Chapter 209: Provocation
Furthermore, Beichen Yue came specifically for Zhang Ziling. He has seen Zhang Ziling's portrait and knows that Zhang Ziling was the first person to obtain the treasure that day. Therefore, when he learned that Zhang Ziling is a strong person in Daluo, he immediately suspected that Zhang Ziling had monopolized the treasure.
Therefore, Beichen Yue came this time to kill Zhang Ziling and retrieve the treasure.
He believed that he had been deceived by Zhang Ziling, which was unforgivable and a heinous crime. He must be killed in order to wash away his shame.
Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared in front of Beichenxing, with a distance of less than one hundred meters between them.
A hundred steps distance is very close, about thirty or forty zhang away.
For strong people at their level, this distance is like being right next to themselves, without much difference.
The sudden appearance of Zhang Ziling startled Beichen Xing. If Zhang Ziling had launched a surprise attack just now, he would most likely succeed, and now he would have become a lifeless body.
"You're really impressive. You figured out so quickly that we are from the Bei Chen family."
Bei Chen Xing said with some surprise.
"This is their first official appearance today, but Zhang Ziling already knows their identity. That means the news that they support Liumeng City in attacking Phoenix City has leaked long ago."
Zhang Ziling said, "It's not that I am formidable, but the information sold to me by the Heavens Alliance."
"Damn Heavens Alliance, they are everywhere. One day, my Beichen Family will join forces with other powers and destroy you."
The Wutian Alliance earns huge profits every year by selling intelligence, but this intelligence can cause significant losses to some major forces. Therefore, these major forces maintain a cooperative relationship with the Wutian Alliance on one hand while desperately suppressing them on the other. However, the Wutian Alliance has now become invincible, and its strength is too overwhelming. If they were to annihilate the Wutian Alliance, they would also suffer heavy casualties, which is simply not worthwhile.
What comes around goes around.
Rumor has it that the headquarters of the Heavenless Alliance is not in this realm, so even if we wipe out this branch, it won't be of much use. On the contrary, it will attract more powerful enemies.
Therefore, the local forces in the immortal realm can only choose to suppress and do a good job of tight security to prevent any member of the Unbounded Alliance from infiltrating. But who would have known that even with the tight security measures of the Beichen Family, the Unbounded Alliance still treated their residence as their own home.
Even the most secure intelligence still leaked.
Therefore, strictly speaking, these major forces both love and hate the Rebel Alliance.
They can get intelligence from other powers through the Rebel Alliance, and other powers can also get information about the North Star Family through the Rebel Alliance.
Now Zhang Ziling is like this.
Since Zhang Ziling had already obtained the intelligence before, and still dares to come out now, it means they have a reliance and already have a way to deal with it. With this thought, Beichenxing suddenly felt that today would be more bad luck than good luck, so it's important to report this matter to the family.
"Zhang Ziling, it was you who displayed great power in Phoenix City that day. You even consumed a strand of my divine consciousness. Besides me, there are several others from my North Star family. You must give us a reason. Young man, you should know that it's best to resolve conflicts rather than maintain them. Even if your strength is great, you will not be able to rival my North Star family."
"What a bitter hatred that can be resolved but not resolved. The original and your Beichen family have no grievances, yet you come to support these rebels who are plotting to overthrow the dynasty. The original will write a letter to the emperor to accuse you of your crimes."
"The Imperial Dynasty does not get involved in the struggles of the major forces. Even if my Beichen family participates in the war, the Imperial Dynasty would not say anything. Young man, you are just starting out here and don't know much about the Hundred Jade Empire, huh?"
"Hehe, coming from me alone, the emperor may not believe it, but if others also report it, who knows what the emperor would think. As the saying goes, 'if three people say you are a tiger, you must be a tiger.' You should know that the emperor's character has always been suspicious and jealous. Your North Star family is indeed strong and impressive, but have you ever considered the principle of just having gained power and already being vulnerable? The emperor will not allow your North Star family to continue expanding and will definitely find ways to suppress you, maybe even support your enemies instead. Tsk tsk, then the future of the North Star family will be uncertain."
Zhang Zilong said.
Zhang Zilong said so much in one breath, which surprised Beichenxing. In fact, Zhang Zilong did not say anything wrong. Emperors everywhere are the same, they all have a suspicious nature, and they also have to control the power of various families in the imperial court so that it does not surpass that of the royal family. Otherwise, they will be replaced sooner or later.
North Star carefully recalled the attitude of the imperial family towards the North Star family over the years and found that what Zhang Ziling said made sense. The reputation of the North Star family has always been poor outside, but those who do business with them are eager to do so. However, in recent years, those business partners have all defected to his family, clearly having the shadow of the imperial family behind them.
"No, I have to inform the head of the family about this matter and let him come up with a plan of action.” Bei Chenxing's first reaction was to notify the family as soon as possible, so that the family would be aware of these things and quickly devise a strategy. Otherwise, there might be a big loss and we wouldn't even know who was behind it all. "By the way, why are you so kind to remind our Bei Chen family? Do you have some conspiracy? Even if you have a conspiracy, our Bei Chen family is not afraid."
A smart North Star woke up and realized that Zhang Ziling is now his enemy, not a friend. It doesn't make sense for enemies to consider the enemy's family. Unless Zhang Ziling is a good person, which seems unlikely, from his occupation of Phoenix City and devouring countless divine thoughts, it is clear that he is not a good character.
Therefore, he felt extremely fortunate after recovering his consciousness. Fortunately, Zhang Ziling did not attack at this time, otherwise he would not be able to protect his life.
Despite this, he could still see clearly and knew that Zhang Ziling was not an ordinary person.
His mind was so firm, but he was still distracted by a few words from Zhang Ziling.
"Haha." Zhang Ziling laughed loudly, as if mocking Beichenxing for thinking from a petty perspective, "What conspiracy can this deity have? To be honest, the Beichen family, this deity doesn't even consider you worth a glance. If it weren't for the deity's good mood today, you would have been annihilated long ago. No need for all this useless talk."
Since he believed that Zhang Ziling had long been prepared, he wouldn't act casually without certainty.
"You bastard, who do you think you are to dare to slander our Beichen family."
A member of the Beichen family couldn't bear to see Zhang Ziling's arrogance any longer and reprimanded him. The Beichen family has always been arrogant, but now there is someone even more arrogant than them. They are unwilling to act submissive, and they want to kill Zhang Ziling in order to maintain their own honor.
A sword light, stretching thousands of feet, swiftly slashed towards Zhang Ziling.
Before the words could completely fall, this Great Luo had already made a full move, and the weapon he used in his hand was even a low-grade Great Luo artifact. No matter how low-grade the Great Luo artifact was, its power was unimaginable. With one sword strike, annihilating the entire Phoenix City was as easy as turning one's hand.
In the eyes of others, a dazzling red light blinked and it was already in front of Zhang Ziling.
Zhang Ziling waved his right sleeve and a burst of magical power exploded, shattering this sword light.
"What kind of power does a lowest-level Dalo have?"
Zhang Ziling sneered.
"Damn it!"
This old man is a first-level Dalo, the lowest-level Dalo, so he hates it when people say he is the lowest-level Dalo. Moreover, this old man has a hot temper, without saying a word, he swings tens of thousands of swords in succession, and the densely packed sword energy forms a huge sword net flying towards Zhang Ziling.
The old man, at this moment, had already released his anger and used all his strength to swing out several sword rays.
A sword net that covered the sky descended, if caught in it, Zhang Ziling would immediately be cut by countless sword rays. It is feared that not even a single hair would be left behind.
In the face of this powerful sword aura, Zhang Ziling smiled contemptuously, opened his mouth, and spit out a red flame, immediately igniting the entire sword net. Within two or three breaths, the sword net had been completely burned, leaving no trace of dust behind.
The flames sprayed out by Zhang Ziling are by no means simple. They are known as the Three Samadhi True Fire, capable of incinerating all things, even space itself. Just a sword net is nothing but a mere nuisance to Zhang Ziling. Even if there were tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of them, Zhang Ziling could easily resolve them all.
Beichenxing allowed the statue of the Great Luo to take action without stopping, and he just watched on the side, just to see how powerful Zhang Ziling was, and estimated Zhang Ziling's combat power. From the previous confrontation, he estimated that Zhang Ziling's realm was at least above the fourth order of the Great Luo.
"What is he doing here? Get out immediately."
The honorable Mr. Luo was extremely frustrated. He originally wanted to defend the honor of his family, but now it turned out that his efforts were in vain. It was a total loss, and he became a laughingstock.
Beichen Xing is just pretending to blame him. He certainly wouldn't really blame him. When he turned around and blamed him just now, he gave him a hint.
Although that person is also a great Luo like Beichen Xing, their status is different and the gap is large.
The Five Realms Grand Luo is a real overlord that can create a powerful force and dominate the world.
Although the First Level Grand Luo can also intimidate the heroes and shake the Immortal Realm, the difference between that and the Fifth Level Grand Luo is like heaven and earth, they are incomparable.
When Da Luo saw the look in Beichen Xing's eyes, he understood the meaning. As a result, he stepped back, but continued to glare at Zhang Ziling with malicious eyes, as if he wanted to devour him.
Zhang Zilin said softly.
Satire, a big satire, Zhang Zilin is satirizing the Beichen family.
It is tolerable, what is not tolerable anymore.
When Zhang Zilin said these words, it was like poking a hornet's nest. Nine angry glares swiftly came his way. Only Beichen Xing remained calm, showing no signs of anger. However, Zhang Zilin knew that this person must also be very angry, just keeping it to himself.
This is the gap between people.
Strong people can control their emotions well, while weak people become unusually angry when they encounter something unpleasant.
Jealousy, hatred, anger, cursing, and resentment are all emotions they often easily display.
"Zhang Ziling, don't think highly of yourself just because you have some cultivation. Let me tell you, it’s not easy to establish yourself in the immortal realm. If you offend my Beichen family, you will never have a chance to rise."
"What a day to come out! There is no day for him to come out when he offends my North Star family. Only one word: death. Only death is his best destination."
"You are right, my North Star family will pursue you forever, until you are killed."
"Humph! The heritage of the Beichen family is not something that a brat like him can know. He definitely doesn't know that my Beichen family is a powerhouse in the Baoyu Empire, just like the royal family, who must show deference."
"The vassals can control the life and death of millions, but my Beichen family is the king, controlling billions of beings. Those who do not submit will be completely wiped out."
"Why waste time talking to him? Let's attack together and kill him. As long as he dies, we will have completed the mission, and the Phoenix City will collapse on its own."
North Star Yuedao.
North Star Yue is still persistent, coming here is for the treasure. Without treasure, he wouldn't come to this remote area. Now he has figured it out. Zhang Ziling is a very difficult opponent for a strong man like Daluo. Therefore, he wants to encourage people in the family to kill Zhang Ziling together.
Yesterday he saw the weapons used by the two ancestors of the Liu family. They were of high grade, at least intermediate-grade Daluo weapons, and maybe even top-grade Daluo weapons. Just the thought of having top-grade Daluo weapons made him very excited. If he could plunder all the treasures on Zhang Ziling's body, his strength would double and grow. Moreover, with these top-grade Daluo weapons, as long as he offered one or two to the family, he would have a hundred percent chance of becoming the family head. As for the other brothers and sisters who wanted to compete for the family head position, it wouldn't be so easy.
North Tianyue is driven by the determination to secure the position of the family head, which is within easy reach. If this opportunity is lost, who knows how many more years it will take to wait for another.
"Yes! Let's go together and kill him, get it done quickly, and return to the family to report."
A few others immediately began to clamor to take action and kill Zhang Ziling. Originally, they were all peerless powerhouses, the rulers of the current era, and wouldn't be easily swayed by Beichen Yue's words alone. However, Zhang Ziling was too arrogant, looking down on everyone, and they could no longer tolerate it.
If Zhang Ziling is not killed, it is bound to suffer ridicule and insult from other forces.
There are countless pairs of eyes staring behind the North Star family, and they will be willing to promote it vigorously if such a thing happens.
"What are you all doing? Are you not even listening to my orders?"
Beichenxing's face turned stern.
"We dare not, sir."
Immediately, they all backed off. The power of a strong individual is unparalleled. They all acted arrogantly and lawlessly in front of outsiders, but in front of Beichenxing, they could only be obedient rabbits, not daring to take a breath, let alone defy him.
"Lord Zhang, we are destined to have a duel today, and I will not show any mercy. I hope you won't either."
Zhang Ziling replied, "What a joke! Actions speak louder than words. Even if I wanted to show mercy, it's not possible."
"Alright, then what are we waiting for? Let's make a move."
As they spoke, Beichen Xing had already made a move. His fist came pounding, the stars shifted, and the world changed colors. It was even more powerful than the divine fist Beichen Yue had just displayed. It was definitely a high-level boxing technique.
A huge surge of energy sweeps through the air.
In the face of this punch from Bei Chen Xing, Zhang Zi Ling spreads his feet apart, swings his hands, and also throws a series of punches.
Bei Chen Xing's big fist strikes directly on the Tai Chi Bagua diagram, causing it to tremble for a moment and then return to its original state.
The punch just now from Beichenxing has reached the realm of Mahayana, reaching the pinnacle. After one punch, there are actually tens of thousands of boxing methods hidden in it. The punches are constantly bombarding the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram. Every time the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram trembles, it immediately returns to its original state.
(End of this chapter)
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