Chapter 327: Unstable Factors

A uniform dress and a batch of fifth-grade pharmacist badges made it easy for Yuntai to guess the origin of the seven or eight young people in their twenties in front of him.
"From the Pharmacy Academy?" Yuntai confirmed with Tony. Translation: "
"Are you Yun Tai? That Yun Tai?"
Before the black-haired young man at the front could speak, a brown-haired head popped out from behind him. If it weren't for his companion pulling and dragging him, he probably would have rushed to Yun Tai already. Moreover, he is inspecting the rare birds and exotic animals up and down.
The gaze made Yuntai's eyebrow raise lightly.
Is this a clown sent by the monkeys?
显然棕发少年的举动让这群青少年深感丢脸。一左一右迅速伸出两双手, 捂住了棕发少年地嘴, 把他往回拽。
同时领头的黑发青年反手一摁, 横跨一小步, 屁-股往后一顶,不再理财身后的抗议,恭敬地行了一个药师礼。
“抱歉失礼了。因为收到各位老师和大人要来的消息, 大家都很兴奋。”黑发青年连忙解释道。
Obviously, the young speaker also felt the awkwardness and quickly shifted to the main topic: "We are both students studying at Dan City's Pharmacists' College in the country of Yulan. I am Huo Lian."
Yun Tai couldn't help but look towards Fire Hao.
Fire Hao nodded, "He is a young member of our clan."
"Greetings, Elder Shi." Fire Lian stepped forward and bowed formally, "We heard that Elder Shi and the other esteemed individuals have arrived today. We were eager to meet you, and apologize for disturbing your rest. It's just..." Translate the translated content back into Chinese:
显然宇澜国这些年的变化太大,传过来的传言太多, 根本分不清真假, 所以他们才急切地想要知道确切的消息吧。
“既然如此, 不如进去坐下慢慢聊。堵在大门口也不是个事儿。”罗安达建议道。
"Excuse me, all the teachers and adults, please go ahead."
火链这群年轻药师闪到一边, 回头张望。
一群少年少女向他们走来。最前面的少女有着一头俏丽的短发, 瓜子脸, 中性的装扮让云苔怀疑刚刚那声音应该不是出自这位的口吧?应该不是吧?
“丹芘据说是丹家年轻一代的第一人。十四岁,虽然是四品药师, 但据说已经能够稳定地炼制出五品丹药了,只不过一直没有到丹塔参加品级考核……”唐尼
It seems that these two people are quite familiar with each other, and they seem to have a good relationship.
"Dan Tian." The short-haired girl walked up to Yun Tai, performing a pharmacist's courtesy.
"Yun Tai." Yun Tai returned the gesture.
"Don't stand at the entrance, everyone please come in," Tony politely ushered everyone into the embassy. What's going on with everyone crowding at the embassy entrance? Many people have already been looking in their direction. Please note that the use of "

"The finals?" Cao Guo looked surprised. Not even a newly-promoted sixth-grade pharmacist like him would dare to dream of qualifying for the finals. The finals were the battlefield where the top-tier seventh-grade pharmacists fought against each other. He had a clear understanding of this.
They still have Zheng Ming.
It's the same thing... "
" Danzhu Ye, shut up." Danfeng rebuked. "
" Danfeng didn't doubt Yun Tai's words at all. This is Dan City, and the Medicine Master Competition is about to begin. We will soon know if any of the three presidents have recommended Yun Tai for a direct entry into the finals.
. If it is a fake, it will not only disgrace the nation of Yulan, but she does not believe that the prestigious Yulan Empire, one of the three great empires, would be willing to lose face in such a high-profile occasion.
At the Pharmacist Competition in the Land of Yulan, Yuntai modified a Formula for a top-grade pill, using a new extraction technique and a modern alchemy furnace, and successfully refined a fifth-grade pill.
It is said that the pill formula relies on luck, and the alchemy furnace can be obtained through magical means.
What Dan's family is concerned about is this new emerging refining technique. The extraction technology of medicinal herbs is the very foundation of Dan's family's prosperity. They must ascertain whether this new refining technique is superior to Dan's family's technique or not?
And they have received accurate information that this new refining technique will be taught publicly at the Royal Yulan First Medical College. In other words, this technology is not solely the unique skill of Yun Tai!
What if...
Since the emergence of the new refining technique, Dan Tian could sense that the entire Dan family had become restless, to the extent that it was even affecting the participants, including her. So, she came today with the intention of eliminating this destabilizing factor.
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