Historical novels When did the world have a health bar display? Chapter 41, Folsom slowly comprehends everything.

Chapter 41, Folsom slowly comprehends everything.

The entire desolate street turns mysterious and dim.
Even though it's daytime, the bright sunlight seems to have vanished, or rather, it is blocked, unable to shine directly down.
As the peaceful night descends, a profound darkness engulfs everything, replacing the usual surroundings. Within this cold and deep darkness, sparkling stars dot the sky, creating a dreamlike beauty. It feels as if the nighttime sky has descended onto the earth, projecting itself onto this area, overlapping and replacing the environment.
In front of the Black Thorn Security Company's building,
Deng En seemed to be under some kind of pressure, unable to help but groan in discomfort. He held the urn of St. Selina's ashes in his hands, standing straight like a pine tree.
He forcefully endured the unbearable pain that a normal person could hardly bear, and opened the ash box of the legendary figure in the church. The fantastical night sky of darkness spilled invisibly from this box, easily distorting the reality of this area, imbuing it with a deep hue.
Saint Selina was a saint during the establishment of the Black Night Goddess Church, active in the ancient Third Era, and documented in various scriptures. The church in Tingenben is named after this saint. The ashes she left behind are also the strongest card of the Black Night Church in Tingenben, still possessing incredible power...
Even a centipede can die but not perish, let alone a high-ranking powerhouse who has obtained divinity in their lifetime.
Moreover, to be precise, it is not the ashes themselves that possess such extraordinary power.
It is because this saint still possesses extraordinary qualities that they have such power. However, it is precisely because this power exceeds its limits and ventures into higher-ranked levels that it is capable of posing a threat to the opposing enemy, stimulating both the mother and the child to become mad at the same time...
"You want to harm my child!"
"You want to harm my child!"
a sharp and venomous soprano voice rang out. Megorsi seemed to have been triggered by something and became like a madwoman. There were faintly countless black, cold, and greasy threads in the air, surging like waves, like the countless invisible tentacles of some creature tightly entwining and wrapping her up, getting tighter and tighter.
Just like the projection of the night sky, these countless cold and slippery threads are also one of the forms of power manifested by the ashes of Saint Selena, slowly dragging her forward, intending to drag her into the building of Blackthorn Security Company.
Meigao said that she was extremely resistant to this, struggling desperately and roaring out the most bitter curses.
She no longer had the pitiful appearance of a weak pregnant woman, but instead transformed into an extremely ferocious and demonic posture.
The flesh on her body also turned into a mess, with skin peeling off and a crimson staining her clothing. The entire bloody figure appeared extremely hideous and terrifying. When her mouth almost split to her ears and uttered those abhorrent and blasphemous words, it further challenged the psychological limits of ordinary individuals... Even a single syllable was unbearable for ordinary people, and those blasphemous words had an equally evident killing effect on exceptional individuals.
But it just so happens that several extraordinary individuals have appeared on this battlefield, and none of them are ordinary. Even Captain Dunn, who is perhaps the most straightforward and easy to understand, has become an extraordinary being as a Sequence 7 "Dreamer" and has absorbed multiple attributes, making his strength comparable to a Sequence 6. With the Saint's ashes in his hands, which is equivalent to possessing a high-level magical item, he has gained a powerful temporary boost. Translated content: It is mentioned that several extraordinary individuals have appeared on the battlefield, including Captain Dunn, who has become an extraordinary being as a Sequence 7 "Dreamer" and has absorbed multiple attributes. With the possession of the Saint's ashes, he has gained a powerful temporary boost that puts his strength close to that of a Sequence 6.
——It goes without saying that Klein Moretti, as the chosen "Celestial," the current owner of "Sourcecastle," the future Mr. Fool, the great Lord of the Lavatory, and the God of Informants... the protagonist halo is definitely shining brightly!
-Leonard is no less impressive, even though he only appears as the protagonist in the eighth sequence, "Midnight Poet," of the Dark Night Path. In reality, he is also an alternative main character template with a built-in cheat mechanism. The old man who parasitizes on him is an angel of thieves, and even though he prefers not to stand out, he is capable of protecting Leonard.
As for the final character, Bofusi, the lazy writer Miss Xianyu doesn't need to be mentioned. Although she herself is unaware of the immense spiritual power she currently possesses, as her actions of tearing through space and traversing the spiritual realm are all unconsciously done, she herself doesn't even know that she has done such things.
"You must die!"

Meigao'ou frantically scratched her face, tearing off the flesh and an eyeball, growing more and more frantic as she realized she couldn't escape the cold bondage of countless tentacles. She then used that horrifying face to glare angrily at Deng Dun ahead, opening her mouth and letting out a piercing, resentful curse. Translation:
A heavy dull thud seemed to resound simultaneously as Deng Dun was suddenly lifted into the air, as if struck by an invisible giant. Like a rag doll, his solid back collided with the wall of the building, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.
However, he still tightly grasped the saint's ashes box in his hand, refusing to let go or drop it, afraid to release his suppression on Meghors.
Of course, he absolutely couldn't let go, this was the only hope... He sensed the terrifying power of the enemy, if he didn't rely on the power of this ashes box to sustain himself, the situation would probably be a one-sided massacre. Translation: He does not let go of the saint's ashes box in his hand and continues to suppress Meghors. This is his only hope. He realizes the formidable nature of the enemy and believes that without the power of the ashes box, they would face certain defeat.
Indeed, speaking only about the extraordinary official power of the surface of the city of Tingen, let alone the Night Watchers, even if combined with the Punishers and the Mechanical Heart, there is absolutely no one who can resist the current Makoceus and the thing inside her belly.
In a remote place where there are no visible demigods, how can one confront an impending "heir"?
- "Light!"
resonated with a deep echo in the language of Ancient Hermès.
Suppressing the urge to care about Captain Deng En, Klein seized the opportunity to distract Meagawus's attention. In an instant, he infused a large amount of spirituality into the talisman in his hand and swiftly threw the "Sunfire Talisman" towards Meagawus's direction.
Because of the butterfly effect, all of this happened too suddenly and too quickly. He hasn't even had time to be promoted to Sequence 8 of the Fool when he encounters the terrifying incident of the birth of the evil god. However, also due to the chaos caused by fate, he has also made the "Yangyan Talisman" more than a month in advance, which can be considered as wielding a powerful trump card.
Therefore, it is not to say that at this time, he, as a "diviner" without any direct combat ability, cannot exert any influence.
Leonard also decisively used the seals in his hands to provide restraint. With their tacit cooperation, the mini-sun in Klein's hands rapidly expanded and accurately smashed onto Megur Osy's body!
In the deep serenity of the dark night, it feels as if a brilliant sun is rising slowly, and the fierce light instantly tears apart the curtain of the night, transforming the surroundings into broad daylight. It is so blinding that it can scorch the retina, making ordinary people feel like their eyes are about to go blind just by taking a glance.
And just between this unnatural transition of day and night, there was a tremendous burst of energy exploding. The glass of all the buildings on both sides of Leftland Street shattered completely in an instant, accompanied by a deafening roar, with countless fragments flying and scattering.
The entire body of Meigao'er was engulfed by a massive ball of light, surrounded by numerous smaller spheres of swirling flames, each radiating intense heat. The combination of high-temperature radiation and shockwaves created a terrifying blast of hot wind, capable of scorching the skin even from a distance. If one were to get closer, flesh and steel would probably melt under the scorching sun.
Duncan and Leonard were both slightly moved, subconsciously widening their eyes, as if they couldn't believe that Cowen, who was considered weak, was still holding such a card.
However, in such a critical moment, there was no time to worry about whether Cowen was a lucky player or where he obtained this obviously high-level spell of Eternal Sunshine Sect's style. As long as it can be useful, it's fine.
They all instinctively stared intently at the depths of the fiery inferno, holding their breath and waiting for the emergence of the outcome. Hoping that this advanced talisman could play a crucial role, not necessarily to completely eliminate Mei Gao Ousi, but at least to severely cripple the opponent...
— I knew it!
— I knew it would turn out like this!
Miss Lazy Fish watched the two sides fiercely clash, naturally feeling fearful and trembling. Her mind was in chaos and she didn't dare to approach. Only one thought firmly occupied all the thinking threads in her mind. I'm sorry, but I'm unable to understand the meaning of the "
In her opinion, this kind of battle is already considered a quite stunning spectacle.
The special effects are dazzling, the sound effects are stunning, and the fighting is intense with limbs flying...
Weirdness and heresy, profanity and brightness, extraordinary abilities intertwine and collide with each other, creating a grand and impactful performance effect...
Overall, it can be said that it is quite magnificent and impressive, which is completely beyond her experience. Although it is possible that she has never been exposed to such grand scenes before. However, it is understandable, just like how Fols became an extraordinary person overnight and has been living a carefree life ever since.
There is neither the drive to move forward nor the entry into extraordinary circles.
Because of this, Foucault is still very naive and innocent in this regard. The starting point and logical thinking of his problem-solving are relatively straightforward, without realizing that there are many twists and turns.
So in her opinion, this sudden outbreak of chaos seemed both unexpected and yet inevitable. After all, no matter what conspiracies and tricks were aimed at her, they were surely not going to let her off the hook. Especially since her seemingly self-destructive act of reporting herself and voluntarily surrendering to the Church of the Divine God was probably something they hadn't anticipated... and this is something that must be stopped.
And as he was about to arrive at the Black Thorn Security Company, where he would receive the protection of the Black Night Goddess Church, it would be his last opportunity to strike against himself... What a simple and clear truth!

Miss Xianyu thought she had grasped the logic behind this matter.
However, she never expected the dark hand behind the scenes to be so deranged.
She was attacked by a seemingly gentle and weak pregnant woman, but in reality, this creature was indescribably twisted. Translated response: She was taken aback when she realized the true nature of the so-called pregnant woman who attacked her.
Looking from a distance, Meigao'ou's posture becomes increasingly bizarre and crazy, with her pregnant belly abnormally swollen, greatly inflated. Her limbs seem to be twisting, distorting, and elongating, giving the impression of a deformed, big-bellied spider. Folth is feeling his scalp tingling, as just a moment ago he knew nothing, even considering getting closer to this expectant mother.
Just thinking about it made her feel a wave of lingering fear, chilling her to the bone.
Fortunately, Velza didn't fall victim to harm because Black Thorn Security acted swiftly. Before she could even react, they swiftly emerged with the urn in hand and mercilessly exposed the true nature of this well-disguised pregnant woman...
Indeed, it should be said that the Night Goddess is worthy of being called the Watcher of the Night.
Such efficient responses, such keen senses, such decisive actions --
I'm afraid that the moment I finished registering at the church, I already received the news here, right? Otherwise, how could they have quickly and accurately intercepted such a terrifying attack on me? Indeed! Choosing to seek refuge in the Church of the Night Goddess was definitely the correct decision!
Forster naturally imagined the reasonable unfolding of everything from her perspective and felt a surge of relief wash over her.
However, she soon realized that it seemed she had been too quick to feel happy...
Although the Night Valor team took the initiative to engage in team fights decisively, as the battle unfolded, they quickly fell behind, unable to withstand some obvious trends.
This made Miss Xiaoyu, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, instantly tense again, her palms unconsciously sweating. She couldn't understand what kind of enemy they were up against, and what kind of high-level conspiracy they were dealing with. All she could see was the superficial phenomenon - the extraordinary members of the Night Church actively engaging in physical combat, barely escaping being killed by the enemy.
Hey! Can you guys actually play or not?
In short, this fact has caused a considerable impact on her, and at the same time, the newly emerged thoughts in her mind were also shaken.
The Black Night Church may be quick to react and provide support, but can they really protect themselves? It seems a bit precarious at the moment.
On another note, how did I manage to provoke these lunatics and what could possibly be worth their calculated attacks? They are even willing to risk confronting the righteous God Church just to target me? I usually just stay at home, hardly ever going out. I almost lost control after seeing the Blood Moon once, and now I've been swept into this vortex filled with conspiracies...
Forrest is truly crying without tears. Even though he is such a laid-back person, it is unlikely that he could provoke anyone. It cannot be because he often delays updates and fails to submit his drafts on time, causing irritation to some extreme readers, right...
Are you guys being too extreme like this?
All sorts of chaotic thoughts came to her mind.
And just at this moment, the glaring sunlight disappeared, leaving behind the astonishing heat in the air. Mei Gaosi also reappeared on the battlefield, clearly having suffered serious injuries, but not easily destroyed. The pain and threats she endured instead completely stimulated her sensitive nerves, making her become even more crazed and terrifying. She appeared like an indescribable monster, resembling a piece of charred coal.
With only such a monstrous creature, adorned with exposed bones as white as snow and a mix of charred flesh from the Modu Lake, it rampaged back with unimaginable force. Within moments, it delivered a devastating blow to Leonard.

This is mainly because the original target of the attack was Klayne, who has not yet become the "Joker" and has not enhanced his physical agility. If it weren't for Leonard's quick response, Klayne would have had a hard time avoiding this sudden deadly attack.
However, the cost of Mr. Fool's escape was that his poet classmate was almost brutally murdered, nearly disemboweled, and immediately fell unconscious and logged out on the spot. It was a close call that Creane managed to drag him out. As a result, the pressure once again fell on Captain Deng'en, who is the strongest in the public eye, and the situation became even worse. It felt like under the rush, they could only muster the night squad of the Tingen City's Nightfallers, consisting of only three combat personnel, with the constant danger of being wiped out at any moment.
As the situation worsened, Forth's expression froze completely.
- Should he escape quietly now?
- Otherwise, he might not be able to escape later?
Faced with this sudden and critical situation, a thought naturally flashed through Forsythe's mind. Once this thought took root, it grew rapidly like a wild weed. However, in the end, she reluctantly rejected this enticing idea because she realized that her moral standards were not low enough to do such a thing.
Her slender and fair fingers trembled slightly as Miss Salty Fish gritted her teeth, ultimately choosing not to unleash her extraordinary ability, the only one she possessed.
Wait, what?
Suddenly, a flash of insight struck her, and the refrain from Lady Luck resonated within her mind. Forsyth's eyes instantly lit up as she finally realized what she could do, instead of just standing idly by and watching.
That's right! She can play as a support role! She can open the "door" too!
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