These grenades, Chen Guang naturally collected many in the Marvel universe.
Many people, seeing its manifestation of absorbing everything around into the center, thought it was a singularity grenade, with the effect of the explosion being the creation of a small black hole.
However, this is not the case. A true singularity is far more explosive than an antimatter bomb.
1 gram of antimatter possesses the equivalent power of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb, and 25 kilograms of antimatter is sufficient to annihilate half of the Earth.
If a tiny singularity were to truly appear on Earth, it could even swallow the Sun in a short period of time.
The Dark Elf's grenade, with its maximum impact range of only about five meters in diameter, would be far too underwhelming to be called a singularity.
Here is the translation with the original HTML tag preserved:It only contains a portion of physical gravitational matter similar to gravity hammers, and the quality is even inferior to gravity hammers, because it only has centripetal traction and can only be used as a weapon.
Chen Guang did not kill these reincarnators because he still needed to use them to find a way to the God's dimension.
At this moment, the dark dimension slowly rose, enveloping and binding the people on the rooftop.
He then raised his head and looked at the huge, semi-transparent phantom behind the black-robed youth called Gai Yin.
"Is this the main body or a avatar?"
As he spoke, Chen Guang adjusted his form of existence. The positive matter composed of the dark dimension underwent a 'reversal' in some form, and in an instant, the entire field of vision became distorted.
The buildings, ground, humans, dust, clouds, and moon, which were originally clear and distinct in detail, all became bizarre and distorted, twisting as if they were living creatures, eventually blending into the background and becoming indistinguishable.
There is no photon motion in the traditional sense here, but fortunately basic forces like magnetic fields and gravity still exist.
And in front of Chen Guang, it finally presented an obese and bloated image.
Rather than having four limbs, he was more like a stacked tower of flesh with different appendages. His right leg was kneeling on the ground, with only a round, fleshy pillar for a foot, without any toes.
On the left side, however, there was a bizarre absence of a leg. Instead, drooping excess flesh hung down directly to a swollen, large foot supporting the body, making it unclear whether he was standing or sitting.
Moreover, the entire surface of his skin was covered in festering sores and maggots peeking out from beneath.
Chen Guang showed a disgusted expression, suspecting that the crescent-shaped, keratinized structure next to his head might be a big toe, and below his neck was a cluster of densely packed small lumps.
To be honest, these features are just randomly grown flesh, and the only clear feature is the flaming furnace on top of its head.
The furnace is directly grown on the head of this creature, with orange-yellow flames rising from it. Only when Chen Guang looked closely did he discover that those glowing flames were actually densely packed limbs, resembling arms growing fingers, fingers growing arms, and arms growing fingers again, layer upon layer.
The aforementioned is just a metaphor. These limbs are not all arms; there are also heads, ears, eyeballs, and mouths. Moreover, they are not entirely human body parts; there are also four limbs and facial features of beasts, and even the structures of insects.
"Grass, it's disgusting."
Chen Guang couldn't bear to look directly at it, and the fat, filthy monster in front of him had eyes that lacked focus, showing no reaction to the figure that appeared before it.
He just kept scooping soft, slippery, glowing limbs from the furnace above his head and stuffing them into his mouth. Inside his gaping, enormous oral cavity, teeth grew haphazardly, and there were also seven or eight mouths of various shapes devouring the food.
At this moment, Chen Guang suddenly felt the same sensation in his body as before.
The feeling of being covered by the black-robed man Gai Yin, guiding the so-called benevolent god to cast his gaze upon him.
It was an attack that differed from magnetic fields and gravity, originating from the complete collapse of the body's entire genetic sequence.
All the orderly organizational structures that made up the body's cells experienced an instantaneous increase in entropy to infinity, with the degree of chaos skyrocketing. Chen Guang understood that in the next moment, he might once again enter a state of turning into a ball of flesh.
Here is the translation with the original HTML tags preserved:It's just that, in fact, Chen Guang was able to resist this force before, but in order to study where this influence came from, he did not resist.
Now that he can directly face this so-called 'benevolent god', he naturally does not hesitate to use dark energy to infinitely reshape his body and reduce his own chaos.
However, Chen Guang then frowned, because he felt that the influence, instead of disappearing, was getting stronger and stronger.
He shifted his gaze back to the disgusting evil god, lost in thought.
It seems that whether being stared at by the other party or staring at the other party with one's own gaze, the same effect is triggered.
Entropy is injected, and the orderliness of life is infinitely reduced. At the same time, a portion of life energy is injected by the other party to maintain immortality.
Why would he do such a thing?
Chen Guang's magnetic field did not sense any brain wave activity from this dark matter monster, or rather, its brain was completely like a thick soup, lacking any ability to think. Therefore, it was also impossible to use mind-reading to directly obtain information from it.
He studied for a while longer. Although the entropy inside his body was growing stronger, Chen Guang used the dark dimension to expel the entropy from his body, like dumping garbage into space. He utilized the orderly matter of the dark matter world to accommodate the continuously increasing entropy within himself.
At this moment, he noticed the change.
The hideous monster paused for a moment, then lowered its head. Countless chaotic substances from the surrounding dark matter environment were absorbed into the furnace on top of its head.
Afterwards, the 'Flame of Life' inside the furnace began to burn fiercely, and the chaotic limbs grew more and more vigorous. His actions of tearing off those limbs from the furnace above his head and devouring them became faster and faster.
Chen Guang suddenly realized.
So that's how it is. He is devouring the entropy in the environment.
The other party, through unknown means, tempers the entropy in the universe and completely absorbs it into their body, then relies on the power of believers to inject this entropy into human bodies.
Could this behavior be an attempt to... slow down the increase of entropy in the universe?
And as more and more entropy was injected into Chen Guang's body through his observation of the other party, he found that the image of this monster was increasingly shifting towards normal.
Although it's still disgusting, at least it's not excreting much pus anymore.
And his scattered brain cells are slowly regrouping, finally forming a chaotic and idiotic brain.
At this moment, the misaligned eyes of this monster suddenly flowed with turbid liquid.
Chen Guang raised his eyebrows.
Was he crying?
Unfortunately, the structure of this brain was still too chaotic to provide normal thinking for the other party.
Here is the translation with original HTML tags preserved:Fortunately, Chen Guang can directly read the information transmitted in his brain waves to find out the intelligence he wants to know.
The first thing that surged in was an almost endless sadness.
It turns out that this monster was the last living being in a certain universe.
Their original civilization was extremely powerful, ruling over the entire galaxy cluster for millions of years. Although there were constant conflicts, due to the abundance of planets, there were always planets that survived the wars because they were not worth attacking. These surviving planets, in turn, recolonized the destroyed regions.
It was a pity that the universe was too small. The entire universe only had one supercluster of galaxies. As an isolated universe, its time of heat death arrived too quickly.
The study of entropy reversal gradually became a highly focused research topic for all civilizations. One proposal after another was put forward and then abandoned. Some were due to technical infeasibility, while others were because the cost was too high, so high that those civilizations would rather let the universe be destroyed than bear the burden.
One of the early abandoned proposals was to refine the chaos represented by entropy and transform it into a technology that coexists with life in another form.
However, the scientist who proposed this technology was unwilling to give up and ultimately used himself as the experimental material. He called himself "Zangwu," which means dissolving all the chaos and pollution of the entire universe into himself, serving as the digestive system of the entire universe at the cost of his own existence.
Alas, a mere life is far from enough to contain the entropy of the entire universe.
Originally, 'hiding the filth' was just a decadent hope. At least he made an effort and could make a tiny, insignificant contribution to reducing the entropy of the universe.
As the level of chaos within his body increased, he gradually found it harder to think and lost his rationality.
He became a biological machine, only knowing how to utilize dark matter technology to extract chaos and absorb it into his body.
Gradually, the entropy reduction plans of the entire civilization failed one by one. Even worse, their actions wasted energy on a large scale, which instead accelerated the speed of the universe's entropy and silence.
Eventually, a ruler suddenly discovered this monster named Cang Wu.
After studying it, they found that it could indeed weakly decrease the entropy of the universe, and they were instantly overjoyed.
Who would have thought that such an unreliable technology would turn out to be the only one that worked?
Thus, under the orders of the ruler, the scientists began their research anew, focusing on this entropy-defying flesh.
The result of the research is... as long as there is contact, any life form will be incorporated into the other party's entropy-reducing system.
At first, they used animals and plants, and all the animals and plants in the universe turned into piles of chaotic, rotten flesh.
Then they used prisoners, and in an instant, the crime rate throughout the universe plummeted to an all-time low. Even if someone did commit a crime, they would commit suicide before being arrested because the punishment was simply too horrifying.
Finally, they started using the poor...
The civil war broke out. The rebels would rather perish with the universe than become meat lumps to sustain the world for those in power to enjoy.
Assassinations and attacks targeting Zangwu broke out one after another. In order to protect Zangwu, the rulers ultimately had the scientists completely convert him into dark matter, making it impossible for any ordinary matter lifeforms to see him again.
The convertible action has gone out of control...
Even a civilization with millions of years of scientific power cannot thoroughly understand all the laws of the dark matter world, because they hardly interact with ordinary matter, and even if a real interaction occurs, it would be a catastrophic disaster.
The result of forcibly transforming dark matter into dark matter was that in an instant, all life in the universe was 'gazed upon' by the dark matter of another life form.
The universe struggled to survive, but all life became indistinguishable from one another. Due to the extreme chaos in the genetic sequences, they became brothers and sisters with blood ties even thicker than those of true blood relatives.
Here is the English translation with the original HTML tags preserved:Just like that, the concealment of impurities existed for who knows how many billions upon billions of years. Those lives that were transformed into a flowing liquid of flesh and blood, yet maintained an undying state, also lived for who knows how many billions upon billions of years.
In any case, the universe ultimately couldn't withstand it...
Rather than saying that hiding dirt reduces the entropy of the universe, it is better to say that it only slows down the increase of entropy.
After all, life is still within the universe, and it remains an isolated system.
Therefore, heat death is inevitable.
However, after the universe and those lives whose spirits had long been obliterated were destroyed together, Cangwu, who had been transformed into dark matter, began to drift in the Sea of Nothingness.
Since there was no concept of time in the Sea of Nothingness, Cangwu also didn't know how long he had been there. Anyway, it only felt like a moment in his consciousness.
Here is the translation to English, preserving the original HTML tags:He was then contained by another broken, golden light cluster.
After that, he was bought at the ultra-low price of 100 points by that reincarnator named Gai Yin.
Chen Guang, through reading brain waves via magnetic fields, was slightly stunned upon seeing this.
That golden light sphere... could it be the Lord God?
But why does it appear so broken and tattered?
This is inconsistent with the spherical large light ball described in Infinite Horror.
Chen Guang lowered his head in contemplation, and a guess came out of nowhere: Could it be that this Lord God is the kind of Lord God space that has been defeated once by the previous reincarnators?
Here is the translation with the original HTML tags preserved:After all, in many god-space type works, the final grand ending inevitably involves a confrontation with the god who controls the reincarnator's life and death.
If the god is an intelligent being with complete consciousness, it definitely would not be killed by a reincarnator it personally cultivated. However, it is, after all, a brainless program, so it's not strange for such a bug to occur.
Here is the translation with original HTML tags preserved:Chen Guang curled the corner of his lips into a slight smile.
Not bad, he had obtained valuable intelligence about the Supreme God... Since it was a damaged Supreme God, Chen Guang was truly confident in taking it on.
If he could directly control the Lord God's program, he might be able to break free from the system that sends him harassing text messages every day, and escape the method of begging and pleading for crossing over, directly traversing the myriad realms by himself.
Just thinking about it makes me feel wonderful.
As a result, Chen Guang looked at Cang Wu with a cheerful mood, feeling that he was much more pleasing to the eye.
Okay, it was an illusion; he still felt disgusted.
"Sorry, although you seem to have research value, I really don't want to touch you."
Expressing an apology, Chen Guang raised his hand, a mass of matter locked in the magnetic field within his palm.
He then gently tossed it to Cangwu and withdrew the magnetic field.
The matter colliding with the antimatter that made up Cangwu instantly unleashed an earth-shattering explosion and roar!
In the world of normal matter, even a tiny amount of antimatter is a tremendously destructive weapon that far surpasses all of humanity's current technology.
Similarly, in the antimatter world... the same principle applies.
Zangwu, who possessed no other special abilities, was instantly shattered into pieces by the collision of matter and antimatter.
In the extremely minute corner of consciousness, a trace of gratitude was conveyed to Chen Guang's magnetic field.
Chen Guang had a peculiar expression on his face.
He had taken so many lives... yet this was the first time he was thanked by someone he had killed.
The positive and negative matter worlds have difficulty influencing each other. The power of the previous explosion far exceeded that of a nuclear bomb, yet the positive matter world remained unaffected, and no sound could even be heard.
Therefore, when Chen Guang reversed his own dimensions and returned to the positive material world, it seemed as if nothing had changed here compared to before.
Only that black-robed youth Gai Yin let out an extremely miserable scream.
"Ah ah ah ah!
Good God! Good God! Please don't forsake me! Please don't abandon me, ahhh!
He frantically clawed at his own body, scratching his skin until it was a bloody mess, even tearing open his own chest, allowing the organs inside to spill out.
Finally, under the horrified gazes of others, he collapsed to the ground, convulsing all over, his originally extremely vigorous vitality rapidly draining away.
He looked at Chen Guang, who reappeared with a calm expression, in horror and despair. With trembling hands, he said, "You... you killed a god... how is that possible..."
His arm fell limply, his single eye wide open, dying with unresolved grievances.
He could not comprehend at all... how could a god be killed?
The merciful god who had delivered him from the abyss of being a meat pig in the breeding team, relying on a mere 100 points to lift him out of the sea of suffering - how could that god possibly be killed just like this?
Chen Guang looked at this fellow with disdain. His body completely relied on the constant injection of life energy from Zangwu to survive and move. Without Zangwu, he would directly die due to genetic collapse, and there would be no need for anyone else to take action.
Accompanying his organs spilling all over the floor were some domesticated pigs from the breeding team, whose survival below the neck was entirely dependent on Gae-yoon's own organs.
Their wrinkled faces completely relaxed, as if they had finally breathed a sigh of relief, but before they could even say thank you, they died along with Gae-yoon.
Witnessing such a horrific scene, the newcomers in the reincarnator squad finally couldn't hold it in any longer. One by one, they crawled to the edge of the tall building and began vomiting downwards.
Chen Guang's expression, which had always been calm and unruffled, suddenly changed drastically.
He hurriedly dispersed the dark dimension beneath the building over there. After they finished vomiting, he carefully controlled the dark dimension to flip that piece of ground over and cover it back on the surface.
And those standing senior reincarnators, one by one, had cold hands and feet.
They knew just how bizarre Gai Yin's abilities were...
To be honest, he was the one with the strongest vitality in the team, far surpassing the giant wolf.
Here is the web content translated into English, preserving the original HTML tags:But now... to die so simply like this.
And the last words were the spine-chilling term "deicide" used by the other party...
Only Li Su, who slowly woke up from the coma, sat up holding her head, looking at everything around her in a daze.
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