Fantasy Novel Commercial Territory Chapter 77: Is This Also a House? Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

Chapter 77: Is This Also a House? Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

Chapter 77: Is This Also a House? Please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.
After more than half a year of construction, starting from Beishan County, most of the workers are martial artists, and each martial artist is equivalent to a humanoid machine. With the assistance of gunpowder for mountain clearing, the foundation for roads connecting various counties has been basically completed, only awaiting the laying of concrete and the construction of bridges.
Ye Zihao came to the housing and construction experimental base under Mu Chunfeng's guidance. When they arrived at the base, Mu Chunfeng said, "Your Highness, this is the result of our exploration over the past half a year."
Because the cement and reinforced concrete construction method is original in this world, not only have they never seen it, but they have also never even heard of it. Therefore, they can only explore and learn based on Ye Zihao's vague explanations. It is impossible to start construction directly without certainty.
Mù Chūnfēng pointed at the group of newly formed engineering teams and said, "Your Highness, they are the engineers assembled according to your requirements. Now, all these buildings have been constructed by them personally."
After finishing his words, Muyun Chunfeng pointed towards the building in front. Ye Zihao followed his finger and almost cursed out loud. Is this even a house? Whoever dares to live here must be an idiot.
I see those newly built reinforced concrete houses, each of them varying in size. Despite being uniformly two-storey buildings, they are uneven in height and tilted. The walls of the houses are also bumpy and the concrete pillars are of different sizes. The whole building seems to be on the verge of collapsing.
Ye Zihao slapped his forehead. Is this really a house? Is it not a joke by that idiot 13?
Mu Chunfeng remained oblivious and said, "Your Highness, look, that is a newly built bridge."
Ye Zihao twisted his stiff neck and mechanically turned his head to look, almost falling down. This...this is also a bridge? I see a structure spanning the small river, should be called a pile of cement. Damn it, it looks like they just filled it with cement. They left a small hole in the middle for drainage, but if water gets too high, it won't be able to drain properly. What the hell kind of bridge is this? It should be called a cement dam!
Ye Zihao didn't know what to say, so he looked at Zhou Wei. He noticed a huge stone not far away, weighing hundreds or even thousands of kilograms. Ye Zihao said to Hua Er, "@@Go and move that stone, and then throw it at that house."
That was the first house in a row of newly built buildings. Without asking why, Flower Two simply said "yes" and picked up a stone to smash the house. There was a loud "bang," followed by billowing dust and constant rumbling. When the dust settled, all of the houses collapsed in a chain reaction.
Mu Chunfeng and the members of the construction team looked at each other in confusion. Ye Zihao said: "Houses are not built like this, and bridges are not built like this."
Mu Chunfeng took the lead and bowed: "We are incompetent. Please forgive us, Your Highness."
Ye Zihao took a deep breath, then took another breath as he waved his hand and said, "It's not your fault, these are all brand new building materials, and the architectural design is also a pioneering work in the Five Gods Continent, so it's normal for you to fail." Translation: "
Mu Chunfeng said: Your Highness, then how should we build it, what kind of standard should it meet?
Ye Zihao couldn't explain it at that moment either, because he also didn't know. He has lived in high-rise buildings, but who knows how those buildings were constructed? He has stepped on many cement floors, but Ye Zihao doesn't even know how to mix cement. So, how can he explain?
But have you never seen a pig running, have you never eaten pork? The basic principles are still known, such as laying the foundation, ensuring the framework is vertical, adding steel reinforcement inside, and keeping the walls straight, and so on.
Thinking about the vertical, Ye Zhihao asked: How did you pour the framework?
Mu Chunfeng looked at the members of the construction team, and one of them quickly stepped forward and saluted: Report to Your Highness, we use wooden planks to support and then pour.
Ye Zihao asked again: How do you determine if it is vertical or not?
The member of the construction team looked puzzled and said: Ah! Your Highness, don't we just pour it directly? Why does it need to be vertical? What does vertical mean?
Ye Zihao... Looking at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, he once again had the idea of wanting to travel back to Earth!
End of this chapter
(End of this chapter)
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