Chapter 220: Nanku has died?

“Hmm, let's meet later.”
Lu An headed in the opposite direction of the group and towards a large fissure.
Without stopping, she jumped towards the fissure but possibly miscalculated the distance and fell in. Her thickest part of flesh, the buttocks, got wedged and she couldn't climb up or down.
April exclaimed loudly, "Leader!"
Without thinking, she ran out of the protective shield to rescue him, but her arm was grabbed by Lianhua who pointed frantically at the two hands of Lv An who was pulling desperately upward.
"Pay attention to her fingers," Lianhua whispered.
April focused her gaze and saw that Lv Anru appeared to be clawing at the ground to save herself, but in reality, she was poking at something below.
Combining Lv Anru's earlier words about falling into a pit, April had an epiphany and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Lianhua, let go of me. I'm going to save our team leader."
Lotus struggled in April and her strength indicated a change in her mindset, leaning more towards performance.
"You heartless person, the leader has been good to you, yet you abandoned her at a crucial moment. Dai Qiyang, use your wood magic to help the leader out of trouble."
April excitement shouting.
Dai Qiyang was kept in the dark and hurriedly responded with "OK", pinching his fingers in a gesture.
At the same time, the Tiger Winged Beast flying high in the sky dissipated its doubts and aimed its big claws at Lv Anru's head.
This strike used ten times the energy and is sure to take the life of the woman in the pit!
In an instant, there was a rumbling sound all around as the load-bearing walls and pillars that supported level two all collapsed heavily onto level three.
Lotus and April knelt on the ground, using their hands to dig and smash the stones.
Tears uncontrollably welled up in April's eyes as she regretted listening to Lotus's hints. Real missions are never fully guaranteed, she should have let Dai Qiyang use his magic to save the team leader earlier.
Feeling overwhelmed, the sadness became lodged in her throat, and she couldn't resist any longer. She burst into tears.
With her lead, Lotus couldn't hold back any longer and quietly wiped away her tears with her sleeve.
"Hey, I'm here."
Laughter came from above.
The two looked up awkwardly and saw Lu Anru sitting on the back of a tiger-winged beast, holding onto its long neck hair and commanding it to land slowly in front of everyone.
However, the fierce animal that just wanted to kill Luan Ruhan suddenly changed its behavior and obediently followed her commands, even lowering its head with the pattern of the king of beasts on it, making it easy for Luan Ruhan to jump down from its shoulders.
At a glance, Lianhua saw the domestication talisman on the forehead of the tiger-winged beast, which made her feel annoyed and asked how she had been played by Lu Anru: "You've already tamed it?"
"No," Lu Anru explained patiently as he rubbed the head of the big cat that had come to seek affection.
"Just now, I got stuck in a chosen crevice and made a survival move. You all cooperated in the performance of a death scene to dispel the suspicions of the tiger-winged beast. As it ferociously flew down to attack, I represented the fixed falling position and Little Ming threw the taming charm to lend me a hand. I originally planned to use it to send us down to level negative three, but with Little Ming's gift of a good opportunity, I decided to use the silver tang to insert into the cracks of the cement and tiles, leveraging its power to avoid its attack range and jump onto its body. Using my blood, I activated the taming charm and completely broke level negative two with its strength."
Lotus looked deeply at Sheng Ming, and the meaning behind her gaze was significant. Especially remembering that two years ago, Sheng Ming was on the same level as her, discussing issues together. Now, there is a great distance between them, as the combination of talent and hard work is truly a terrifying existence.
Get up and pat the dirt off my hands. I take the disinfectant wipes that April pulls out and use them to clean the cut on my hand before walking back to Lu Anru's side.
April is more emotional than a lotus flower, wiping away her tears with a tissue and saying, "You really scared me. Thank goodness the team leader is okay, or I'd have felt guilty for the rest of my life."
"Don't worry, I'm lucky. Let's focus on the task at hand. The outside network signal is blocked here. I'll end the call with Ella and from this point I guess she's still trying to get in. Let's find a way to continue down." Lv Anru dialed Ella's number again, but there was no beep on the other end.
Lyuanru walked back to Shengming's side, and when she saw his pale face, she felt a surge of pain in her heart.
She opened the powder bag, took out the tiger balm ointment, and applied it to Shengming's Baihui point, Shenguang point, and Laogong point, hoping to relieve the damage caused by his excessive consumption of vitality and spirit.
"Anru, I'm fine. You stay here and I'll go check the explosion site." Sheng Ming held onto Anru's worried hand.
Anru grabbed onto Sheng Ming's wrist and insisted, "I'll go with you."
Fearing Sheng Ming would refuse, he called out loudly, "Come here, Hu Hu."
The tiger-winged beast sprang like a sparrow, leaping to Lu Anru's side and rubbing its sparse hair on his sweat glands, hoping to leave its scent behind.
Lv Anru giggled uncontrollably as the fluffy-headed creature made her laugh: "Okay, okay, stop being cute, I know you're the cutest."
Upon receiving praise, the Tiger-winged beast enthusiastically rubbed against Lv Anru's back.
But nearby, other people had faces darkened and large birds of prey were causing sand and stones to fly around chaotically. They couldn't handle it, so stop being cute!
"Tiger, we'll accompany Xiaoming to survey the dangerous area."
Tiger-winged beast 'roared' and agreed, lowering its front body and allowing Lu Anru to jump onto its exclusive seat.
Lu Anru grabbed two clusters of hair on the back neck of the tiger-winged beast and showed off to Sheng Mingxuan, "Let's go, I am a person with a bodyguard."
Sheng Ming helplessly shook his head and smiled slightly as he followed Lu An onto the back of the Tiger Wing Beast.
With the ease of flight, the two quickly arrived at the center of the explosion.
"Tiger Tiger, land."
The tiger-winged beast obeyed the command and landed on a huge boulder in mid-air.
Lou Anru and Sheng Mingjumper returned to the ruins. Sheng Mingjumper pinched the spell with two fingers and a strong wind blew. All the small fragments were blown into the intact ecological garden on the third level, surrounding the mutated animals attempting to break free from their restraints.
Keep the large pieces of rubble in place to prevent any second layer mutated animals from resisting.
Clean up the scene, the battle results are clear at a glance.
Most of the amphibious and reptilian mutated animals were wiped out, as were the large carnivorous mutated animals. Some small herbivorous animals, on the other hand, managed to escape by hiding in the crevices.
Lyuan Ru and Sheng Ming walked on the large slate, checking one by one the animals and the staff underneath, hoping to find Nanko as soon as possible.
In April, as she chased after them, she stepped on a slate where a small ferret rabbit was hiding, and heard a scream. She quickly moved the slate away.
Saw a small gray-purple creature the size of a palm, and principle was immediately conquered by its cuteness. Principle gently picked up the little creature and soothed, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."
The little creature was more principled than April, and could distinguish friend from foe. It bit Principle's finger and let out a low growl.
Due to the lack of teeth, ferret rabbits do not bite people painfully. On the contrary, their cute and aggressive appearance is more liked by April.
Assuming the reason why ferret rabbits become angry, patiently comfort them: "Be good, little ferret rabbit. I know your mother and father have abandoned you. From now on, I will take care of you."
Believing that if Lv An can tame a great tiger-winged beast, she can also tame the cute-to-death ferret and rabbit. Realizing that talk therapy is useless, she simply leaves her fingers in the ferret and rabbit's mouths, letting them bite as they please since it doesn't hurt.
From the tone of voice, it seems that Luan Ru'an is not in a high mood.
In April, try to motivate the other person's emotions, excitedly announce: "It's a good thing that we found it, I also found a way to access the seventh underground level."
"Let's go." Lu Anru shouted loudly and gathered the team members. "Get ready to go downstairs!"
When the nine team members gathered together, Lu Anru informed them of the new precautions in a loud voice: "Gather together, and if you hear any noise, don't go check it out alone. At least three members should form a team of attack, defense, and calculation before taking action. Meet up with team one or Ella first, and check their identity."
"Okay." Everyone answered together.
In front, April led the way with a handheld computer towards the location once marked as a black blind spot.
They passed by a spot with a skateboard on it, where lay a black charred corpse. However, the corpse had only white bones left, unlike being burned to death, but more like being sucked dry.
Along the way, many human reporters gathered to express their gratitude, but Lv Anru promptly chased them away.
"Don't follow us and cause trouble. You all see how dangerous it is inside. Hurry up and find your way out. After you get out, contact the Interpol in a place with signal and let them investigate the leaders of the organization certified by EK. Don't forget to release major news, expose the evil deeds of Nan Yimeng, and attract global attention. Only then can you ensure your personal safety."
Heeding the advice of valuing their own lives, they left. Lu Anru believed that they could obey orders and get things done, as each of them was clever in their own way. She was well aware of the weight of her final sentence, they could not control everyone and could not stop everyone from talking, especially Lu Anru. The situation here would be exposed sooner or later, so it would be better for them to reveal it themselves.
He left because he cherished his life, there are always some stubborn people.
Even after chasing them several times, they still follow behind, never giving up.
Dai Qiyang saw that Lu Anru and Siyuequan had pets, and he was itching to get one too, but he couldn't find a mutated animal that suited his taste. The good-looking ones seem to be highly poisonous, and the ones with ugly and large body are hard to handle. He doesn't have a domestication charm, so if he rescues one, he might become the other party's dinner.
When I was bored, I found a few sneaky reporters following me.
I deliberately slowed down, waiting for the reporters to approach, and scolded my child, saying, "Don't you have ears? Why are you following me to your death? Let me tell you, you guys are so small that you can't even fight a mutated monster. So get out of here quickly!"
A black journalist with a sense of respect took off his dirt-covered hat and saluted Dai Qiyang, saying kindly, "Please let us follow you. The evidence that the journalists have is only enough to prove that the mutant animals here are very dangerous, but cannot prove the heinous crimes of Nan Yimeng. This matter should be taken to an international court. At most, this research institute should be destroyed, but the problem of studying living organisms recklessly cannot be completely eliminated from the root."
"Nan Yimeng has died," Dai Qiyang reported the fact.
The black man was puzzled and exclaimed, "Huh? You must be mistaken. He couldn't have died so easily."
"He's really dead, our team leader saw it with his own eyes," Dai Qiyang insists.
The black journalist widened his eyes and muttered in disbelief, "It's impossible, it's impossible."
Dai Qiyang originally wanted to discourage the reporters and vent his frustrations, but unexpectedly encountered a lunatic.
Seeing that persuasion was useless, Lu Anru said to hurry up and keep up with the team. He didn't want to be the first one to eat the crab and be punished.
Walking beside Siyu, he inadvertently noticed two more people behind him.
"Move, move, don't linger."
Dai Qiyang pushed the black journalist and easily knocked him down to the ground.
Looking at the scene that resembled a staged collision, Dai Qiyang bit his lip in disbelief and explained to the onlookers, "It wasn't my fault, I'm just not very heavy-handed."
A black journalist pats his dazed head and continues to smile innocently, helping Dai Qiyang explain: "It has nothing to do with the young man. I just fell and injured my right leg."
Lv Anru scanned the two of them back and forth with her eyes and asked, "What's the situation?"
Dai Qiyang advised her, taking into account her innocence, "Your physical condition is not suitable for this. This is our mission leader. She witnessed the death of Nan Yimeng herself and her credible reputation won't lie to you."
Lv Anru had not yet spoken. The black journalist adjusted his posture, took off his hat, and introduced himself to her: "Hello, my name is James Te, and I am a reporter for GBO media. I have been tracking Nan Yimeng for a year and a half. I know very well about his resurrection rules. Please believe me, we must have sufficient evidence this time and send it out to completely bring down his influence. We cannot give him any chance to resurrect."
The two words "resurrection" were shocking to everyone present, including Lü Anru and Sheng Ming, who looked at each other in the eye. Knowing this secret means that the other party is really not simple. Only the core members of the group know about it.
Sheng Ming took two steps forward and lightly tapped the forehead of the black journalist with his index finger. A light blue light illuminated from his fingertips.
The man closed his eyes tightly and concentrated for a moment. He opened his eyes and walked back to the team, whispering to Lu Anru, "There are no anti-curse symbols and no energy fields."
After verification, Lv Anru squatted down, resting her chin on her hands, and with a sweet and innocent tone, asked, "Uncle, besides fulfilling your duty as a journalist to shine light on the truth, what other reasons support you risking your life?"
Lv Anru doesn't believe that a person can dig this deep just by tracking news.
The black reporter took a wallet out of his pocket and opened it to show everyone a photo.
A black journalist was covered in dust and had a few scratches from the stones, but his wallet was not damaged at all, which shows that he values it greatly.
"The child in the photo is my daughter. She has congenital heart disease. A year ago, I attended the Nan Yi Meng Biological Symposium and believed in his nonsense. I agreed to have my daughter undergo cellular fusion repair. At first, she recovered well, but..."
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