Other Novels I am becoming a god in a horror game. Chapter 580: The Drowning Man From the Future (Complete) (303+304)...

Chapter 580: The Drowning Man From the Future (Complete) (303+304)...

In the depths of the sinful well, the old wallet began to burn again. Covered in wounds, Liu Yang, who stood up once again, raised his head as droplets of water fell from his chin.
"This time, I will be hurt again," Liuxiao smiled and scrutinized the willow. "But there is no more witch's remedy to save you."
Liuxiao clenched the bone whip that was stained with dark colors. The dark color spread from the end of the whip, and it quickly attached to the whip tail. A silver-blue halo began to circulate around Liuxiao's body.
"Wow." Liu raised an eyebrow and smiled happily. "I finally figured it out, I'm ready to take over the position of evil, right?"
Tang Er used all his strength to shoot Liu Jiayi's back. Liu Jiayi fell in his sight. His expression was empty, swaying and trying to stand firm. But he stumbled and couldn't hold his ground. The elevator doors were completely shattered in the previous explosion and couldn't close. Daniel's hand got caught at the edge of the elevator. His right hand was blown away by Tang Er, but he stubbornly held onto the edge with his left hand and climbed up.
"... Only you are left." Daniel was bombed by Tang Er until he was covered in blood and flesh, and he crawled on the ground with difficulty. He looked up at Tang Er, who was kneeling on the ground, motionless. A mad laughter spread across his face, causing the corners of his mouth to crack. "By killing only you, father's final burden will be gone."
Tang Er cast a longing glance at Daniel, who was dragging himself along the ground only with his upper body. His mind was completely blank, unable to think at all, and his face was splattered with the blood of various people. He muttered to himself, repeating Daniel's words:
"... Only me left."
Tang Er's body was one meter away from Mu Si Cheng's blood, with blood stains all over the elevator, making it hard to tell if it was Daniel or Jia Yi's. There were three members of the hunting team lying dead by his feet. Cen Bu Ming was shot by him when he went crazy, and now his life or death was uncertain. Looking up, in the chaotic and broken corridor, there was a pool of blood and bullet holes left by Daniel's crazy shooting at Mu Ke.
Indeed... Only he is left.
Everyone, they're all dead.
Tang Er slowly lowered his gun, his expression empty and motionless.
Daniel's consciousness was fading, but he had an inexplicable and stubborn faith in his heart. This distorted faith supported his broken body as he moved, and he looked at Tang Er's deep blue eyes, laughing satisfiedly:
"Cough, cough, only if you die, father can give up everything and become..."
——Last night, the dream told him so.
Daniel lifted his blood-stained face, his clown mask fell off during the chaotic battle, revealing a young, still innocent face. With his clear apple green eyes, he gazed directly at Liu, his face showing a dependent smile, as if seeking support. His expression was somewhat naive. He reached out and supported his half-cut body, trying to touch his father who had his eyes closed not far away.
"padrino (father)..."
"daniel??sara\il??tuo??fedele??credente (Daniel will become your most faithful believer)."
【System Prompt: The deviant joker is approaching the core player Liusu with intense desire, which stimulates a change in skill——(Soul Shattering Gun) Skill can be reset once without cooldown.】
The clown pulled out his gun and aimed at Tang Er again.
In the pit of sinners.
In the old wallet, while the previous soul currency was not burned out yet, the next soul currency started to burn again. Ashes leaked from the cracks, like black rain, falling into the bottom of the pit of sinners.
Six hooked the corners of his mouth, he wrapped the whip around the neck of Willow, who had no good place on his body, and he hung her up. Willow seemed like a dead body, hanging limp with no strength in her limbs, only her right hand still tightly clutching the old wallet.
Blood continued to seep from the willow and drip into the well, spreading out. Nearby, the "colorful" bone whip that fell into the well was stained black, leaving only a faint trace of "color".
"What are you hesitating about?" Liuhanying smiled happily and stepped on Lius' bone whip, lowering his eyes and softly saying, "The persistence and conscience you hold onto, what value do they have?"
"It's hard for a homeless man like me, who finally filled his old wallet, to end up like this, being a good person and trying hard to control myself."
"Any bad person in this world can trample on your most valuable possessions, leaving you with nothing."
"You are naturally a born embryo of a bad person. The worse you are, the more valuable you are. But you waste your talent and become too honest, surpassing being a good person."
"By being a bad person, you can become the factory director monopolizing the world's perfume industry, the investor who uses children in orphanages to extend their own life, the real estate developer controlling all the land, the mayor who sacrifices the pain of young boys and girls to develop their own town," said Six calmly. "They all have a lot of money and have achieved their desires, leading good lives."
"And to be a good person, you can only become a post station like Cen Buming and Tang Ergou, and even powerful women like Fang have to constantly sacrifice pain under my control as a bargaining chip because they want to save people."
"Yan, if you had chosen to be a bad person from the beginning, you would have been a truly wicked person by now."
"Be a good person," Liu laughed with a twinkle in his eyes, "and you will only be a poor beggar."
"Did I not tell you the name of the skill when you first entered the game?"
"This is an evil game, a world of evil, and good people will not have a good ending."
"----Because Xie feels this way, it's very boring."
"Li slowly raised his head, his voice hoarse and clear despite being choked by a whip and punctured by bone spurs: 'I don't think good people are boring.'"
"They... *cough cough*." Liu grabbed the whip around his neck, pulled it forcefully outwards, and blood gushed out, but he still didn't stop. He hoarsely answered, "They are valuable souls."
"With them in my wallet, it's enough for me."
"With them, I never feel like... " Liu raised his eyes, his facial features twisted and grimaced from anger and intense emotions, tears welled up in his eyes. "...a homeless person!"
"If I truly become evil, I will put an end to this boring world you have created."
Yan held onto the whip, which turned completely black. He lifted his gaze, and his eyes transformed into a deep silver-blue 'color':
"Then I shall become evil."
【System prompt: Player Liu's Desire Core has changed, Strange Book change - (Poor Wanderer) modified to (Heir of Evil)】
【Player Willow equips the monster book identity - (Heir of Evil)】
Willow, enveloped in a silver-blue aura, curls up the corners of her mouth: "Finally, the moment has arrived."
"My successor."
In the system spacecraft, a black whip slashed across the world, and Liu fell out from it, landing on the spacecraft's ground. He reversed his hand and whipped Tang Er, who was lying on the ground, with gray flames burning on him.
【System prompt: Player Tang Er's life value cleared to zero, exiting the game.】
The willow whip did not stop after sweeping, but continued to whip fiercely towards Daniel on the ground.
After Daniel saw Lian, the ecstatic smile on his face didn't appear, but turned into a puzzled expression: "Father?"
"I am not your father," Lian slowly raised his head, his silver-blue eyes emanating an inorganic coldness. He raised his hand and snapped the whip downward, "That was just your dream, I have never been your father."
"In my eyes, you are just a clown to be killed."
Daniel's pupils contracted as he reached out to grab Liu, but only caught the whip that Liu swung at him. Liu then used the whip to fling Daniel's broken upper body out of the spaceship. In outer space, Daniel quickly suffocated and lacked oxygen. Under the sudden change in pressure, he was squeezed into an unrecognizable blob of flesh from all directions. Only his pair of apple green eyes still gazed persistently and unbelievably at Liu, who remained calm inside the spaceship, staring at him from afar.
"Father," Daniel mouthed slowly, reaching out his hand like a drowning man begging for help from someone on shore, his eyes hollowed out. "Save me."
Yan stood at the broken window, unmoving, as Daniel drifted away and disappeared into space.
【System prompt: Player Daniel's life value is cleared to zero, and exits the game.】
Six raised an eyebrow at this scene, stood up straight and stepped back. He smiled, gracefully bowed and took his leave: "You already possess the ability and necessary conditions to become evil."
"What's left needs to be bestowed upon you."
"I'll be waiting for you at the palace."
"I hope next time you come, you can still maintain your sanity."
After saying this, Liu Xiang closed the cabin door, chuckled lightly, leaned back, and disappeared without a trace.
The cabin door closed again, and standing on the messy deck, Liuxi slowly moved forward. After confirming that Liu had left, he took a step forward with his black whip.
The willow swayed for a moment, quickly steadied itself, and then took another step. It swayed again. On the third step, the willow seemed to have exhausted its last bit of energy. It reached out to grab the nearby wall, lowered its head, and gasped for breath. Its silver-blue eyes were hollow.
The black dye on the whip seemed to pulsate as if it had a life of its own, spreading from his finger gripping the end of the whip and creeping up, invading every inch of Yuzuru's sanity.
Yuzuru finally knew what the dye that stained the black whip was.
——It is desire.
It is from the 658th world line, from all players who entered the game, and from the strong desires of humans who enter the game.
This desire flows continuously into Lui's brain and body through the bone whip as a medium, as if these unplaceable intense desires continue to search for a carrier, otherwise, they will drive the host of desire insane.
And the willow is the carrier.
【I really want to get promoted, really want to get promoted. It would be great if my boss suddenly had a car accident and died. That annoying old man, why hasn't he died yet? I wish a car would hit him and kill him】
【... Don't want to go to class, and the class teacher gets seriously ill.】
All kinds of desires gathered together, enriched, flowing along the whip into Liu's mind. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down the effects of these things on him. But with every step he took, more desires would enter his body, affecting his soul.
He feels as if his soul has turned into a vessel, on the verge of bursting from these desires that keep arising incessantly, having lost its original shape.
Is this why evil does not have a soul?
The soul cannot maintain its original shape under the impact of these desires, and in order to preserve its existence, it must resist the influence of these desires.
However, these desires are like rushing waters that come from all directions, leaving no room to breathe, no time to rest. The process of resisting desires is like a person struggling to survive in the sea without any flotation device, constantly drowning. But if one indulges in the desires and falls into the dark depths of the ocean...
He will really become the next "six".
Liubei slowly slid to the ground, leaning against the wall, tilting his head and breathing heavily. His eyes were cloudy with no focus, like a drowning person. The hand holding the whip slowly dropped to the ground, touching the inverted cross key held by Cen Buming's hand that had fallen on the ground.
He turned his head and looked at that key.
- This is the key item of the game and also the last item he needs to become evil.
It is also the item that accompanied them throughout the game, guarding what he was looking for till the end.
Yan gripped the key and stood up, leaning against the wall, staggering towards the door of the 0th floor.
At the moment when he pushed the door open with the key, the 0th floor slowly opened, and the circuits of the spaceship's first floor gradually lit up from Yan's feet. One by one, the closed heretics were activated, and the originally dark first floor became incredibly bright.
In the moment of clear-eyed situation, his brain, which had become blurry under the impact of desires, seemed to be emptied of something, there was nothing but the scene in his eyes, and the slowly surging emotions, as well as the warmth at the edge of his eye sockets.
His surroundings are filled with the souls of players who have entered the game. They, or rather it would be more accurate to describe them as such, are strange shapes, like monsters yet resembling some kind of human existence. Their eyes are filled with desire, a desire that can even be sensed by Liu through the vessel. They rotate their eyeballs and fix their gaze on Liu, with corners of their mouths splitting open, as if drooling over some mouthwatering delicacy. But as soon as Liu turns his head and meets their gaze with his pair of silver-blue eyes, these monsters, or rather the souls of the players, shrink back in cowardice.
They were confined in cylindrical containers filled with a silvery-blue liquid, just like the first time Liusaw Tarweil in the town of the Sarkans.
Walking lightly, Liu approached the humanoid souls with single-digit numbers, reaching out to touch the surface of the empty containers.
The tears slid down from the sapphire blue eyes.
【658th World Line Heresy 0004】
【Name: Tail Monkey Thief Mu Sicheng (Soul has been shattered)】
【658th World Line Heresy 0005】
【Name: Assassin Muko (Soul has shattered)】
【658 Worldline Heresy 0601】
【Name: Witch Liu Jiayi (Soul shattered 70%, unable to awaken)】
【658 Worldline Heresy 0002】
【Title: Rose Hunter Tang Erda (Soul Fragmentation Degree: 75%, Unable to Be Revived)】
In the cylindrical container, the soul shattered into millions of fragments, floating and sinking in the silvery-blue liquid like ocean water. It looked like bubbles of breath from a drowned person, telling the survivors that their souls are here.
Enter through the large hole in the edge of the spacecraft, where the floor is marked with a scattered mix of bloodstains from different individuals. In the deep-sea-like blue space, 658 parallel universes are slowly moving along predetermined trajectories, converging towards the colossal central system's backstage spaceship.
In the silver-blue 'hue' of the universe, shimmering stardust and debris fall, leaving traces of withering roses decaying. Mermaids awaken as if from the depths of the sea, sighing at the explosive bursts of light reflected in mirrors. The sun in the vast sky overlaps one-quarter, as the last remaining light reveals glimpses of the future previously obscured by fallen stars. The fragmented soul's bullet, once shattered, now rests at the bottom of the ocean.
He lost his best friend, his loved ones, and himself.
He has nothing.
【System prompt: Player Liu gains control of the system spaceship.】
【Congratulations to Player Liu for completing the game.】
During the competition, Lu Yizhan walked several times, feeling uneasy. If it weren't for Charles's sincere desire to lose, this battle might have been difficult for him. After the match, he hurriedly followed the ace of spades and rushed to the 2nd viewing pool.
As I entered Observation Pool No. 2, I felt my heart sink when I heard the whispered conversations and saw the darkened screen.
- Something must have happened!
Spades swept across the big screen, and with a steady gaze, he reached out and jumped down, landing right beside Wang Shun in the center of the spectator area. Lu Yizhan also followed closely, taking three steps and anxiously grabbing Wang Shun, asking, "What happened?"
"I don't know!" Wang Shun also became anxious. "After Liu and the others logged into the game, the big screen went black. The host called someone to fix it, but there was no response at all!"
"Has anyone logged out halfway?" Luyizhan asked, trying to maintain composure.
Wang Shun shook his head helplessly.
Du Sanying stared at the big screen, tightly pinched his fingers, biting his lower lip, and stayed in the corner, away from everyone.
"Someone logged out!" the audience shouted in excitement. "Which team is it?"
"It's the Deer Hunters!"
"Wow, three people 'died' at once!"
"Doesn't that mean the Wandering Circus is guaranteed to win?"
"Quick, someone else logged out!"
"It's from the Hunter's side again!"
"Wow, it's the Joker and the Executioner!"
"They've all been cleared out, intense battle!"
"Circus won?!"
Luyizhan turned sharply towards the hunter.
In the fleeting moment of locking eyes with Cen Buming, Luyizhan averted his gaze.
—This is the behavior that only shows up when this guy feels guilty.
The luyizhan's heart suddenly emptied, and a long-lost feeling of fear and loss of control surged in his heart. Suddenly and incredulously, he turned toward the exit of the wandering circus.
As soon as Wang Shunting saw that the other party had been completely cleared, before he had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief, a person slowly fell out of his side.
One was Liu Jiayi, the other was Tang Erda, both were covered in injuries and had their eyes tightly shut.
Wang Shun stood there in shock, before he even realized what had happened, he and Luyizhan next to him instinctively rushed to catch Liu Jiayi and Tang Er.
But before Luyizhan and Wang Shun could actually catch this person, the person disappeared from their hands.
Wang Shun's mind was blank, and he finally realized what had happened. He raised his head and stared blankly at the opposing Lu Yizhan.
——This is exactly the same as the last time Lu Yizhan was hit by the Soul-Shattering Spear with the Black Spades.
This means...
"Their souls have not completely shattered." Luyi said, squeezing the words out between his teeth. His face had turned pale. "But we don't know how extensive the damage is, or if they will be able to wake up."
"What about Liu?" Wang Shun's voice trembled as he asked this question anxiously. "Liu hasn't logged out yet, so does that mean he…"
The audience in the stands began to buzz again:
"Someone else has checked out from the circus again!"
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