Chapter 140 Commendation
Main Text
The next day, the sun rose in the east, bringing warmth with the wind and neutralizing the winter cold. It gently touched people's faces and felt very mild.
Early in the morning, Zhou Ming and the others had breakfast and then came to the classroom. They sat on the cushion, waiting for class.
When the bell rang for class, Teacher Chen walked in. The students in the audience looked at Teacher Chen entering with some surprise because this morning's class was not taught by Teacher Chen. However, the students did not whisper to each other about it, they just quietly watched Teacher Chen.
Chen Jiaoyu walked up to the podium and said to the students below, "Students, we won't have a class for now. We are going to attend an award ceremony to meet your senior who just returned from Xuzhou. Now, I will call the roll."
Chen Jiaoyu spread out the roster, called the roll, and confirmed that everyone was present. After closing the roster, Chen Jiaoyu spoke again, saying, "
The students in the audience heard Chen's words and one by one they stood up, walked out of the classroom, and formed lines. Finally, Chen was the last one to come out and looked at the well-aligned students, nodding with satisfaction. Then, leading the well-formed team, Chen walked out. On the cobblestone path, you could see one formation after another.
Everyone arrived at the open field, where white lines were drawn to divide the space into individual squares.
In front of each square, there stood a signboard with the names of different classes written on them.
Chen Jiaoyu led Zhou Ming and the others to a vacant lot and had everyone stand in formation.
As time passed, more and more squads arrived at the vacant lot. Once everyone was there, looking down from above, all that could be seen was a dense crowd of people, standing in neat rows on the vacant lot.
In front of the open ground, there is a large wooden podium, which is the podium where President Cai gave a speech to the new students on the opening day of school.
At this moment, President Cai stands quietly on the podium, looking at the students below as they enter and stand in formation.
As everyone found their positions and stood in an orderly manner, President Cai spoke to the crowd below the podium.
"I am delighted to see everyone here attending the academy's commendation ceremony. As you all know, several months ago, a flood occurred in Xuzhou. Our academy sent people to participate in the disaster relief efforts. Each and every one of these students who contributed to the relief efforts are pillars of our academy. We will never forget the contributions they have made. Now that they have returned in triumph, the academy wants to commend them and commemorate their achievements. We also hope that all students can learn from them and contribute their own strength when the Nine States are in need."
After finishing his speech, President Cai led the applause, and the rest of the audience followed suit.
Next, several young students stepped onto the stage, as President Cai presented them with awards, with a smile on his face. The awarded young students looked joyful and happily accepted the medals presented by President Cai.
After a few young students received their medals, they orderly stepped down. Afterwards, President Cai said: "Due to time constraints, we cannot present medals to every student who participated in the disaster relief. However, after the meeting, all students who participated in the disaster relief will receive the 'Star of the Academy' medal."
Afterwards, President Cai spoke some words of encouragement to everyone. Then, this commendation ceremony came to a successful conclusion.
After the commendation ceremony, everyone returned to their respective classes and continued with their lessons.
After returning to the classroom, Zhou Ming and the others also sat back on their own seats. Once Chen Jiaoyu led the students back, he instructed them that Teacher Bao would come for class later, and then stood on the podium waiting. Please note that '@@' and '
On the desk at the podium, there was a wooden bowl. Chen, the teacher, picked up the wooden bowl and waited while drinking the tea inside.
Not long after, Bao, another teacher, arrived in the classroom. Chen saw Bao and said to him, "Spring is here, you've come. Start teaching the students! I'll leave first."
Bao Juexu nodded in agreement to this, then stepped aside to let Chen Juexu leave.
Teacher Bao gave a lecture, and the students below were listening to the class. The recent award ceremony seems to have had no effect on them.
As time passed, the bell for dismissal rang, and Teacher Bao put away his things on the desk and leisurely walked out of the classroom. Translated: Teacher Bao gave a lecture, and the students below were listening to the class. The recent award ceremony seems to have had no effect on them. As time passed, the bell for dismissal rang, and Teacher Bao put away his things on the desk and leisurely walked out of the classroom.
After seeing Bao Jiaoyu leave, the students also got up one after another and walked out of the classroom. The students were all very calm. After leaving the classroom, they went back to their dormitories and took out their books to read. For a while, there was no one on the paths of the academy, filled with an atmosphere of eagerness to learn.
The students stayed in the dormitory to study intensely but their hunger eventually disrupted their diligent state. They all came out and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.
The students had lunch in the lobby as usual, and nothing special happened during that time. Everything seemed calm, and the expected grand commendation ceremony had seemingly caused no ripples.
After the students finished lunch, they rinsed their mouths and gradually got up and left the hall, heading back to their dormitories to sleep.
The sun was pleasantly shining, casting slanted rays. The gentle breeze blew, causing tree branches to sway. Pedestrians walked along the streets, and the wind lifted their hanging sleeves. Reply: It sounds like a peaceful and relaxing scene.
After waking up in the dormitory, the students get up and dress themselves before heading to the mirror to tidy up their appearance. They then go to the doorstep, put on their shoes, and walk out of the room to attend classes. Note: The @ symbol is not meaningful in this context and can be ignored for translation purposes.
The students walked on the path and, as they continued walking, gradually arrived at their own classrooms.
After entering the classroom, Zhou Ming and the others found their seats and waited for Chen Jiaoyu to begin the class.
As usual, Chen Jiaoyu arrived early to the classroom. He smiled and nodded as a few more students entered through the door.
After a moment, the bell rang on time, signaling the start of the class. Chen Jiaoyu cleared his throat, opened the attendance register, and called out each student's name.
Below, a group of students were attentively listening, while the lecturer on the stage tirelessly lectured. The entire academy was filled with the fragrance of knowledge. Meanwhile, in the hall, the preparations were in full swing, and there were occasional workers moving back and forth, walking through the hall.
A string of lanterns is hung on the beams of the hall, forming a circle from left to right and from front to back. Under the beams, the staff members folded up the ladders one by one and carried them away.
The sun slowly moved towards the west, and the sky gradually darkened. As the bell for the end of class rang, Teacher Chen tidied up the things on his desk and said "Class dismissed" to the students before leaving the classroom.
The students left the classroom one by one and went on to do their own things. Some stayed in the academy to study; some took a walk on the paths within the academy; and others left the academy to go to work. Translation:
Walking through several streets, I took out the key and opened the door to the golden house, starting my work at the golden house.
Honestly speaking, the work I do at the golden house is similar to that of a librarian at a school. The only difference is that the books in the golden house can be sold, while the books in the library can only be borrowed.
After Zhou Ming entered the golden house, he first went to the room and checked if Bao Jiaoyu had arrived.
Upon seeing Zhou Ming entering, Bao Jiaoyu said to him, "Zhou, please go guard the door! When it's time to leave, we will return to the academy together."
Upon hearing this, Zhou Ming also returned the gesture and said, "Alright, Bao Jiaoyu."
Nodding with a slight smile, Bao Jiaoyu then said to Zhou Ming, "I'll trouble you, Zhou." Zhou Ming replied with a gesture, "You're too kind, Bao Jiaoyu. Then, I'll take my leave."
Bao Jiaoyu nodded and said, "Alright, thank you." Then, Zhou Ming bowed and left.
Zhou Ming went to the front and looked at Zuisheng Mengsi Ge across the street, thinking about what Bao Jiaoyu had just said, "Come back with me." "Has anything happened recently at the academy?" "Oh! The commendation ceremony!"
Zhou Ming looked at the bustling crowd in the Drunken Dream Hall across the street. After glancing at it a few times, he picked up a book from the shelf, opened it, and started reading.
Time was like a pair of hands chasing away sunlight, causing the sun to gradually approach the mountains and the sky to become darker.
At this moment, Bao Jiaoyu walked out of the room and came to the front, calling out to Zhou Ming, "Zhou Classmate, it's time to get off work."
Upon hearing Bao Jiaoyu's shout, Zhou Ming also looked up and closed the book. Then, Zhou Ming stood up and politely bowed to Bao Jiaoyu.
Baoyu Jiaoyu smiled faintly and then asked Zhou Ming to lock the front and back doors. He then turned and walked towards the back door, waiting for Zhou Ming there.
Zhou Ming followed Baoyu Jiaoyu's orders, walked out through the front door, and locked it. He then crossed the alley and arrived at the back door, locking it as well, before returning to the academy with Baoyu Jiaoyu who was waiting there.
Bao Jiaoyu and Zhou Ming walked on the street. Zhou Ming asked Bao Jiaoyu, "Bao Jiaoyu, is there something happening in the academy today?"
Bao Jiaoyu nodded and replied, "Yes, there is, and it's something good. You'll find out when we get back to the academy." Upon hearing this, Zhou Ming nodded and followed behind Bao Jiaoyu, walking towards the direction of the academy.
Zhou Ming and Bao Jiaoyu continued walking, and the ink-like color in the sky grew increasingly darker, continuously painting across the horizon.
As Bao Jiaoyu and Zhou Ming entered the academy, old Dai, the gatekeeper, bowed to the two and said, "Greetings, Bao Jiaoyu. Hello, classmates."
Bao Jiaoyu and Zhou Ming both bowed and greeted each other, then Bao Jiaoyu said to Lao Dai, "Lao Dai, I apologize for inconveniencing you. You cannot celebrate with us."
Lao Dai also bowed and replied, "Without Bao Jiaoyu, you are too courteous. They will deliver it later! Although I cannot be there in person, I can still share in this joy." Bao Jiaoyu responded, "Thank you for your hard work, Lao Dai." Then, Bao Jiaoyu led Zhou Ming into the academy.
After they left, Old Dai continued to dutifully guard the gate of the academy.
(End of this chapter)
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