Fantasy Novel A Smallest Soldier in the Used Empire 九十六·诺斯卡至高王 瓦米尔·艾斯林(求订阅)

九十六·诺斯卡至高王 瓦米尔·艾斯林(求订阅)

Between the Howling Mountains and the Mountains of Pain, on the narrow and elongated land of the Northern Territories, thousands of Noska barbarian armies, hundreds of barbarian tribes, and legendary abominable monsters are gathering in the hills, originating from the gathering grounds of Biyue Forest and the Assembly Hall of Gaierlin.
他们都是信仰混沌的战士,从最底层的诺斯卡掠夺者、再到蛮族冠军勇士、野心神选冠军, 黑压压,令人绝望的数万人军队正向南方进军,冷风中,数百个奴隶串在尖木桩上,遍布整座道路,祭旗血鸦那灼热的血液,不断滴落在极地。
Warriors from the Northern Wasteland, with their feet stained with the blood of slaves, filled with hatred and bloodlust, make their way to the Southern Border.
Along the coast of the Dragon Egg Peninsula, within the empire's fortress surrounded by wind and frost.
Even though the whole old world is in the midst of summer, the cold wind remains bitter and the sun offers no mercy to the extreme Northern Wasteland.
Nordland has suffered years of sorry harvests and been plundered by the barbarian tribes. The people have been displaced and have no settled place to stay. It seems that the gods have abandoned that land as hard as ice. The pain of the invasion by the Norsca barbarians last year has yet to ease.
The soldiers stationed in the Imperial Fortress face a lot of hardships. They not only have to endure the severe cold, loneliness, and the constant threat from the Norscar barbarians, but also encounter numerous terrifying demonic creatures and unclean entities. What is most fear-inducing is their exposure to the insidious whispers of the evil god and the corrosive influence of chaos.
这里的士兵,最长服役时间超过十七年,从青壮黑发再到白发冉冉,混沌魔风肆无忌惮地吹拂在废土之上, 许多士兵的身体在长时间驻守中,产生了变异, 有的长出七指甚至九指,有的舌头出现分叉,有的长出了蜥蜴般的鳞片和鱼鳍,最严重的会长出第二颗脑袋和多双眼睛。
There is no sanatorium, no warm fireplace, and no place to enjoy a drink.
The entire fortress, which maintains the faith in the hearts of the Imperial army, has only one decrepit shrine of the White Wolf God, Yurik.
The soldiers silently endure loneliness, standing guard in the extreme northern wasteland.
The cold winds and frost have shaped the stubbornness of the Nord people. Since two thousand years ago, their ancestors, the Flore
Nightfall, with howling winds and snow outside, the Nord garrison huddled together in stone and crude wooden houses, huddling around fires for warmth. Frost covered the walls, and the indoor temperature didn't exceed five degrees. Exhaled breath formed into mist as the soldiers, clad only in tattered coats, wrapped themselves in thin blankets. In groups of three or five, they shivered in the dark night, while the distant howls of ice wolves echoed outside.
The ships transporting supplies to the naval fleet arrive once every six months, but there is often a delay of two or three months. The longest delay was when it took eleven months to arrive. The Dreadnought ship, Norska, travels through the Claws Sea, facing supply difficulties due to terrifying sea monsters, dark elf slaver fleets, chaotic storms, pirate fleets, and more.
Half-hungry and half-full days began in the autumn of last year.
Even though the conditions were rough and difficult, the rationing was also extremely challenging, and after months of siege, the granaries in the fortress were empty.
Every day, a fixed amount of one and a half pounds of black bread, a small amount of sea salt, and vegetables calculated per stem are consumed. It can be said that we are not so much eating as constantly drinking porridge. The supply fleet that was supposed to arrive has come late again, this time three months later. And the remaining food from the last time will only last for another four days.
After finishing their food, what can the guards eat?
No one knows.
"Gurgle~" On the city wall in the dark night, Xinke Brick holds his stomach with one hand and leans on his spear with the other.
His face was yellowish, covered in wind and frost, frozen stiff, appearing to be in his early thirties. A fur hat with a brim covered his ears, and a sour taste filled his mouth. His weak stomach churned and roared with hunger.
Sincere Brick is the Second Lieutenant of the Nordic Ground Forces in Fort Hearth, having just celebrated his 26th birthday in early spring, March. He remembers that on his birthday, he didn't have cake or roasted meat for dinner, but instead, he had snowballs squeezed together. His hands were cracked from the cold frost. From his 17th birthday to arriving at Fort Hearth, Sincere Brick has spent nine years guarding the border of order.
"Captain Bruck!" Javelin, another soldier from the Norden Land Force, walked towards him. He was also a young lad, looking even younger than Bruck himself. There seemed to be something bulging at his waist. Bruck straightened himself, forcing a smile, and asked, "Currie, what's up?"
A young man known as Curry walked briskly. He cautiously reached for the bulge of a fur cloak and looked around. With no one in sight, he took out a dirty cloth from inside the cloak and carefully uncovered the opening. A faint smell of grilled meat lingered around their noses.
"Is this...roast snow rabbit? Where did you catch it?" Xinko Brike widened his eyes, looking at the dark lump of roasted meat that vaguely resembled a snow rabbit. The aroma of the roasted meat tickled his taste buds, causing him to instinctively swallow a mouthful of saliva.
"Hehe, a few days ago when we were patrolling outside, Old Benjamin and I set up a few traps. We were lucky and caught two snow hares." Corey chuckled, tearing open half of the roasted snow hare meat and handing it to Sisko Burke. "Lieutenant, you've always helped me a lot. Whenever I'm hungry, you always share half of your bread with me, closer than family. I always remember it."
"..."- Xinke looked at the grilled meat in his hand, feeling a mix of emotions.
In the fortress amidst the raging wind and snow, food represented hope and the prolonging of life.
Young Corey was tearing apart the snow rabbit meat and stuffing it into his mouth. Noticing Xinke's expression, he quickly whispered, "Commander Brike, hurry and eat! If someone finds out, we'll all be convicted of hoarding food and face execution! Hurry, hurry!"
"Thank you, Ke Li," the platoon leader nodded, and the young pike soldier in front of him smiled sincerely.
He slowly tore off a piece of rib meat and chewed on it in his mouth.
The dry and tough snow rabbit meat carries warmth, obviously kept insulated by Curie in the cloak. The texture of the meat is a bit dry and difficult to chew, and it lacks the assistaChinese spices. If placed in a small tavern in the Imperial Rike Territory, it's worth less than four copper coins.
Xinke? Brick was reluctant to swallow.
Perhaps because of his wolf-like gluttony, Cory choked a bit. He patted his chest and grabbed a handful of snow from the battlement, stuffing it into his mouth. It turned into icy water as it entered his mouth and he swallowed it down.
Xinke produced a leather water bag, filled with clean snow water and added a few grains of salt: "Here, it will replenish your energy and moisten your throat."
Saying that, he tucked the remaining half piece of snow rabbit meat into his clothes, planning to save it for the next time he got hungry.
Young Spearman Gudong Gudong drank down more than half a bag, licking his lips with a lingering taste. He wiped the corners of his mouth and asked with a smile, "By the way, Captain Brik, this is your ninth year stationed at the Hearth Fort, right? I heard that your name is on the retirement list this year, and you'll be able to return to Nords soon. But please remember to pass on a few words to my family for me."
"I can't say for sure either," Xinke said with a smile, shaking his head. He took the water skin and looked ahead at the icy plain. "It's been nine years since I set foot on the snowy land of the Dragon Egg Peninsula at the age of seventeen. Since the fifth year, my family has never sent me a letter. Who can I find if I go back now? Except for my father, who is missing, and a young brother, both the younger and older generations in the family have died at the hands of the Norscan barbarians. There is no difference."
"Being alive is always better than being dead, Captain Brice. You should go back and enjoy a few days of relaxation, find yourself a wife chosen by Mideon, start a family, and it will be far better than this icy and snowy environment." The young halberd soldier sighed in admiration, tightening his fur cape. The cold wind was seeping through his ankles, sending a chilling sensation through his lower body.
Xinke Burek remained silent, his weathered face filled with exhaustion as he rested by the wall.
The dim flicker of the fire on the city wall barely illuminated a range of two to three meters, creating a stark contrast to the warmth it seemed to bring.
It is expected that there will be a blizzard in the latter half of the night. By then, even the Northerners from Norrsca won't be able to withstand the piercing cold and the dagger-like thin ice.
Curry continued eating the roasted snow rabbit, quickly finishing it off. Feeling bored, he glanced at the snowy plain outside the fortress and cursed the weather in the characteristic accent of the Nord people. The garrison operated on a rotating shift, with two groups alternating between day and night. Tomorrow during the day, they would resume training and duty.
Wrapped tightly in his fur cape, he lay comfortably next to the fireplace and quickly fell asleep.
Delicious food, beautiful girls, and plenty of ale – everything that the fortress lacked could be found in his dreams.
Not long after the young halberdier fell asleep, a massive Norsca army, braving the blizzard, steadily approached the Hearthfort beside Ice Dragon Fjord. They would sacrifice all the southerners in the name of the dark god. Translated content: Not long after the young halberdier fell asleep, a massive Norsca army, braving the blizzard, steadily approached the Hearthfort beside Ice Dragon Fjord. They would sacrifice all the southerners in the name of the dark god.
In the bitter cold wind, Norsca's High King, "Blackheart Sword" Valmi Eislin, a legendary Norsca warlord of the Holy Sanctuary, rode on his frosty wyvern mount, Galoslawi, standing on the edge of a high mountain cliff not far from the Hearthfire Fortress. Behind him stood three people.
His most trusted deputy and personal champion is Kamara Long, the fearsome chosen champion warrior known as Bloodhound. Torina Ingeson, an exiled human outcast from the chaotic and treacherous realm of the Silver Tower, is his cunning sorcerer commanding sixty-six demonic entities.
Snag the Ripper, the owner of the Byörlin Assembly Ground, is the most ambitious among the warlords of the Norrskar conquered by King Norrskar, and is the mortal enemy of Ufric the Wanderer.
Surrounding the High King Norska are sixteen mounted fearsome steel bulls, known as the "Swords of Obsidian". Each warrior is wielding a heavy axe and a brass battle shield, their axe blades engulfed in blood-red flames. They don intimidating plate armors forged by demonic blacksmiths from the realm of chaos, enough to inspire fear in the hearts of men.
Two hundred chaotic gods wielding long halberds were chosen as brave warriors. They are known as the "Blood Crow Butchers," the blood oath guardians of the supreme king, Norska. They stand by their loyal followers, accompanying King Valmi Eislin as he wages war in the wastelands, the old world, and the elven realm of Ohsuan.
@In a Nothscar hunt, the Blood Crow butchers collaborated with the Nothscar High King to kill a radiant star dragon during the battle, and used its scales to make dragon scale armor, which is also the plate armor on Valmi Eislin's body.
"My king, 'Red Eye' Erik has failed, he has been slain by the high elf who inherited the will of Eneiro.," The treacherous sorcerer Torina Ingeson stared at the blue flame in his bird's claw, and smirked at the towering Noraska Supreme King clad in black iron dragon-scale armor. "He was destined to fail, my king. The Noraska Supreme King will only belong to you, all of Noraska will be yours!"
"Shut your beak! Birdman! The Blood God detests your voice!" roared Kamaralong Bloodhound, the deputy of the High King Norrskar, his voice thunderous and filled with anger. Please note that "@" is not used in English translations.
"Hehehe..." The treacherous sorcerer cackled like a crow, as if playing a mournful tune for the deceased. "I am Kamala Longfang, the forsaken outcast. Your blood god only detests the God of Wisdom, and I shall lead his most beloved warriors to obtain the power of the uncrowned king."
"Hoo!" With a loud shout, the towering champion, standing over 2.6 meters tall, raised his skull-shaped battle axe and swung it down towards the treacherous sorcerer. He was furious at the birdman for reciting his name. Translated:
Under the interested gaze of Snag the Ripper, the fearsome Godslayer Champion swung his weapon, cleaving only a scatter of blue flame feathers. Shadows flickered, and a sinister Warlock appeared behind Kamara the Dragon. Uttering obscure incantations, a dark abyss manifested out of thin air, distorting space and violently pulling at the towering figure of the mighty Godslayer warrior.
Roar!" The Blood God Champion, the Fearless Warrior, remained unfazed as he swung his Skull Battle Axe once again, shattering the thick ice and causing cracks to spread from beneath his feet.
"Enough!" Valmi Eisenlin, also known as the "Darkheart Sword," clad in Dragon Scale Armor and wielding the Frost Mourning Sword, emitted a dark aura from the demonic gods: "Snag the Ripper, I command you to destroy the fortress of those Southern people! Bring them death and victory to the True God!"
The treacherous magician and the fearsome god of cruelty immediately stop their fighting, as even the strongest warrior would not dare to defy the commands of the supreme king.
"As you command, my king!" said the former ruler at the gathering place in Biyuelin, bowing down willingly and mounting the chaotic warhorse in a single movement.
The trumpet of attack has sounded, and with it comes the southern people's doomsday.
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