Anyway, I'm about to lose it now.
Originally, I planned to finish the long-delayed third volume at once, but it was ruined by this incident.
Now, the situation is that the book is still visible on the website, and the old version of the client is still functional.
The new version of the client can only search for my author name.
And then, recently I've actually been busy with my new book. Yes, I've been planning this new book for a long time, and if it weren't for some unexpected issues, it should be on the new book list of the fantasy section on Qidian right now.

And now, the struggle is coming to an end.
This is the first internal war within the SearSilver Alliance in the Dragon Era of the Second Age, which occurred after the death of the troll sage, Tiras. Even though it was a conflict among the human races, it still tore apart the most sacred SearSilver Treaty.
When Aaron opened his eyes again, he found himself crucified. Rough hemp ropes bound his limbs, and although he still had the desire to keep burning with life, he couldn't move an inch.
Unless it is internal rebellion.
"I think we can make a deal," he said. "If you tell me where the treasures of the Albert royal family are hidden, perhaps I can spare your life."
Blood dripped down from the forehead, but Aaron made no sound. After that, more pieces of stone were torn off by the leader of the mercenaries - it was the twisted manifestation of the plague of elements on his body. A year ago, the fragment of the Third Logos was discovered, and the inexplicable plague infected all members of the Calicas City. The royal wizards immediately sealed off the capital, but the news still reached the neighboring country, which had been seeking expansion due to an excess of nobles. Seizing this opportunity, they swiftly declared war under the pretense of contamination in Calicas City, and the border defense army, which had lost its command and rear supply, surrendered after six months and was pursued relentlessly by the enemy forces. Despite its geographical advantage in the midst of the desert, the royal family still enlisted the mercenaries, desperate individuals who would do anything for money. However, on the seventh day after receiving their payment, these mercenaries turned against them. "Blood dripped down from his forehead, but Aaron made no sound. After that, more pieces of stone were torn off by the leader of the mercenaries – the twisted manifestation of the elemental plague on his body. A year ago, the fragment of the Third Logos was discovered, and the inexplicable plague infected all members of the Royal Wizards of Calicas City. The capital was immediately sealed off, but the news still reached the neighboring country, which, intending to expand due to an excess of nobles, seized the opportunity and declared war, citing the contamination in Calicas City. The border defense army, deprived of its commanding officers and rear supplies, surrendered after six months and was relentlessly pursued by enemy forces. Despite the advantage of its desert location, the royal family was still distrustful and hired the mercenaries – desperate individuals who were capable of doing anything for money. However, on the seventh day after receiving their payment, these mercenaries betrayed them."
"As an unprecedented work of art, do you know that I actually really like stone carving?"
"Are you saying that you treat us as commodities to be exhibited across the mainland and to pursue even dirtier money for you dirty mercenaries?" Reply to translated content: I understand your appreciation for stone carving, but it seems like you have some concerns about exploiting our talents for financial gain. Can you please provide more context or explain your viewpoint further?
"Perhaps our mercenaries are dirty, but money is definitely not. It seems that you are unwilling to make a deal, so I can only kill you here. It's a pity though, I never expected that you, the only one besides the noble in the palace who had deep secret contact with the royal family, would be so uncooperative."
"Wait a minute! I have never had any contact with the royal family!" A forbidden switch was flipped, causing Aaron, the leader of mercenaries who had always expressed disdain and mockery, to suddenly shout like a madman. Translated: "
Perhaps countless fragments would be a more fitting description for the scattered debris on the city's largest square.
As those figures disappeared from view, the leader of the mercenaries approached Aaron. A smile on his face tainted with the scarlet brought by the blowing sands, giving off a somewhat sinister vibe. Aaron looked up, two streaks of deep black crossing his cheeks.
"That is a very good reaction. If we are not in a hostile relationship, I don't mind inviting you for a drink." With one eye half-closed, a glimpse of delight flickered in the demonic right eye. Note: The use of '@' in the original sentence has been maintained as per your request.
(My consciousness is starting to blur, but no, I still have things to do, I still have to kill that man, I still have...)
The voice sounded as if it came from the sky, right at the third column of smoke above the dome wall, obscuring the sun.
(I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him, I must kill him...)
In a place not far away, surrounded by tightly packed protective spells, the enchantments suddenly started dissolving with a loud "bang!" A strand of sand shot up from the ground, faintly revealing a shining metallic object within.
(Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him, kill kill kill kill...)
In a daze, Aaron was engulfed by an endless dazzling amber color...
"That's enough, little Acherus," a voice, strange, familiar, unknown, with a profound impact, cold yet gentle, suddenly spoke.
I sat up and all I saw was the familiar gray color, which felt warm yet cold.
In a daze, I sat on the stone bed for a moment, and Aaron Archelus pulled out a dirty but sturdy looking booklet from the pile of junk at the foot of the bed.
With a bitter smile, Aaron stood up and walked outside the house.

总之,《About the Heretic Magicians》在点娘抽风完结或者乙烷前我暂且停更,新书《岂不知,我们要审判天使么》,你们看这章有兴趣的话,可以去看看,连接我看看能不能仍在书评区里面(估计是不可能)
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] (Shortcut key →) Kyanite Researcher Master Dao is Ascending The Raven's Claw at Hogwarts Randomly created technique, have you really mastered it? My Familiar is Definitely Not an Evil God Seek fortune, avoid misfortune, starting from the Celestial Master's Mansion Mythical Era, I have evolved into a Stellar-level Behemoth. The Ultimate Divine Occupation Golden Core is a star, and you call this cultivation? Indestructible Hegemony Technique Bronze Dragon: The Conquest of the Tyrant While others level up, I cultivate immortality, waiting until I reach the Great Accomplishment stage before revealing myself. One Sword Dominates the Sky Mortal Supreme Overlord of the Heavenly Dao Fake Eunuch: I am the Nine Thousand Year-old of the Great Ming Dynasty From Mortal Flesh to Shattering Planets I Have a City in the End Times Dragon Clan: Undercover at the Start, Road to Becoming a Deity The Ancient God Supreme