Main Character: Liu Dafeng
Extras: Yu Pangpang, Mouse Grey, Fei Xi, Bowing Pawn, Pig Feet King, Chen Erjian
"Sand Sculpture Quintet - Great Adventure"
Liu Dafeng's various ways of seeking death can only be described as persistent.
    One day, during a sports event, Liu Dafeng, who did not participate in any competitions, decided to play the game "Pass the Clothes on a Stool Adventure" with a few onlookers.
    The rules of the game were simple: when the sound stopped, whoever had the clothes in their hands would have to embark on an adventure.

In the first round, the "thumping sound" suddenly stopped, and the clothing was passed to the "lucky one" Liu Dafeng's hands.
The onlookers with unusual creativity came up with a unique idea. "The Adventure Journey" required Liu Dafeng to perform a dance in front of the Lower Head Infantry.
Liu Dafeng shrugged his hands and firmly refused, saying, "How can this be possible? He is a man! Besides, I don't know how to dance!"
The understanding onlookers eagerly expressed, "Exactly, you even have the audacity to haggle. Not asking you to wear a skirt and dance is already taking care of you! And yet, you're still being picky!"
The onlookers pulled Liu Da Fen over without hesitation and stood him in front of the low-headed soldier.
The low-headed soldier, who was still looking at his phone, slowly raised his head and smiled at the slightly trembling Liu Da Fen after understanding his intention, and then clicked on "Hallo Kugou," and the accompaniment music started playing.
Watching Liu Dafeng hesitating and unable to move forward, several onlookers volunteered to help him overcome his fear and put on a performance.
Yu Pangpang (extra) and Mouse Grey (extra) are usually skilled at dancing the ghost step, so their movements are particularly smooth. Fei Xi (extra) is naturally "girly," with actions that are "seductive" and "sophisticated."
Liu Dafen, since childhood, has no talent for dancing, really cannot dance. I wanted to learn on the spot and found myself dancing into a "society shake", it is simply a case of "ugly appearance", hard to look straight at.
Good dances are meant to be remembered. Liu Dafun's dance is unforgettable for all the onlookers.
Although Liu Dafun's dancing skills are not impressive, at least he has the courage to perform. As the music stops, the awkward talent show finally ends with laughter all around.
The onlookers shook their heads one after another, saying, "We are not afraid of more sand sculptures, but we are afraid of you sand sculptures gathering in one place."
Liu Dafèn touched his head and said in distress, "What a disaster! Why did I have to get involved in this mess?!"
The game continues. In the second round, Liu Dafeng is once again the "lucky one". Such luck is too precious to not buy a lottery ticket!
Amidst the cheers of the onlookers, Liu Dafeng confidently declares, "As long as it's not dancing, I can do anything else!"
Hearing Liu Dafeng's shameless boast, how could the "kind-hearted" onlookers miss such an opportunity? So, the "adventure journey" is to have him go and praise the humble laborer face to face.
Liu Defen blushed and walked slowly to the side of Dihouzu, whispering, "You are breathtakingly beautiful, with a face that is irresistible, captivating, and exquisite. You possess a beauty that can eclipse all others, bewitching the entire nation. You are graceful and elegant, like a blooming lotus. In this world full of wonders, your face occupies 99.9% of the beauty!"
The cunning subordinate, with a half-smile on his face, said, "I understand your little tricks! But my intentions, you definitely won't understand!"
Uh-oh, a rival has been encountered. Liu Dafeng's face turned even redder, as he covered his face and ran away with his head down. As he ran, Liu Dafeng suddenly plunged into the strong embrace of Yuxing Nong, receiving a solid hug from him.
Seeing this scene, the onlookers couldn't help but laugh: Liu Da Fen has truly demonstrated what it means to "the world is truly amazing, making death unavoidable." He has embarked on a path of self-destruction that he cannot turn back from!
Dragging is a "performance art" carved into DNA.
One weekend, the Little Pig King (extra) discovered the figure of Liu Dafens while playing "Peace Elite".
The Pig's Feet King chuckled and clicked "Invite" with lightning speed.
His dreams were lofty, but now they feel skeletal. His enthusiasm was dashed when he saw the message: "This player has been offline for three days!"
After a few days, Piggypaws saw Liu Dafen online on QQ and asked, "Why haven't you been playing Peace Elite? I even invited you that day!"
"Oh, I can't play this weekend. Next time for sure! Next time for sure!" Liu Dafeng casually replied.
Next time for sure means there won't be a next time. The days passed by quietly for fifty-four days.
During these 54 days, the "Tomorrow is also possible" Pig Feet King has been constantly "crazy" inviting Liu Dafeces to click. But Liu Dafeces always puts on an indifferent and unattainable appearance, which makes Pig Feet King very depressed, "Since you started inviting, why not click?" In the end, not even a game was played.
Gradually, Pig Feet King forgot about this matter until one day...
On a thunderous Sunday, Pig Feet King felt bored and decided to play a game to pass the time. Just as he was about to "stimulate" himself, he was surprised to find that Liu Dafan was also online!
After waiting for a long time, today has finally arrived. After enduring for so long, the Pig's Foot King finally makes his dream come true. With his excitement contained, he immediately clicks on "Invite". However, after clicking, the Pig's Foot King only sees "Sorry! Player has been offline for five seconds!" and only hears the sound of his heart breaking.
"Damn it! If you don't want to play PUBG with me, that's fine. But saying things like planes are too crowded and can spread diseases, and being afraid of bugs in the grass, only someone like you could say such things! A little sister can endure, but a big sister cannot endure this!" King Pigsy shouted in a demonic sheep-like voice. During that period, King Pigsy was almost constantly sulking to himself.
Time flies, and the years pass by. Winter vacation, finally arrived!
One day, Pig's Feet King was in a very good mood and was ready to go online. Huh, Liu Big Poop is also online. So, he tried once again to send an invitation.
If you don't believe it, give it a try. If you try, you'll die. Reality has played a huge joke on the newbie king, and the mobile phone screen shows: "Sorry, player has gone offline for one second!"
When Zhubajie, the Pig's Feet King, saw the phrase "In a second," he was so furious that he felt his lungs were about to explode. It felt like there was a heavy boulder pressing on his chest, and he wished he could smash his phone to pieces and then drag Liu Dafeng out of his house to "strangle" him. Her biggest wish was to make Liu Dafeng "disappear" from the face of the Earth forever.
In the morning, watch the water flow east, in the evening, watch the sun set in the west. Winter vacation passed by in a hurry, and it's time to go back to school.
One day, I don't know if I got bored of other games or if a light bulb suddenly lit up in my head, Liu Dafeng actually took the initiative to invite Pigfoot King to play games. "Hey, let's just play together. After all, as a king like me, it is more fun to play with a small fry like you, haha..."
Pig's Foot King, seeing someone inviting himself, didn't hesitate and agreed right away. If Pig's Foot King had a God's eye view and knew the outcome, he would definitely close his eyes, clasp his hands together, and pray devoutly: Oh God, is it still possible for me to regret now? Please give me another chance to make a new choice!
However, it was too late for regrets. Pig Feet King could only grit his teeth and try his best, but the ending was too horrifying to bear.
Liu Da Fen only knew how to wander around the "enemy outnumber us," constantly praying for "grant me the power of the gods!" In reality, he was of no help at all, just bringing disaster upon Pig Feet King, who was brutally tortured by the "enemy." Truly sacrificing one's teammate, boundless in their magical abilities.
Pig Trotter King's mentality has collapsed: Liu Dafeng, are you a rookie wrapped in a courier? You are both incompetent and able to deliver. I haven't even had a chance to show my skills, and you have already ruined it for me. I'm really afraid of teammates like pigs rather than tigers.
Entering Zhu, one becomes red; entering Liu big feces, one becomes vegetable. Although Liu big feces, also known as "pig teammate," plays games poorly, it doesn't mean he isn't happy. Especially when he receives trophies.
Bad luck
On a Friday afternoon after school, the chatting Pig King suddenly covered his nose and pointed at Liu Big Poo, saying, "Liu Big Poo, why do you smell so bad? Did you step on dog shit?"
Liu Dafeng subconsciously looked at his shoes and shouted, "Oh my god! I stepped on dog poop!"
King Pig's horned king hid aside, and ran away in disgust.
"Oh no, how do I clean this up?" Liu Dafeng was at a loss, tears welling up in his eyes, like a lost child. He quickly found a wet patch of grass on the side of the road, rubbed and scrubbed at it, but the dog poop remained, seeping into every corner of his shoe sole, utterly disgusting.
I don't know how Liu Dafeng dealt with the "source of all evil", but the matter passed like that.
In the following days, Liu Dafeng's luck skyrocketed and couldn't be stopped.
Playing "Brawl Stars," Liu Dafeng won a game when he played with his friends. He only played one game and received a reward - opening a treasure chest.
Here comes the highlight! Liu Dafeng, who had only a little over 500 trophies, opened the treasure chest! Wow! He actually got two legendaries, one epic, and they are super rare!
It's really lucky to get even a loot box, which is so competitive!
The Pigfoot King with over 10,000 trophies didn't even get a single epic, but it's a piece of cake for Liu Dafan.
The onlookers sighed deeply: Liudafen, how many dog poop have you quietly stepped on to accumulate such good luck!
Playing tricks
Confused days are passed in confusion, and Liudafen has made a mess of his life.
In the blink of an eye, the long-awaited annual sports festival for the spectators has arrived.
Since Liu Dafen did not participate in any competition, he can "wander around" without any worries.
Liu Dafeng was strolling around, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a few onlookers playing Chinese chess. Being known as the "Unrivaled Martial Artist of the East," he hadn't encountered a worthy opponent for a long time. His hands were itching for a challenge, naturally wanting to spar with the onlookers and showcase his unparalleled professional skills and his esteemed position in the martial arts world.
When Chen Erjian (extra) appeared on stage, Liu Dafan hurried forward and said, "I want to play too."
Right from the start, a creepy smile appeared on Liu Dafan's face, which made the onlookers feel somewhat unnerved.
Master showdown, every move is "fatal". I saw Liu Dafei holding the black chess piece in his left hand, while his right hand was rubbing his beard without any bristle. With years of "actual combat" experience, he proudly placed the first chess piece in the middle of the chessboard. Um, it fell into the central vacant space on the chessboard, not on the line.
For this "fatal" killer move, onlookers are puzzled and express: "Ah, what does this mean, Liu Dafan? Is this a powerful weapon of the windmill formation? Doesn't seem like it! We can't figure it out..."
Hearing the idle talk of the onlookers, Liu Dafeng blushed and kept explaining that it was just a joke, and then placed the first chess piece back on the line again. It turns out that Liu Dafeng had a momentary hallucination just now.
The process of playing this game of Gomoku is too simple to describe in detail. In less than two minutes, it was looking like Chen Erjian was about to win. Liu Dafan had an incredulous look on his face: How did he manage to connect four pieces without any obstacles on either end? What should we do now?
Liu Dafeng hurriedly blocked one side and saw Chen Erjian about to place a chess piece again, angrily shouting, "Wasn't this piece just on top? How did it fall down again? You're cheating!"
In order to prevent Liu Dafan from trying to deceive others, the onlookers immediately responded in unison, saying, "Right here! Are you seeing things or are you blind?" Liu Dafan was left speechless.

For several rounds, Liu Dafeng has been acting like this, making onlookers suspect whether he is intentionally playing tricks or truly having hallucinations due to mental confusion.

In the end, after seven rounds of Five Chess games, Liu Dafeng lost all seven rounds. This is extremely embarrassing and a huge blow to his reputation. As a result, the title of "Invincible of the East" was easily snatched away by Chen Erjian. Fortunately, Liu Dafeng has gained a new title – "Failure of the West."

In the eyes of the gossiping masses, Liu Dafeng has never played unfair, so this is the first time, so Liu Dafeng can go to the hospital to have a check-up...
The clouds in the sky are dyed in various colors by the setting sun: deep red, light red, orange, light yellow... Remembering the run under the setting sun that day, that was our fading silliness - Liu Dafeng.
Author's Message: If you had a little bit of brain, you wouldn't be completely brainless!
Liu Dafeng Interview
1. What are your thoughts after reading the article?
Why did you only write so little about me? Can't you write more about me? The article doesn't even mention my appearance. Can you use my real name? I don't want to be referred to by this nickname. Not even my friends were mentioned. I think you could have written about things that happened to me before. Sister (antlers), why am I so playful?
2. What do you think of this nickname?
This nickname sounds like I am ugly and stinky. Therefore, I want to change it. The person who came up with this nickname must have had some really negative thoughts. I wonder what they were thinking.
3.Do you think there is a big difference between yourself and the person in the article?
Not really, there are some areas for improvement. In the article, it says that I went to the medical room, but I was actually in my cubicle at the office. It was portrayed too exaggeratedly.
(First author: Deer King)
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