Chapter 161 Fatal Mistake

"gt this timing to take Dragon!"
Seeing gt instantly gather the five members and launch an attack on the Baron Nashor, Miller couldn't help but shout in astonishment.
"Mundo doesn't have teleport, and Xayah just went back to base to buy items. The remaining three players of RNG can't even do any harassment!"
"GT is attacking quickly, Uzi is too far away! The Baron's health is already down to half, RNG is about to give up this Baron!"
With two commentators expressing astonishment and shock, the boss has firmly punished the dragon. It is only at this moment that Uzi arrives at the F6 riverbank, while the rest of the GT team has successfully retreated.
gt's successful strong take on Baron Nashor can be said to be luck, but more importantly, it is due to their wise decision-making.
By capitalizing on Dr. Mundo's lack of teleportation, gt almost certainly created a 5v4 situation. When Uzi started to disregard the damage from Crowstorm and continued to clear minions despite having Emperor's Divide on him, Su Bai also keenly realized that he might need to go back home to buy items.
At this time, Mondo was also lurking behind the bot lane high ground tower, so Su Bai directly commanded his teammates to clear the vision in the Dragon pit and then started to rush.
Uzi, full of confidence after completing his core items, was met with such a situation. At this time, he stood on the river bank, watching GT calmly retreat after taking the dragon, and he was completely dumbfounded.
"It's okay, I can still fight. I'm really strong now."
After a momentary daze, uzi regained confidence as he glanced at his equipment again.
Although the decision-making mistake resulted in losing the Baron, his equipment was already in place, and his damage was unparalleled with the four-piece set.
As long as I can withstand the entrance of Qinggang Ying and Galio with the help of my teammates, we will definitely win in the subsequent damage-focused clashes.
After hearing Uzi's words, the other four members of RNG also calmed down slightly.
Yes, that's right, it's no longer a 20-minute power spike. Uzi's ability to clear minions is very strong, so even if GT gets the Elder Dragon, they may not be able to push through.
"GT getting the Elder Dragon means they want to end the game in one wave! In the mid to late game, they no longer have the capital to continue stalling. The four-item Xayah on their team is too scary! If RNG can withstand this wave of attack, they will enter a strong period for their team composition!"
rng, apart from Xayah, the vampire's equipment is also about to take shape, and Mundo's tankiness is gradually accumulating. In fact, at this point, it is not easy to win team fights against gt. The strong opening lineup of Gangplank and Galio, if they fail to successfully kill Uzi, they will face a crazy counterattack from rng.
But with the protection of Braum and Alistar, it is not an easy task to kill a Xayah with feathers flying all over the place.
Now, with the Baron buff, GT is implementing the 41 minutes push strategy once again. Swordmaster is split pushing in the bottom lane while the other four members group up and push the second mid lane tower.
On the battlefield, everything changes in an instant, and this GT race is practically a matter of life and death. As a result, all 10 participants are on edge, not daring to relax at all.
Braum is a protective support for anti-engagement. Alistar's engage range is limited, so these two champions are almost useless in defending towers. In the mid lane, Xin Zhao can only rely on Uzi's Xayah to coordinate with Vladimir for wave clear.
While Crow and Morgana lurked in the shadows of the Three Wolves wall, they used their respective control skills to draw prizes.
Uzi controlled Xayah carefully under the tower to clear minions. After avoiding Morgana's Dark Binding, he was about to clear the siege engine when suddenly, in the shadows, a blood-red dark claw extended and, upon hitting the ground, hooked back towards him!
Lin Weixiang preemptively placed his E skill half a body length behind Xia, accurately guessing Uzi's movement!
As he watched the skill about to take effect, Uzi knew he couldn't dodge it anymore and instinctively used his ultimate!
The blurred figure rose into the air, evading this fatal imprisonment.
Seeing Xia unleash her ultimate move, Lin Weixiang's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Xia's got this, Xia's got this!"
In the commentary seat, Wang Duoduo saw the 200 pounds of flying feathers but didn't think much of it. He analyzed and said, "Uzi used his ultimate ability but didn't want to use the Mercurial Scimitar since the cooldown time for it is longer than the ultimate ability at this point in time."
Miler, as an experienced commentator, has exceptional insight into the situation and instantly realizes that Uzi's ult was used too casually. "But now the problem is, as a Xayah without her ultimate, it's difficult to avoid the damage from Camille's Hextech Ultimatum and Galio's entrance! Quicksilver cannot break the Last Breath, so how will RNG protect him during the cooldown of Xayah's ult? This is a question."
Even though Uzi is at level 16 and has level 3 ultimate, Cyclone's cooldown is as long as 130 seconds. GT focuses on the crucial moment when Uzi doesn't have his ultimate. Su Bai immediately says, "Xia doesn't have her ultimate, we can aggressively push the bottom lane. TheShy, pay attention to Uzi's position and find an opportunity to engage him!"
Gold and Shyvana in the bottom lane heard Su Bai's words and decided to withstand Mundo's damage to take down the turret.
Steel Shadow and Yasuo quickly reduced the health of the defense turret by half, and a fully tanked Mundo couldn't clear the minions and couldn't stop the two from pushing the turret.
Seeing that the highland defense tower was about to be pushed down, uzi could only control xia to go to the bottom lane to clear minions. However, just as she reached the mid lane, the pushing blue steel shadow suddenly flashed forward and directly used her ultimate to lock xia down!
With precise etiquette, Q2 kicked and directly took down half of Xayah's health!
Uzi didn't expect the Scout to be so decisive. He was suddenly shocked and wanted to retreat. However, at this moment, Galio's ultimate also came crashing down, completely covering the area of Hex's Last Ultimatum, leaving Uzi with no way to escape!
Jian Mo e flashed and caught up with the Evil Fire Snare, swinging his big sword down fiercely, and the Crow's Empire vision also captured the scene.
Identifying the crucial moment when Xayah didn't have her ultimate, GT unleashed almost every skill he could use!
It took 32 minutes for Xia, Level 17, to farm 510 minions and acquire 4 items, including Mercury and Flash, but she was instantly melted by the skills of four members from GT!
With their sole core member gone, RNG lost the team fight and their base was directly taken down by GT with the Elder Dragon buff!
"It's over!"
After an intense team fight, Miller finally had a chance to catch his breath and calm his slightly breathless voice due to the fast-paced commentary. He sighed and said, "The Flash engage from Captain was so decisive, we haven't seen Captain like this for so long. This game showed us a completely different side of Captain, playing aggressively and aggressively. Green Steel Shadow? Who dares to say Captain can't do Green Steel Shadow anymore!"
Wang Duoduo looked at Miller, who was visibly excited, and deliberately slowed down his pace: "Indeed, the performance of the factory manager in this game is impressive, but the courage of RNG to try is also worthy of admiration. The current version of the game environment is not friendly to marksmen. The overall pace has been accelerated, making it impossible to build their core items at the timing of team fights. This is a huge blow to teams like RNG that rely on AD carries as their core."
As Wang Duoduo interrupted, Miller breathed a sigh of relief and regained his usual calm tone, "Yes, we can see that RNG has tried their best to find solutions to the problems caused by the version in this game, but the fact is that it may not be very effective, especially when facing teams like GT who are strong in the mid-jungle duo. Even if they can delay the AD carry's power spike, it's still difficult to avoid giving them opportunities."
"Now more and more teams have discovered that multi-core output is the answer to the version. Teams like GT, IG, and even KT from LCK, all drive the tempo with their junglers and overwhelm their opponents in all three lanes! In fact, RNG is also a top team, with all five positions filled with excellent players. They can definitely skillfully utilize the strategy of multi-core output."
"We just lost one game, what RNG needs to do is to adjust their state and prepare for the next game's pick and ban!"
In the RNG rest room, although they lost the first game, the atmosphere wasn't too heavy.
Choosing the lineup in the last game was meant to be an experiment. We saw a team in a previous LCK match use it and achieve good results, so we decided to follow suit and give it a try.
It was found that in the LPL, this lineup is not very effective.
In the LCK, the pace is somewhat slower, with most teams focusing on operations. The early fights or clashes for resources are not intense, giving the mid-lane ADC more time to farm and grow.
However, in LPL, there are too many reckless players, and it is difficult for a weak lineup to have enough development space. Even for a team like RNG, who excels at the 4 protect 1 strategy, it is difficult to make this lineup effective. Therefore, it can be seen that this is fundamentally an unworkable path.
ADC should still honestly play for functionality and follow the leading player in the mid and upper lanes to grow secretly, which is the right way.
"The last game was my fault. I used my ultimate too hastily in the mid lane. Otherwise, we could still have won."
Uzi is already past the age of youthful recklessness, and the reason he lost so suddenly in the last round is because he used his ultimate to dodge Crow's control.
Actually, thinking about it later, even if he was controlled, it would be difficult for the enemy mid laner, bot laner, and support to burst him down, especially since he had Quicksilver Sash at the time. No matter the situation, he shouldn't have used his ultimate.
If I can save my ultimate ability, I can dodge Shen's ultimate in the bottom lane. At worst, I can use my ultimate ability to mitigate damage after being locked down.
When my teammates arrive to support, there will definitely be room for a counterattack.
Anyway, no matter what, I have to very honestly take the blame for this.
After all, the entire team gave you resources to farm, but in the end, you had a full set of god-tier equipment and zero damage output, and got killed instantly. Who else should take the blame if not you?
Uzi took the initiative to take responsibility, and Karsa also said, "I didn't perform well in the last game, I don't understand how to play Alistar."
Xiaohu was lying on the chair and suggested, "Actually, with our strength, we can beat GT. There's no need to use this kind of composition, it's too risky."
He was the most uncomfortable player in the previous game.
In the top solo lane, it's every man for himself, while the ADC is supported by jungle and support, providing them with an emperor-like experience. Only he, from the beginning, was under pressure in the bottom lane.
After ten minutes, Niu Tou went to the mid lane for protection, leaving himself alone in the bottom lane, where he was severely pressured and barely survived. He managed to withstand the pressure until the end and finally completed three items, which helped him turn things around. However, suddenly the AD player died and ruined the game.
Who the fuck can bear this?
The top teams in LPL are already very close in strength, and we have even won some scrims before. TheShy believes there is no need to complicate things with fancy lineups. Can't we just have a fair game and see who's better instead of making four players uncomfortable?
After hearing Xiao Hu's words, Letme nodded in agreement. In the previous game, he didn't have a jungle to take care of him, so he was constantly under pressure from Qing Gang Ying's ganks. If Karsa had chosen a normal jungler, he thought he wouldn't have lost to Jin Gong at all.
However, Uzi waved his hand repeatedly and said, "No, no, no. I think we can give it a try. The previous game proved that this lineup is feasible, but I made some mistakes later. If I didn't make mistakes, we would probably have a high chance of winning."
After Uzi finished speaking, everyone in the lounge, including the coach, turned their gaze towards him.
xiaohu opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything, feeling a bit stifled in his heart.
League of Legends is a game for five people, why should four people suffer for your own enjoyment?
If you can win by just enjoying yourself alone, that's fine. But the problem is, we already lost the last game. What if you make another mistake in the next game? You can't guarantee that you will have zero mistakes throughout the entire match, right?
As Uzi's words were spoken, the expressions of the other teammates instantly changed. The coach hastily said, "I think Xiaohu is right. We're not afraid of GT, so why not face them head-on? We can pick a normal lineup for the next game. This way, Xiaogou, you won't have to bear so much pressure to carry. As long as you can dominate against Lin Weixiang in the lane, we actually have a good chance of winning."
After saying that, I looked at Uzi and tentatively asked, "What do you think?"
Uzi remained silent for a moment, his gaze sweeping over his teammates. He saw Xiaohu bowing his head, Letme fidgeting with the armrest cushion, and Karsa lying bored, looking up at the sky. Only Xiaoming shrugged slightly when he met Uzi's gaze.
"Okay, fine. I'll play normally in the next round," Uzi said expressionlessly.
Meanwhile, Xiaoming smiled and said, "Alright, let's give it our all in the next round and show off our skills!"
After a brief ten-minute break, all five members of RNG returned to the competition venue.
On the other side, the GT team also carried their water cups and arrived at their seats, chatting and laughing.
The previous factory director won the first MVP of the GT playoffs with outstanding performance, and in the locker room he couldn't help but be praised by others, making the veteran feel a little embarrassed.
For such a long time, he has been trying to change his playing style in order to fit in better with the gt team, and now, it's finally paying off.
Actually, when he joined gt, although he had the idea of winning the championship, at most it was just a distant dream.
After all, at that time GT had not officially entered LPL, so not many people knew what kind of performance they would have.
Looking back on the journey, outsiders see the team's incredibly magnificent record, but the team manager sees the countless late nights and the well-deserved results that come from the players' diligent training.
In just six months, this team has completely shed its initial immaturity and has become a truly top-notch team in the LPL.
The Factory's manager has also witnessed the growth of the players firsthand.
An experienced gold-contributor who is capable of standing alone…
A person with a unique and undaunted mind, Lin Weixiang, who delivers on his promises…
A meticulous and hardworking prophet of learning…
And, that increasingly mysterious Su Bai.
In such a team, if one does not seek improvement, they may become the ultimate burden.
The glaring lights in the venue, together with the crowded audience, create a lively atmosphere with the occasional noises and conversations.
The lights gathered and the GT team appeared, receiving an extremely enthusiastic cheer from countless spectators.
On such a stage, how much longer can they keep fighting?
In reality, at most, it's only three months of constant fighting...
Since that's the case, why be slack?
Why not give it your all, regardless of success or failure, regardless of ultimately gaining glory or leaving with mocking and disappointment? At least, I have truly tried my best!
The factory director squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the plaques held high by the fans under the bright lights. After a moment, he sat in the second position closest to the outside, put on his headphones, and stared at the screen, his gaze suddenly becoming profound.
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