Chapter 711: The Grand Finale

Outside the city of Luoyang, on the Altar of Heavenly Worship, Chu Nan received the Imperial Jade Seal representing the legitimate ruler of the land from Liu Xie. At this moment, he officially became the rightful ruler of the world.
Just as Chu Nan took over the jade seal, the uncontrollable Qi Luck Golden Dragon within him broke free from Chu Nan's control and soared into the sky, its massive dragon body even larger than the city of Luoyang.
In the city of Luoyang today, there are many people who can see the air fortune and dragon energy. At this moment, as the air fortune golden dragon rises to the sky, countless people gaze over.
Upon seeing the air fortune golden dragon flying above Luoyang city, it suddenly opens its mouth, and a tremendous air fortune rushes out from within. Within moments, it covers Luoyang almost completely. However, the air fortune does not stop there; it expands in all directions, reaching as far as the southern Yinqu Palace, the northern Mang Mountain, the western Xiaohangu Pass, and the eastern Song Mountain. The entire region of Heluo is shrouded in a cloud of air fortune. Looking up, one cannot even see where the air fortune golden dragon is; there is only a bright golden radiance, far different from the air fortune of the Han Dynasty when it was in Xuchang.
However, these fortunes did not remain in such a vast state for long. Soon, countless fortunes converged into small dragons, shooting in all directions. The sea of fortunes in the sky above Luoyang returned to a range about ten times larger than the city. Translated content:
And the numerous small dragons that shot out penetrated the fortunes of each city, forming small clouds of fortune above each city, gathering the fortune of each city, and transmitting it to Luoyang through these small dragons.
Chu Nan stood at the top of the anti-sacrifice altar, looking at this scene. This is a situation that has never occurred in the history of the human race. The previous generations of the human race have never obtained all the rights of the human race. These small dragons not only serve as collectors of fortune but also enable him to supervise the world... and ascend to godhood! Translated: Chu Nan stood at the top of the anti-sacrifice altar, looking at this scene. This is a situation that has never occurred in the history of the human race. Previous generations of the human race have never fully attained the rights of the human race. These small dragons are not only fortune collectors but also act as aids in overseeing the world... and ascending to godhood!
Chu Nan was somewhat uncertain, but suddenly had a thought and shouted towards the direction of the Luoshui, "Where is the White Dragon?"
Amidst the fearful gazes of the officials and people in Luoyang, a white dragon, measuring twenty zhang in length, soared up from above the Luo River, and then prostrated itself before the altar, seemingly kneeling in front of Chu Nan. Translation:
Seeing this scene, countless people finally relaxed and looked at Chunan with confusion.
"You have followed me for ten years. In these ten years, whenever there was a naval battle, you were always there, making invaluable contributions to our dynasty. Today, as I ascend to the supreme position on earth, you have rendered great services to our human race. Therefore, I will bestow upon you the title of Dragon God, assisting me in governing the water systems of our kingdom. All the dragon kings from rivers and seas will be under your command, controlling the winds, rains, thunder, and lightning within our borders!"
With the sound of Chu Nan's voice, a thunderous noise echoed through the sky. The authority of becoming a god has always been bestowed upon the Heavenly Court by the human race. Although the Heavenly Court has been expelled from heaven and earth, they still hold this authority.
Now that Chu Nan has declared himself emperor, he is delusional enough to try snatching power back from the Heavenly Court. How could the Heavenly Court tolerate this?
"Hmph!" Chu Nan looked up at the approaching dark clouds and exclaimed loudly, "When does the Heavenly Court have the right to meddle in human affairs? Scram!"
In the sky, the dragon of fortune probes its head, roaring fiercely at the gathering dark clouds. In an instant, the dark clouds disperse and the heavens and earth return to clarity.
When the heavenly court dissociates from the heavens and earth, even the authority of the celestial order is unsteady, let alone the gods on earth who belong to the authority of the emperor. Naturally, they are even harder to control.
"Speak!" Chu Nan said calmly.
"I have been following the Emperor for ten years, yet I have remained nameless. May I request the Emperor to bestow me a name?" The white dragon, now a divine dragon, eagerly looked at Chu Nan. Ever since he was a small white snake, he had followed Chu Nan from Guangling and all the way until now. However, he had never had a name of his own. Now that he had become a god, he hoped that Chu Nan could grant him a name.
"White Dragon, White Dragon, I have become accustomed to addressing you as such. Therefore, I grant you the surname Bai, for you are the first divine being bestowed upon the human race. How does the name Bai Yuan sound to you?" Chu Nan smiled and said.
"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Bai Yuan said, standing up and bowing slightly to Chu Nan.
"Since the gods of the world have not yet been appointed, you, as the controller of the water system, can first establish your own water palace, regulating the wind and rain in various regions. You must not slack off."
With a gesture of respect, Bai Yuan once again bowed and retreated to the ranks of court officials.
When Chu Nan ascended the throne, not only did he have the majestic roar of a dragon resounding through the heavens, but he also personally conferred the title of a true dragon. This was witnessed by countless people, causing them to be astonished and filled with immense reverence towards Chu Nan.
It turns out that the emperor really has an unfathomable supernatural power.
Firstly, conferring the title of "Dragon" serves as a means to once again demonstrate the legitimacy and legality of his reign to the world. Next, Chu Nan is not continuing to confer godhood. He has only just obtained this divine power and hasn't figured out its principles, what he can gain from it, and what he needs to sacrifice. These matters need to be handled. Right now, the immediate task is to proceed with the normal enfeoffment.
The generals who have already ventured into the heavens naturally receive rewards, consolidating their positions. With these rewards, their luck will increase and their cultivation speed will also improve.
However, the first ones to be conferred titles are Liu Xiao and her daughter Liu Xiao. Chu Nan has titled Liu Xiao as the Duke of Shanyang and Liu Xiao as the Princess of Changle. Although they do not possess actual power, they receive blessings of good luck, and if they wish, their cultivation speed will be considerably faster.
Then Chen Gong, Jia Xu, and other courtiers were rewarded and the whole country was reestablished.
"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Liu Xie appeared much more relaxed, but his expression still showed some distress. After all, no matter how well-treated he was by Chu Nan, he was still a king of a fallen Han dynasty.
"These burdens were never meant for you to bear. I guarantee that your father and daughter will have wealth and prosperity for three generations. Consider it as repaying this favor." Chu Nan smiled at Liu Xie. If Liu Xie insisted on clinging to power and refusing to abdicate, Chu Nan would feel somewhat regretful about his ascension to the throne. There are always some things that can be used against someone. With Liu Xie's cooperation, he would be able to seamlessly accept the position of the Emperor."
After ascending to the throne and proclaiming himself Emperor, Chu Nan adopted the reign title "Qianyuan", symbolizing the start of a new era for the human race. Under Chu Nan's administration, the human race began a period of rapid development. Thank you for your translation request! Is there anything else I can assist you with?
In the fifth year of the Qianyuan era, the imperial court initiated political reforms and investigated a group of corrupt officials. Chu Nan established a set of rules, stipulating that every five years there would be an investigation into corrupt officials, with zero tolerance for those who harm the livelihood of the people.
The fortune controls the weather, even if officials want to falsify it, they cannot. The fortune does not play along with acting. And, Chu Nan, who holds the fate of the world, it is impossible for officials to play tricks under his eyes.
In the same year, Chu Nan established a god of travel specifically dedicated to investigating corrupt officials. The name of this god is unknown, but it is difficult for corrupt officials to escape the god's watchful eyes and ears. Many officials have retired in large numbers, not out of threat, but because they genuinely do not want to continue their positions. After all, there is the auspicious fortune supervision above, the imperial inspectors specially appointed by the court to investigate corrupt officials below, and in secret, the god of travel secretly observes their actions.
It is not difficult to select officials for the Ministry of Personnel, even in the current situation where the requirements for officials' integrity are extremely strict. There is still no shortage of capable individuals. Through this opportunity, Chu Nan can remove the old batch of officials who have gradually become corrupt.
However, the world is not as they imagine, it is still running smoothly. In fact, although the development speed is not fast, each county has been developing in an orderly and healthy manner, and the overall momentum is rising.
In the sixth year of the Qianyuan era, the situation in the world has basically stabilized. Apart from regulating the market to prevent people from exploiting the masses through commercial means, the court has been exploring new markets to absorb the excess supplies from the Central Plains. At the same time, the Ministry of Works has started mass production of the suspended airships, which can fly at low altitudes and directly absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth to maintain endurance until the dissipation of the arranged jade and stones, which will then deactivate the airships.
In the same year, the Ministry of Works also introduced the Thousand-Mile Sound Transmission, which is also a jade product. Within a range of ten thousand miles, it allows communication. However, whether it's the flying vessel or the thousand-mile sound transmission, they are currently only supplied to the military.
In the seventh year of the Qianyuan era, the imperial navy ventured into the swift-traveling seas and discovered an overseas fairyland called Dongying. However, this overseas fairyland was not as heavenly as imagined; people resided there, the environment was harsh, and it was at least incomparable to the Central Plains. Furthermore, there were already existing powers. Thank you for using our translation service. How can I assist you further?
In the eighth year of the Qianyuan era, Chu Nan established Yingzhou in Dongying. In the same year, a large amount of resources were sent to various countries through Xizhou. Countries such as Parthia, Gushuang, and Rome sent envoys to pay their respects and establish stable trade relations with the imperial court.
In the ninth year of the Qianyuan era, the first major road connecting Shu region to Guanzhong was completed. In the same year, the first major city was established in Southern Xinjiang, and Chu Nan bestowed divine titles upon Arachnid and Mosquito Daemon.
In the tenth year of the Qianyuan era, various sects in society began to proliferate with the inundation of books. In the same year, the Ministry of Works implemented semi-automated production lines, and flying vessels began to be widely used in the military.
In the fifteenth year of the Qianyuan era, there was great prosperity in the regions of Shu and Jiaozhou. Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu were successively called back to the court and appointed as Ministers of Revenue and War, respectively.
In the sixteenth year of the Qianyuan era, after the establishment of the Chu Southern Kingdom, the first census was conducted. The previous census was taken twenty years ago, and it did not include Jingzhou, Shu, Jiangdong, and Jiaozhou. At that time, the population of the Han Dynasty was 20 million people. This time, the population of the entire country reached 105 million, which means that the population has multiplied fivefold in twenty years. Even without considering the prosperity of the court's fortunes in recent years, which has far exceeded that of the Chu Southern Kingdom's founding, there is already a forecast that the population is entering a period of rapid increase.
In the twenty-fifth year of the Qianyuan era, the southern economy of Parthia collapsed, leading to a large number of Parthians wanting to enter Great Chu. In response, the Southern General Deng Ai and the Northern General Jiang Wei successively launched military campaigns, incorporating Parthia into the territory of Great Chu. At the same time, the navy conquered Australia and Yi Prefecture for Great Chu within a decade, and the boundaries of Great Chu extended to include the Ganges River.
In the thirtieth year of Qián Yuán, the forces of the Heavenly Court were no longer able to defeat our soldiers on the battlefield beyond the heavens. Lü Bu's cultivation had greatly advanced, to the point that he could annihilate the enemy without even needing to take action. After being unrivaled for several years, he couldn't resist charging out beyond the heavens to engage in a fierce battle with the troops of the Heavenly Court. This resulted in severe injuries, and Chu Nan had to make a trip to the battlefield beyond the heavens to rescue Lü Bu and warn that the focus should now be on breaking through to the realm of a Golden Immortal. Please provide a reply to the translated content.
In the fiftieth year of the Qianyuan era, Gui Shuang Kingdom experienced economic decline and divided, leading to constant internal conflicts and a large number of Gui Shuang citizens seeking refuge.
In the fifty-fifth year of the Qianyuan era, Gui Shuang Kingdom completely became a part of history, just like the Roman Empire.
In the seventieth year of the Qianyuan era, the presence of Da Chu spread throughout the entire planet, as boundless luck and fortune soared. Luoyang underwent several expansions, encompassing the entire He Luo region. In the same year, the military achieved a transformative breakthrough, as all members gained the ability to fly. The warriors of Da Chu now possessed the power of flight, and the Ministry of War began researching aerial combat formations.
In the span of a hundred years, the Kingdom of Chu in Southern China has conducted a thorough census of the population, reaching a staggering five billion. The Heavenly Emperor of Chu successfully broke through the realm of True Immortality, granting himself boundless life. However, when his ministers proposed a campaign against the Heavenly Court, Chu Emperor declined. Translated text: "In the span of a hundred years, the Kingdom of Chu in Southern China has conducted a thorough census of the population, reaching a staggering five billion. The Heavenly Emperor of Chu successfully broke through the realm of True Immortality, granting himself boundless life. However, when his ministers proposed a campaign against the Heavenly Court, Chu Emperor declined."
In the 150th year of the Qianyuan era, with the support of Chu in the South, Jia Xu, relying on his supernatural powers, reopened the underworld and established the Nine Ghosts. He achieved the status of a true immortal in the same year. Meanwhile, Lu Bu also ascended to the rank of a true immortal. He requested Chu in the South to allow him to fight against the Heavenly Court, but Chu in the South declined.
In the two hundredth year of the Qianyuan era, Guan Yu, Zhuge Liang, Chen Gong, Guo Jia, Lv Lingqi, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Ma Chao, Zhang He, Pang Tong, and Liu Ye were successively promoted to true immortals. They once again volunteered for battle, but Chu Nan rejected their request and ordered all true immortals not to reveal their cultivation levels. Meanwhile, Lu Bu and others were brought back from the celestial realm, and Deng Ai, Jiang Wei, and others were commanded to continue fighting in the celestial realm.
In the three hundred years of the Qianyuan era, the number of true immortals in the Great Chu has reached a thousand. After the world's population reached a hundred billion, it entered a bottleneck period and stopped growing. However, the luck is still accumulating.
Lu Bu once again requested to go to war, but Bei Chu Nan refused. However, at this time, the luck of the world has reached its peak, and the resources in the world are not enough to be divided among thousands of true immortals. If there is no expansion to the outside world, the world's resources will gradually deplete, leading to the onset of the end times. Please note that '
Chunan still refuses and orders all the immortals to seal their own magical powers, travel the mortal world, and reorganize their own paths.
After five hundred years, the immortals gradually return to their positions. Lu Bu, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, Lu Lingqi, and over ten others successfully ascend to the realm of celestial immortals. Suddenly, Lu Bu asks Chunan about his cultivation. Chunan only smiles and remains silent, letting everyone continue their hidden cultivation. While it is important to cultivate one's strength, what truly matters is one's state of mind.
After three thousand years, when everyone was almost forgetting about the Heavenly Court, Chu Nan suddenly convened a group of powerful warriors to attack the Heavenly Court. By this time, Lu Bu had already become a Golden Immortal, and Zhuge Liang was only one step away. The Great Chu Dynasty had nearly a hundred Heavenly Immortals and an army of one million heavenly soldiers. Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
When Chu Nan led hundreds of Heavenly Immortals, thousands of True Immortals, and a million Heavenly Soldiers to attack the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court was shocked. The Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Court was only at the Golden Immortal cultivation level, and apart from him, there were only three Heavenly Sovereigns and around sixty True Immortals. How could they compare to Chu Nan? Translated content: When Chu Nan led over a hundred Heavenly Immortals, thousands of True Immortals, and a million Heavenly Soldiers to attack the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court was taken aback. Surprisingly, the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Court had only attained the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal. Apart from him, there were only three Heavenly Sovereigns and around sixty True Immortals. How could they contend against Chu Nan?
True immortals can move between galaxies, while golden immortals can easily shuttle within a star system. After Emperor Tian captured Lu Bu, Chu Nan realized that there were over thirty major forces in this entire star system, each of which had hundreds of golden immortals, and some even had even more powerful immortals sitting in power. Their small force cannot compare to them. However, after Emperor Tian realized the unfavorable situation, he has already transmitted the message and a true heavenly court will soon arrive. This time, there will be thirty golden immortals in total.
Lu Bu alone intercepts ten Golden Immortals, but even with the combined power of Zhuge Liang's formation and the strength of the other generals, they can only intercept three of them. At this moment, Chu Nan takes action and slays ten Golden Immortals with one sword. It is only now that his cultivation is revealed. After three thousand years of cultivation and the convergence of the qi of the entire world, Chu Nan's cultivation at this moment has reached the peak of Golden Immortal, only one step away from entering the next realm.
Later, after the Heavenly Court was defeated and in turmoil, Chu Nan took advantage of the situation and had Lu Bu capture three planets from the enemy. It was not until the enemy came to negotiate that Chu Nan stopped the aggression. However, the three planets were considered compensation for the enemy's unprovoked attack.
After this battle, apart from instructing Zhuge Liang to take charge of the governance of those three planets, Chunan began his re-cultivation. When questioned by everyone, it was revealed that Chunan had strengthened himself to the limit when he appeared with the transmission ability over long distances. He unexpectedly made contact with an alien civilization, gaining a direct understanding and assessment of the extraterrestrial forces. That's why he had been suppressing everyone and preventing them from taking action. Translation: After this battle, apart from assigning Zhuge Liang to govern those three planets, Chunan began his training again. When everyone asked him about it, it turned out that after Chunan acquired the long-distance transmission ability, he strengthened himself to the maximum and accidentally made contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. This gave him a direct understanding and assessment of the extraterrestrial forces, which is why he consistently restrained everyone from taking action.
He knows that even if they are able to defeat the Heavenly Court at that time, they still wouldn't have the ability to face these extraterrestrial forces. He signals to continuously keep the heavens and earth closed, while personally assuming the position of the Lord of Heaven, Earth, and Man to cultivate incessantly until reaching the perfection of the Golden Immortal stage. Only then would he unleash his troops, not only completely subduing the Heavenly Court in one fell swoop, but also pretending to be weak and strong, forcing another Heavenly Court to give up the benefits of three planets.
For three thousand one hundred years, Qián Yuán has gathered the fortune of three new planets in southern Chu, strengthening the Earth and causing it to expand a hundredfold. Resources have become more abundant, and a breakthrough in the path towards becoming a Golden Immortal has also been found.
Above the Golden Immortal is the Profound Immortal, also known as the Immortal Emperor. Upon reaching this realm, one can use their mind to traverse a star system and harness a portion of its power for oneself. With a single thought, they can destroy stars.
After six thousand years, Chu Nan was still at the realm of Golden Immortal perfection, only a single thought away from Xuan Immortal, yet the gap between them was as vast as heaven and earth.
Apart from Lu Bu, more and more people were breaking through to the realm of Golden Immortal, and at the same time, as the Earth ascends, the number of talented individuals is also increasing.
Qianyuan has become the Immortal Emperor in the ChuNan galaxy for ten thousand years, truly becoming a dominant force. He has over a thousand Golden Immortals under his command and controls more than a hundred inhabited planets. He has established his own star domain, within which other Immortal Emperors are bound by his rules. They might not even be able to defeat a Golden Immortal at the Great Perfection stage.
Qianyuan 100,000 years, Lu Bu reaches the Immortal Emperor level, while Chu Nan advances to the mid-stage of the Immortal Emperor level.
Qianyuan 200,000 years, Zhuge Liang successfully upgrades to the Immortal Emperor level, becoming one of the few forces in the entire star domain with three or more Immortal Emperors, controlling over a thousand life planets. My reply will be based on the translated content.
After millions of years, Chu Nan, through countless conquests, has reached the pinnacle of Immortal Emperor in the Southern Celestial Realm, simultaneously gaining control over the entire Milky Way. Under his command are a hundred Immortal Emperors and tens of thousands of Golden Immortals, truly becoming the ruler of the Milky Way. Translated content:
The city of Xiapi is now no longer what it used to be. The city walls that once soared in the sky and the gleaming silver shuttles flying across can be seen as a combination of both fantasy and science fiction. In reality, these two genres ultimately converge.
"Millions of years, like the blink of an eye!" A young boy stood below the city of Xiapi, gazing up at the suspended city, his eyes filled with an inexplicable sense of age.
Turned his head, he looked at a girl not far away. The girl was dressed in a strong outfit, with handsome features and a lofty posture. The boy smiled and said, "My lady, do you still remember this place?"
"It's unexpected that my husband still remembers." The girl glanced at Chu Nan indifferently and said, "Over the years, it seems that my husband has found quite a few good sisters for me."
Speaking of which, there is deep resentment.
"Wasn't it Lady Fu who asked me to find them?" Chu Nan coughed lightly, with a trace of weariness in his eyes, and a hint of embarrassment.
"I only asked you to find the Qiao sisters, but my husband seems to be more relaxed about it!" Lv Lingqi frowned.
"For a million years, even just a hundred years, she...," Chu Nan said, looking at his wife's lonely figure, sighed, and approached her in an embrace, saying, "
"Hmph!" Lü Lingqi glanced at him disdainfully. After being married for so many years, they knew each other inside out. Chu Nan knew that she was just venting and wouldn't actually make him do anything. She also understood that this was considered a promise on his part. So she decided not to mention it again and instead frowned, saying, "It's strange how other cultivators from different planets, when they reach the end of their training, lose all desires. Yet we, on the other hand, still retain our emotions and desires?"
Chu Nan smiled and said, "Later, I achieved the realm of a Golden Immortal by balancing the seven emotions and mending the heavens. That's why most Golden Immortals from our planet still retain their humanity. However, now that the Heavenly Dao has reached its perfection, there won't be any more. The complete Heavenly Dao is ruthless, so those women who become Golden Immortals probably won't cling to these emotions anymore."
Seeing his wife squinting at him, Chu Nan smilingly said, "No need to talk about these things, Madam. Let's go and see the underwater world. In fact, I've always wanted to be with you in the water..."
"Shut up!" Lv Lingqi interrupted him with a glare, then looked around and silently walked towards the sea.
Mouth is insincere~
Chunan watched as his wife's imposing figure disappeared from his sight, shaking his head and chuckling. Then, with a single step, he appeared directly on the sea. Over the next few days, there were strange phenomena in the entire planet's waters, lasting for three years without respite. Even immortals wanting to investigate were unable to find any clues...
(The book is complete)
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