Fantasy novels Draw cards starting with Azkaban Three hundred, chanting at the grave【1/2】
"All I need is for you to repay the principal, Mr. Ludo. From now on, I'm your biggest creditor, do you understand what I mean?
I am you, the biggest creditor."
Du Wei glanced at the contract.
"Think about it, what an ironic scene," Du Wei said.
Du Wei took the contract and placed it in front of this notorious former sports star, saying, "Such a huge debt."
Mr. Luo, you are truly interesting. You don't pay off your debts, you are stuck in a casino, you betray your colleagues, and you are accused of leaking confidential information.
No matter how you look at it, you are utterly terrible!
Du Weina took out her wand and aimed it at his throat, forcefully stabbing it in. It seemed that in the next second, she would pierce Ludo's throat, causing blood to spray out.
"No, no, no, things are not like this. Listen to me explain, things really are not like this."
Ludo was frightened and screamed as he looked at the calm but crazed face of Duwi Jones (he clearly had no expressions, but in Ludo's eyes, the Duwi Jones in front of him, though appearing calm, had certain muscles, facial muscles, constantly twitching), which scared him to the core.
He is more frightened than angry at the man's accusatory remarks.
"I work for you, I work for you. Whatever you say, I promise to do it!"
Ludo said in a terrified voice.
Duwei Jones looked at him with his head tilted.
"What a disappointing backbone, Mr. Ludo."
Duwei put away his wand and suddenly said, "I have learned a new trick recently, do you want to try it?"
Lu Duo, being oblivious to the situation, was bound tightly by a ribbon conjured by Du Wei's wand and suspended from the ceiling, all while he had not clearly shown any signs of refusal.
Wait, there is clearly no beam here!
How was he suspended?
Sirius walked over, puzzled by Du Wei's new Transfiguration ability. It was a highly advanced form of magic, the art of conjuring something out of nothing.
"Transforming Charm," Dobby muttered to explain, "a gift from Dumbledore. Now, let me see."
Dobby picked up the contract and looked up in astonishment, saying, "It's truly surprising, sir, that you owe the Fairy over six thousand Galleons."
After spending his "retirement savings" and "salary," he borrowed the money from the fairy, using more than 6,000 galleons.
In other words, the money he lost could be several times the amount of these 6,000 galleons.
Even tens of times.
This is the principal, not the principal plus interest. If it is the principal plus interest.
Du Weilu smiled slightly, if the interest is added, the total is 21,000 Galleons.
Scary usury.
As for the Transfiguration spell that hung him up, it was Dumbledore's generous gift. After connecting with Dobby's brain, he left behind some "benefits".
Unfortunately, such operations can only be done once.
Facing someone as brilliant as Dumbledore, there are some operations that can only be attempted once. From now on, Du Wei is well aware that Dumbledore will never attempt to connect with his mind.
Moreover, it is a pity that the spell Dumbledore often uses is not some obscure magic like the Mind Closure Spell. The spells he often uses are also life-related spells, just like the purple card he was studying just now, the Transfiguration Charm – Ribbon, which is a kind of Transfiguration spell.
Du Wei mercilessly hung Ludo in front of him.
"You owe the fairy six thousand galleons, which is equivalent to owing me six thousand galleons. So, now there are three options in front of you."
The first option is the simplest, which is to pay back the money.
The second option is more tough. You will be tormented to death by me and thrown into the River Thames, where you can breathe freely at the bottom of the lake.
Or, you can become my puppet, and I will erase these 6,000 galleons for you."
Duwei stood up and stared at the former sports star, saying, "Now, make your choice, survival or death."
His eyes stared at Ludo, and Ludo looked at Dewey's raised hand, looking at the wand he took out, and made a choice without hesitation.
He exclaimed, "Alright, alright, I choose the last one, Mr. Jones. I am willing to work for you, I am willing to work for you!"
Finally, it turned into a scream.
Just like that, he fell down from the table, and Duwei waved his wand. He then "boom" fell onto the table, causing him immense pain.
But he didn't dare to say it out loud.
He curled up on the table, shivering.
Du Wei had no expression.
This matter was all within his expectations.
"I've taken care of a department director, and there are several more department directors that need to be taken care of next."
Du Wei stood up and put on a black windcoat. He received from those individuals a list of potential candidates who might run for the position after the death of Mr. Bartholomew Crouch.
There are three candidates for this position, but unfortunately, according to the disappointing tradition of the Ministry of Magic, none of these three individuals are truly dedicated.
Accurately speaking, their ability to become heirs is largely due to their bloodline.
Pure-blood wizards.
Like Ms. Bernsche, they are all pure-blood wizards. Duchamps doesn't need to look to know what their inclinations are like.
There are very few people like Bernice who are fair and just.
As expected, Ms. Bernice did not seize the opportunity of Mr. Bartholomew Crouch's death to place her own people in the Ministry of Magic; she seems to be only fair and just.
So she shouldn't be the Minister of Magic.
She is too upright, but lacks the means to be upright.
Dumbledore put on black clothes and planned to attend Mr. Barty Crouch's funeral.
Dobby conscientiously tidies up clothing for Dobby, and Dobby's hands are never idle, constantly touching Dobby's big ears, which is very comforting. Dobby has a few words of dissent about this.
The funeral was held in the estate of Old Batty. And damn it, it's raining in London again, cold rain. People open their mouths and breathe out cold air. Dobby doesn't like this kind of weather.
However, the funeral of Mr. Bartley Clarke is today.
He cannot change this date, even though he could actually change it.
With a twist, Du Wei appeared in front of the Clarke family's door.
The Black family has died out.
The entire Black family was already small in numbers, and now, their son has died in Azkaban, and even the remains were buried in Azkaban—although it was the remains of Mrs. Black.
Du Wei had no intention of bringing her bones back.
Since she willingly died there because of maternal love, let her continue to be buried there under someone else's name.
Du Wei thought indifferently.
Emotions may be precious, but if all emotions can outweigh the rules - if they themselves are above the creators of the rules - then such emotions are worth nothing.
If Mrs. Crouch can do it, can't everyone do it?
The laws of the Ministry of Magic are a joke.
If Mrs. Crouch were still alive, Dobby would have her personally meet her husband and son.
'I am a heinous person beyond redemption.'
On this point, Du Wei has long been aware.
The real Mr. Barti Krautch didn't even leave behind his ashes.
His father's methods are even more ruthless than a dark wizard's.
Now, Old Batty is also dead.
Du Wei arrived outside the mansion and saw rows of black clothes and black umbrellas.
No one was able to use magic.
Both men and women were dressed in black clothes with solemn expressions. Du Wei's face subtly changed to that of another person. There was no one to welcome the guests—if there should have been such a person, Du Wei Jones stood behind everyone else.
No one noticed the unexpected guest here.
The atmosphere on the scene was very solemn.
Barty Crouch Sr. died at the hands of Lord Voldemort, which received a lot of attention from many people. However, to the disappointment of Dumbledore, there were still not enough Aurors to patrol Barty Crouch Sr.'s funeral.
Only lunatics like Mudi and a few others, such as Tang Kes, are being cautious.
The rest of the majority, Du Wei calmly watches them, most of the people who have come here are former colleagues and subordinates of Old Bartley Clarke.
Among them, Du Wei also saw Mrs. Malfoy with a chestnut-brown orchid, she looked very haggard, and some pure-blood wizards, specifically referring to the black wizards who once supported Voldemort. They did not send representatives, so the number of people here is a bit too few.
Someone handed white roses to them, but Du Wei waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need them. Then, the coffin was buried.
One by one, everyone passed by the coffin and threw white roses into the grave. Some were crying sincerely, while others had blank expressions.
The deceased Old Batty will eventually become forgotten and truly gone due to the departure of loved ones.
Du Wei followed behind everyone, and when it was his turn, he took out a book from his pocket. When he arrived at the edge of the grave, he opened the book and threw the withered rose petals inside the grave.
The red rose petals are gradually falling.
He is the last person, and there is no one behind him who needs to throw things into the grave. It should be the time to seal the soil now, but after Du Wei dropped the withered petals, he stood still in place.
"Please wait for a moment."
He waved his hand at those who were burying the soil, indicating them to wait for a while.
The few people looked at each other and stopped their actions.
None of the Malfoy and Bernsie ladies, as well as several wizards who had a good relationship with Mr. Barty Crouch, turned their faces when they heard.
They saw a person in a black coat with black leather gloves gently opening the book in their hand.
He picked up the New Testament in his hand and softly recited it towards Old Batty's coffin.
【At that time, Jesus spoke to the crowds and disciples】
【Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted】
【Because you, in front of others, have closed the door to the kingdom of heaven. You yourselves do not enter, and you also do not allow those who are trying to enter to do so.】
The voice gradually grows louder.
More people have noticed Du Wei.
【Because you have seized the widow's estate and pretended to make long prayers, you will receive even heavier punishment】
【Woe to you, blind guides! You say, 'Whoever swears by the temple, that means nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obligated to keep his oath】
【Woe to you, hypocritical scribes and Pharisees! For you clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence.】
【Woe to you, hypocritical scribes and Pharisees! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but inside are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness.】
【You also appear righteous to others, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.】
【That is why I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town.】
【You are responsible for all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar】
The sound reverberated through the funeral scene, catching the attention of the wild-eyed Han Modi as he approached.
【I tell you the truth: all the guilt of this generation will be attributed to them】
Du Wei's voice is not small, and some wizards have noticed that something is wrong. Mrs. Burnshee and a few others approached with furrowed brows, not knowing that there would be such a scene at Mr. Barty Crouch's funeral.
Is someone reading the Bible on his grave?
Was Mr. Clough a believer before he died?
Ms. Bernstein walked up to Duwei, wanting to ask him who he was, but Duwei continued to recite fervently. He didn't pay attention to anyone, but his voice became more and more passionate. "Oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem! You always kill the prophets and stone those sent to you."
I have often longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate.
Ms. Bernsch's arm rested on Duwei's shoulder. Duwei also read this passage to the end, unfolding his hands and throwing the Bible into the grave pit. He turned around and looked at Ms. Bernsch, revealing his true face, passionately.
【I tell you: From now on, you shall not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!']
Seeing the true face of Dwaynne Jones, before Mrs. Burnshee had the chance to cast a spell, Dwaynne twisted his whole body and disappeared in front of everyone.
"From today, all of you have lost my protection. From today, you will pay the price in blood for everything you have done in the past.
I call it, original sin."
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