Fantasy novels Burn All Chapter 4 Ancestors' Enmity
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The old man in a gray hemp robe looked at the black-haired woman opposite him, with a complicated expression on his face that was difficult to describe. (From
"Charlotte... it's been a long time."
The inner remorse, guilt...has already condensed into the deepest heaviness. Although it is not always pressing on the heart, it is always there, occasionally reminding him of the lost years.
That irreparable lover, that irreparable mistake.
In front of her and her husband, he is nothing but a failure.
"Krenrered, you are still alive, good."
A woman named Charlotte, dressed in a black and white striped robe with black hair falling over her shoulders. Her forehead is adorned with a small diamond-shaped tattoo that resembles a miniature array, giving off a hint of mystery. Her face is elegant and beautiful with her hair parted in the middle and bangs framing her forehead.
"You must be killed by my own seeing you did not die in the Therapist Guild nor at the hands of the Beast Clan, it's really good."
In the woman's calm words, there was a hint of extreme and bone-chilling coldness.
The elderly person's heart was filled with bitterness upon hearing those words.
"One day, I will offer your head as a sacrifice to my husband, but unfortunately not now, because there are too many things to do, you should be grateful for that..." Xia Luo averted her gaze and looked outside the window.
Kranred sighed inwardly, unsure of what expression he was wearing.
The two remained in silence for a while in the room.
"I came to see the miraculous fire mage, not you, old codger. What are you doing here? And where is Chongyang?" Xia Luo questioned fiercely.
"...Magical fire mage is not someone you can meet just because you want to." Kleinred looked up at the other person and said slowly, "As the representative sent by the Chief Adjutant of the Phoenix Army to receive you, this is the only answer I can give."
Charlotte raised her delicate eyebrows.
"And as the dean of Prislan and an ally of the amazing fire mage, I have to say. You should know the child's current condition and that he can't meet guests casually, even if you are his grandmother..."
Charlotte snorted.
"The act is quite big... It should be the self-made blockade of Phoenix Army, such as the Chief Assistant Officer... If Reiyang himself knows that I'm here, he will definitely see me!"
Kranred defaulted.
In fact, it is true that the Heavy Yang, who is still in treatment, was cut off from the outside world by the Flame Demon in a more thorough way, so the magical pyromancer did not even know that his grandmother had come.
Who else can be the so-called Chief Aide besides Blaze Demon?
Upon learning of Charlotte's arrival, she did not send Blaze Sun or Blaze Moon. She did not send Tina Ya either. Instead, she specifically chose to have Crimson Red go and receive the great grandmother of the Brett family. Besides displaying her usual twisted sense of humor, the more important message conveyed was that she did not want Chong Yang to be disturbed further!
Klanrade was used as a gun, but he had no choice. The Flame Demon is in some ways far more terrifying than Zhong Yang, and even he must obey its dispatch, otherwise who knows what will happen.
Charlotte was infuriated when she saw that the person who came to greet her was Krennrad. After calming down, she faintly sensed his intentions, which made her angry and helpless.
As a grandmother, she hasn't seen her grandson for years and feels guilty about it. The fact that Zhong Yang is now in poor health makes it even more difficult. It's not surprising that she was turned down when she suddenly asked to see him.
After pondering, Charlotte sighed in her heart.
"Okay...I will tell you the reason for my visit. Kranrede, please relay this message for matter what, this news must reach the ears of Chongyang."
After learning about Charlotte's intentions from Kranrayd, the Flame Demon fell into a long period of silence.
Eventually, she summoned Rosalia.
Upon hearing the news from the Flame Demon, the Empress of the Empire also had a grave expression. She was caught in a deep inner struggle that was even more indecisive than the Flame Demon.
Yan Mo appreciated the expression on Rosa Lee's face and felt much more balanced in his heart, so he pulled the Empress of the Empire into the dream realm, letting her meet the consciousness of Zhongyang.
In the dream space.
"What's wrong with you? It seems like there are things you want to say but can't say..."
"Well, yeah."
Rosalia let out a deep sigh in her heart. It was at that moment that she finally made up her mind.
And then suddenly, I realized that all of my previous hesitations were actually caused by some ugly emotional turmoil within me, and I couldn't help but fall into deep self-loathing, as well as resentment towards the demon who entrusted me with this relay task.
The trend of the war? Handling of domestic political issues? Treatment of captive members of the beast tribe?
In his heart, he guessed as he saw the other person seem to gather some sort of courage and deeply gaze into his eyes.
"Zhong Yang... Helen has news."
Noticing a strong mental reaction from the disciple in the healing slot, Flame Demon couldn't help but sigh.
"Master! I..."
"I know, foolish disciple...this time, no matter what, I cannot allow your true form to be released, so..."
As Flame Demon spoke, he performed some actions and presented certain information to the Mystical Pyromancer in the healing tank in the form of dream messages.
"This is... "Heavysun's consciousness was slightly surprised. "Is it possible?"
"It will probably take about seven days to produce the finished product... no, three days, if I bring Luo Yang to help. It's a waste to have such talents deal with imperial affairs. If everything goes smoothly, you can leave in three days," said the Flame Demon calmly.
"Thank you! Master..."
"Hmph...You always cause trouble, you fool."
Three days have already passed.
Despite being told that they would meet in three days, Xia Luo was still restless waiting.
She couldn't help but wonder if Chongyang would refuse to help.
After all, even though Helen was his girlfriend, it's hard to say how deep their relationship is.
Furthermore, her words clearly indicate that this action is likely to be in vain since the matter has already reached its final stage. If Chongyang takes action, she will not gain any benefits other than risking depletion and injury.
Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope to rescue Helen, but that is just a personal matter. The miraculous pyromancer who bears the fate of the entire human race, would he still be willing and able to embark on an adventure that may end up with no gains, all for the sake of his own interests!?
Charlotte was uncertain.
Because in her opinion, people can change.
Maybe the previous Chongyang was willing to take such risks, but now him... his status is so high and his burdens are so heavy, how could he make choices that seem impulsive like normal people?
Her own experience at the time perfectly illustrated this point.
Her first love, who swore eternal love and loyalty, eventually broke up with her with a cold face due to changes in strength, fame, status, power, responsibility... As if facing a stranger, he broke up with her who loved him deeply, when she was already pregnant with their child.
She has never regretted it.
She also never doubted that person's love for her at the beginning.
However, she deeply understands that human nature is subject to change due to various factors.
So she fell in love with him sincerely and held some hope for human hearts once again.
However, the husband she loved passed away due to persecution from the person he once loved.
She had a husband with a powerful soul who loved her until death, but was manipulated by the powerful man in various ways and was killed!
However, she also knows the fragility within herself: despite her anger and the poisonous vow she made, she is still unable to harbor too much hatred towards the person she once loved.
Therefore, even though she had practiced to the point where she could take revenge, she had yet to take action. She was like an ostrich burying its head in the sand, avoiding facing her problems and making excuses.
Away from family, away from enemies, she cowardly avoids them.
That's who she is, Charlotte, a woman with a weak soul.
Such a person cannot believe that her grandson, who has the blood of such a cold and hateful man flowing in his veins, can have a strong and unchanging spirit like her husband.
So although she accepted the commission to seek help, she didn't hold out much hope.
She didn't have much hope, but still had hope.
She hoped to see the magical fire mage and hoped that Rethe Bright would ignore the greater good of humanity for her own selfish reasons and agree to her request for help.
In the room, the woman with black hair remained silent for a long time.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
Charlotte snapped out of her thoughts, stood up, and saw that the person who entered was not the one she was waiting for. Her expression became stiff and then angry and cold.
"What are you still doing here!?"
Facing the woman's roar, Klandred made a bitter expression and clenched his fists secretly.
"Charlotte... I know you can never forgive me... but I still... still want to say..."
The elderly took a deep breath, and as their figure and appearance gradually changed, they transformed into a young man with shoulder-length red hair. On their normally indifferent face, there was now an expression of deep remorse.
"What happened back then... I truly regret it deeply. Abandoning you and our child... causing the death of your husband... These things have weighed heavily on my heart for all these years."
Xia Luo's body trembled at the words, and anger was even stronger on her face.
"You're only saying this now..."
The red-haired youth seemed to want to lower his head, but then remembered something and forced himself to hold his gaze on the woman's eyes.
"Even if I say it, it won't make any difference..."
"Even if it only increases your hatred..."
"But I have to say... I am really sorry..."
"I... am a cowardly man. Back then, I gave up on the person I loved just because of some pressure, a treasure that I should have cherished for my entire life..."
"I thought I was strong, but when your husband refused to yield until the moment of his death, and when you swore to kill me after learning the truth, I realized that I was actually weak..."
"I have seen my own weakness, and I am afraid, regretful, and guilty."
"I want to become stronger... but I have never learned what true strength is."
"I'm not asking for forgiveness. When the day comes that you truly want to kill me, I won't resist... Just, there's one last hope..."
Klanered showed a hint of sadness, but also a genuine, yearning smile.
"You... must forgive yourself... you are not at fault and should not bear any responsibility in your heart. Do not let hatred or any other obstacles block your happiness of reuniting with your family, okay?"
"Give me... Shut up!!!"
Charlotte roared loudly, rushing forward and instantly condensing a black and red magic sword in her hand, brushing it across the neck of the red-haired young man!
Klanrayd closed his eyes, and until this moment, his whole body relaxed. There was a sense of relief on his face.
It's actually quite good to end it like this.
Instead of carrying heavy guilt in our hearts until death, it's better to speak out what we want to say, even if it means disregarding dignity, responsibility, or other things... It may be reckless, but it's really not bad.
Also, I want to thank you for giving Charlotte the happiness that I couldn't give her.
Clarend waited for a while, but the cold hand of death did not come.
He opened his eyes and saw Charlotte's anguished face and tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Apologizing now, what good does it do!? That person is dead... because of you...," she cried.
"I cannot forgive you, never..."
"But... I seem unable to kill you either..."
The woman shed tears and her magic sword trembled slightly in her hand. Eventually, she slowly put it away.
"I can't kill you now..."
"But I will definitely do it... definitely... before that, you are not allowed to die..."
Klanraid looked at the other side blankly, nodded deeply.
"I'll leave this life to you."
"I don't want it! You...get out! I don't want to see you again!"
The next second, the red-haired youth was blasted out of the room with an extremely powerful magic, and the door and a piece of wall were all shattered.
He crawled up from the ruins in a hurry, gave a last glance at the woman, and left.
Walking down the hallway and turning the corner, he saw a black-haired young man wearing a black robe...
"It's good to see you're still alive, isn't it, Dean?" smiled Chong Yang faintly.
Kranrid wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and glared at the other person.
"Didn't you say you would guard the door just now?"
"Hmm? Did I say that?" Zhongyang scratched his chin and said indifferently.
Klanraid suddenly had the urge to beat the other person up, but then he relaxed when he remembered what had just happened.
The reason why the head of the Prislan Academy suddenly became so frank and took the initiative to apologize was all due to the provocation of the magical fire mage!
It may not be accurate to say that he was instigating...
In any case, Chongyang appeared before Kranred and, with his strength and words, half coerced and half persuaded the old man to apologize properly to his former lover for what happened back then.
Originally Klondre just wanted to say sorry or something simple, but when facing Charlotte, for some reason, he blurted out all his innermost thoughts!
Now he thinks back, during Chongyang, it seemed like he was "persuaded" using some kind of spell...
Klanraid felt like he was... no, definitely tricked by this seemingly simple-minded black-haired young man in front of him, but the result... seems pretty good?
Therefore, he couldn't hold him accountable, and could only sigh in his heart: the retainer who needed his protection in the past can now command legendary wizards!
What's even scarier is...
The red-haired young man stared deeply at the black-haired young man, with a gaze that had an indescribable meaning.
" will definitely experience retribution for your issues with women in the future."
"Huh? Why?" Zhong Yang was taken aback.
"I can't explain it. I just have this feeling that you'll end up in big trouble because of a woman sooner or later," Krengerad shook his head.
Even though he was not a playboy, he had, in a certain sense, surpassed a student and grandson, he had terrifying potential.
If he could have more of this potential...ahem! How could he think like this! Uh...he still needed to think about how to treat Charlotte well in the future, for her, and for his own happiness in the second half of his life.
The red-haired young man pondered and gradually went away.
Chongyang watched his figure disappear, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, with a complex meaning in the smile.
He used his Sharingan to make Kuramairei reveal his true feelings in front of his grandmother.
As for the outcome, it would be up to the grandmother to decide. If the grandmother truly wanted to kill Kaelen, he would not stop her, but he would try to find a way to save Kaelen's life afterwards, as he had made a promise.
But now, it seems that the results are pretty good...even the possibility of a slight reconciliation between the two?
"I don't think so, as long as it's a choice from Grandma's heart, Grandfather shouldn't be angry, because Grandfather really loves Grandma..."
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