Fantasy Novel Chapter 68 Knight Program II
They briefly introduced themselves and gained a slight understanding of each other. Number 107 began to explain the secrets they knew.
"This crisis is not a coincidence, and I believe everyone is aware that the global virus outbreak was the origin of the disaster. However, the virus is not a natural species, but rather artificially synthesized."
"Monsters enjoy feeding on humans, not only because they are easy to capture, but also because both of you have had experiences of eating meat! The feeling is unparalleled compared to any other food." 107 looked at Xingchen and Fang Tian. Translation: Monsters like to eat humans not only because they are easy to catch, but also because both of you have had experiences of eating meat! The feeling is incomparable to any other food." 107 looked at Xingchen and Fang Tian.
Indeed, the taste of human flesh is unparalleled, as it stimulates cellular activity and creates a sense of excitement.
"Since monsters' genetic makeup is based on the human template, we have only witnessed the process of human mutation. Even though monsters may take on various forms, they still rely on the same biological system as humans."
Many of us have hunted monsters, applying the same methods we use to deal with humans, often yielding significant results. The weaknesses, the critical points, are always there, bearing a striking resemblance to what we have encountered before.
These facts are all top-secret information discovered by No. 107 during the creation. However, these weaknesses are most evident in ordinary monsters. Starry also used combat techniques to disable the fighting capabilities of many monsters.
However, for special mutants like them, as they continue to devour and evolve, their disadvantageous weaknesses will gradually decrease.
"Have you felt it? Even if the monsters we encounter are strange, we can always find similar shadows in nature."
Listening to Number 107, indeed, no matter how outrageous the monsters are, one can more or less find animals or plants with similar abilities in the natural world.
“Rather than calling it mutation, it is more like genetic hybridization. We speculate that before the apocalypse, the genetic research controversy was initiated by the Genesis organization, and numerous scholars provided them with experience and direction.”
"The creation also had its first prototype during the experiment, and you and I are it." 107 looked at Xing, "I am a professor at the Institute of Science, and I also participated in the genetic academic research back then. I should have been infected with the virus during the academic conference." Please note that the translation may not be perfect due to the presence of special characters such as '@@'.
When I felt unwell, I conducted some self-medication which, in fact, enabled me to retain my humanity after the mutation. Soon after, Genesis appeared and took control of me, secretly transporting me to a laboratory for research. Despite my advanced age, my virus compatibility level was extremely high, leading Genesis to deem me valuable and designate me as Subject 107.
"What about you, Xingchen? What was your mutation process like?"
Some time ago, Xing sank into his subconsciousness to search for these fragments. He felt that his memories were complete, but there were still some parts that didn't feel coherent enough. It was only until the last time he discovered a tracker that some fragments flashed before him. Perhaps he needs a trigger to evoke emotions.
"I should be a normal virus-infected person who mutated. I have never been in contact with any of the creators before, and I have always been wandering."
What? Uncle Qi and Xiaoniao were stunned. If nothing happened, why did he become the number one?
"What about your ability?"
"You are the only person I have seen who can control mutations. While we can control localized muscles, we cannot directly return to a human appearance like you."
"But I am not. After consuming the flesh of the stars, my body reacted strongly and eventually caused me to become weak and faint."
Number 107 rubbed his chin and said, "Every gene requires adaptation. We cannot possess all of the special abilities, but I have never heard of rejection phenomena before. Stardust, there are too many mysteries surrounding you. As the first creation, you are certainly extraordinary."
"Continuing from our previous topic, now that you know monsters can devour and evolve, with each instance making them more powerful and posing a greater threat to the fortress, what is the significance of studying such individuals?"
Everyone fell into contemplation. Yes, whether it is for world domination or eradicating humanity, granting monsters the ability to constantly grow is ultimately a hidden danger.
"The Knight Plan has given hundreds of special mutants specific codes. At the same time, there are also some individuals who have evolved on their own and evaded their screening, so they were not included, such as Brother Fangtian! And if they are captured, they will be first studied and then incorporated into the Knight Plan." Translated:
"What is the content of the Knight's Plan exactly?" The audience can't wait any longer.
"We have destroyed two Genesis branches and found some files that were not completely destroyed!"
The Knight Plan is an evolutionary direction set by the Creator. It allows us special individuals to fight fiercely and devour each other during the apocalypse, continuously stimulating gene expression, in order to achieve their ideal perfect gene sequence.
"So he not only did not interfere with our growth, but also contributed to it. They will use means to induce us to meet in the midst of the doomsday, because under crisis-sensitive factors, most of the same kind will choose to fight!" Translated: "
"Are they going to accept us as their underlings, instead of sending us to the experimental table? They just want to harvest the nearly perfect genetic sequence within our bodies!" Please note that my translations may not contain exact @ matches as they are typically used for tagging specific users or referring to previous messages. Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!
"To put it more bluntly, we fight for a better tomorrow; to be more selfish, every member of the Wanderer team just wants to survive!"
"The most crucial component of their plan is inclusivity, being able to accommodate various genetic expressions. So, take a closer look at yourself, could it be that you're the individual they hope to eliminate in the end?"
Looking at his own hands, Xingchen realizes his uniqueness, even considering if he is one of a kind! Xingchen begins to ponder why it is himself. I have decent physical abilities, but I am far from being an athlete. I have accumulated a lot of knowledge, but I cannot claim to be well-read, not to mention my family background. If I am not diligent enough, I can't even afford to buy books. Translation:
“What do they plan to do after obtaining the target genes?”
“We do not know for sure, but it seems to be related to their queen and king's plan. However, the reports indicate that Cradle's progress in these two aspects is basically zero."
"My team and I will do our best to destroy their foundations before their conspiracy succeeds." No. 107's tone fluctuated slightly.
"Their power is far too strong, perhaps in their eyes, we are just a joke. Even if we destroy two of their branches, there is no sign of any movement from the Genesis headquarters. Even if the resistance from these branches is strong, they have not extended any assistance." No. 107 recalled the modern weapons they had seen along the way. Every time they reached a new place, the destructive power and specificity became stronger.
After a moment of silence, Fang Tian pondered for a while and then spoke, "If they are aiming to obtain the ultimate genetic sequence, and the process requires us to fight each other for evolution, wouldn't their plan be doomed if we don't engage in their scheme?"
"If you just think about it, it's too simple. For this goal, billions of people have sacrificed their lives! In this doomsday scenario, how many people do you believe have truly believed in?"
If it's just one person, it's fine. But everyone has a team. If you don't struggle and become stronger, how many people around you can survive, or will everyone scatter when faced with great difficulties?
Indeed, at the beginning, Fāng Tiān unknowingly embarked on the path of fighting and killing for his daughter. Chù Xuān seized upon this point. Whether it's humans or mutants, as long as there is a glimmer of hope or something to hold on to in this apocalypse, he will fight for it, at any cost!
"Chuangshi lacked the ability to conduct another live experiment in the laboratory, so they moved the experiment table to the entire world." Number 107 remembered a slogan seen in every city, "Life will seek answers on its own."
Crazy scientists, although the driving force behind them remains unknown, it is apparent that individuals like Xingchen and Fangtian stand no chance of surviving in the face of apocalypse if their aim is to merely live on.
No one is speaking. Perhaps, in this conspiracy, some are the protagonists while others are merely props. I have once fantasized about the ultimate duel between humans and monsters, but reality is that everyone is being manipulated in the palm of someone's hand.
107 opened the water cup and took a sip.
At that moment, Maji suddenly remembered something. She dug out a chip from a corner, which was one of the reasons they came to the island country. In that cleanup operation, what was it that the fortress was supposed to eliminate?
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