173, Recruiting Tang Zhengwen

173, Recruiting Tang Zhengwen
Tang Zhengwen is a farmer in the small vegetable garden outside the North Gate. During his spare time, he is responsible for collecting leftover food from the hospitality house of the municipal committee.
The hospitality house pays him a salary, which he takes to the outskirts of the city and then gives to those who raise free-range pigs, collecting a small amount of money. His life is considered to be getting by.
However, when he arrived at the inn that day, people told him that he didn't need to come anymore because they had hired someone else.
Tang Zhengfang felt angry but didn't dare to show it to the inn staff. He could only curse them in his heart, wondering who was so short-sighted to take away his business. It was like cutting off his source of income, it was nothing but seeking financial gain at the cost of others' lives.
He asked one of the residents at the gate, and someone told him that it was a person who operates a hand-operated tractor, heading towards the West Gate.
He couldn't stomach this and hurriedly drove the horse carriage, taking a shortcut to reach the Three Road Bridge, which was the only way out of the city in the east. He planned to intercept this person who was trying to steal his livelihood and have a good talk with him.
However, after waiting for a while, there was still no sight of the person who was supposed to come and pull the tractor to irrigate. Just as I was about to leave and plan to come back tomorrow to block, I heard the sound of a tractor. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed pulling a big box, which surely contained the water pump that should have been mine.
And the person in the car, tall and big, was none other than Zheng Bajin.
Why do you think he was late? It was because he went to the ham specialty store to bid farewell to Qingqing and Wang Dingmei, which took up a lot of time. Coincidentally, he was blocked by Tang Zhengwen on the bridge.
As Zheng Bajin looked at the bearded man in front of him, his heart sank and he said, "Buddy, be careful. If I can't stop, won't there be a big accident?"
"Hmph, young man, this is a case of an animal being ignorant. He doesn't understand any high technology." Tang Zhengwen coldly remarked, shifting the blame onto the horse.
Zheng Bajin responded unhappily, saying, "Brother, we all make a living here. If we separate you as you're just an animal, I still need to hurry on my way!"
"Animals naturally cannot be reasoned with like humans. If you cut off its source of income, it won't be able to find food anymore. It's better off dead," Tang Zhengwen said, making a pun in his words.
Zheng Bajin frowned and said, "Brother, how can you say that? Are you implying that I have cut off your source of income? Are you saying that it should have been you who transported the soaked vegetables and bones on this truck?"
"Of course, I've been pulling for years, and as soon as you come, you take it away from me. This is not fair." Tang Zhengwen didn't back down but stood blocking the middle of the bridge.
Fortunately, at this moment, it was lunchtime and there weren't many cars leaving the city. Otherwise, people behind would start complaining. Translation:
A few people pedaling tricycles watched the conflict unfold from the side, enjoying the spectacle.
Zheng Bajin suddenly realized what was going on and cursed silently in his heart: Do you think you are the only one who can obtain a patent? Do you even know that 'the hand represents the eldest brother'? Translated content:
However, suddenly having an idea, I smiled and said, "Brother, you specialize in pulling water, while I mostly pull bones. We are not competitors. But, I'm curious, how much money can you make in a day?"
"Hmph, don't say those useless things. I went to the guesthouse, and they didn't even give me a job there. It's like I'm unemployed." Tang Zhengwen looked at Zheng Bajin with disbelief. Seeing that he wasn't angry at all, Tang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He said, "I can still earn some money, just enough to barely make a living."
"How much exactly?"
"Three yuan." Tang Zhengwen spoke frankly. It's difficult to sell right now, and those free-range pigs simply can't fetch a good price. At most, we can sell one truckload a day. The guesthouse pays us 1.5 yuan, and we can sell the rest for a little over one yuan. After deducting the cost of forage, the total income is not even enough to reach three yuan.
"How about this, you help me, and I'll give you ten dollars a day," Zheng Bajin said with a smile. "But it's not just pulling out water spinach, sometimes you'll also have to pull some other vegetables. However, let's make it clear, it's a one-month trial. If I'm satisfied, you can stay and I'll increase your salary in the future. If you're not satisfied, you can leave anytime."
Tang Zhengwen's brow twitched, looking at Zheng Bajin, he didn't seem to be joking and felt somewhat tempted. This job pays as much as working in the city for a few days. Why not give it a try?
The two quickly agreed. Zheng Bajin drove the tractor while Tang Zhengwen rushed the horse carriage, following behind. They first returned to the Autumn City Hotel and made a deal that Tang Zhengwen would take over from now on, even handling the water transport together.
There was more water leakage in Autumn City Hotel. It took just two days to fill up a carriage. The person in charge of handling it didn't realize that it could be sold for money. Naturally, he happily agreed and sold the water leakage to them as well.
In the past, it was the same as a guesthouse, paying someone to handle it.
The decoration of Qiucheng Hotel alone cost a fortune. Zheng Bajin even wanted to take him to a few other places to say hello. Tang Zhengwen said, "Boss, you don't need to worry. As long as you dare to take over, there will be an endless supply of goods."
Zheng Bajin nodded, knowing that he had this connection. He stopped himself, but couldn't bear this humiliation, afraid that he would disrupt the market instead of truly cutting off his source of income.
One after another, the two cars headed towards the direction of Shili Village.
Tang Zhengwen was riding a big black horse, which was strong and obedient. It followed closely behind Zheng Bajin's tractor, not afraid of the noise from the machine or the disturbance from pedestrians on the road. However, occasionally, when it saw a mother horse carrying something on the roadside, it would look at it reluctantly.
When we arrived at the Xiaoyuxiang, Zheng Bajin stopped and said he was a little hungry, so he wanted to eat something first.
Tang Zhengwen said, "I always have a full meal before leaving in the morning. It's not necessary to waste money on the street. We should be almost at your house, let's go home to eat!"
Zheng Bajin looked at his watch and said, "It's already past four o'clock now. There must be no one at home preparing dinner. Let's just eat something here. One should not shortchange oneself, let alone let the stomach go hungry. Besides, it's a good opportunity to feed Big Black Horse."
At this moment, the weather was very hot. Tang Zhengwen glanced at the sweat-drenched black stallion and nodded in agreement. He took a grass fodder cup made of snake skin from the carriage and hung it on the horse's head. Inside the cup were corn and finely shredded straw.
Da Heima let out a few sneezes and happily started eating.
The two of them entered the restaurant. Zheng Bajin ordered a plate of twice-cooked pork, a plate of stir-fried shredded potatoes, a plate of sautéed tofu, and a bowl of boiled cabbage in clear water.
The store has no customers, and the boss is feeling bored. When the customers arrive, he acts very politely and pours them two glasses of water, saying to wait a moment as the food will be ready soon.
Zheng Bajin and two other people were a little thirsty. They picked up their cups of water, blowing on them from time to time and taking small sips.
Their eyes wandered outside, as there were few pedestrians on the road.
As the boss was cooking, he noticed them looking towards the door and thought they were worried about the horse. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, there isn't much crowd today since there's no market. Besides, when you're with me, you can relax."
Zheng Bajin nodded with a smile. Although he rarely ate out on the street, he knew very well that the people who could open a shop here must have some influence to some extent. The ordinary small thieves would not come to patronize these places.
Tang Zhengwen spoke up: "This is my first time coming to Xiaoyuxiang, and it's farther than I imagined."
"Mainly because the roads are not easy to walk on now. But in a few years, once they are all paved, it won't feel distant." Zheng Bajin replied. Translated content:
"Hardening is not good, horses can easily slip. I still prefer this kind of gravel road," Tang Zhengwen said seriously.
Zheng Bajin smiled, knowing that they had different perspectives and viewpoints. However, in less than twenty years, horse carriages will gradually be abolished.
By then, horses won't need to pull carts and cows won't need to plow fields. It will be more convenient for people to travel and easier for them to work. However, it may not necessarily be a good thing for these animals!
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