Imperial proof of Dao, the transformation of the Eight Wilderness Universe, and dual opportunities come.
The first breakthrough is Liu Xueqing. She herself has excellent aptitude and is blessed by the Immortal Concubine's luck. Almost in the instant she saw Chen Jingzai stepping into the Time River, she was promoted to the Taiyuan Divine Demon, coinciding with the promotion of the Eight Wilderness Universe, and she obtained infinite benefits.
The second breakthrough was Tian Ge, the head of Tiansong. When he saw Emperor Zun taking the initiative to enter the long river of time, he unintentionally broke through due to the loss of his spiritual consciousness. His Golden Immortal Dao Fruit instantly ripened, and the previously consumed origin was thus fully replenished.
The third breakthrough is Jiang Lin. He has an excellent temperament and has always pursued the mystery of the universe. Constantly practicing with his clones, he successfully broke through the shackles and advanced to the realm of Taiyi. After condensing the body of gods and demons, he was the first to comprehend his own innate divine power.
These three quickly broke through and immediately gained the favor of the Eight Wilderness Universe. Their future luck is flourishing. Others are also good, but the head of the Tian Ge Sect, Tian Ge Zhan Dao, seems to have achieved ultimate prosperity. He looks much younger and has become mysterious and unfathomable.
The rest of the breakthroughs include Yan Xun, Chen Lei, You Daozun, Jiang Youning, Li Yifei, Kong Guang, Wang Yao, Chen Fu Xiao, Xiao Bie Li, Bai Jingyue, Hu Xing Shen, etc. According to the statistics of the Emperor, after the transformation of the Eight Wilderness Universe, the Heavenly Court has gained 360 Taizhi Gods and Demons, which is terrifying.
The Heavenly Academy, the Supreme Immortal Sect, the Military Camp, the Demon Clan, and the Town Enforcer, all have been invaded by the Taichi Gods and Demons, with young immortals dominating the scene. Only a small number of veteran immortals have failed in their promotions and reincarnated, while the majority have perished.
The number of ascended Golden Immortals is greater. Just among the heavenly concubines and immortal concubines of the Heavenly Court, there are several hundred ascended Golden Immortals. The previous number of over twenty thousand Golden Immortals has now directly skyrocketed to several million, approaching the level of tens of millions.
However, there are more fallen celestial beings, and many celestial beings who have fallen into the five declines of heaven and humans have not seized the opportunity, ultimately leading to calamity. Millions of celestial beings have fallen, in exchange for millions of celestial beings ascending to become golden immortals.
However, there are about 500 million true immortals who ascend to become celestial immortals. From this perspective, the number of celestial immortals is increasing rather than decreasing. The ones who decrease the most are the true immortals, but the base number of true immortals is extremely large and not worth worrying about.
Time passes by for thousands of years.
Everyone is digesting the dual opportunities, even the underworld, but unlike immortals, the underworld is flooded with more merit Yin gods at the golden immortal level. Their cultivation methods are different from those of immortals and are also more difficult.
However, with the dual opportunities, the strength of the Heavenly Court has also been greatly expanded. There are more than 360 newly promoted Taiyi, millions of Jinxians, billions of Tianxians, and trillions of Zhenxians. The cold numbers are chilling.
All forces are working hard to digest the gains from this time, and all immortals are in seclusion, only the Underworld of reincarnation is still running smoothly, and the avatars of the town envoys are also faithfully guarding, without causing any chaos.
When the five demons of natural disasters completed their transformation in the universe, they disappeared without a trace. They did not feel any restraints, but rather it seemed like their restrictions were lifted. The power of calamity's origin was strengthened, and the laws had also evolved. They even sensed the presence of the law of destruction.
This gives them a new inspiration and prompts them to choose seclusion for enlightenment. Simply practicing without understanding the Dao is meaningless to them. Only through enlightenment can they improve their strength and make the Eight Wilderness Universe stronger along with themselves.
Eighteen thousand years have passed in the Chaos, and the Heavenly Court resonated with the gathering of Immortal Bells.
The once-in-a-millennium Grand Imperial Assembly has begun. This is the second Grand Imperial Assembly after the double fortuity, and all the celestial officials in the Heavenly Court heard the sound of the Immortal Bells and quickly began to gather in the Jade Emperor's Heaven.
Jade Emperor Heaven, Jade Emperor Hall.
The mighty Giant Spirit God stands at the gate, exuding a powerful and majestic presence. Although this opportunity did not allow him to break through as the Primordial Supreme Deity, his strength and divine powers have indeed been greatly enhanced. Many Golden Immortals feel a sense of oppression upon seeing him in an instant.
Different from before, the Giant Spirit God is now wearing armor, holding a flower-cutting axe, raising his head and chest, and guarding the entrance to the Jade Emperor's Palace, inspecting the immortals coming in. He looks very imposing, so much so that many Golden Immortals are smiling and greeting him.
Juggernaut is a rough guy, without much thoughtfulness. When he saw the great effect, he was delighted. Although he is just a gatekeeper immortal, it also depends on who he guards for! He is guarding for the Emperor and the Empress, you know!
According to the rules of the Heavenly Court, at this Grand Ceremony of Ten Thousand Years, no immortals came riding on mounts. Instead, all the immortals swiftly arrived at the Jade Emperor's Hall by riding on clouds and mist, and found their respective positions, and then quietly waited.
As time went by, the immortals in the Jade Emperor's Palace arrived one after another, including scholars and warriors, heavenly kings, emperor gods, and town masters, and so on. All the celestial officials gathered here, and each one wore a smile on their face, indicating the fruitful results of this gathering.
Soon, the Emperor and Empress, accompanied by the Heavenly Consorts and Fairy Consorts, arrived at the Jade Palace. The Emperor and Empress took their seats on the Phoenix Throne, while the six Heavenly Consorts stood by their side. Behind them stood the Fairy Consorts. This demonstrated the different statuses and destinies that brought about various changes.
A brilliant light flashed, and Chen Jingzhai made a resounding entrance. He sat high on the dragon throne, his aura completely restrained, looking no different from an ordinary person, except for his dragon robe that made one's eyes hurt when looking at it.
"Let's begin!" Chen Jingzhai said calmly.
He seemed like he held the Heavenly Decree in his mouth, his voice resonating throughout the universe, causing all the wandering immortal beings to collectively be shaken in their hearts, and everyone knelt down, congratulating the Emperor on his ascension to the Great Luo realm. Each and every one of them sincerely congratulated, without any extraneous thoughts.
Chen Jingzhai shouted "bow down" and the emperor and empress announced that the grand annual assembly had officially commenced. This grand assembly followed the previous procedures as usual, beginning with rewards and punishments, followed by a review, and finally presenting a plan to motivate everyone.
In the first step, Mei Xianren is rewarded and officially designated as the Celestial Concubine. Secondly, Congratulation to Liu Xueqing for becoming the Taiyi Divine Demon. Although she is an Immortal Concubine, she will enjoy the resources of the Taiyi Divine Demon, including the ceremonial escort team. This is necessary, and no one opposes it.
Next, a group of people were rewarded, all of whom have contributed to the Heavenly Court. Although many people exchanged their merit points in the first place, many things were recorded in detail, so no trouble was caused.
If talking about punishment, this time there is no one, because the emperor and empress have already cleaned up, so this is the first time that this step has been skipped in the court meeting since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, but there are still people who are uneasy in their hearts.
Joking aside, this kind of action by the Emperor and Empress is not a good signal! If they start getting rid of people like this in the future, the prisons will be empty. But even though some people are uneasy, no one is willing to speak up!
After the first round, the Empress was honored to bring the Millennium Grand Conference back on track. She did not speak up, but the Emperor began to explain the changes in the Eight Extremes Universe to everyone. The first thing he talked about was the Thirty-Six Heavens.
"The Heavenly Palace is an invisible and unknowable place," said the Emperor respectfully, "It exists in the highest realm, beyond the dimensions of the Eight Extremes Universe. It is the only transcendent place in the multiverse, so you don't need to worry too much about it."
When the Eight Wasteland Universe transformed into the Great Luo Universe, the Heavenly Dao's Avatar became incredibly powerful. With Chen Jingzhai's non-interference, he truly merged with the Heavenly Dao, even Chen Jingzhai thought this was a ruthless person.
Thirty-six heavens is the handiwork of the Heavenly Path. It has long been dissatisfied with the Nine Heavens and has entered the same space as other universes. This is simply intolerable. Before the Eight Wilderness Universes completed their transformation, the Thirty-six heavens entered another space.
This is the supreme space created by Tiandao using the power of the Eight Wilderness Universe to ascend. It can accommodate up to thirty-six heavens, with each level consisting of nine layers. The highest level, the first level with nine layers, is where Yuhuang Heaven and Doushuai Heaven are located.
"Apart from Yu Huang Tian and Dou Shu Tian, all other ministries will be relocated," the emperor and empress added, "The eight levels below Yu Huang Tian will serve as the new residences for the various ministries in the celestial palace. The Tian Gong Hall and the Military Research Department will occupy the first level."
In the past, the Heavenly Nine Heavens seemed fine, but looking back now, it was still too crowded, especially the military-industrial sector. It's unbelievable that a separate space needs to be opened up just to research Heavenly Warships. It feels really embarrassing to say it out loud.
In a way, it is also related to the current environment. After all, it is just the Taiyi universe. It was also difficult for the Heavenly Court to expand at that time. In addition, the number of immortals has surged now and their quality has also improved a lot, so the Heavenly Court naturally needs to expand synchronously.
The 18th heaven to the 10th heaven is the residence of the immortal sects. The Taiyi gods and demons automatically gain the qualification to establish sects in these nine heavens. At the same time, the Lingjun Heaven, as well as the Luo Tian immortal sect, and other immortal islands, will automatically move here.
In the Nine Heavens, the Immortal Source Heaven remains as the first heaven, but the immortal islands from various affiliated universes have been moved away. Only the Immortal Ascension Pool, the garrison, and the Immortal Guidance Platform are left here.
Xian Yuan, Xian Yuan, it is naturally the beginning of becoming an immortal, the birthplace of immortals, and the most suitable for the first heavenly realm. And now, so many immortals have joined the universe, with a large number of immortals ascending every year, of course, a separate heavenly realm is needed.
The heavenly soldiers and generals need to protect the Heavenly Palace, and their numbers are extremely large. Under the control of the Emperor and Empress, their numbers have exceeded 200 billion. Such a terrifying number naturally requires more space. The Ninth Heaven is the gateway to the Heavenly Palace and needs to be guarded, so no one has any objections to this arrangement.
The Thirty-Six Heavens will become the highest place in the future, which cannot be guessed or observed. If one is not an immortal officer and does not possess the Heavenly Network, they cannot come over. Only immortal beings of Gold Immortal level and above can fly over by themselves.
Tianxian and Zhenxian can both use Tianwang for free to teleport across the universe. The appearance of the Thirty-Six Heavens also signifies that the Heavenly Court has completely detached from the universe and has begun overseeing all other universes from a higher standpoint.
After talking about the Thirty-Six Heavens, the Emperor and Empress then discussed the changes in the Eight Wilderness Universe, including the addition of new galaxies, the expansion of planets, and the presence of immortal beings on these planets. Due to the breakthroughs of many immortals, the Emperor and Empress requested all stationed troops and the Stellar Deities to properly oversee this group of immortals.
The Wild Universe still abides by the rule that no one is allowed to act privately. The words of the Emperor are like heavenly edicts, and no one is allowed to disobey them. Otherwise, the Judicial Celestial Army will be mobilized, and direct arrest will be made. This is no joke.
Aside from Chu Wuxia, the Judicial Heavenly Army also includes the newly appointed Taiyi, Chen Yurong. With the two Taiyi divine beings taking action, no force can resist. By then, families will be ruined and people will be annihilated, and sects will be destroyed. It will be no small matter.
Because of the promotion of the Eight Wild Universe, in the next thousand years, all the major officials of the Heavenly Court actually re-recorded and mastered the resources of each planet according to the requirements of the Emperor and Empress. Now the Emperor and Empress are just re-tapping.
However, the Emperor and the Empress still showed great patience, covering almost every star system, some with just a few words, others with a lot to say. With over five hundred star systems, it took fifty years to complete.
Fortunately, no one dozed off, and everyone listened attentively. Especially Celestial Song, the head of the sect, ever since he made up for the loss of his origin, his luck has been restored, and he has been smiling all the time, being extremely amiable to everyone.
Twenty thousand and eighty years have passed since the Eight Desolate Era, and the Emperor and Empress have finally finished speaking.
Next, it is time to reorganize the organizational structure of the Heavenly Court, and it is still the Emperor and Empress who are speaking. This adjustment of the Heavenly Court is for the sake of the future, so if there are any objections to each adjustment, everyone can discuss it.
First, the military will make adjustments. The military will set up a Top General of the First Grade, a Grand Marshal of the First Grade, a Military Chief of the Second Grade, a Deputy Military Chief of the Second Grade, a General of the Third Grade, a Divine General of the Third Grade, a General of the Fourth Grade, and a Dental General of the Fourth Grade.
Below the fourth rank, the establishment of the fifth rank Snapdragon Academy, the sixth rank Tiger Leopard Captain, and the seventh rank Wolf General. The rest are all military leaders, not included in the official organization.
The military department establishes the position of the Grand Heavenly King, which must be held by the Taiyi Gods and Demons, and they must have tangible achievements. Battle achievements on the battle platform are also counted as accomplishments, of course, this is based on the current situation.
In order to become the Grand Marshal of the First Rank, one must also possess the strength of a Primordial Celestial Demon. This is a non-negotiable requirement, as without the power of a Primordial, it is impossible to obtain the position of a First Rank Immortal. This is also why every time the Emperor's strength increases, the Heavenly Court makes adjustments.
In the past, a Golden Immortal could become a First-rank official, but now it must be a Taiyi Immortal because the Eight Wildernesses Universe is now the Great Luo Universe, not just any Taiyi Universe. The strongest strength is the Emperor, who is a Great Luo Golden Immortal, so naturally, there needs to be a change.
Both the Chief General of the Second Rank and the Deputy Chief General of the Second Rank can only be held by Golden Immortals. Below the rank of the Third Rank, both Golden Immortals and Heavenly Immortals can hold the position. In other words, if someone is a Heavenly Immortal, the highest rank they can achieve in the military is Chief General of the Third Rank.
This regulation provides a great opportunity for the celestial beings. It's important to note that in the past, it was very difficult for celestial beings to improve and progress, considering there were many golden immortals. Nowadays, there are even more golden immortals, but it has become more transparent and fair.
Besides these adjustments, the military has also added a setting for military ranks, where generals of the fourth rank and above have their own directly subordinate troops, although the size and strength of each unit, as well as their requirements, vary.
Only the military master can control 100 million heavenly soldiers and generals. Below the military master, the quantity will decrease sharply. The third rank is at the level of tens of millions, and the fourth rank is at the level of millions. However, fortunately, the heavenly warships are not exclusive to the military master and can also be obtained by the third rank.
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