Science fiction novels Crimson Arrival Chapter 311 The Most Perfect Thing (Final Chapter)
The Tengshe instructors were surprisingly polite. It was quite normal for me as their student and classmate to invite them for a meal after we collectively ran from the first line of defense to here. But with so many people, and with such small appetites, they didn't even finish a fruit platter and left more than half a bottle of red wine. Then they hurriedly said they had to go back, claiming they had things to do at home, and promised to come back when Weiwei gets married.
As the host, Wei Wei naturally asked if they were satisfied and happy with the food.
They all looked very satisfied, couldn't be happier...
...Heh, after graduation, people really become hypocritical. Just this fruit plate, and they still say they're satisfied?
Of course, Wei Wei didn't treat them politely either. Since they came over, he entertained them to their satisfaction. So when he goes over, they of course have to show some hospitality as well.
They believe they won't let themselves down, after all, there are many kind people in the world. Captain Ouyang was not polite, after tasting the red wine, he said it tasted good, and they would not eat the meal, they were eager to go back to deal with some matters, and would be back in a few days. At the same time, he also continued what Wei Wei said, and earnestly expressed to him that he was really going to retire soon, and would retire as soon as he came back this time. Even if the sky falls, I won't care anymore. You stay here these days, and absolutely can't cause trouble for me again….
Wei Wei seriously considered it and assured Captain Ouyang that this time it's for real, absolutely not going to cause trouble.
If you can't find trouble, even if you stick with Ye Feifei, you'll find trouble.
Captain Ouyang also felt so sloppy for a moment, and he suddenly felt that it was really the case. His mood immediately turned bad, and he left humming a tune.
"You even willingly burden yourself with a small sin in order to cultivate my anger. You believed at that time that, in my presence, there was no possibility of any growth, and that you wanted to keep me constantly angry, maintaining the weakest anger. So you personally took care of me, personally watched the cultivation of our feelings, and then personally watched as my most precious thing was destroyed..."
"Originally, only one guest was missing, but just in time, he also arrived."
"Hua Xin thought to himself, 'Especially the Ghost Lady, she must not come. At least she is clean, but this head takes up too much space....'"
」This is actually the first kind of extraordinary power excavated from the deep collective subconscious of human beings, and it is also the core of all extraordinary powers.
「In the process of pursuing perfection, they have done too little perfect things...」
"This is bad."
"I said it very seriously, as if it was too long ago, I had to exert a lot of effort to remember. We were not just two trivial people. We were both perfectionists, and at the same time we were researchers studying some social issues. Our level was how it was, but we were both very serious. However, the more we studied, the more hopeless we became. Clearly, we were just two successful guys, but we detested analyzing problems from the lowest point in history..."
Wei Wei's daoxing dao is great, "Do you know he has a small appetite? That time you bought so much, and also called auntie, asking you to come over and make a small meal for you guys."
And Wei Wei's smile becomes very bitter, "You know who he's talking about, but, you know, the smallest problem in their plan."
"Can that glutton get full too?"
"The important thing is that we didn't run out of alcohol."
After everyone had left, Wei Wei and Wei Wei Dao sat quietly outside the living room, seemingly enjoying the short moment of quiet after the guests had departed.
"Those two people, each with their own division of labor, have no choice but to try, no choice but to observe in the world, and adjust at any time."
"Of course,"
Father An quickly said, "It is true that a long time later, so long that the world has changed its face because of it."
It's a pity that I am also in bad shape now. When I come, I will still advise it to do activities slowly as a living person. It is estimated that it will continue to solicit praise behind me...
Hua Lan laughed and said, "You are also used to drinking, but the important thing is the color, right?"

"But instead, it placed a power that could not be completely controlled, a power that was both the weakest and the most perfect, into the smallest variable in that world, making everything full of certainty."
"We have done some self-entertaining questions, which actually have a lot of value, just not very well matched with some of the current issues in the world at that time..."
"Doo doo...."
As the sun set, Wei Weiwei became increasingly depressed, and he hummed a tune leisurely as he rode on the large electric bike.
Father An remained silent for a long time, shaking his head and saying, "He really is me."
So I sat quietly under the sofa for a while, suddenly opened my eyes, and looked at Wei Weiwei and said, "Feifei?"
Wei Weiwei turned his head for a moment and reacted, "Yeah, what's up?"
"At that time, the rulers used very few methods to control that kind of power, but only the research of these two people in their twenties coincided with that matrix, making it possible to develop your power. So, we were both very lucky to be selected and entered the research, and even once led the research direction. However, we were both too disgusted with perfection. We believed that discovering that kind of power would make the world perfect, but it only lacked the possibility of perfection. So, with each other's encouragement, we had a small bold idea to use that power to create the most perfect thing in that world..."
"But the result..."
"Doo doo...."
Weiwei listened attentively, and then suddenly asked, "What are they made for?"
Hualan remained silent, so I continued, "There were rarely any strange things happening during that time. You only told him things he needed to know about our research. It was successful and caused a small impact on that world at one point. We both encouraged each other and reminded each other to persevere, until the very end..."
Weiyi Wei has been listening quietly to my narration, but he seems unfamiliar.
Weiyi Wei hesitated for a moment, then held Weiyi Dao's hand.
Hua Lan also quickly raised her head and looked at Father An Shen, saying, "Yes, until now, there is no perfection, he cannot make a choice."
"You haven't finished eating slowly yet."
Father An chuckled and nodded, watching as Weiwei helped pour me another glass of red wine. He frowned and said, "Only half a bottle?"
It seems that some things did happen, but it also seems that I only know that these things are too distant, distant enough to have nothing to do with myself.
But since that was the story Father Anshen told me specially, I tried hard to understand and explain, saying, "Perhaps I have only discovered something even more worthless?"
"Where did you put them after using them before? Where did you collect them back?"
"That is also a kind of perfection."
Weidao Wei Dao: "You just thought of it. The last time you bought only a few vegetables, at least enough for him to eat. If you go out for dinner late, you can put them in a smaller place."
Wei Wei approached you and said loudly, "Now the instructor and the captain have left, and there are others outside the home."
"This person who went to try, tried only a few times. Each time he won by being willing to give up, but when he had no strength to try again and decided to make a desperate move, I unexpectedly found the possibility of success. Another person, also felt sorry for it, so the perseverance of the young man finally saw the dawn."
Ye Feifei... "It needs to be more plentiful, even more abundant than before, it's true that when something is broken, we should buy something like this"
"It's not..."
Hua Lan looked up, and also said
Hua Lan Yi was completely stunned, "Buy groceries?"
"To be honest, with a background like yours, you might have the same thoughts..."
I blurted out to the outside, then looked seriously at Wei Wei, saying, "You're actually quite curious, why am I like that?"
But Captain Ouyang seemed serious that time, I really planned to rest as soon as I came back...
Fr. Anshen looked up at the hook under the ceiling, nodded anxiously, and sighed, "Yes..."
Wei Wei tried to think seriously for the first time and questioned, "Why go through such a difficult process when the result of the discovery is the same as what we thought at the beginning?"
I paused for a moment and said, "He also heard some things related to that story from the Foundation. When the world becomes more and more desperate in the search for the future, no one noticed."
"Is putting in effort really about discovery?"
Wei Weidao was so laid-back, and you're so serious just to tell him to go out and buy groceries?
Wei Weidao rode the tram and called Wei Wei, but the line was always busy.
We were mistakenly arrested, and now the Foundation wants to let us go, but we are not willing to leave. We just made friends with a group of people out there, and we want to leave together or stay together.
Father Anshen held a wine glass in his hand, silent for a moment, as if he had little to say. But now, in the atmosphere, facing the smile on Weiwei's face, he felt like he knew exactly what to say.
With the red large hat on, Father An, just like in my memory, the priest's robe under me is dusty, and I still hold the book with the red cover in my arms, only it looks more dim, even the smile on my face is just like in my memory, like carved out of the same mold as Weii, temperamental, friendly, and showing a keen interest in everything, extremely tolerant.
Why do you have to bring up the topic of salary just as I'm about to go on vacation?
Father An was silent for a long time before speaking loudly, "When you first planned to plant the seeds under this garbage hill, you actually refused, because those children didn't have enough knowledge, experience, or vision. If you had seen the kind of anger that is worth your appreciation under me, you would have given me a crimson, but the result would have been... "
When Hualan heard this, she also raised her head. As Father An spoke, my palms were trembling, and the veins on my forehead were bulging. It seemed that an endless anger was indeed burning, brewing like a volcano about to erupt. But as I looked at the tense face of Father An, I suddenly felt lazy, and after a while, I said in a heavy voice, "But there is a way. Your perspective is just a little bit off. You're even too lazy to use your brain..."
Wei Wei smiled and suddenly said, "But there is too little food to use."
Looking up, it was seventy yuan.
Wei Wei seemed to be silent for a while, smiling and agreeing, "Living in that place is indeed very depressing, the villa is too narrow..."
"... so bad!
"What did he say about buying something rich and giving you only seventy dollars?"
"Father An remained silent for a long, long time, before finally speaking."
"Wei Wei looked up at me, and said intensely, 'But do you think it's not quite perfect yet?' Hualan thought seriously for a moment and admitted that trouble was indeed hard to find."
Wei Weidao looked at the small and large bags he was carrying, feeling a bit dumbfounded, and at the same time, finding it hard to understand "How could I be slow and full?"
Looking in the mirror, he sprayed some hair gel and styled his hair to look somewhat presentable.
.....David, that's a worldly and cool look, really bad-ass!
"In fact, the choice to try this one is the key to the entire plan. I have to tell the person in charge of observing and recording just once, you must persist, you must create the ultimate and perfect outcome."
Finally, without knocking, a voice rang out, waking Hualan from her silence. Her face broke into a scowl and she took a few slow steps before opening the door, inviting in her most esteemed guest.
Father Anshen nodded and picked up the wine glass, saying in a deep voice, "Actually, you are too disgusted, because you have a perfectionist tendency and obsessive-compulsive disorder. You also care about the wine being bad, but the key is that you are disgusted by the feeling of only having half a bottle, as if it were something a young man had meticulously prepared, but for some reason, couldn't make it to the front. That's a pretty hard thing for you to accept."
He will be in the future too."
"The world you see outside your eyes, it's just a small part, but...."
Nodding and smiling, Jing looked very thoughtful and praised.
"...It's about experiencing, slowly getting full, and not still have more to get full?"
You promised to come up with a slow smile, took the key to the big electric car and the basket, and left. After a while, the sound of going upstairs came, leaving Wei Wei alone in the room.
I walked out of the living room, my eyes quickly scanning the room's decor from the red walls to the white tablecloth, and then to the hooks dangling down from the ceiling.
"He finally answered the phone."
Close your eyes, Hualan can still see, the way the underlying world operates, can't see Dong Jiaye's father and son, who are working hard to prepare for your bank, and see Sen Sen, who returned to the manor, took off the bloody armor, and walked to the shower, washing off the blood. As a war demon, your first intense feeling is for Wei Wei himself, even he blushed, that thing can be seen.
Hualan suddenly smiled even more bitterly, boasting, "You personally decorated it, but it's very tasteless, isn't it?"
"Not good..."
Hualan squinted and smiled, "From the first day of your decoration, I was waiting for him." "But, no one expected that, at that time, I chose a path that no one had thought of. I gave up the pursuit of this most perfect thing."
Ye Feifei: "He should go out and buy some more vegetables. We still don't know what to eat for dinner..."
"This is a long time later..."
Wei Weidao's face turned red, feeling a bad sense of superiority, suddenly felt something being stuffed into the palm of his hand.
I remained silent for a long time before saying, "But who can guarantee that what you see is the most accurate?"
Wei Wei looked around outside the window, with a hesitant look on his face, suddenly feeling a bit flustered... What's the rush?
Father An Shen, with a flushed face, said in a deep voice, "Why must we wait until we have put in so little effort before we go and discover?"
Before that, I returned to the living room, sat behind the white tablecloth, removed the fruit bowl, and behind me there was only a bottle of red wine and two clean glass cups.
"Why did you have to find out at such a crucial time?"
"It's not that the foundation is understanding, it's just that if it helps to destroy itself at that opportunity, it's very reassuring."
Wei Wei waited for a long time, but it seemed not that long, maybe because he was used to waiting for a long time.
He started to feel bored again, so he rode his electric bike toward the restaurant. "Anyway, I'm hungry, and there's nothing better than having a delicious meal when I'm hungry, right?"
I still can't sense that, at this moment outside the Foundation, there are several people trying hard to persuade a certain head and a ghost outside the containment center.
Weiwei seems to have some good intentions, saying "Can he help you?"
I got up and went to the bedroom, changed into a clean outfit, dressed in a suit, and even put on an expensive watch.
"In your limitless understanding, you only acknowledge one kind of perfection, this is not the long-standing stuntedness of an adult, to face the few choices in my life...."
Closing my eyes, I have seen all aspects of things, and I do feel anxious. "Have you ever thought that a big child's anger would be twisted in the process of growing up in a crimson way, and become so compromising..."
"Creating the most perfect thing, of course, is not to make that world perfect as well..."
Father An smiled, sat down behind the round table, placed the red-sealed book under the table, and looked at the half bottle of red wine, saying "Was it waiting for you?"
"The environment is wrong."
Father An solemnly answered, looking at Wei Wei's expression.
"Only when it's like this, my destiny will be so weak that you think it's vague, and it's impossible to reach the end...."
The clock ticked and tocked.
Weidao, who was comparing the figure drawn on the ground with his fingers, suddenly stopped and said, "What's wrong?"
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