Other Novels Extraordinary Doctor in Another World Chapter 361: All Members Promoted, No Eliminations.

Chapter 361: All Members Promoted, No Eliminations.

果然看台上骚动了Get up.
“虽然这次大赛已经明言不限手段, 但至少要是自己的本事吧, 这帘子拉起来, 谁知道她是不是拿现成的晋级丹充数啊?”
“这帘子能挡住什么?在场的哪一个不是修炼者, 哪一位没有精神力?”
"Maybe that defense shield also blocks psychic detection."
"If you're afraid of being seen, why did you agree to participate in the competition in the first place?"
"Take off your clothes, this is going to be painful with the needles. The fire chain will be more stable now." Elliott envied.
"Hmm." Haomai agreed and echoed Elliot.
Huh? All eyes around them focused.
At some point, both Haomai and Elliot had put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on their noses.
Feeling the gaze around them, Haomai adjusted the frame on his nose and said, "Limited supply for internal use." Translated content:
水透镜的技术含量其实并不高。一经推出便被迅速普及,广泛传播。而眼镜款的因为‘半边天’太过激烈地抗议而被明令禁止发售。可是作为学习研究的辅助工具, 眼镜款的水透镜在医学院内部并没有被彻底禁止。学生可以在学院内使用,导师可以外借,只需要登记一下便可。当然这属于正规渠道, 盗版之类的那就很
难控制了。未了避免不必要的麻烦, 据说已经有炼金师开发出了用精神力调节的隐形眼镜版……
看看后排几位宇澜来的药师扼腕的表情就知道,能够现场看比赛的基本上都属于能够轻易弄到眼镜款的人, 这次的失误完全是因为准备得不够充分的缘故。
The presidium obviously noticed the changes on the moss-covered stone platform in the first place. The water lens is not a standard tool for pharmacists. Although there are portable ones in the guild, the quantity is limited and not enough to distribute! Some families have purchased them.
Most of the items I bought were large magic props, with more complete functionality.
As a result, Yun Tai, the pharmacist, received a "first" - the first participant to receive a warning during the finals of the Pharmacist Competition. The organizing committee also added that a second warning would result in the participant being expelled from the competition venue and their results being invalidated.
稀稀落落地笑声响起, 然后轰然而起,迅速席卷全场各个角落。
以叶绵华为首的药师学院的学生们更是各个笑摊在椅子上。药神在上, 火链平时都是一副不苟言笑的老成样,何曾见过他当众被扒得只剩下一条短裤衩的样
As a fifth-rank pharmacist, being stripped naked in the pharmacist competition, how will he face people in the future? Yao Guilong frowned and regretted his impulsive decision.
The other seven contestants and volunteers all followed the regular route, refining and taking the advancement pill. Now they have advanced, with at most one Radiant Saint using a healing spell. Translated content:
Everyone feels that the stuff on their forehead is not sweat but grease.
The crowd's gaze lingered on the Yun Tai group for a longer time.
The more they looked, the more they felt uncomfortable.
The more they look, the more frustrated they feel.
The audience feels like time has passed for an eternity, but in reality, only a short time has gone by.
Why should someone like this be guaranteed a spot in the finals of the Pharmacist Competition?
This is the biggest joke at the Pharmacist Contest! It's the biggest joke in the Pharmacist Guild!
Get up.
According to Elliot's words, Yun Tai's tapping actions not only failed to solidify Huo Lian's cultivation, but also increased the activity inside him. This increases the risk of Huo Lian's demonic possession. What does Yun Tai want to do?
When do you need to bring a portable water lens to watch the pharmacist competition? Isn't this forced buying and selling? What's even more excessive is that there's no money to be made!
Of course, you can ask a water mage to help, but they will most likely refuse because this kind of observation and cultivation of the cyclic line is heavily tabooed and resisted by the entire cultivation world.
The current situation of Firelink makes it impossible to give everyone a response!
Can we still enjoy watching the game happily?!
“……那是留声机,云苔果然是想要帮火链冲击第二个关卡!”火邈也紧张地站了Get up.这个时候他也有些埋怨云苔的多事。火链能够自己晋级,云苔什么都不需要做就能够晋级,这不是皆大欢喜的事情吗?云苔何必要多此一举地在这个时候展示自己的能耐。火邈也是有点关心则乱了,毕竟火链是他最看好的族内弟
After the final small outburst, the fire element slowly returns to calm. However, Firechain's tense expression remains unchanged.
Both Firemo and Elliot have a solemn look on their faces.
"What happened? Did the impact succeed? Say something!" White Blaze impatiently asks. Translate:
Huo Mai took off his glasses at the same time, only to find that the palms of his hands were full of sweat.
Zi Zhuan made a big move.
"Less chatter, Eyeglasses."
Two pairs of glasses were rapidly passed on in the Yulan VIP box.
The fiery aura subsided, Zhang opened his eyes, adjusted his attire, and respectfully performed a deep bow to Dean Yun, saying, "Thank you very much, Dean Yun."
Still need to continue reading...
The current round can only be considered as a warm-up, allowing the audience and contestants to adapt to this brand new format. In the first round of the finals, all participants will advance, and no contestant will be eliminated.
Everyone knows that the next round will have more challenging questions and possibly new restrictions, which means some contestants might be eliminated.
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