pretend not to know about it. After all, there is only Wu Laoda's family and this old man hasn't done anything terribly wrong. If he wants to turn over a new leaf and start a new life, he should be given a chance, especially since he has Yang Ling by his side.
This kid is not an ordinary person. He has extraordinary talent. If he keeps practicing, he will definitely become a grandmaster of Tai Chi in the future. If such a genius dies here, it will be a loss for martial arts.
The vulture's movements are fast, and he acts swiftly. In just three days, he has built hundreds of wooden houses. At the same time, the brothers from the other two mountain strongholds have arrived one after another, bringing a large number of weapons and equipment. The number of people has more than doubled. Seeing so many subordinates and equipment, the vulture's confidence has soared even higher.
When we were busy on the mountain, Luo Zhan gave the order to enter the mountain. The task of exterminating the bandits had been delayed for more than a month, and now all the bandits from the three mountains have gathered at Shuangtou Mountain. It's a perfect opportunity to annihilate them all at once. It's time to close the net.
As the order is issued, each department deploys action according to Luo Zhan's deployment.
The Wolf Sting Assault Team detours the back mountain and climbs up the cliff behind the kitchen. Luo Zhan had arranged ropes there in advance. Since defeating Xu Crazy in the martial arts competition, Luo Zhan's prestige on the mountain has even surpassed that of Bald Vulture. A large number of people, especially newcomers, greatly admire Luo Zhan. Now, his position on the mountain is increasing day by day. If no action is taken, Luo Zhan will become the leader.
Hong San led his team to attack the hill where the food and ammunition were stored. It had to be taken down first, otherwise, if the enemy occupied it and cut off the suspension bridge, there would be no other way except to bombard them with artillery. That was the top priority in the mountain assault.
Zhou Qilang and Batur's team will main attack the mountain gate. Sangka, Xu Changshun, and Tiedan's three teams will cooperate with Lang to attack Dazhai.
Everything is arranged properly. The special forces team sets off that night. Bailong follows Zhou Qilang because the position of the mountain gate is the most dangerous, with the most patrolling bandits. We must be cautious. If we are exposed, the whole plan will be affected.
The Wolf Stabbing Assault team has the longest route. They have to bypass the Double-Headed Mountain and find the ropes set up by Luo Zhan at the foot of the cliff, which is a distance of about twenty kilometers.
These days, the team members are going crazy. They have been waiting for orders for so long, and now they are all ready to go, as if they have an endless supply of energy.
"Look, is that the spot marked by the captain up ahead?"
The vanguard, who always led the way, pointed to a cliff fifty meters ahead and asked. The valley around it was covered in overgrown grass, and the cliff walls were adorned with moss and vines.
"Give me the map!" the hunter said as he observed and extended his hand.
Next to him, the shark quickly took out the map and spread it on the ground. This map was drawn by Luan Zhan himself, clearly indicating the distribution of the outposts and the path up the mountain.
After a comparison, the hunter nodded, "It should be correct, this is about it."
"You guys stay here, I'll go and investigate," Vanguard said.
"I'll accompany you!" the monkey jumped over.
They quickened their pace and pushed through the tall weeds, making their way towards the edge of the cliff, where the hunters were on alert.
Their location was behind the Double-Headed Mountain, a place rarely visited by people, but still not safe, especially in recent days when people from the other two strongholds would sometimes take a detour from here.
Pioneer and the monkey crossed through the weeds and arrived below the valley. The narrow valley was impassable, filled with thorny brambles that were dense and couldn't even see the bottom of the valley.
The two had no choice but to walk along the edge of the valley, observing as they went. After walking for a while, the monkey suddenly stopped and pointed to a vine clinging to the cliff on the right side.
"Look at that, isn't it a bit awkward?"
Pioneering followed the direction of the finger and saw a vine sticking straight to the cliff. Pioneering frowned, picked up the binoculars, and carefully observed it, unable to help but chuckle.
"What vine is that? It's the rope the captain prepared for us, no mistake about it, it's right here."
"Oh my God, why did the captain choose such a terrible place? We have to cross the valley first." The monkey shrugged helplessly. The valley may not be big, but it is impassable."
"This is easy to handle, just clear a path." Pioneers laughed.
"This task is suitable for dinosaurs and bears!" The monkey blinked.
"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it ourselves. After all, we are the vanguard." Uncover sighed with a smile, pulled out the bayonet from his hand, and strode forward.
"Ah, am I destined to be a weed remover?" The monkey reluctantly stepped forward, and the two took turns wielding their machetes, forcefully carving out a small path in the thorny valley, leading straight to the bottom of the cliff opposite.
Finally arrived at the bottom of the cliff, Vanguard looked up and saw that this section of the cliff was at least fifty meters high, and extremely steep. The moss on top made the cliff incredibly slippery, with no place to gain traction. Without the rope being lowered by Luo Zhan, even with their skills, they wouldn't be able to climb up.
"Almost done, let's withdraw!" Pioneer waved his hand, and the two of them returned along the same path.
"How's the situation?" Hunter asked as soon as they returned to the gathering point.
"We found the rope that the captain left behind, it's not far ahead," Pioneer reported.
The hunter looked down at the time and whispered, "Rest in place, recharge your energy, and move right on time tonight."
The special forces team's favorite attack time is dawn. Lately, the bandits on the mountain are quite exhausted. In addition to accepting new recruits from the other two camps, they also have to train under Luo Zhan. Moreover, Luo Zhan has significantly increased the training intensity, depleting their energy.
These days, after dinner, the bandits start resting early, especially the newbies who are not used to training, they are so tired that they fall asleep as soon as they lie down.
Originally, Luo Zhan planned to set the time at 2 o'clock in the morning, because that's when people are most tired and least alert. However, these days, Luo Zhan found that he didn't need to wait until 2 o'clock, around midnight the entire stronghold would quiet down, and those lackeys would sleep like dead pigs, unable to be awakened.
The most dangerous place is the position of the mountain gate. The vultures have given strict orders, and there are more than ten bandits guarding the mountain gate. They must remain highly vigilant at all times. They change shifts every two hours to ensure that they do not fall asleep.
There is only one narrow mountain path here that leads to the mountain gate. To reach the top, one must pass through here. Over ten people are guarding the path with two machine guns, more than enough to defend. If anyone is detected, no one can attack and make it up.
Lying under a tree, Zhou Qiulang watched the bandits patrolling back and forth on the mountainside and whispered, "There's no other way, we can only wait for the captain to come for support."
"That may not be necessary, I can cover you with artillery fire and charge up." Batur looked at those bandits, knowing that just one rocket would wipe them all out.
"No, the captain has to fight silently. There are two thousand bandits above us, and we only have a few dozen. If we wake them all up, it means the plan has failed," said Zhou Qilang, shaking his head.
"Have both sides been investigated? Is there no way up?" Batu looked at the forests on both sides of the mountain road. He was not good at this stuff, but Zhou Qilang could handle it.
"We have investigated it all, and we can't go up!" Zhouqi Wolf shook his head helplessly. In this situation, it is impossible to fight silently without support.
Just when he was at a loss, the White Dragon, who was originally lying under the tree, stood up.
Wolf Seven's eyes suddenly brightened and he leaned forward, asking in a low voice, "Bailong, can you go up the mountain from the woods and take out those guys?"
Bailong's huge head was filled with disdain and pride. He glanced at the bandit's position, didn't make a sound, and turned to walk into the woods.
(End of this chapter)
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