"The funeral of Lieutenant General Wang Tianpeng, a member of the Silver Award Ceremony Alliance Defense Department, Chief Hunting Instructor of the Silver Army Special Warfare Division, and Director of the Xuan Shi Ge Police Office, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 on the square of the Founding Heroes Memorial Hall in Sheji City. General Wang Tianpeng's life was a heroic one, full of contributions and sacrifices..."
At 11 PM in the waiting room of Ankheg City International Airport, the news was playing the obituary of Wang Tianpeng.
Weimianzi hugged his petite wife’s waist and stared at the screen, where the new anchor who had just replaced Li Ying was now displayed. He clicked his tongue and sighed, “I heard Wang Tianpeng died horribly. His entire head was cut off, and the entire incision was covered in monster body fluids. It couldn't even be properly sewed up. After the body was collected, it was immediately rendered harmless and even the ashes were sprayed with a purifying agent. Not a single hair was left behind…”
The little wife listened as Wei Mianzi vividly described everything, her delicate face twisting with disgust and annoyance as she squirmed in his embrace. The lord of Wutuo City, who had come to see them off, smiled silently at the scene.
Recently, there were many events in Shejicheng, and even Nie Zhiyuan almost died on the scene. After calculating the account afterwards, many people in the city were dismissed from their positions. This fellow Wei Mianzi, I don't know where he got his lucky break. Probably relying on his qualification as "Zhao Jiuzhou's old colleague", he was actually called back to Shejicheng and promoted to be the leader of the Black Tiger Ridge branch of the Shejihui.
Within a short four-year period, jumping from an older apprentice to the head of a sub-gang, the efficiency of this promotion cannot be described by just riding a rocket, it's more like slashing one's neck - directly ascending to heaven.
However, it's also a good thing that Wei Mianzi is getting transferred. With his departure, a high position in Uto City will be left vacant. Many people can move up together, so the current city master who has been envious of Wei Mianzi for a long time is still blessing Wei Mianzi's promotion.
"Wei Duozhu is returning in glory, and we don't have anything valuable to give as his colleagues. Currently, supplies are a bit tight on all fronts, so here's a little something that everyone gathered together for from a few buildings controlled by the urban management. Social Ji City has big expenses, so Wei Duozhu shouldn't be polite with us. We don't know if we'll have a chance to work in Social Ji City, so if Wei Duozhu sees Minister Zhao, please send greetings from our colleagues in Wutuo City to Minister Zhao..."
"You're too kind, really." Wei Mianzi said as he put on the space ring handed to him by the other party without even looking inside to see what was stored in it. "I will definitely convey your regards to Comrade Jiu Zhou!"
After a while, the flight to Shangjicheng started boarding.
Wei Mianzi hugged his young wife and dragged a small suitcase onto the plane. Although flying at night was not very safe, Wei Mianzi's new job came suddenly and urgently, so he had to set off with a bold face.
After boarding, find your seat and buckle up the seat belt. Weimianzi dutifully fastened his seat belt. Shortly after takeoff, the plane encountered some turbulence. Once the plane reached cruising altitude, the flight attendants pushed a food cart down the aisle to distribute snacks.
Wei Mianzi casually ordered two simple set meals for himself and his wife. The flight attendant brought the food over, but instead of leaving, she brought out a card reader and softly said to Wei Mianzi, "Sir, the total is 80 yuan."
"What eighty yuan?" Wei Mianzi was still a little confused.
The flight attendant explained, "I'm sorry, sir, you may have missed our announcement. The meals on recent flights need to be paid for by the passengers themselves, and we no longer provide them for free."
"Motherfucker! Why didn't you grab it? You only tell me after it's served? Do you know who I am?" Wei Mianzi was furious, slamming the armrest of his chair and shouting, "Call your leaders on the plane!"
"Sir, it's no use calling the leader. This is not a rule we made ourselves..." The flight attendant looked hesitant but still patiently explained, "We've been implementing this new regulation since the beginning of the month. You also know that there is a prohibited zone between Anxi Province and Northwest Province, which makes it difficult for us to transport supplies. Since the month before last, Northwest Province has stopped providing supplies to Anxi Province. All departments in Anxi Province are relying on their stockpiles, and many goods are still imported from Walnut League and Casha League..."
"Is it really that serious?"
As a middle-level leader from Wutuo City, Wei Mianzi had heard some rumors about the shortage of resources. However, as he was in a higher position, he didn't feel it as keenly. It wasn't until he heard the flight attendant mention it that he realized something was amiss.
"It's really serious," the flight attendant complained to Wei Mianzi. "I heard that the allocated crystal nuclei in various places are not enough, there is no energy, and many things that we want to produce cannot be produced. It's cold again this winter, and we have to ensure heating. The hole is very big."
"There's no reason…" said Wei Mianzi in confusion. "They've already captured such a large mining area in the Wusun Dun restricted zone, why are they still short on energy?"
"It's all caused by the Golden League," said the flight attendant. "They took over a huge mining area in the rainforest, and now the world doesn't have enough crystal cores. Those who have mines would rather sell them to the Golden League at high prices, which is really bad."
"Ah, this situation is causing quite a commotion..."
"Wei Mianzi was convinced by the flight attendant, but the late-night snack in front of him is too expensive."
The flight attendant looks pitiful, "We have no other choice. We rely on this income to subsidize the expenses of the crew. Otherwise, we wouldn't have enough money to take off."
Weimianzi listened in silence, unwillingly swiping his card for 80 yuan, feeling the pain in his heart. As the vice leader of the gang under the Utope City, his actual monthly income was only 2,800 silver coins. Compared to his temporary job with Zhao Jiuzhou a few years ago, earning only 600 yuan per month, his current salary was several times higher, but spending 80 yuan on a meal was still hard to swallow.
"What a worthless coin!" Wei Mianzi muttered and grumbled while eating, filled with anger and resentment.
While eating, he cursed the Golden Alliance for their incompetence, having lost the forbidden zone of the Rainforest Continent.
"If I were their leader, I would risk everything to defend the Rainforest Continent! What's the use of such a large mining area for them? They can't even hold onto it. It's better to hand it over to our Silver Alliance! They're all a bunch of useless people..." After a while, Wei Mianzi was still agitated and couldn't stop complaining to his little wife.
The young wife looked at Wei Mianzi's imposing manner as he directed the country, her eyes full of adoration.
At that moment, the small screen in the seat in front of them suddenly turned on and began playing the evening news.
In the news, it quickly mentioned the news from the Golden Alliance.
"A spokesperson for the Golden Alliance announced that the Gold Army has already been activated and a new round of conscription, originally scheduled for March next year, will begin early. At the same time, the temporary alliance headquarters of the Golden Alliance has passed a resolution to issue weapon and equipment production orders to companies such as Amberla."
It is reported that this order will meet the basic battlefield needs of 25,000 infantry, and the Gold Alliance will formally declare war on the Dragon Slaying Society as early as the beginning of next spring. The Gold Alliance once again emphasizes that the Dragon Slaying Society's deliberate assassination of the Gold Alliance's candidate for alliance leader is extremely anti-human. The Dragon Slaying Society's actions seriously disrupt the world peace situation and threaten the security of all mankind. The Gold Alliance will fight relentlessly with the Dragon Slaying Society in the name of maintaining world peace and protecting the rights and interests of all mankind…”
"Tsk tsk, look look, what a bunch of useless people. They can't even protect the mining area and let the Dragon Slaying Society ride on their heads. This one battle has caused the prices of crystal nuclei around the world to skyrocket, making our days even more restless!"
Weimianzi continued to curse with a face full of wisdom.
"The Golden Alliance's methods of manipulating public opinion are really impressive." In a nursing home in Shejicheng, Marsi frowned and said to the unemployed middle-aged man Jiang Siqi as they watched the news on the screen.
Jiang Siqi nodded, and said, "I'm afraid that besides the Golden Union, we have also contributed a lot here."
"The more bad things you do, the more you have to unify your tone," Mo Huaien deeply smoked a cigarette and exhaled a straight blue smoke.
Three people fell into silence.
The cleaning lady at the door passed by and gave them a disdainful look.
These three old men, who always act cool, I wonder what kind of nonsense they're talking about.
Meanwhile, in an office of the Xuan Shi Ge, which is more than ten kilometers away from the nursing home, Pan Xuhua and Li Taihu, who had just finished busy with the funeral preparations for Wang Tianpeng, finally sat down and took a breath. While watching the news, Pan Xuhua seemed to have been convinced by the logic of the Golden League, muttering: "If this goes on, the global economic crisis is likely to last a long time. It's one thing for the crystal core to increase in price, but even coffins are becoming more expensive. That's ridiculous."
"You've been led astray by them," said Li Taihu. "Zhao Jiuzhou said that this has nothing to do with the Rainforest Continent."
"Nothing to do with it?" Pan Xuhua asked, puzzled. "The occupied Rainforest Continent has led to a decrease in crystal nucleus production."
"The invasion of the rainforest continent does not have a direct impact on the total production of crystal nuclei."
"According to the data obtained by Zhao Jiuzhou and the data currently available worldwide, the total production of crystal nuclei in the world increased by almost 15% year-on-year compared to the previous year."
"How could this be..."
"Because the proportion of private pockets is too high."
Li Taihu interrupted Pan Xuhua's questioning, "Not to mention the Yellow Gold Alliance, just on our own side, half of the production capacity in the Central Plains Prohibited Zone has been privatized. Just the Liu family alone accounts for nearly 20%. In the Wusundun Prohibited Zone in the Northwest Province, when it comes to production capacity distribution, the Yun family in the Northwest Province takes a big share and Zhao Jiuzhou himself takes a large portion. Don't be fooled by the size of the Wusundun Prohibited Zone, only about 30% of the production can actually be obtained by the Alliance. This increase in production cannot offset the reduction in the Central Plains Prohibited Zone."
Furthermore, we also import directly from other alliances, and we obtain tickets from other restricted areas. When all added up, our total production capacity is nearly 20% higher than last year. However, only about 80% of that reaches the alliance.
Pan Xuhua stared in disbelief, "The production capacity has increased, but the available resources have decreased. What are Zhao and the Liu family doing?"
"Of course they're doing business," sighed Li Taihu. "I don't know why Zhao Jiuzhou has to get involved in money-making ventures. Someone like him doesn't need money at all."
"Yes," Pan Xuhua nodded, then fell silent for a moment and whispered, "Marrying the right wife is really important."
Li Taihu glanced at him, thought for a moment, and said, "You have a point."
In their eyes, it's likely that Zhao Jiuzhou did this because of Liu Yifei's instigation.
With that face, that chest, and that butt, who can resist the temptation of Liu Yifei when the wind blows by her bed?
However, such words cannot be said directly now.
To speak them out would be a grave crime of deceiving the monarch.
Even Li Taihu, who is so upright, quickly changed the subject after a moment of silence: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. The Golden Alliance is even worse than us."
Pan Xuhua also quickly changed his mind and pretended to be curious, asking, "What is the Golden Alliance anyway?"
"The Golden Alliance doesn't really lack crystal nuclei," said Li Taihu, "Most of the crystal nuclei produced by the Silver Alliance are directly sold to the major families of the Golden Alliance. Those big families in the Golden Alliance are deliberately driving up the price of crystal nuclei, wanting to reap the whole world. The Rainforest Continent has not fallen, but has been deliberately abandoned by them. Only in this way can they have a reason to openly raise the price of crystal nuclei. The people of the Liu Family can also use this wave to push all the blame onto the Golden Alliance. In this way, the people of our Silver Alliance will not think that the reason for the increase in crystal nuclei prices should be attributed to the Liu Family, Xu Family, Nie Family, and other major families..."
Pan Xuhua sighed: "Damn, they know how to play..."
"And it's not just that," Li Taihu said, "Zhao Jiuzhou also told me that the Golden Alliance has declared war on the Butcher Guild. This means that the price of crystal cores will continue to rise, and when the whole world is driven to desperation by crystal cores, many institutions will go bankrupt. The big families of the Golden Alliance are like vultures, waiting to prey on the dying. They will go up and divide the spoils."
Pan Xuhua blinked his eyes and opened his mouth, showing an indescribable surprise on his face.
The big families of the Golden Alliance are planning...
to swallow the whole world?!
"What about ordinary people?"
In the Embassy Quarter of the Heavenly Dragon City of Warren, in the special envoy's office of the Silver League stationed at the Heavenly Dragon City Embassy, Pan Anda asked Zhao Jiuzhou.
Zhao Jiuzhou remained calm and asked indifferently, "What common people?"
"It's just the common people of the Golden Alliance!" Pan Anda said, "With the price of crystal nuclei rising like this, how many people will die in the winter? And with so many deaths, it will also cause great damage to the strength of the Golden Alliance, won't it?"
Zhao Jiuzhou shook his head, "No, your conclusion is based on your perspective within the White Silver Alliance system. For the Golden Alliance Hall, the number of common people who die has very little to do with their power."
Pan Anda looked very puzzled.
Zhao Jiuzhou said, "Let me ask you, who does the Golden Alliance serve?"
Pan Anda replied, "The Alliance... of course it serves the Alliance."
"No," Zhao Jiuzhou said, "the birth of each alliance hall has its own reasons. The establishment of the Silver Alliance was due to the compromise of forces from various regions in Jiuzhou, the people's support for Liang Zaixing, the rulers of various regions' obedience to Liang Zaixing, and Liang Zaixing's consideration of everyone's interests. Therefore, the Silver Alliance represents the interests of all members of the Silver Alliance."
However, when you look at the Golden Alliance in retrospect, it was formed as a result of interests and compromise among the wealthy families from the beginning. It was established by the wealthy people on this land of the Golden Continent to monopolize the standards of various industries and harvest the crops of the land together. This alliance, from the first day of its establishment, has served those major shareholders on the Golden Continent.
Pan Anda appeared thoughtful.
Zhao Jiuzhou continued, "So, for the Golden Alliance Hall, as long as the interests of major shareholders are not harmed, the deaths of a few common people are irrelevant. In fact, they might even want more of these common people to die. By eliminating low-end populations that cannot create profits, the Golden Alliance Hall can save significant public spending every year."
Especially in recent years, the advancement of intelligent engineering technology has progressed so rapidly that for the large families that control factories, using machines is much, much cheaper than using manual labor. What they need now are people who can directly provide services for them, such as when they are about to declare war on the Dragon Slaughter Guild, they certainly cannot roll up their sleeves and go to the front lines themselves. At this time, they need to recruit some expendable people. But not too many, as a few hundred thousand of these people are enough.
And how many people are there in the Golden Alliance now? A whopping 600 million. Let me put it this way, even if millions or even tens of millions of people freeze to death on this side of the Golden Alliance this winter, the officials in the Golden Alliance’s council won’t even bat an eye. For them, the number of people in the Golden Alliance who can die is simply too many to count. Whether the ordinary people in the Golden Alliance can afford crystal nuclei is not even a concern they need to consider. What they need to think about is how to maintain this situation for a longer period of time so that their powerful families can continue to grow bigger by buying up the world's resources…”
Pan Anda said, "So, you also think like that."
"Yes, that's why I think so too," Zhao Jiuzhou replied. "Since the 13 families of the Golden League - oh, no, it's now the 12 families - have the guts to do this, why should I stop them? They eat it, so I eat it too."
Pan Anda's brow furrowed slightly.
Zhao Jiuzhou grinned, "What, you don't think I'm human? I'm a scumbag, a beast, an animal?"
Pan Anda remained silent.
Zhao Jiuzhou said calmly, "From your perspective, of course, you have the right to think so. Lao Pan, you have a moral bottom line, that's something I know. You sympathize with those at the bottom, just like when I was still working in the dung pit, you were willing to help me - even though you didn't help much, I remember this kindness in my heart."
But today, I am no longer Zhao Jiuzhou, the man who used to guard the cesspit. What I see is different from what you see. I am about to take over the entire Silver League, and according to the institutional momentum of the Silver League, I am responsible for the entire group. This entire group includes not only those poor people you see at the bottom, but also those arrogant and luxurious noble families like my own family and Yafei's family.
I don't have a better way for now. We have to rely on our own strength to maintain the operation of the White Silver Alliance with eight hundred million people, instead of relying on those big families. You may think that it's simple to kill those people you dislike, being decisive and merciless, but let me tell you, killing people alone won't solve the problem. Even if I kill all eight big families of the White Silver Alliance, I still have to find people to fill their vacant positions. And those people who fill their positions, do you think they will become new big families? Most likely, they will."
Zhao Jiuzhou looked at Pan Anda, and after a moment of silence, nodded gently.
"As a man born under heaven and earth, we must follow the will of heaven and cannot go against the tide, especially not against human nature."
Zhao Jiuzhou said, "The power structure of the Silver League is like this, and we can only follow this structure for now. Breaking it recklessly will only cause chaos and get us nowhere."
Pan Anda said, "But we can't just do nothing!"
Zhao Jiuzhou glanced at him, "That's not something you need to worry about right now."
Pan Anda couldn't stand Zhao Jiuzhou's dismissive gaze and wisely kept quiet.
Zhao Jiuzhou continued, "I am the leader of the Silver Alliance, and I only take care of the interests of the common people in the Silver Alliance. That's not a problem. When I come into power, I will naturally do what I need to do. But at the same time, I am also the leader of the eight major families of the Silver Alliance, and I manage the alliance hall of 800 million people. I need to rely on the power framework formed by these people, so I also need to keep them happy."
"It's the Golden League's own fault for causing trouble and acting against reason. But if the Eight Great Families follow after them to cause trouble, it's because I allowed them to benefit. It's not just the Eight Great Families, but also my own people, Han Mingming, Luo Beikong, Wei Yidai, Ding Xiuxian, Zhu Xingfeng, and Wang Shenji. Which one of them is easy to deal with? Not to mention, Yi Fei is my wife and the mother of my children. Can I let her suffer injustice? So, for now, we can only endure the suffering of the people in various regions..."
Pan Anda wasn't unwilling to speak, but had already lost the ability to do so.
Zhao Jiuzhou followed up with, "As for your Pan family, if you want to take back Donghai City, it's probably not possible. However, I can compensate you from elsewhere. Do you know why I brought you in as my secretary?"
Pan Anda shook his head.
Zhao Jiuzhou said, "In the past few years, Luo Beikong's power has grown very quickly. I plan to send him out and let him become a local tyrant somewhere. I trust him, so you are here to take over Luo Beikong's position. If you stay by my side for a few years, you can become as powerful as him. Then, if Pan shakes his foot, the Baiyin Alliance will also be shaken."
Pan Anda's expression was complicated after hearing what was said.
Zhao Jiuzhou said, "Are you very happy inside?"
"It seems like I am a little..."
"A little is just right," Zhao Jiuzhou laughed and said, "Everyone is the same, I have to give them enough benefits before they are willing to risk their lives for me."
Pan Anda thought for a moment and said, "But the lives of common people are still lives."
"Hmm." Zhao Jiuzhou nodded. "I know."
Pan Anda said, "They will rebel."
Zhao Jiuzhou said: "No problem, someone will take the blame. If we resist, we can use a few heads as a tool."
"What about the other alliances?" Pan Ande asked. "The Silver Alliance and the Gold Alliance bully the world together. Will the other alliances just sit back and wait for death? The Lion Alliance, the Eagle Alliance, and the Vermillion Bird Alliance all have nuclear bombs! If they..."
"Don't worry, I have a solution." Zhao Jiuzhou waved his hand. "Nuclear bombs will soon be a thing of the past. I, as a person, still love peace from the bottom of my heart."
(End of this chapter)
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