In the 17th year of the Jiantong era, by the Ili River.
Over ten swift horses galloped across the grassland, with a young man and a young woman leading the way on horseback.
The young man riding at the front had a tall figure and was dressed like a Mongolian noble, with a striking appearance featuring high cheekbones. However, his looks leaned more towards a Han Chinese young man.
He released the reins with both hands, riding on horseback while drawing his bow. With a swift movement, an arrow flew through the air, hitting the fleeing prey in the distance.
However, the Mongolian girl had already galloped past him, shouting, "I want to hunt an even bigger prey."
"Namu'er," Li Changsui quickly called out to her, saying, "We've already come too far, let's go back."
"I'm not going back." Namu'er turned around, smiling, and waved at him, the silver bells on her wrist jingling. "If you have the ability, catch up with me."
Li Changsui was stirred up by a strong desire to win and urged his horse forward.
Both of the horses under their crotches were excellent, running faster and faster, gradually leaving the attendants behind.
“Your Highness!”
A knight made every effort to catch up with them, but could only watch as a young couple ahead disappeared from sight. After riding a while longer, he completely lost their trace.
Akayazhi River upstream is a valley.
The sky is blue, the grass is green, and the valley is peaceful.
Li Changsui finally grabbed the reins of the horse under Naimuer's hips and said, "We can't run anymore."
"Alright then."
Namu'er skillfully propped herself up in the saddle and gracefully leaped off the horse. She smoothed her hair and smiled, saying, "I want to let my horse rest for a bit. Come down, and let's go over there to water the horses."
Li Changsui sighed helplessly, leading the horse behind her and said, "I'm following you and causing trouble. When we go back, I'll have to be scolded by Sir."
"You will be the Khan on the grassland, why are you afraid of him?"
"Because he is my husband."
"But they have so many rules, it would be so much better to be carefree like us."
"My husband said that unconstrained freedom is not real freedom."
"It's Mr. Yu again."
Na Mu'er laughed again, seemingly mocking Li Changsui, and even reached out to pinch his face.
"Don't touch me." Li Changsui didn't like her action, broke free from her hand, and said, "I am no longer a child."
Namu'er "hummed" and sat down by the river, waving at him.
"Stay for a while, don't you still have homework to do when you go back?"
Li Changsui couldn't help but let out a sigh, and sat down on the grassland, stretching lazily. He really didn't feel like doing homework. Translated: Namu'er "hummed" and sat down by the river, waving at him. "Stay for a while, don't you still have homework to do when you go back?" Li Changsui couldn't help but let out a sigh, and sat down on the grassland, stretching lazily. He really didn't feel like doing homework.
The breeze was pleasant, carrying the scent of fresh grass, unlike the perpetual smell of horse manure in the campground.
He sat for a while, lying down on his back, gazing at the blue sky and murmuring, "I can't quite remember what Chang'an looks like anymore."
"Don't you like it here?" Namul lies down beside him, turning to look at his face.
"Don't know," Li Changsui puffs his cheeks and asks, "Aren't you going hunting? Go quickly, I'll wait for you to bring back the prey."
Li Changsui turned his head and felt soft lips pressing against his own.
After a while, he finally caught his breath and murmured, "You're my cousin... and we're still young."
If there is a barely perceptible scent of rouge.
Li Changsui felt uneasy in his heart, but indeed felt... felt very good.
Both of them were just fourteen years old, without any experience, yet they subtly understood everything, and once entangled, it was like an electric shock.
They kissed for a long time.
It was a novel sensation for Li Changsui, one that he had never experienced before. He lost himself in the moment, forgetting about many things.
The river flowed peacefully, from dawn to dusk, and eventually into the night. After a long while, the intertwined boy and girl finally mustered the courage to put on their clothes and leave.
Glacial meltwater from the mountains of Altay flows into the Irtysh River and passes through this area, forming immense turquoise-like lakes in the canyons. There are forests, meadows, and abundant flowers.
In October, General Li Xixian passed by with his troops, and Wu Ze warmly entertained him with wine, expressing deep regret during the feast.
"After eight years on the grassland, Your Highness, you have become more like a 'barbarian'. Fortunately, you still listen to Lord Lian's advice. Lord Lian, please make sure to advise him."
However, Lin Xixian shook his head and asked, "What do you mean by 'becoming like a barbarian'?"
Wu Ze didn't know where to start and said, "Nowadays, Your Highness and his cousin are deeply in love, and their words and actions are becoming more and more affectionate."
Lian Xixian smiled and said, "A deeply affectionate couple can be seen at the banquet. But being deeply in love doesn't mean being frivolous; the Central Plains have many loving couples."
"The upright official clearly knows what the students are saying."
Lian Xixian tightened his thick padded coat and asked, "Is Your Highness wearing a fox fur today, considering the harsh cold of the north?"
"Nowadays, cotton cultivation in the Western Regions has gradually become effective, and many Mongolian and Uyghur people wear cotton clothes. Has it been Sinicized?"
"But cotton is not originally from the Central Plains either, right? Before the previous dynasty, we only had the character 'mian' and not the character 'mian' with the 'mu' radical." Lian Xixian said, "Wearing warm clothes is just a matter of using materials. What you are willing to see is called sinicization, and what you are unwilling to see is called barbarization. It is not advisable."
Wu Ze's expression turned serious as he asked, "Why bother joking with students, Your Highness? I am referring to your words and actions."
"At this age, it is difficult to control young people. Isn't it normal?" Lian Xixian replied, "Your Highness spent seven years in the Western Regions since the age of seven and eight years among the Mongolians. It is not surprising that your words and actions resemble theirs. What is truly astonishing is if I were to see a Your Highness wearing a round-collared robe and saying 'zhī hū zhě yě' (a classic expression used by ancient Chinese scholars), now that would be a remarkable sight."
"Aren't you worried about the public's scrutiny?"
"I suggest you not put too much pressure on yourself, and not to burden His Highness too much either."
"How can I not worry?" Wu Ze said, "Wulu Hu is intentionally trying to turn His Highness into a Mongolian..."
Lian Xixian said, "You only see the changes in His Highness, but you haven't seen the changes in the entire Western Region Khanate."
Wu Ze was taken aback.
Lian Xixian raised his hand and pointed, saying, "Let's see, what did we eat today?"
"Da...Da Pan Chicken."
"Chicken, potatoes, chili peppers." Lin Xixian lifted the chopsticks in his hand and said, "There are also vermicelli from Sichuan and Shaanxi noodles." Translated content:
Wu Ze laughed and said, "Sir Lian is really good at comforting people."
"You only focus on His Highness, so you think it's strange that he married his cousin early and wears Mongolian clothes and speaks Mongolian. But remember, changing one person's behavior is easy, but changing the behavior of people from all over the world, educating the masses, is a gradual process that takes time. Nowadays, we are growing potatoes in the Western Regions, and they are growing maize in the Liao North. How many times can seeds be sown in a year? But since the seeds have been sown, they will eventually sprout."
Wu Zeruo seemed lost in thought.
Lian Xixian patted his shoulder and finally said, "Integration is mutual. Every ethnic group has its own good and bad customs. What matters is that Your Highness doesn't lose your benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness. When educating the Western Regions, you cannot expect to only teach one highness. In short, having enough provisions teaches one etiquette, while having sufficient clothing and food teaches one about honor and disgrace."
Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Lian. The student understands now.
After a long conversation, Wu Ze indeed knows what he should do.
As the future prime minister of the Anxi Kingdom, he began to devote more energy to governance, educating the pastoralists in farming and preparing to build a city at the Zhai Sang Lake...
Spring has gone and autumn has come, and in the blink of an eye, it is now the 26th year of the Jian Tong era.
A city has emerged by the banks of Lake Zhangsang.
Not only are there merchants and Han people living here, but also an increasing number of pastoralists and nobles from the Khaganate have moved into the city.
Even Princess Hure Hūlin still prefers living in a tent by the lake in the Chaghan-Gate Tai Khanate.
But on this fifth day of May, even she has reached the end of her life...
Outside the main tent, many people have already knelt down.
In the account, Wulu Hu is instructing about future matters.
"Remember, the Silk Road is the cornerstone of the Khanate. Without the Green Oasis and trade, the Khanate will cease to exist. Only by defeating the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate can we flourish..."
"Grandson, you must definitely behead the Baldachin and Teguder, their heads, and open up the commercial path."
Li Changsui responded fluently in Mongolian.
"I know that you will change this Khanate after I die, and I am powerless in this matter. There is only one thing you must promise me... you must pass on the throne to your child with Atanamur."
Speaking of this, Wulu Hu suddenly looked even more desolate, murmuring, "Everything I have done in my life has been for this position."
“Grandson promises grandmother.”
“Remember...the land you will receive before all your half-brothers is not given to you by Li Xia, but left to you by me...”
"Grandmother, rest assured, your grandson will always remember."
Li Changsui waited for a long time, but didn't hear Wuluhuhu Nai speak again. He looked up and saw that she had passed away.
He had been raised by Wuluhuhu Nai since childhood, and at this moment he couldn't help but feel immense grief, crying uncontrollably.
Only Namoer can appease him in the big tent, holding him tightly and saying, "Grandmother has been taken away by the heavens..."
No matter what, when Li Changsui, wearing a white robe, walked out of the big tent, he had become the new khan of the Satchitan Empire.
He will bear the burden of countless subjects.
May 13th, Zaisang City, Royal Palace.
"I have already submitted a memorial to Chang'an, requesting Your Majesty to confer me the title of King of Anxi."
Li Changsui said calmly as he sat on the throne.
Namu'er was taken aback and asked, "What do you mean?"
Tao replied, "The Chahetai Khanate will no longer exist, only the Western Vassal Kings of the Tang Dynasty..."
Namu'er protested, "No, it's only been seven days since our grandmother passed away. How can you do this?"
"This is not what I mean, but rather what my grandmother promised my father." Li Changsui said, "These were the conditions she brought me here sixteen years ago, and now it is just the time to fulfill the promise."
Namu'er shook her head and hugged Li Changsui, saying, "But that's not what you want, right? You don't want to be a prince, you want to be the Khan, the one and only Khan."
"Namu'er, this has nothing to do with whether I want it or not," Li Changsui said. "My thoughts have never been important, everything has long been predetermined."
"I only sat on the Khan's throne for seven days, and it was during these seven days that I realized how powerful my father, the Emperor, was. Once we lose the support of the Tang army, it won't take two years for the iron hooves of the Khaganate to trample our royal city. Not to mention the consequences of betraying the Great Tang." Translated content:
Li Changsui chuckled bitterly and muttered under his breath, "So that's why he threw me here, without caring about me. Because all he needed was my bloodline, in order to smoothly incorporate the Chahetai Khanate under his rule."
"Did you plan this all along?" Namil cried and asked, "You have been deceiving me, deceiving grandmother. Did ascending to the Khanate mean betraying the Chagatai Khanate? Does sixteen years of love pale in comparison to the concept of filial piety?"
Namu'er cried incessantly.
However, no matter what, she couldn't change the downfall of the Chahetai Khanate...
Six months later, the imperial edict of the Tang Emperor appointing the King of Anxi arrived, accompanied by generous rewards.
Wu Ze, who was appointed as the Prime Minister of Anxi, announced to the capital that he would develop water conservancy projects on the Eerqisi River. As a result, the entire city rejoiced.
There are few people who yearn for the Khanate.
That night, Li Changsui gently stroked Namuer's face and said, "Namuer, I hope no herdsmen will starve or freeze to death in Zhai Sang City this winter. We will have more grain and food. The charcoals brought from overseas can be transported along the Hexi Corridor to Zhai Sang City, and the content of the newspapers published in the Western Regions will only be half a month behind Lanzhou... This is the unstoppable trend, you and I cannot stop it. We are merely insignificant beings in this world."
"King." Na Mu'er felt a bit uneasy and held onto Li Changsui's waist, saying, "At least promise me that our child will become the Crown Prince. You promised Grandma..."
His Majesty asked me to ask Prime Minister Wu, if he intends to designate places such as Gaochang and Hami as provincial counties, how would he proceed?
Wu Ze remained silent for a long time, sighed with regret, and asked, "Why such urgency?"
"Your Majesty does not want the power of the Fief Lords in the Western Regions to become too great," Yao Sui said. "You understand that His Majesty is considering the stability of future generations, rather than father-son affection."
Wu Ze nodded and said, "There are too many factors to consider in this matter. Let me carefully consider everything and draft a memorandum after that."
"There is another matter," Yao Sui said. "Anxi King has requested to confer the title of Crown Prince on his eldest son, but there are some dissenting voices in the court."
"I have heard that all three concubines of Anxi King are Han women, and they have all given birth to princes. Do you think there is a suitable candidate for the Crown Prince?"
Wu Ze hesitated for a while and asked, "Duanfu, have you not met the eldest son of the king during this visit?"
"Indeed, I haven't had the opportunity to do so," replied Yao Sui. "I've heard that the queen has many grievances against the court."
Wu Ze pondered for a moment and asked, "Would Duanfu be willing to accompany me to visit the government school?"
"Oh? There is also a government school in Zhusang City."
"In the early years, Lord Lian, when he first took office in Chang'an, the first thing he did was to invite the great scholar Xulu Zhaigong to supervise the government school in Jingzhao, which is why Lord Lian was able to gain the trust of the Emperor. Although I am not talented, I am willing to emulate this act, so the first thing I built after establishing Zhusang City was a school."
Yao Sui is indeed the disciple of Xu Heng. After listening, he naturally nodded repeatedly and said, "Wu Xiang's actions will have a great impact on future generations."
After finishing his statement, he sighed and said, "In the past twenty years, a lot of effort has been put into promoting education and culture in the northern region. The imperial court first relocated the capital, and every year, one-tenth of the tax revenue was allocated from the national treasury for cultural and educational purposes."
"Step by step." Wu Ze looked at the distant sky, thinking about his experience of over twenty years in the western frontier, murmuring, "With sufficient food and clothing, one can understand etiquette and distinctions between honor and disgrace..." Translated content: "Step by step." Wu Ze looked at the distant sky, thinking about his experience of over twenty years in the western frontier, murmuring, "With sufficient food and clothing, one can understand etiquette and distinctions between honor and disgrace..."
Fuguo School is located in the northern part of the city, and it is not entirely in the Han-style architectural style, but rather incorporates some local styles.
There are painted murals on the shadow wall, and the ceiling is adorned with numerous floral patterns. The grapevines grow along both sides of the front courtyard.
There was the sound of reading coming from a distance.
Wu Ze raised his hand and motioned for Yao Sui to walk towards the study hall. The two of them stood by the window, watching the students studying.
There were more than seventy young students in the hall, each wearing different clothes and representing various ethnicities.
Wu Ze stepped back two steps and whispered, "Though the number of people is small, establishing this government school is not easy, especially finding a teacher. Anxi King has therefore requested the old teachers of the princes to assist in the school's operation."
"The teacher of the princes?"
"In other words, if the children in the city have a desire to learn, they can apply and study together with the princes."
Yet Yao Sui had not expected this.
Wu Ze then asked, "Can you identify which one is the eldest prince?"
"But who is that young man in brocade clothes in the front row? He looks a bit Mongolian."
"The one wearing a gown in the third row."
Yao Sui's eyes narrowed slightly, showing some surprise.
Wu Ze said, "Although Wang Changzi has Mongolian blood, he has been studying the classics since childhood. He is refined, polite, and has the manners of a Confucian scholar, even more so than when Prince Anxi was young." Translation:
"I never thought..."
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