Chapter 279: Visionary Blueprint
As soon as "Qihuangzi" finished speaking, a voice came from the side:
The person speaking was none other than his disciple "Ge Ping".
"Qihuangzi" looked at "Ge Ping" and nodded gently, saying, "You ask a good question, and it happens to be related to another matter I want to talk about. This is also the main reason why I called you all here."
"..." the crowd.
Although they did not know that "Qihuangzi" and "Ge Ping" were actually the same person behind them, it did not prevent them from making the correct judgment on the scene before their eyes.
"This 'Master Ge' is clearly a stooge, taking the initiative to set up a line for his master."
Otherwise, although everyone has already figured this out, it doesn't hinder them from keeping their ears high up.
Chapter 447
The president calls everyone together, not primarily to establish new rules for the association, which is just incidental. The real purpose is something else?!
Even if it is just a rhetoric, it does not hinder everyone from being completely focused on it.
The gaze of "Qi Huangzi" swept over the group of cultivators.
"I plan to add some items to the military merit exchange list of the association."
The crowd, who had pricked up their ears to listen to some exciting information, now all showed strange expressions.
Dumbfounded, amazed.
Is this the important thing you're talking about?
Is it really necessary to make such a big deal out of it if it's just for this one thing? Chairman, you can make a decision in just one word, do we need to be so serious about it?
Li Wenchang was the first to react.
"President, are the items you want to put up related to beast control and puppets?"
"Qihuangzi nodded," Yes, I want to put various spirit puppets."
Lai Wenchang nodded, and the other cultivators showed a knowing expression.
They were not surprised by this.
After all, in addition to a large number of spirit medicine wines, "Ge Yaoshi" had also distributed nearly two thousand fake Dan Ling puppets to various forces fighting on the frontlines of the beast tide through the exchange channel of the Qingxuan Sect's administrative hall.
Now, the "Qihuangzi" wants to invest another batch of soul puppets and put them on the exchange list of the association to earn military achievements. They don't find it strange at all.
In such a special environment on the front line of the beast tide, not to mention that cultivators have a huge demand for resources such as pill talismans, which are disposable consumables in the first place, even the lifespan of ordinary items such as magical instruments and soul puppets is calculated in years or even decades, and they have been turned into fast-moving consumer goods.
So, at other times, perhaps if nearly 2,000 fake Danling puppets were flooding the market in such a short period of time, they would quickly become rampant and saturate the market.
But it's different right now.
If the beast tide is viewed as a rapidly burning, man-eating wildfire that will not stop extinguishing until the fuel is completely burned, then these fake Danling puppets are regarded as efficient fire extinguishers and buffers by the parties who possess them.
Compared to magical treasures that require someone to manipulate them, the major advantage of a spirit puppet is its ability to move and kill on its own.
With a single command, it can form an invincible defensive line.
Like a flood embankment, intercept the beast tide tightly before it collapses.
It can be said that the appearance of a large number of fake Danling puppets has visibly changed the entire front line of the beast tide.
The intensity of the "Wildfire Temptation" has greatly reduced, and the power and life of the cultivators have been preserved more.
As for the cost, it is the rapid consumption of the pseudo Dan Ling puppet.
It is precisely for this reason that all cultivators who face the beast tide have a strong demand for spirit puppets.
Many times, they can really be regarded as a "second life".
And because of the special period, the consumption is fast, the things provided by "Ge Ping" previously, cannot fill the appetite of the entire Qingxuan domain cultivation world.
There is also no one who provides similar exchange services like "Ge Ping".
Leaving aside those small-scale, insignificant disturbances, there are professional associations, the Hall of Wardens in the Qingxuan Sect, and the Spirit-Controlled Army, all of which have been consistently providing similar products.
Among them, the Spirit Control Army product line is the most extensive.
After all, this is their true main business.
Now active in the three major demonic veins with the most abundant number of demons, resources are readily available.
Living monsters are forcefully controlled by them using beast control rings, as well as other secret methods or drugs, becoming products with flexibility and execution capabilities surpassing those of the same rank of soul puppets;
Although similar methods generally have serious sequelae, the monstrous beasts that originally had decades or even hundreds of years of life may die in a few years.
But this is not a disadvantage in the current Qingxuan domain.
Dead monsters either become simpler puppets or more flexible and autonomous corpse puppets.
Even scraps, even if they splash on the ground and seep into the soil, will not be wasted in the hands of the spirit-control army.
In the field of military merit exchange, the Spirit Control Army is the strongest and earns the most.
However, the Spirit Control Army earns a lot but also spends a lot.
The large amount of military merit earned will quickly be exchanged for elixirs, talismans, magical artifacts, banners and formations, and so on.
It should be noted that there is no provision in the agreement between Qingxuan Sect and Yuling Army that states "Qingxuan Sect is responsible for logistics."
Yuling Army assists and cooperates with Qingxuan Sect in the formation of their Danju. Under the overall coordination and command of Qingxuan Sect, they intercept the third-level demons within the three third-level demon veins. This is the condition under which Qingxuan Sect tacitly allows them to "mess around" in these three third-level demon veins!
As for the number of missing elixirs, the amount of third-grade treasures turned into rubble, and the consumption of third-grade spirit puppets in this process, the Qingxuan sect does not inquire or take responsibility for it. It is all up to the Legion of Spirit Masters to resolve on their own.
These matters are not of concern to the Qingxuan sect; they are not responsible for them. It is all up to the Legion of Spirit Masters to address them.
The Spirit Tamer Army has gained many military exploits, but also spent a lot of them.
In addition to the intense consumption caused by continuous battles, there are also the needs for everyone's cultivation and the resource requirements of bringing family members along.
This is the biggest difference between the Yu Ling Army and Mengzhou's largest business.
When "Qihuangzi" proposed to put more Ling Guai on the professional association's military credit exchange shelf, various related thoughts flashed in everyone's minds, and the conclusion they finally reached was also similar.
"The president has set his sights on this market?"
"However, why does it say that the professions of Beast Tamer and Puppeteer in the Association will soon undergo changes?"
"Could it be that they want to include Beast Tamers, Puppeteers, and Spirit Tamers from the 'Qihuangmen' in the Association?"
"Qihuangzi" and "Ge Ping" have never revealed the information behind themselves, but some investigation results from Nuan Yun Valley and Qinglin Fang have been intentionally spread within the Professional Association with the connivance of Qingxuan Sect.
Everyone also tacitly knows that the association is just a "mistress" raised by the president, and there is a mysterious and unpredictable old grandma hiding in some corner.
"Are they all fake Danling puppets, just like the previous times?" asked Li Wenchang.
"Qi Huangzi" shook his head:
"It's not the same.
From the first-class supreme that only requires lower grade spirit stones to operate, to the various categories of second-class products, they all exist.
There are also pseudo third-class spirit dolls and third-class lower-grade spirit dolls available."
Listening to his introduction, all the cultivators had shocked expressions.
Hearing this, Li Wenchang was also silent for a while before asking again:
"What about the quantity?"
"There is no limit."
Hearing this answer, the crowd of cultivators were truly jaw-dropped.
What does "no upper limit" mean?
Does it mean I can have as much as I want?
Is this possible?
"Huangzi Qiyi" also felt that this answer was not precise enough, and thus thought again before softly reporting another number.
"If calculated according to the current military merits exchange rate, it is approximately equivalent to five million top-grade spirit stones."
"..." Li Wenchang.
"..." The cultivators.
It seems, it's almost the same as having no limit.
When the thoughts in one's mind are galloping madly, everyone's thoughts are blurred and indistinct.
Because of the methods used by the spiritualist, all materials that can be brewed into spirit medicine are turned into liquor.
Only those that cannot be used to make liquor are turned into spirit puppets by him.
Because of this approach, most of the refined spirit materials extracted from "garbage materials" are put into spirit medicine wine, and only a small portion is transformed into spirit puppets.
The first batch of "junk materials" peels off the godless spirit materials of the untended idols and eventually becomes a medicinal wine worth over 1.5 million top-grade spirit stones, as well as various types of spirit puppets worth over 500,000 top-grade spirit stones.
Even so, this number is enough to shock the top echelons of the association.
But soon, everyone realized that they were shocked too early.
The really explosive news is still to come.
"Qihuangzi" raises two fingers.
"Two requirements."
"First, because there are too many categories and types, I am not sure about the specific redemption price for military merits.
You just need to remember one thing, the redemption price of military merits will be reduced by 20% compared to the same category of spirit puppet."
As soon as this requirement came out, Li Wenchang and others were frightened to the point that their eyeballs were about to fall out.
But this is not over yet.
"Secondly, if military achievements are not enough, we accept the exchange with the corpses of monster beasts."
Specific rules can be further refined, but the basic principle is that two corpses of the same rank of monster can be exchanged.
If the rank of the monster's corpse is too low or too high, or if it is fragmented, you can refer to the basic principle I mentioned to refine it."
Saying this, "Qihuangzi" paused and added, "Also, there's another restriction: the minimum quality of the demon beasts' corpses cannot be lower than first-grade superior."
He added a patch with great detail, but almost no one listened carefully.
All people's brains became dizzy.
The president made the first request and clearly brought the Spirit Control Corps over as a reference for comparison.
Everyone only felt their scalp explode, as if there were tiny electric currents flowing through their hair roots.
Finished, finished, is this the rhythm of frontal confrontation with the Spirit Soldier Corps?
Why bother?
Is there a need for this?
How did the president suddenly have such thoughts?
Xu Ze, who is in the Professional Association but has his heart in the Qingxuan Sect, was the first to wake up.
Originally, he had made up his mind to be an invisible person.
As long as the leader doesn't take the initiative to bring him out, he will never show up.
Now, he can no longer afford to think about these small personal ideas.
He asked directly, "President, do you think the exchange rate set by the Spirit Control Army is too high and want to force them to lower the price?"
"Qihuangzi" shook his head and said, "I have no objection to the current exchange rate."
However, if the Spirit-taming Army lowers the price for exchanging military achievements, then we will also lower it.
Anyway, there is only one standard. The military achievement exchange price for our similar products should always be maintained at 80% of their counterparts."
Hearing the first sentence of the response, Xu Ze breathed a sigh of relief and nodded gently.
Because the Spirit Mastery Army is the main supplier in this niche category, they naturally hold the pricing power.
Other forces, including the Qingxuan Sect and the Professional Association, will all proactively align their spirit puppet and other product offerings with those of the Spirit Control Army.
Of course, the exchange prices will not be exactly the same, and it is common for them to fluctuate up or down by three to five percentage points.
But in terms of overall direction and pace, everyone will follow the leadership of the Spirit Control Army, and this understanding is unspoken.
After listening to the president's first request, Xu Ze immediately had a thought in his mind:
"President, are you trying to compete with the Spirit Manipulation Army for the power to set standards in areas such as Beast Taming, Puppet Manipulation, and Spirit Manipulation?"
As the president of the Professional Association, this idea seems reasonable.
Even in ordinary times, this can be a deadly matter.
Not to mention now, in such a crucial period, can the Spirit-Controlling Army bear such provocation?
Both sides are not immediately starting a clash of thunder and fire?!
The most deadly thing is that neither side is easy to provoke.
Both sides have important and irreplaceable significance to the current Qing Xuan Domain.
Led by Elder Mingnan, the Spirit-Controlled Army is fighting on the front line against the beast tide;
led by the president of "Qihuangzi," the entire professional association is an important force in maintaining a vigorous and surging military merit exchange system, even though they do not appear on the front line of the beast tide.
From an overall perspective, its importance is not inferior to the Spirit Controlling Army.
If a conflict were to break out between the two sides, the entire Qingxuan Domain would suffer, and the Qingxuan Sect would suffer the most significant losses.
Hearing the president express no objections to the current exchange rate, Xu Zexin breathed a sigh of relief.
However, he soon realized that he had relaxed too soon.
The situation was more serious than he had anticipated.
The president does not want to compete with the Spirit Master Army for the power to formulate standards, he simply wants to avoid any conflict with them.
"Everyone should get along peacefully, let's not stir up trouble for no reason!"
Xu Ze opened his mouth, but didn't say anything, silently mocking in his heart.
He closed his mouth, and after a long silence, Li Wenchang finally spoke.
"Chairman, may I know why you did this?"
"Qihuangzi" laughed and said, "You guys are worried that I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, and you're even more concerned about us starting a fight with the Spirit Manipulation Army, right?"
If a real fight breaks out, besides him, the other cultivators in the association really won't be able to handle the Spirit Manipulation Army.
No one answered, but the changes in their expressions already answered for them.
"If the Spirit-Controlled Army has any objections to your actions, you can directly convey my thoughts to them."
"I don't mind telling you the reason is simple. I want to invite Mingnan Laozu to visit Sanchuan Yan."
"But I don't know his whereabouts, nor do I have his contact information, so this is my only option."
"..." the crowd.
Are there any other invitations as unique as yours?
It's really unique, unlike anything I've seen before.
"Qihuangzi" said:
就在众人心思浮想联翩之际,"Qihuangzi" said:“这是我说的第二件事。”
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