Other Novels Extraordinary Doctor in Another World 第363章 48小时?上厕所怎么办?!

第363章 48小时?上厕所怎么办?!

“宇澜。”左边那名壮汉突然开口表明身份, 然后继续凝视对方。
云苔刚刚就注意到此人, 因为他的站姿与其余七人完全不同, 站如松, 两脚开合六十度, 标准的军人站姿。
白烈炎看见此人, 嘟囔了一句:“云老头还真是, 吃了那么多回独食,也不怕噎着。”
"Xiao." Suddenly, Xiao Jinyan spoke up, startling the person beside him. Only reply to the translated content.
萧?萧家军!这就是说代表晋南侯的萧家军明确表态倒向云苔这一边, 支持陛下的医疗改革!军队是医疗改革迄今为止最大的受益者,也无怪乎他们这么积
右手边的那位脸色白中泛黄,嘴唇泛青的消瘦男子将头转回, 盯着云苔看, 并没有想要搭话的意思。
唰, 不少看好戏的目光落在了光明圣子的身上。
光明圣子脸色一黑, 挖苦道:“云苔药师还真是好眼力, 连我都没有认出他是我们光明教的教徒, 你反倒是一眼就认出来了。”
"The Ascetic of the Illuminati, and not just an ordinary ascetic, but the kind that takes pleasure in self-torture and considers luxury a disgrace. They only obey the Holy Cardinal David, the Archbishop of the Council of State. It's normal that you don't know about them."
I only listen to the ascetics of the Cardinal of the Holy David Red Robe appointed by the Council of State. I do not know the Radiant Son, but I am familiar with Cloud Moss. There is indeed a significant amount of information in this, intriguing and thought-provoking.
"How did you figure it out?" Xichen curiously asked.
First, test talent.
Someone asked puzzledly, "What is the point of testing one's talent limits?"
This kind of test is usually performed on children when they are two or three years old. Even if they have extraordinary experiences, it may only help them surpass their talent limits. The results of this test would not have any impact. Unless there were errors in the initial assessment, the original test results would remain unchanged.
It's not related to the game today.
"I hope I'm not thinking the wrong thing!"
However, in order to demonstrate fairness, the Pharmaceutical Guild obviously doesn't mind wasting this little bit of testing time.
When the last volunteer walked off the testing stone, there was a slight sigh in the audience. The organizers from the Medicine Master Guild finally did not go all out, leaving a glimmer of hope for the contestants.
Even though Yao Guinong has not announced today's competition topic, most people can guess that based on the age, cultivation level, and physical condition of the volunteers, the Advancement Pill is obviously not effective. This competition should be about the Barrier-Breaking Pill.

Breakthrough Pill, as the name suggests, is a type of pill that helps overcome obstacles. After taking it, one can achieve a 100% promotion. However, its biggest drawback is that it exhausts future potential, and there will be no further advancement in cultivation.
Destruction-Breaking Pill is a sixth-grade prescription, of course, if higher-quality medicinal materials are used, the grade of the elixir can be improved. Refining the Destruction-Breaking Pill is not a problem for all seven contestants on the field except for one first-grade junior pharmacist.
"Is this forcing Yun Tai to use medical skills?"
"Could it be that Yulan's alchemist has overcome the difficulty of not being able to refine sixth-grade pills due to insufficient spiritual energy in the high-pressure alchemy furnace?"
It's time to see the real chapter.
"After hearing you say that, it seems to be true, the president is really generous!"
"That's exactly right."
Many fence-sitters sway back and forth without stopping.
"What do you think?" Elliott asked Huomai. He was not lacking confidence in Yuntai, but rather uncertain within himself. From Elliott's perspective, Huomai should be the one in their circle who has the most contact with Yuntai and is most able to keep up with her thoughts.
He quickly retracted all the erected ears beside him.
What a sentence... flawless... stating the obvious!
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