Other Novels Ge Ertwo's Dream Journey Volume 2 Chapter 159: Erlang Shen angrily beats Geyi Erlang

Volume 2 Chapter 159: Erlang Shen angrily beats Geyi Erlang

Geyi Erlang fled from the new house, running hurriedly towards the outskirts of the village.
Since Sun Wukong completed his journey to the west and was bestowed the title of Victorious Fighting Buddha, Erlang Shen Yang Jian held great respect for him. Sun Wukong also had a deep admiration for Yang Jian, and their relationship had always been good, like brothers. As a result, after not seeing Sun Wukong for a long time, Erlang Shen Yang Jian really missed him and had been yearning to see him more and more. Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie had already descended to the mortal realm to assist Geyi Erlang in defeating the Yellow Emperor, but they had yet to return, making it quite difficult to catch a glimpse of Sun Wukong.
Yang Jian thought, since he wanted to see Monkey King, he should go and visit him in the mortal world. On this idle day, Er Lang Shen Yang Jian, carrying his double-edged trident, and accompanied by a dog, a divine beast named Xiao Tian, walked out of the South Heaven Gate and flew on the clouds towards the mortal world.
Yang Jian walked leisurely in front, while Xiong Tianquan followed behind, strolling around. Sometimes the Xiong Tianquan ran ahead, sometimes it ran behind. It sniffed here and there, looked around one side and then the other side.
Abruptly, Cerberus saw a person running out of a village below in a panicked manner. Thinking to itself, "In the middle of the night, someone rushing out of a village in such a state surely can't be a good person. They are either a thief or burglar. I must catch them and see who they are." With a swift movement, it descended from the sky to the ground.
Geliang Liang ran out of the village, recalling the events of the day, feeling mixed emotions. He had intended to marry a good wife for himself, but unexpectedly ended up marrying an uglier wife than himself. Scared, he quickly ran away, afraid of letting this woman get close to him. He hurriedly ran out of the village, ready to soar through the clouds and return to the army. Just as his feet left the ground, he suddenly stopped, as if something was holding him back. Geliang Liang looked down and was startled to see a large black dog biting onto his pants and pulling him down. This big black dog was tall and slim, with its ears drooping and shiny fur. It glowed even in the darkness, and had a lively and beautiful aura.
Ge Erliang desperately tried to climb up, but the big black dog forcefully pulled him down. In the struggle, Ge Erliang wasn't able to overpower the dog and was quickly pulled down from mid-air. "Plop," Ge Erliang landed on the ground with a thud. Then, with a "clang," a big bottle of alcohol rolled out of his pocket and fell on the ground. Seeing this, the big black dog let go of Ge Erliang and dashed over, grabbing the bottle of alcohol with its mouth before running away.
Ge Erliang was anxious when he saw that the big wine jar was about to be taken away. It would be a disaster if it was snatched away. He got up and ran as fast as he could, with his short legs spread out. The big black dog ran ahead, while Ge Erliang chased desperately from behind. Despite exerting all his strength, Ge Erliang barely caught up with the big black dog. He grabbed its tail and tried to stop it, but the dog wouldn't stop. It kept pulling forward while Ge Erliang pulled backward. In their struggle, the big black dog lifted its hind leg and kicked Ge Erliang, causing him to fall on his back. The big black dog then ran away.
Ge Erliang crawled up from the ground, but with his short legs, he couldn't catch up to the big black dog no matter how hard he tried. He leapt into the air and quickly caught up to the dog. After a struggle, he managed to snatch the big bottle from the dog's mouth and stuffed it in his pocket. Then, Ge Erliang turned around and ran away.
The big black dog kept chasing relentlessly, barking as it came closer from behind. Ge Erliang saw the big black dog catching up again and ran as fast as his short legs could carry him. With its four long legs, the big black dog chased after him frantically. Ge Erliang's short legs couldn't compare to the speed of the big black dog's long legs, so he was soon caught up. The dog bit onto Ge Erliang's pants and dragged him down, making him fall hard. Ge Erliang kicked and struggled, trying to free himself from the dog's grip, but the dog refused to let go. The large bottle of alcohol almost fell out of his pocket, so Ge Erliang quickly used his hand to hold it in place and prevent it from dropping. After securing the bottle, he realized that there was no need to fight with this animal. He could just kill it. Ge Erliang took out the bottle and smashed it on the dog's head with a loud "bang". The big black dog let out a miserable cry and collapsed on the ground, motionless. Ge Erliang kicked the dog into a ditch and then walked away. He hadn't gone far when his stomach growled loudly, hunger striking once again.
Ge Erliang has been tossing and turning for a day, but hasn't accomplished anything. At the wedding banquet, he only drank a little alcohol and that's it. Now he's in for another round of trouble, how can he not be hungry? Looking around, there is no food in the wilderness. His stomach keeps growling louder and louder, while his legs are getting weaker and weaker. He can't take another step, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. He knows he's hungry.
Where can I find food? He suddenly thought of that big black dog, not only can it satisfy his hunger, but it is also delicious. He returned to find the big black dog and saw that the dog was happy. Haha, you little animal, if you didn't bother me, you wouldn't end up like this, and you wouldn't become my meal. Maybe the heavens knew I was hungry and sent you to me as food.
He stretched out his hand and grabbed the big black dog, carrying it on his shoulder. He found a crooked-neck tree and hung the dog on it. With a spell in mind, the large bottle turned into a sharp knife. In the hands of Ge Erlang, this knife was skillfully used, just like when a butcher cuts meat effortlessly. In no time, the dog's skin was skillfully peeled off. Then, he picked up some dry firewood and piled it up, placing the dog on top. He lit the fire and began roasting the dog meat.
He squatted by the bonfire, watching the dog meat and drooling with appetite, hoping the dog meat would be roasted soon. He was so hungry that his stomach was stuck to his backbone. The fire burned brighter and brighter, and a hint of aroma began to seep out from the dog meat, spreading into the sky and drifting away.
Yang Jian, the powerful Erlang Shen, only moved forward, but when he looked back, Xiong Tian Quan, the fierce dog, was nowhere to be found. Huh? Where did this beast go? He hurriedly searched, looking around and glimpsing a pile of flickering firelight not far from a village. He flew towards the firelight. The closer he got, the brighter the firelight became, and he faintly smelled the aroma of dog meat. He had a premonition that Xiong Tian Quan was in danger.
Erlang Shen squinted his third eye and saw a person squatting next to a bonfire, roasting a dog. The bloody dog skin was tossed aside, and Erlang Shen took a careful look and realized it was his Howling Dog. Oh my! Erlang Shen was shocked, wondering who had the audacity to eat his Howling Dog. He was furious and rushed to the bonfire, where he saw, in the reflection of the fire, a person with a pancake-like face, arched eyebrows, small eyes, a toad-like mouth, and a prominent wine lees nose in the middle. This wine lees nose was round and shiny, and it appeared even more radiant in the flickering light of the fire.
This person squatted by the bonfire, occasionally flipping the dog to ensure that the dog meat is evenly roasted. Their mouth waters, dripping incessantly.
Erlang Shen recognized this person as Ge Erlang, whom he had met when Ge Erlang went to the Heavenly Court to invite Sun Wukong. At that time, Taishang Laojun treated them to a feast, but Ge Erlang, lacking integrity, stole Taishang Laojun's wine jar. It is evident that this guy has a corrupt moral character, and now he dares to steal my Heavenly Hound for a meal. Erlang Shen couldn't help but fume, "Ge Erlang, you have the audacity to steal my dog."
Ge Erliang was fully engrossed in his dog meat when a loud shout suddenly scared him and made him sit down on the ground. He looked up and saw a man standing in front of him, dignified and handsome, with long ears and two bright eyes. He held a three-pointed, two-edged knife and was glaring at Ge Erliang with anger, but what was even more striking was that there was an extra eye on his forehead. Ge Erliang recognized him as Erlang Shen, Yang Jian. He quickly got up from the ground and respectfully bowed to Yang Jian, saying, "I apologize for not recognizing Erlang Shen's arrival and not welcoming you from afar. Please forgive me, elder brother."
When Yang Jian heard this, his facial muscles twitched with anger. He said, "Stop pretending, who is your brother? Ge Ertwo, why did you kill my dog without cause or reason?"
Ge Erliang listened, his face showing innocence and grievance, and said, "Oh my Erlangshen, don't say that, I can't bear the blame. When did I harm your dog? How dare I harm your dog?"
Yang Jian looked at Ge Erlang and realized that he was not a decent person at all. He clearly killed my dog but pretended to be innocent, as if I had wrongly accused him. He pointed at the dog meat on the fire and said, "This was my dog, my Xiong Tian Quan."
G'erliang was stunned when he heard it. He never expected that the big black dog was actually Erlang Shen's Roaring Heaven Hound. The dog meat was about to be cooked, should he eat it or not? If he ate it, Erlang Shen Yang Jian would definitely not allow it; if he did not eat it, his stomach would growl with hunger, and he couldn't help but salivate at the thought of it. Eating or not eating, neither option seemed right. He slyly argued, "Yang Jian, don't scare me. How can this be your dog? Your dog is a divine dog called Roaring Heaven. This dog is just a foolish dog from the mortal world."
Yang Jian said affirmatively, "How can I not recognize my own dog? This is my Roaring Celestial Dog."
When Ge Erlang heard Yang Jian confirm that this dog was his Roaring Celestial Dog, he thought to himself that he was in trouble. He accidentally killed Erlang Shen's divine dog, and whether he admitted it or not, the consequences would be unimaginable. So he resorted to being shameless and said, "There are many big black dogs in the world. Who can prove that this is your dog?"
"This, this..." Erlang Shen was speechless for a moment. Yeah, who can prove it? Where can I find proof? But Yang Jian thought, do I still need proof for my own dog? I am the proof. This guy Ge Erliang killed my dog and acted shamelessly, daring to ask for proof. I couldn't control my anger any longer, so I decided to kill him. Shouting, 'Ge Erliang, meet my blade!' I swung my trident with two blades towards Ge Erliang."
Ge Erliang is also desperate. He decided to take drastic measures, taking out a large bottle of wine and starting a fight.
Ge Erliang was originally in the wrong, and he was not a match for Yang Jian to begin with. Moreover, his stomach was growling from hunger, and his limbs were weak. How could he possibly defeat Yang Jian? He clumsily defended himself for a few moments and then ran away, while Yang Jian shouted, "Ge Erliang, don't run away. Return my dog!" He waved his knife and chased after him.
Ge Erliang ran desperately ahead, while Erlang Shen chased after him madly from behind. Seeing that he was about to be caught, Ge Erliang shouted in fear, "Monkey Brother, help me, Monkey Brother, help me."
He knew that Sun Wukong wasn't around, so he was just calling out without much hope. But unexpectedly, his cry actually summoned Sun Wukong. Suddenly, a shout came floating down from the sky, "Wukong is here." Following the voice, the two of them descended from the sky and stood before Ge Erliang.
Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie flew through the clouds and raced towards Mount Ling in the west. By chance, Sun Wukong glanced downwards and saw a flickering light in the pitch-black night. Two people were running within the firelight, one in front and one chasing desperately behind.
Sun Wukong pointed with his hand and said to Zhu Bajie, "Bajie, what are those two people doing?"
Zhu Bajie squinted his small pig eyes and saw two people below, one running in front and the other chasing from behind, as if they were fighting. He was a little surprised and said, "Oh, what's wrong with those two? Let's go down and take a look."
They were curious about what these two people were going to do in the dark, so they floated down to take a closer look. Suddenly, they heard the person in front yelling anxiously, "Brother Monkey, save me, Brother Monkey, save me!" The voice was trembling. When Sun Wukong heard that it was the voice of Ge Ertwo, he opened his fiery golden eyes and saw that it was indeed Ge Ertwo. He responded, "Wukong is here." With his voice, he floated down in front of Ge Ertwo, and Zhu Bajie followed suit.
As soon as Ge Erlang saw that it was Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, he called for help, "Master brother, save me! Master brother, save me!" and quickly hid behind Sun Wukong.
Upon seeing Ge Erlang in such a panicked state, Sun Wukong wondered who could have scared him like this. Ge Erlang must possess considerable abilities to be frightened like that. When Sun Wukong looked at the person chasing behind, carrying a trident double-edged blade, with three round eyes wide open, and a furious expression, he realized it was Erlang Shen Yang Jian. Immediately, he stepped forward and bowed, "Little Sage, are you well?"
Yang Jian was very surprised to see Sun Wukong and exclaimed, "Great Sage, I didn't expect to see you here."
Sun Wukong asked, "Little Sage, why didn't you stay in the Heavenly Court? Why did you come to the mortal realm? And why were you chasing Ge Erlang?"
Yang Jian said, "Wukong, you have been away from the mortal world for a long time, and Yang Jian misses you very much. So I brought my beloved dog to visit you. Unexpectedly, Gae Erliang killed my dog and wanted to eat its meat by skinning and roasting it."
Sun Wukong knew that Hellhound and Yang Jian were inseparable. Wherever Yang Jian went, Hellhound followed. When Sun Wukong heard this, he became enraged. His face darkened and he roared, "You audacious Ge Tuo, you dare to kill Erlang Shen's Hellhound. Today, I will beat you to death." As he spoke, he raised his magic staff and attacked.
The pig eight precepts also became angry: "Ge Erliang, you are too bad. The dog didn't provoke you, it was honest and obedient. Why did you kill it?"
Ge Erliang "poom" knelt down to Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, he knew he had caused a big trouble this time. If Erlang Shen doesn't show mercy, Sun Wukong can't save him either. Sobbing with tears and snot, he pleaded: "Master, please spare me. I really didn't know that was Erlang Shen's howling celestial dog. If I had known, even if you beat me to death, I wouldn't dare to kill it! Wuu wuu wuu." Ge Erliang cried while recounting the process of killing the howling celestial dog.
Monkey King also heard that if Ge Erlang knew that the big black dog was the Roaring Celestial Hound of Erlang Shen, even if he borrowed eight times the courage, he would not dare to kill the big black dog. He said to Yang Jian: "Little Sage, please spare Ge Erlang, how about?"
Yang Jian frowned, feeling displeased. We have been close for thousands of years, with deep affection and being as close as brothers. Can't I come visit you? You only met that Er Lang Shen a few days ago and yet you're speaking up for him. Therefore, he angrily said, "Sun Wukong, does that mean my Xuan Tian Hound died in vain?"
"No, I will return the Heavenly Hound to you exactly as it was," said Sun Wukong.
Yang Jian said, "Wukong, you are unaware that the dog has already been skinned by him and its meat has been cooked over fire. How can you return it to me in its original form?"
"Haha!" Sun Wukong scratched the back of his head and smiled easily, "You still don't know my skills. I have the ability to bring back the dead, and I will definitely be able to return Thor's dog to you in its original form."
Yang Jian said, "If you can return the exact replica of the Howling Celestial Hound to me, I will spare Ge Erliang; but if there is the slightest difference, I will not spare Ge Erliang."
Sun Wukong said, "Is it a deal?"
Yang Jian said, "It's settled!"
Sun Wukong asked Ge Erliang again, "Where is the dog?"
Ge Erliang led Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Yang Jian to the place where the dog meat was being roasted. At this moment, the dog on the rack was not only fully cooked, but also charred, emitting a strong burnt smell that pierced the nostrils. Yang Jian felt extremely uncomfortable, as if he was being deep-fried. He thought to himself, "If Monkey King doesn't return my Roaring Celestial Dog, I will definitely roast Ge Erliang over the fire."
Sun Wukong took the dog off the rack from the fire pit, dressed the dog in the dog skin like wearing clothes, then stuffed nine resurrection pills into the dog's mouth, and wrapped the dog entirely in a pile of wet grass, and put it in a grass nest. With everything prepared, Sun Wukong chanted a spell to the dog, and suddenly a lively and energetic big black dog jumped out of the grass nest, with bright and shiny fur, looking lively, and wagging its tail warmly with Erlang Shen.
Yang Jian was overjoyed as soon as he saw it. "This is my Xiong Tian Quan, not even a hair is missing."
Xiong Tian Quan saw Ge Erliang and barked at him, scaring Ge Erliang's mother to run away. Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie laughed out loud. After laughing, Zhu Bajie asked, "Brother Monkey, when did you learn the art of resurrecting the dead? Why didn't this pig brother know?"
Wukong said, "There are still many things you don't know."
Originally, Yang Jian came to visit Sun Wukong, but unexpectedly encountered this kind of thing, which was very disappointing. He had no intention to listen to their idle talk, so he bid farewell to Sun Wukong, saying, "Great Sage, Yang Jian takes his leave, please take care of yourself."
Sun Wukong originally wanted to say a few words of comfort to Yang Jian, but Yang Jian didn't even look back and returned to the Heavenly Court with Xuantian Dog.
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