Fantasy Novel 我的信徒来自地球 第67章 矿洞中有Monster!震惊的公司!
Time passes by minute by minute.
"I can hear the noise coming from the other end of the tunnel. They have already dug at least one-third of it. It has only been half a day, and I'm afraid they may be able to dig through the tunnel in just one day."
Old Xu's voice was low and heavy, with an overwhelming sense of concern.
“崩塌的矿洞已经接近中部,大型机械进不来,只能全人工作业。根据我们之前的计算, 黑皮狗不可能有这样的速度。”
老徐叹了口气, 苦涩道:“这是我的错, 我错估了形势。”
"I have heard before that there is more than one mining area here, but I have never seen it myself, so I forgot about it."
"Now it is certain that the black-skinned dog must have recruited miners from other mining areas, otherwise such progress would not be possible."
"Absolutely not."
“这事拖不得,要么这次献祭青萍神主,要么你就自己跑, 绝对不要留下来。”
老徐情绪激动, 声音都高了几分, 让高星错愕无比。
他也明白自己的反应太过激烈, 深吸了两口气,这才稍微平静了心情,语重心长地解释道:“夜长梦多啊。”
"That is one reason."
"But after being trained by Black Dog for so many years, how many of them still have dignity and passion? Some of them have already died."
"Once they leave here, there will definitely be people who can't withstand Black Dog's interrogation and will confess everything."
Gao Xing furrowed his brow, deep in thought, but had to admit that Lao Xu's reasoning was very wise.
Having also spent a few years under Hei Pi Gou's command, he clearly understood Hei Pi Gou's tactics.
These miners are absolutely impossible to keep secrets under Black Dog's control.
Gao Xing pondered and pondered, unable to come up with a good solution, and cautiously asked.
"However, your stone golem, though not invulnerable to cutting and piercing attacks, can still greatly outperform black-skinned dogs in the mine where it has a considerable advantage."
Gaoxing's eyes lit up, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was great.
He excitedly gave Lao Xu a bear hug and laughed, "Hahaha, Lao Xu, your idea is a big help."
They, like Lao Xu, are ordinary people who were trafficked here.
After years of torment, many people have already become numb.
They do whatever the company asks them to do, without daring to oppose or complain.
Although mining tunnels are dangerous, they still have to brave it.
After a day and night of rotating work and rest, the collapsed tunnel was finally dug through by over two hundred miners on the afternoon of the second day.
The boulder slid down from the top, reconnecting the blocked tunnel. Through the gaps between the broken stones, it is now possible to see the situation deep inside the mine.
Lawrence is the leader of these miners.
Years of intense labor have made him look much older than his actual age, with gray hair and cheeks marked by the passage of time.
Due to malnutrition, Lawrence's body is also very weak, but his bone structure is very prominent, and his stature is quite sturdy.
However, the originally robust physique is not the primary reason why Lawrence became the leader. Please note that
From then on, he earned the nickname Lucky Lawrence and thus became the leader of the miners.
When the collapsed tunnel was finally dug through, Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief.
The company has set strict time limits for him.
What the punishment is, the company did not say, but Lawrence does not want to know.
Because he understood, it must be a very painful and terrifying punishment.
The company shows no mercy towards failures.
Not only miners, even company employees are treated the same way.
Lawrence himself witnessed a scene where the high-level management punished an employee who violated company rules, and he will never forget that scene.
This poor guy was torn apart by a pack of hunting dogs and then turned into dog food.
From then on, they completely gave up the idea of leaving here and didn't even dare to think about it, fearing that they would also suffer such inhumane treatment.
"Chief, something doesn't seem right. They said over a hundred people were trapped inside, but we've dug here and there's no sign of movement across the way."
A miner clears away the few remaining rubble and peers through the crevices at the other side.
Is something wrong?
Lawrence shook his head.
It's only been two days, and some weak individuals may not be able to withstand it, but it's unlikely that over a hundred people would all be unable to endure.
Laurence pondered for a moment and used a miner's lamp to shine through the cracks in the rubble towards the opposite side, shouting loudly.
"Hello, is anyone there?"
Just as Lawrence was about to venture further, he suddenly heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming from across.
Boom boom!
This sound is wrong!
Lawrence's hair stood on end and his heart involuntarily quickened its pace. This feeling wasn't unfamiliar to him; it always arose whenever he encountered a life-threatening situation.
When the mine collapsed, he used his intuition as an excuse to leave the accident site.
There's a problem!
Although humanoid, they lack the appearance that a human should have, as if they were formed by pieces of rocks assembled together.
The stone giant appeared on the other side of the collapsed ruins, opening its mouth and emitting a furious roar. Translated:
The sound is very strange, completely different from human voices, somewhat resembling the sound of stones colliding and having a metallic texture.
The sound is extremely loud, causing people to instinctively cover their ears.
Only fools would stay behind!
A group of people dropped their tools and ran crazily towards the exit of the mine.
After leaving the mine, Lawrence explained the situation to the supervisor.
But how could the supervisor believe it.
He then sent two guards to secretly enter the mine and investigate the situation.
In the congested tunnel, they indeed saw the creature mentioned by the miners and even captured its appearance on film.
A monster has been discovered in the second mining area!
Over a hundred miners may have been captured by the monster!
However, they don't care about the life and death of over a hundred miners.
They only care about one thing.
A highly trained armed force of over three hundred people has been dispatched by the company, with a single objective.
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