Other Novels Ge Ertwo's Dream Journey Volume 2, Chapter 165: Splitting Ink and Writing Brush

Volume 2, Chapter 165: Splitting Ink and Writing Brush

It serves Earl Yang right for having such an untimely death. Just as the four little devils were sneaking up, he happened to be relieving himself outside. As he was returning from finishing, he suddenly saw four shadowy figures, each holding a ghost-headed broadsword. They appeared ethereal and elusive, stretching their necks forward and shrinking them back quickly, but in reality, they were moving as fast as lightning towards the house.
He then remembered what Brother Four had told him during the day. Four ghostly spirits disguised as merchants and killed the working brothers. At that time, when Brother Four told him about this, he still didn't quite believe that it was the work of four ghosts. Now he saw with his own eyes four ghosts rushing towards the house, and only then did he truly believe what Brother Four had said. He quickly hid behind a big tree to observe. The four ghosts rushed into the house, and immediately he heard the sounds of chopping and screams.
Ying Boyang knows it's not good. These four guys' origin is unknown, who knows which gods they are. It's probably impossible to fight them head on. That way, there's only a dead end. If you can't afford to provoke, then hide. Running away is the best choice according to the 36 Stratagems. Leave with the green hills, no need to worry about firewood. With this thought, Ying Boyang tiptoed, demonstrating his "Land Soaring Technique" and ran away. Ying Boyang has been in the martial arts world for a long time and has many friends, one of whom is his best buddy, Zhou Mohan.
This person is the lord of the Dazhou Village, with the nickname "Flying Swallow". He is also a renowned hero. His martial arts skills are superb, especially his agility, which is the best. He can easily traverse rooftops and walls, and walk on water like a dragonfly skimming the surface.
Emperor Ying Boyang, with a sense of urgency, displayed his incredible land soaring technique and arrived at the Zho Mansion at lightning speed, barely touching the ground with his toes, and swiftly entered Zhou Mohan's house.
Zhou Mohan was chatting happily with his brothers and friends from the martial arts world in the hall. Suddenly, a tired-looking person burst in, shocking everyone, including Zhou Mohan. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Ying Boyang. Ying Boyang crawled and knelt in front of Zhou Mohan, sobbing and crying, saying, "Elder brother," with a heart-wrenching sadness as if he had suffered a great grievance. Zhou Mohan knew that something big had happened; otherwise, why would Ying Boyang be so heartbroken? So he asked, "Brother, what happened? Tell big brother, don't cry."
Ying Boyang cried and said, "Brother, our family has been robbed and our brothers have all died. Our flag has fallen."
Zhou Mohan was shocked when he heard this. Ying Boyang has been dominant in the martial arts world for a long time, with great abilities and a big reputation. Who dares to rob his territory? Zhou Mohan felt that the situation was serious. "Brother, don't cry, don't cry. With the big brother here, you don't need to be afraid," Mohan comforted and said, "Tell me what happened, let me listen."
Éng bó yáng jiù bǎ lǎo sì dǎjié shí rúhé yùjiàn sì gè guǐmèi yōu líng ,zhè sì gè guǐmèi yōu líng wǎnshàng yòu rúhé lái duān tā de lǎo wō ,yóuyú tā qǐ yè duǒguò yī jié de jīngguò shuō le yī biàn。
Zhou Mohan was shocked to hear the news, and then he became furious, grinding his teeth loudly. He also valued brotherhood in the martial world, and Ying Boyang was his brother. It was inconceivable for him not to help his brother in times of trouble. Anyone who bullied his brother was also bullying Zhou Mohan himself. Whether these four individuals were humans or ghosts, as long as he encountered them, he would use his steel knife to exterminate them completely. "Brother, don't be sad. Stay here with me. Big brother will definitely seek revenge for you and help you regain your strength," Zhou Mohan comforted Ying Boyang kindly.
Ying Boyang kneeled and kowtowed to Zhou Mohan, saying, "Thank you, big brother. Thank you, big brother."
"You're welcome, you're welcome. Please rise, please rise."
A person came from the side and helped Ying Boyang up. Ying Boyang secretly swore to seek revenge and never give up.
Zhou Mohan looked around at the people around him. These people were not ordinary individuals, they were either heroes or martial arts experts. He said, "Brothers, tomorrow I invite you to come with me to Xiaoyin Mountain to find those four guys who are neither human nor ghost. No matter where they go, I will pursue and kill them until the end. I will not rest until I avenge my brothers."
Just as the words fell, a faint voice came from outside, saying: "No need to search, we're here."
Following the voice, four ghostly figures floated in like the wind, each holding a big ghost head knife. Upon seeing them, everyone in the room felt a "thump" in their hearts, frightened in various ways. Some stood frozen, some trembled, and some hid in corners. These four guys had faces as pale as blue, purple, green, and blue respectively, with mouths wide open and eerie eyes popping out. The sight of them would surely scare the cowards to death, but even the daredevils present here were trembling and hiding. One can only imagine how the cowards would react.
It takes about two days to travel from Xiaoyinshan to Dazhouzhuang, which is not far for the Four Little Ghosts who closely followed Ying Boyang's footsteps. When Ying Boyang saw the appearance of these four guys, he knew they were chasing after him. After Zhou Mohan finished reading it, he also "thumped" in his heart, but after all, he was a talented person with great courage, and immediately calmed down, asking, "Are you humans or ghosts? What does it have to do with this place?"
Actually, Zhou Mohan asked knowingly. He could tell at a glance that these four ghosts were the same four customers he encountered during the robbery, who took over Ying Boyang's old den. Following closely, these four guys chased them to Dazhou Village. It seems that they are not here for good. The good ones don't come.
With a sneer, Chi Hehe coldly laughed twice, using a voice devoid of masculine energy, he said, "We are both humans and ghosts. You," pointing at Zhou Mohan, "are the Zhou Mohan, the head of the Dazhou Village, right?"
"I am the master of this place, who are you?" Zhou Moxihan felt a little afraid when he saw the four little ghosts, but he couldn't lose face in front of everyone. He showed a heroic spirit and spoke with a strong and resolute voice.
"Please hand over Ying Boyang, that guy who takes control of the mountain, gathers a band of outlaws, attacks the country, and has killed countless people, leaving a trail of blood debts. His actions have caused widespread fear and unrest, preventing people from living and working in peace. We will surely apprehend him and bring him to justice."
"May I ask your names and surnames? Why do you meddle in other people's business like a dog catching mice?"
"Let me tell you, we are the four little demons under Chiyou's command. We are not meddling in other people's business, but rather eliminating evils for our country. My name is Chī."
"My name is Mei."
"My name is Wang."
"My name is Liang."
When Zhou Moxuan heard this, he realized that these were the Four Little Demons. He had heard their names before but had never met them in person. Today, he finally saw their true faces, and they were truly disgusting. He knew that he had encountered formidable opponents, but Zhou Moxuan was not someone to be taken lightly either. He was a renowned figure in the martial world, and anyone who heard his name respected him. How could they just ask him to hand over his brothers with just a few words? They were underestimating him. How would the people of the martial world view him? How could he continue to survive in the martial world? Zhou Moxuan said, "If you want me to hand over my brother Ying Boyang, it is possible, but you must defeat the steel sword in my hand. If you win, you can take him away; if you lose, not only can you not take him away, but you will also be left here." His words were powerful and resounding. As he spoke, he shook the big sword in his hand, gleaming with a chilling light that dazzled the eyes.
"Good! It's a deal," Chi said, "But how should we compare?"
"Tomorrow, I will set up a platform, and we will have a martial arts competition on the platform. We will bet on the outcome."
"Deal. If Ying Boyang runs away before that, I will hold you accountable."
"Okay!" Zhou Mohan generously agreed.
The four little ghosts left, and Zhou Mohan ordered someone to build the arena overnight. The next day, the news spread, and the villagers of Dazhou Village and neighboring villages came to see what was happening. It was crowded with people, gathering around the arena. As soon as the four little ghosts appeared, the people scattered and fled, avoiding them from afar.
When the time came, the four little demons arrived under the arena. At this moment, Zhou Mohan leaped lightly, like a floating leaf, and landed on the platform. The crowd below burst into applause and cheered loudly, shouting, "Great! Great!"
Zhou Mohan showed his face in front of everyone and received applause, becoming a little arrogant. Holding a big knife, with a happy expression on his face, he walked two rounds on the stage, showing off his power. The reason why Zhou Mohan dared to challenge the Four Little Ghosts is because he is also a top player in the martial arts world, and there are not many people who can defeat him. So he dares to challenge the Four Little Ghosts. No matter how powerful you Four Little Ghosts are, I have roamed the rivers and lakes for decades. I have seen all kinds of masters, and many famous figures have been defeated by me. Your martial arts might not be as high as you think. Holding the big knife, he pointed at the Four Little Ghosts below the stage and said, "Which one of you will go first?"
Chi was about to jump onto the stage when he saw Zhou Mo Han acting so arrogantly, but he was quickly pulled back by Wang Yi: "Big brother, why use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? Let me go first."
Mei also said, "Let me go first."
Liáng Dào: "The three older brothers rest, or should the little brother go up first."
"No, no. I'll go."
"I'll go."
"I'll go."
The four people argued and all wanted to go up first.
Zhōu Mò hàn looked on the stage and made a snide remark: "You guys are brave enough to fight over who gets to die first!"
The four little devils didn't buy his talk and continued to argue, but they couldn't argue out any result.
Zhou Mohan was anxious and shouted on stage, "Do any of you dare to come up? If you're scared to death, then get out of here and don't embarrass yourselves."
Mei came up with an idea: "Let's not argue anymore. Let's play Rock Paper Scissors instead. Whoever wins goes first."
"Great! Let's do that." Everyone agreed to this idea.
There were four brothers gathered together playing rock-paper-scissors. After several rounds of competition, Liang emerged as the winner. He played scissors, while the other three played rock.
"Brothers, it's your turn."
"Be careful."
"Please rest assured, three brothers," Liang said. Holding the Guishou great sword, he leaped lightly and landed on the stage like a falling leaf.
"Good! Good!" Also won applause from the audience.
On the stage, the two looked at each other. Liang had long arms and long legs, although much taller than Zhou Mohan, he looked slightly thinner, while Zhou Mohan appeared very strong and sturdy. Zhou Mohan stretched out his hand to signal, "Please!" meaning to let Liang make the first move, showing great manners.
The monster Liang opened his mouth with a blood-stained grin and said, "After you, please." Although his voice was eerie, neither too dark nor too bright, it still showed a great deal of courtesy.
Zhou Mohan gave way first, saying that if you don't make a move after I've given you the chance, then I won't be polite. With a strange cry, Zhou Mohan charged forward and swung his sword. Zhou Mohan was renowned as a great hero, his voice reverberating in all four directions, his martial arts unparalleled. On the stage, he displayed agile moves, jumping and leaping around, with lightning-fast actions and extraordinary viciousness in every move. The audience below continuously cheered and applauded for Zhou Mohan.
But Liang's actions seemed slow and leisurely, and Zhou Mohan just couldn't hit him. No matter how strange, vicious, or fast Zhou Mohan's moves were, he couldn't even touch a hair on Liang's head. Liang would suddenly move forward, then backward, then left, then right, then up, then down, floating and swaying around Zhou Mohan, who just couldn't hit or touch him.
It took the two of them more than two hours to fight. Despite being brave and skilled, Zhou Mohan couldn't defeat Xiao Liang during this time. He couldn't even touch him. He felt a bit anxious, feeling embarrassed in front of everyone. The renowned hero Zhou Mohan couldn't defeat a little boy. Feeling rushed, his knife technique became disordered. Xiao Liang, on the other hand, was waiting for this opportunity. He also knew how formidable Zhou Mohan was. As the saying goes, you can tell if someone is skilled or not after they make a move. After Xiao Liang fought Zhou Mohan, he knew how formidable he was, so he didn't rush to achieve victory. He waited until Zhou Mohan became impatient and his knife technique became disordered before making his move. When Xiao Liang saw the perfect opportunity, Zhou Mohan's knife technique was already disordered. Xiao Liang feinted an attack, aimed at Zhou Mohan's lower body, and then quickly swung his large knife from top to bottom. Zhou Mohan, thinking it was a sincere attack towards his lower body, used his knife to block. However, Xiao Liang suddenly changed his move and swiftly struck with his knife, splitting Zhou Mohan in half from top to bottom. Zhou Mohan, realizing the danger, desperately tried to deflect the attack, but his movements were too slow. With a "crack" sound, Zhou Mohan's shoulder and back were cut in half, and his lifeless body fell onto the arena. The crowd below was immediately filled with shock and there were people so frightened that they closed their eyes.
Ying Boyang could clearly see from the audience, his face turned pale with fear. Zhou Mohan's martial arts skills were famous in the martial arts world. If such a person died at the hands of the Four Little Ghosts, then someone like me, Ying Boyang, whose martial arts skills are not even half as good as Zhou Mohan's, would definitely not be a match for them. Now that Zhou Mohan is dead and his backer is gone, the next target would be me. I better run quickly before my life is gone. He once again employed the Land Levitation technique, lightly tapped his toes on the ground, and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. Zhou Mohan died, and his brothers ran away, disappearing completely.
The four little ghosts quickly searched for Ying Boyang, but couldn't find any trace of him. They turned around and entered Zhou Mohan's hall, which was lively and bustling yesterday, but became empty and cold today after Zhou Mohan's death.
This lobby has two doors, one main entrance and another back door. At this moment, a person comes in through the back door, but is scared off by four little monsters and turns to run away. Wandering quickly rushes up and grabs him. The person is trembling in fear and dares not move. Chie comforts him, "Don't be afraid, we won't harm you. What are you doing here?"
This person stammered, "I am a cook, specifically for Master Mohan, to cook his meals."
"Cook, don't be afraid, I won't kill you. But you must tell the truth."
"Yes, yes." The cook nodded repeatedly.
"Did you see Ying Boyang?"
"I didn't see him. This person is very cunning, maybe he has already run away."
"Where did he run to, do you know?"
"I don't know. But Ying Boyang said before, when he was having dinner with Mr. Mo Han here, that he is also friends with Hong Nan, the owner of Greenwater Manor. Hong Nan is known as the number one swordsman in the martial arts world. I can't say for sure if Ying Boyang can go to Greenwater Manor."
I have never heard of these four little swordsmen.
"How do I get to Greenwater Mountain Villa?"
"I only know it's in the south, I can't explain the exact location."
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