Chapter 1015: The Final Fate
"It is I!"
Suddenly, the heavens and earth shattered, encompassing billions of miles, yet even they were torn apart by an immensely powerful force. The voice resounded!
A mighty and boundless aura fills the entire chaos, and this aura is surprisingly similar to Li Qing's aura!
This is...
Under the control of fate, creation comes first!
A figure appeared from between heaven and earth, surrounded by the boundless paths of all living beings in the three thousand worlds.
"Is it you!?"
It was Kong Xuan who saw that figure, unable to hold back his astonishment and shouted, "How can it be you!?"
However, Li Qing looked at that figure with a calm expression, as if everything had been expected. He said faintly, "It should be him, as it should be."
As the figure approached, towering and boundless, with three flowing beards, it was none other than Yuan Shi! Please note that in the translation, the @ symbols are preserved as requested.
"Fate, you have finally been found by me."
The God Emperor Zao Hua stepped forward, looking at Li Qingdao, "Since my divine essence has returned, I have understood that the path of power is the path of fate. To control all power is to truly control destiny. You have not disappointed me. The unique path of my daughter and the three thousand diverse paths that I specially sent out have become your nourishment!"
"Where is Hongjun?"
Li Qing asked casually.
"Hongjun is just a chaotic crawler, barely surviving in the realm of creation, not worth mentioning."
Li Qing nodded and looked around.
Rivers appeared one after another, and 800 lords came upon hearing the news, from all directions, causing endless tremors.
"Your Majesty!"
Similarly, Xiao, Li Er, Tongtian, Zhunzhi, Jieyin, and others were also brought here by these Dao masters.
Causality, desires, curses, blessings, time, space, and so on, gathered together!
"They all arrived together, very good."
Li Qing swept his gaze around and finally looked at the Divine Emperor of Creation, saying lightly, "You have used countless epochs but still cannot unify the Chaotic Dao. Truly, you are too much of a waste." Translation: "
The Divine Emperor with unruly hair said in a slow tone, "I am not seeking unification for its own sake, but rather to draw out the force of destiny. If I were to achieve unification, although creation would still be creation, it would never be destiny."
"How can you be my father!?"
Xiao shouted angrily at the Chaos God Emperor, saying, "You also severely injured my mother back then! You banished her to the edge of chaos! How could you possibly be my father! How dare you consider yourself my father!?" Xiao's emotional outburst reflects his disbelief and anger towards the Chaos God Emperor, whom he accuses of harming his mother and betraying his role as a father.
"Your mother knows not what is good for her. If I only inflict serious injuries on her, how could it be considered as killing her?"
The Divine Emperor of Fate calmly said, "Moreover, even if I were to heavily injure her, it would be an opportunity for her. Otherwise, trapped in the tribulations of emotions, her cultivation would never be able to advance."
"Heartless and ungrateful people!"
Linglong gritted her teeth as she listened. He hurt himself, drove her to despair, and now he claims that he helped her escape emotional torment!?!?
Truly detestable!
“Are they also worthy?”
The Divine Emperor of Fate said calmly, "Once you appear, they no longer have any purpose of existence. You and I have divided them, and in the end, me and you, we will truly sever one, determining who is destiny, who is the eternal everything!"
"Not good! It's a trap!"
"Damn it! Zao Huashen Emperor! You really deserve to die!!"
"Didn't you say you came to capture Fate!? Zao Huashen! Zao Huashen!!"
"Let's attack together! Kill!!" Translated:
"Kill Zao Hua first!"
"Kill Zao Hua first!!!"
The group of Tao leaders were shocked and terrified. Among them, the Cause and Effect, Desires, Blessings, Curses, Time, Space, and other major Tao leaders all roared in unison, pouncing directly at the Zao Hua Divine Emperor! Got it. Are there any specific requests for the translated content?
In their eyes, the threat of the Chaotic God Emperor is much greater than that of this newborn's fate!
There's no way around it, this is the overwhelming pressure generated by the Chaotic God Emperor over countless epochs. Under the influence of chaos, everything becomes invincible.
So, the best way is to first destroy the power of creation, and then kill the newly born fate.
The Emperor of Creation laughed, "This is simply a joke. Over the years, I have merely allowed your existence. Do you truly believe that your petty ways can hold any meaning in front of the power of creation?!
Speaking, the Divine Emperor of Creation raised his hand and pressed it!
Upon seeing this, Li Qing took a step forward and approached the Lord of Desires.
Among the three thousand chaotic great paths, Li Qing had almost everything, except for one thing - desires.
As for the Divine Emperor Zàohuà, he has already fully cultivated fate.
However, these more than 790 daozhu currently possess abundant resources. Whoever seizes more will have greater power later on.
Although the Emperor of Creation is proud, he must also be cautious in facing destiny.
After his distracted Yuan Shi Tianzun returned, he has received a lot of information. Likewise, he has also obtained the Avenue of Power.
However, the Avenue of Power can be destiny, or it can be something else. Thank you for your reply! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.
Two forces collide on the path of destiny, only one will ultimately prevail.
So, between him and Li Qing, only one will unify the chaotic path.
The Wishful Path Lord was set on annihilating Creation, but as Li Qing approaches, he shifts his focus, raising his hand and thrusting a powerful attack at Li Qing!
Since this newbie is seeking death, let's eliminate him first! Perhaps after absorbing his fate, my grand wish will come true and I will truly become the eternal fate!
"I am willing to be wherever I am, I am willing for chaos to be my body, I am willing..."
A surge of pressure from the Great Dao of desires comes crashing in!
The entire Dao of desires river is burning!
Li Qing takes a step forward, facing the top ten Dao masters, Li Qing also needs to raise his hand and solemnly says, "Where destiny lies, everything is illusory! As the sovereign, I pronounce your destiny to be... destruction!"
Fate's River roars and bears down, rendering all desires insignificant. All wishes amount to nothing, all wishes are but daydreams!
Fate proclaims, you are worthless! You are trash! You are destined for destruction!
Fate is not to be resisted!
The Lord of Wishes' face changes dramatically, his voice urgent and roaring: "I wish everything to be under my command! Fate shall not bestow upon me! Fate shall not bind me!! I am who I am!! Defying fate!!"
"Kneel down!"
However, the road of destiny has already covered everything, no matter how the master of the wishes struggles, they cannot escape the entanglement of fate!
No one can escape fate, no one!
The Wish Dao River begins to extinguish, soon turning into a trace of origin, falling into Li Qing's path of destiny.
Looking around again, the Creation God Emperor withstands attacks from over seven hundred and ninety Dao Masters. With a simple wave of his hand, he suppresses the Cause and Effect Dao Master, gradually wearing him down.
Under the power of creation, Cause and Effect reigns supreme. Many beings believed that the Cause and Effect Master could contend with the Creation God Emperor, but at this moment, the Dao Masters understand what it means for Cause and Effect to rule under creation.
Under the circumstances of fate, it is I, who will always be unmatched!
The Master of Cause and Effect struggles madly, thinking he has grasped the lives of all beings. The so-called cause yields effect, and effect embodies cause.
But he did not know that sometimes, there is a cause but no effect.
Sometimes there is an effect, but no cause at all!
This is the chaos and infinity of creation!
The Divine Emperor of Creation laughed heartily, disregarding the attacks from all directions, and suppressed the Master of Cause and Effect, ultimately absorbing him into a trace of primordial essence.
As for Li Qing, after extinguishing her desires, she took steps towards blessings.
The path of blessings can also enter the river of destiny.
The Blessed Lord seems calm at this moment.
She glanced at the God of Creation and then turned her head to Li Qing, saying, "For billions of years, fate has suppressed us, granting and taking away. We wished to become destiny but now that we can't, it would be nice to find it."
Blessing the Dao Lord, his body transformed into a brilliant light, and the Dao River gradually dimmed, finally merging into the source and descending into Li Qing's Fate River.
Meanwhile, the God Emperor of Creation raised his hand and captured the Cursed Dao Lord, beginning the process of refining!
Li Qing put aside the blessings, ignored space and time, and walked towards the Mad Path Lord.
The Mad Dao Avenue.
At this moment, the Mad Path Lord was crazily attacking the Creator God Emperor. Seeing Li Qing approaching, he immediately sneered and said, "Looks like you're going to die today! But before I die, I'll take a bite out of fate! Damn fate!!"
Li Qing did not speak, but just raised her hand.
Crazed Master suddenly rushed over, like a dazzling meteor, cutting through the sky. All the radiance vanished completely, turning into a trace of essence, which Li Qing took away.
The next Daoist.
Li Qing and the Divine Emperor of Creation have already started harvesting.
The surrounding creatures are stunned, and even Linglong feels a chill in her heart, but at this moment, she unexpectedly feels a hint of relief!
She was grateful that she forcefully separated herself from her origin, giving her a chance to survive and changing her destined fate!
Li Qing really helped her because of Xiao's fate!
Or rather, because of Xiao's destiny, she changed her own destiny.
The Great Dao vanishes.
More than seven hundred and ninety different Great Dao, like twinkling stars, are now extinguished and disappearing one by one.
However, the great way does not exist. The countless chaotic creatures suddenly felt that their paths had a direction, no longer pursuing the rules set by a certain path master, but possessing their own ideas of the path!
They have obtained their own destinies!
After an unknown period of time, all the stars disappeared completely.
Only Li Qing and the God Emperor of Creation remained in the world.
As for Linglong, Yao, Xiao, and others, they had already escaped far away. They watched from afar as two colossal stars appeared in the sky, along with two strikingly similar grand rivers that represented the paths of destiny.
The river of fate!
The Heavenly Creator swallowed the last Dao Lord and looked indifferently at Li Qingdao: "Emperor Xin, I am the eternal fate. Everything is just a part of my plan. Don't resist stubbornly."

"I thought that Yuan Shi was just a strand of your soul, but now it seems they are one and the same, arrogant and ignorant of their own mortality."
Li Qing looked at the Divine Emperor of Creation and calmly said, "Kneel down and beg for mercy. I will only take your essence and grant you a way out."
Zao Hua, the God Emperor, burst into laughter and exclaimed, "Di Xin! You are as arrogant as ever! Today, I shall suppress you, seize your destiny, and truly attain the Chaotic Fate Great Dao, transcending chaos!"
As soon as the words fell, the Divine Emperor of Creation raised his hand and pressed down on Li Qing!
Li Qing calmly said, "Ignorant."
The river of the Great Avenue of Destiny intertwined, suppressing the heavens, shattering chaos.
Zaohua Divine Emperor also shouted loudly, and the Creative Great Dao River came crashing into the collision with the River of Destiny!
Endless, boundless.
Xiao, Linglong, Yao, as well as Kong Xuan, Li Er, Tongtian, Zhunti, Jieyin, and others, all were struck with a blank expression, as their entire thoughts, consciousness, spirits, and souls came to a halt.
Time, space, and chaos are also imprisoned.
Everything comes to a halt.
It feels as if nothing exists anymore.
All of everything seems to have turned into a singularity.
After who knows how long, it feels like an eternity has passed, and a new chance for chaos emerges. Translated content: Time, space, and chaos are also imprisoned. Everything comes to a halt. It feels as if nothing exists anymore. All of everything seems to have turned into a singularity. After who knows how long, it feels like an eternity has passed, and a new chance for chaos emerges.
Xiao, Linglong, and Yao suddenly felt a momentary dizziness but quickly recovered.
The light ahead shrunk and transformed into two figures.
The Divine Emperor of Fate had a calm expression, yet a hint of unwillingness could be seen in his eyes. Translated content:
Li Qing is all cracked, but there is one river of destiny, as delicate as a hair, indestructible.
Everything can be destroyed, but destiny remains eternal.
The deity of creation said slowly, "Indeed, creation is not destiny...but why must there be creation?"
"Fate arises and merges with all living beings, with everything. Therefore, fate exists and yet does not exist."
Li Qing calmly said, "The Dao of nature is the discarded skin of fate, pursued by worldly beings. It is a pity that these worldly beings forsake their essence and chase after superficial changes, unaware of how to master their own destiny, thus unable to attain liberation."
“Then why did you appear…”
The divine emperor of fate cracked slowly, with a look of confusion.
"In the chaos of the Dao, boundless chaos cannot be resolved. When all the masters of the Dao disappear, I will naturally emerge. As long as living beings can grasp it, I will be restored to the three thousand. All living beings have me in their hearts, but it depends on whether they can master it."
Li Qing remained calm and indifferent.
"So it turns out... I have gone through countless cycles of rebirth..."
The Zao Hua Divine Emperor shattered, creation ceased to exist, and countless beings gained control over their own fate, without needing intervention from others.
Li Qing calmly spoke, "It was only one cycle of reincarnation, that's all."
With a wave of her hand, Li Qing summoned the Fate River and transformed it into human form, taking a step upwards. The void shattered, chaos condensed, forming a gateway.
"What lies beyond chaos? Regardless of who or what you are, I, as the embodiment of fate, seal everything off. From now on, the boundless world of infinite chaos shall remain untouched."
"Fate... how long can you seal me..."
Within the vast portal, there came a hoarse voice.
Li Qing stood with hands behind his back and calmly said, "I can seal you until the true Lord of Chaos arrives."
The entire chaos fell silent.
Everyone lost their fate.
And the countless chaotic beings without fate then gained infinite futures!```
Because there are no destinies to bind him anymore!
He will become the Lord of Chaos!```
"Your Majesty!"
Xiao and Yao both shouted at the same time and rushed towards Li Qing.
Li Qing turned to look at them, opened her arms, and smiled.
I'm here.
The whole book is completed.
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