第406章 医师的分支法医

“But have you really not heard even a little bit of news?” Shui Xueli's right thumb got stuck on the tip of her index finger, as she leaned in to ask Yun Tai. Yun Tai pushed her face away with his hand. Of course, his hand passed through the video, creating ripples in the visual, but the content that should be posted was still posted. "Get lost. You know exactly what my situation is. What I hear is what they want me to hear."

“哪有。我们的处境比云苔好太多了。”水雪倩反驳道。  作为云苔的‘亲传弟子’, 水家姐妹受保护的等级虽然不如云苔那么恐怖, 但也不低。而且就是因为知道她们跟云苔的关系近,所以有些东西也会回避她们, 哪
I'm afraid they might have accidentally overheard, and someone will immediately remind them. What should be said and what should not be said?
"Actually, it's not that difficult to find out. For example, those golden scrolls, golden seals, and clothing all need to be custom-made in advance..."
San Shuang's three pairs of eyes shifted to the few individuals who were 'seriously' discussing and recording the modifications needed for the Cloud Moss clothes.
The few individuals did not shift their gaze nor were they moved.
Yun Tai shifted his gaze: "I'm telling you, Xue Li has already placed a bet, and it's a done deal. Even if you know now, what can you do about it? Are you going to withdraw the bet?"
“不能撤, 我还不能加赌, 把损失拉回来?”
Yuntai raised an eyebrow and said, "So you really have money!" "Not really!" Shui Xue Li's voice suddenly became high-pitched, but seeing Yuntai's expressionless face, she suddenly felt timid. For some reason, Yuntai's sudden burst of momentum made her feel scared. She then lowered her voice by sixteen degrees and muttered quietly.
Someone said, "When it comes to wealth, who dares to claim to be rich in front of that guy Hongxuan!"
"The fatter the pig, the more likely it will be targeted by the butcher," Yun Tai said lightly. She suddenly lost interest in gossip.
"Don't worry. Everyone knows what's going on. There's no need for you, a little girl, to worry," Water Xueqian consoled beside her. She was quite happy about it. If at first Water Family helped Yun Tai a little, now Water Family has already gained much more in return because of Yun Tai. What is even more precious is that Yun Tai has always been consistent in her attitude towards Water Family.
But I have heard a lot of complaints from Shui Xueli about the dissatisfaction with the Yun family. As for where Shui Xueli heard it from? Shui Xueqian said that it is normal for friends to chat and share their thoughts. Reply: It is important for friends to have open conversations and express their opinions. It seems like Shui Xueli has some concerns about the Yun family's situation.
Meanwhile, Yunhao, who was being incessantly nagged by the Shui sisters in his mind, had a worried look on his face as he stood in front of a lifeless corpse.
He had finally managed to get a legitimate reason to take a few days off and rest at home. Little did he know, before he could even take a sip of water, his elder brother had conscripted him forcefully! He could bear being conscripted, but at least give him a task he could handle! Looking at the remains in front of him, covered in brownish sludge and dried bloodstains, entwined with tattered cloth, some fabric was unrecognizable due to its original pattern being obscured. The incomplete flesh was already beginning to decompose, emitting a pungent stench of decay.
Coming head-on. Yunhao quickly created an air barrier in front of his face. He then let out a long sigh.
"Well? Did you figure anything out?" Yunyi entered the room without hope, with Yun Zhaomei following behind, gloating and making faces.
"Big brother! Shouldn't this be the job of a dark magician or necromancer?" He is a fighter, a fighter! Yun Hao howled in distress. However, Yun Zhao Mei didn't take the opportunity to kick him while he was down, but instead echoed, "Yeah, Yi ge, this is originally the job of a dark magician or necromancer. How can the big brother handle it? Old Black couldn't find out anything." Translated: "Big brother! Shouldn't this be the job of a dark magician or necromancer?" He is a fighter, a fighter! Yun Hao howled in distress. However, Yun Zhao Mei didn't take the opportunity to kick him while he was down, but instead echoed, "Yeah, Yi ge, this is originally the job of a dark magician or necromancer. How can the big brother handle it? Old Black couldn't find out anything."
云昭梅最了解的黑暗魔法师也就只有黑思泽。  “什么老黑,没礼貌。黑叔看过了,还通过朋友找到了一位亡灵法师。可惜,这具遗骸被放置的时间太长了,附着的灵力消散得差不多了。能够收集到的信息
Not much," Yunyi said.
"Then why did you bring us here to see?" Yunhao asked in confusion. He believed that he didn't have the ability of a necromancer. Yunyi said with frustration, "If there was a corpse here and no dark mage or necromancer around, wouldn't you be able to gather any useful information? Once you are sent on a mission and there are no dark mages or necromancers in the team, you wouldn't be able to find any useful information in such a situation?" Yunyi asked. Although he didn't expect the two of them to actually figure out anything, he had only brought them along to let the two brothers
Broaden your horizons.
"Um, male or female?" Yunhao asked. "
"Hmm, hmm. What else?" Yun Hao nodded and asked.
Yun Tai also said decisively, "If there's something, talk in chat."
She directly mutes the video call with the Shui sisters and glances at the corner of the room.
After the tailors silently bow, they quickly exit the room.
“云壕?”云苔有些意外的在视频中看到了云壕的身影。  说起来云苔和云家同父异母的两位哥哥关系还不错。不过平时没事也不怎么联系。特别事云壕,在云苔看来这位少年正处于最好面子的中二期,那别扭劲儿
"What's wrong? Have you encountered any trouble?" No news is good news, and seeing this familiar expression, Yun Tai understood.
Upon hearing this, the Yun brothers all turned to look at Yun Zhaomei, but Yun Yi didn't stop their actions. Although it felt a little embarrassing, Yun Hao quietly gave a thumbs up to Yun Zhaomei.
Not much nonsense. Yun Zhaomei pointed her phone directly at the corpse on the table inside the house. "How did you investigate before?" Yun Tai asked. She almost blurted out, "Find a forensic doctor, why are you looking for me?" Then she suddenly remembered that forensic doctors should also be considered a branch of medical professionals, right? Ancient times in her previous life.
In the past, many small towns had barefoot doctors who also fulfilled the role of coroners. However, it seems that the only professional medical education institution on the entire continent does not offer a forensic medicine branch for systematic education and learning.
Of course, Yun Tai does not arrogantly believe that there is no forensic profession. Various cases have been solved on the mainland for thousands of years. "Dark wizards or necromancers. If we can find a necromancer, they would be our first choice," Yun Zhaomei honestly replied, "although people's deep-rooted beliefs cannot change all at once. But in major cases...
"Then what's the use of asking you?" Yun Tai questioned.
"There is a use for you," Yun Zhaomei replied with a smug smile, "You understand human anatomy, maybe you'll be able to notice something else."
"I don't know much about this. Say as much as you know."
云昭梅忙点头:“那是当然。”  “如果没有黑暗魔法师或是亡灵法师在旁边。你们可以先看布料,款式。然后查看他的胃部,还有哪些没有消化的东西,以推测死者最后一餐吃的是什么?说
不定你们运气好可以在死亡地点附近发现就餐点,说不定有人见过死者。”  这个时候云壕也不嫌弃破布脏兮兮的了。用斗气隔离之后,捏起了一条破布条仔细看起来:“这布料……应该不便宜。不像是普通斗者买得起的。”几年军营
“还有啥?”  “死因?无论是魔法师还是斗者互殴,刀伤、刺伤等等都会在骨头上留下痕迹吧。这个不一定需要黑暗魔法师或是亡灵法师,只要有经验的都应该能够看得出
. By the way, let's also test for toxins. We need to check if the site of the victim's death was possibly bitten by a venomous creature. We can ask a beast charmer to examine the growth of animal larvae on the corpse to infer the time of death.
云逸也有些意外,没有想到云苔居然连尸检都懂!  “据说有人摸着头盖骨可以复原出那个人的外貌。”云苔一看三兄弟的表情,就知道他们想要问什么,“别看我,我不会。我只听说过有这么一门技术而已。
Furthermore, it is also necessary to ensure that the bones of the cranium have not been manipulated before the person's death.
"What does it mean for the bones of the cranium to not have been manipulated before the person's death?" Yun Zhaomei asked in confusion.
"Face-changing, cosmetic surgery. Among them, there is the procedure of bone reduction."
Now the extensive application of water lens has far exceeded the original expectations of cloud moss. "But if you really encounter such a person, you can pull out one of his wisdom teeth. Test the metal content of the wisdom teeth. Then compare the distribution of ore deposits and the metal content in the soil, so as to infer where the deceased spent his childhood frequently.
Of course, if you're unlucky and encounter a situation filled with uncertainties, it might not be so easy to do the investigation. Because wisdom teeth are the only teeth that won't be replaced."
"Heavens!" Yun Zhaomei felt intimidated, "Aside from understanding various causes of death, we have to know all this mix-matched information just to identify the deceased. Who can do that?""There is a branch of medicine called forensic medicine, you can learn about it. However, I really don't know much about forensic medicine. Necromancers should know more than me. But you can suggest having a necromancer come to our academy.
来进修一下,再结合他们的能力,开设一门这样的学科。不过有个前提就是,没事别找我,有事也别找我。”  云昭梅直接再心里吐槽:这怎么可能!你再不懂,懂得也比我们多啊!
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