Other Novels Fantasy World Vedic Heaven Chapter 17: Wolf Pack in the City

Chapter 17: Wolf Pack in the City

As the captain of the city guard, Michael Bebs has never had such a headache.
Because since appearing in Fantian Big 6, Tianbei City has never been as chaotic as it is now, not even during war periods.
Currently, for girls living in Tianbei City, whether unmarried or already engaged, if they want to go out to buy something or take a walk, they must always greet several male family members or be accompanied by an unmarried fiancé. And it must be the type of strong and intimidating guy that people know they shouldn't mess with, otherwise it won't work.
Of course, as female dwarves, even if unmarried, such problems would not arise. As one guy who caused panic in Iron Bay City said: Unless they grow a little older, with a bit of protrusion at the front and lift at the back, I won't even notice their existence.
Within a day, there are thirty or forty cases of sexual assault reported here at Michael Best, and this is only the number of cases reported to him, not including those that have not been reported. It is at least five times this number. As time goes on, the number of sexual assault cases continues to increase.
Michael Bais is not unaware of who those color wolves are because recently every person entering and leaving Iron Bay City has to go through five or six procedures, three of which are handled by him. However, he cannot deal with these color wolves because their identities are beyond his reach.
Each color wolf has a title of Baron or above, and they are important members of powerful families in various countries of the sixth heaven. Many color wolves come to the city of Tiebei with letters of introduction from their families, claiming to want to purchase a certain amount of weapons. This puts Mak Beres in a dilemma. If he arrests these color wolves who come to buy weapons, the consequences would be unimaginable. If news spreads that someone who came to buy weapons was taken and thrown into prison, the city of Tiebei would see a decrease of at least 20% in weapon sales. Mak Beres cannot bear the burden of such actions and the city lord will not support him. Otherwise, he might as well go home and starve.
Michael Bayes feels that the most cunning aspect of those sexual predators is that even though he sends his men to track and stop them every day, warning the residents of the city, his men often lose sight of the predators in the blink of an eye. When his men finally find the predators, they are often mistaken for the predators themselves by the victims, who scream for help and attract "heroes" to violently attack them.
"The weather is really nice today!"
"Yeah, the weather is really good here!"
Under the gloomy sky, Lai Te stood on the street and said to his companions behind him.
"How do we allocate today? We can't continue to go to the same places as the previous few days. Yesterday, I saw ugly women all day and almost threw up."
Alex scanned the pedestrians on the street, looking for a girl he could approach.
"So today we have free movement, everyone can go wherever they want. After all, we won't be staying here for long and I've heard from the boss that we will be joining the Race Alliance in a few days. Let's take this opportunity to make this place livelier before we gather at the old spot later."
Light smiled maliciously, having had a happier few days than ever before.
"Of course it has to be lively, otherwise how can we repay their previous warm reception to the boss?"
Soon, Iron Bay City was filled with various screams. Of course, there were also some less attractive girls who were screaming along because many small delinquents in Iron Bay City were taking advantage of this opportunity to mess around. But since they couldn't compete with the pack of wolves, they could only find some girls who had a little bit of attractiveness and take advantage of them.
"Dagga, will anything happen if you let them go like this?"
In the midst of the uproar caused by the pack of wolves, Afude asked Qiyue in the backyard of the Karinagu family.
"It's okay if nothing happens. You should know that even if the Bricker family uses hundreds of magical machines to catch them, it won't work. Besides, you'll have a lot more peace once they're gone, right?"
Seven nights looked at the darkening sky without any guilt, yawning.
"That's true."
Afude nodded thoughtfully, recalling the night a few days ago when she was stared at by dozens of wolf eyes as soon as she woke up. When she washed her face, she found the basin full of flowers. When she changed clothes, there were always a few pairs of wolf eyes peering through the gap in the door. It made her afraid to take a bath. And she couldn't catch these perverts at all. Thinking of this, Afude couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
"That's it, as long as you're fine, I can't be bothered to manage them every day. I'll go and ask Balf for an update on the situation."
"Although those wolves are still submissive to the authority of the Seven Nights, Seven Nights dare not control them too much at this time because it was his secret 'attack' on Zixue in the past that made the wolves jealous. Although Reit, Alex, and others claim not to mind, Seven Nights still secretly feel the jealousy of everyone. So now, by releasing the pack of wolves, not only can he retaliate against the Iron Bay City Guards as a return gift for their capture, but he can also divert the attention of the pack of wolves. At the same time, it can relieve Aphrodite's worries about being stolen by himself. It's a win-win strategy for Seven Nights."
When Qiyue and Aphrodite entered the atrium, there were already several people there. Mok and Doris had been asking Baluf about the situation since early morning.
"Where are Mams and Gara?"
Aphrodite couldn't help but ask when she saw only Mok and Doris there.
"I went out to play with Daga's little brothers. Do you think this situation is advantageous or not for us? If the Dwarf King's decision has already been made at this time, when will it probably be...?"
Moktou did not turn his head and said a sentence, then continued to talk with Baloo.
"Is it possible for the two of them to become like your little brothers?"
Afude listened to Moktou's words and asked Seven Nights with some concern.
"I don't know about this, Gara might be okay, but as for Mims, I'm not so sure..."
"Qiyue found it hard to continue. He understood what Afude was worried about, but he couldn't guarantee what those perverts would do to Mims and Togara. But it seemed like Mims had always been a pervert."
"Boss, this is what Arash asked me to give you when he left. He said you should come a little later."
Bahrūf saw Shichiya arrive and took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Shichiya.
"Why didn't you go out together? What is this?"
"I have to pick up my uncle. You will know when you read it, boss."
Ba Luo Fu did not answer Qi Ye's question directly.
"What? They want to come here?"
After looking at the paper, Qi Ye looked at Ba Luo Fu with surprise and a bit of anger.
"I see that the situation in my country's palace is still unclear. Besides the influence of our Kalinagu family and the Brickel family, there are also three other families present. Currently, relying solely on us cannot decide the situation. Only with the support of two out of the other three families can the situation be determined. So..."
Baloo pretended not to hear, busy chatting with Mowgli and others.
Bagheera pulled Baloo over and made him meet his gaze.
"It was their idea to help you get some revenge before we leave..."
With a guilty conscience, Poul dropped his head and said, "I was seen by Sennichi, and now I'm feeling uneasy."
"Why did you only speak up now? Hurry up, Captain Sieur, go out and find them back. If we don't bring them back, something bad will happen."
Qiye exclaimed urgently.
"What happened?"
Moke was somewhat confused and didn't understand why Qiye was so anxious for a moment.
"Take a look at this!"
Qiye regretfully handed the note to Moke.
"How did they get there? Hurry and call them back."
Moak said eagerly after reading the note.
"It may be too late for the boss now..."
Bauluf pointed at the noon sun.
"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and come with me!"
"Qiyue grabbed Baurufu and ran towards the door, telling Mok."
"Captain, I'll leave this to you. Only I can handle that side."
"Don't worry, there won't be anything here. Just be careful."
Moke nodded and agreed.
"Where did Captain James and Daga's friends go? Why are you all so nervous?"
Looking at Qiyue's distant figure, Avede asked,
"The least suitable place for them in Iron Bay City..."
"A place that exists..."
Moke patted the cigarette gun at his waist, feeling distressed.
In addition to some officials dealing with documents inside the City Hall of Tiebei Cheng Center, it has always been deserted and few people are interested in this place. Occasionally, one or two people come here to deliver city-wide documents to the officials in office.
However, the city hall was exceptionally lively today, not because there were too many people. In addition to the usual officials working here, there were just a dozen or so gray wolves, but even with just this small addition, the atmosphere was more lively than when hundreds of people were present.
"Do you have any free time, Miss?"
"The weather is so nice today, would you like to go on a date together, Miss?"
"You are like a beautiful flower that intoxicates me with your elegant temperament..."
"You really look like my ex-girlfriend, her name was Xiaowei. But it's okay, let me continue to miss her here... Will you accompany me while waiting?... No, I really just miss my girlfriend. You can continue to change clothes, don't mind me..."
"Miss, why are you shouting so loudly? I only mentioned it because there are so many people here and you are wearing so much..."
Looking at the group of wolves disturbing his secretaries, the officials in the city hall had a splitting headache, but they couldn't say anything because these seemingly gentlemen wolves had a lot of power. They were not only members of the authoritative nobility of various countries, but also held high noble titles. What was most deadly was that they also had an introduction letter from the Kalinagu family. They dared not cause any trouble to the guests of the Kalinagu family because the lord of the city would turn pale at the mention of the Kalinagu family lately. They were just officials under the lord and naturally became even more afraid."
"So beautiful!"
"These are literally dinosaurs..."
Leit and others walked up to the short beautiful woman who had just walked out of the house, and were stunned. The female secretary they were just flirting with had turned into a small roadside stone in their eyes.
"Baluuf didn't really deceive us..."
"But why is she a human?"
Alex asked Rait, puzzled, as a beautiful woman walked out of the room who could rival Ziyue'er, but was not the dwarf woman he had guessed.
"I heard she is the lord's adopted daughter, but I don't know much else," Lait shrugged and continued to stare at the petite beauty that appeared. "We'll ask her later to find out!"
"Also, Alex nodded and walked towards the beautiful girl. 'Hello, beautiful miss. I am Habinie-Alex from the country of Moon Night. What is your name...'"
"Maria," Maria politely reported her name and then frowned, looking around with disgust at the surrounding wolves who were eyeing her suggestively. "Who are you all? What are you doing at City Hall?"
"How can you be so presumptuous!" Wright stepped forward and pulled Alexandra back. "Hello Miss Maria, I have heard of your reputation in the Iron Bay City, but unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to meet you. It is truly an honor to finally meet you today!"
"Miss Maria, I, Imas, have been looking forward to meeting you in this beautiful place..."
"Miss Maria, as beautiful as a goddess, I..."
Originally shocked by the actions of Alex and Light, the crowd of wolves immediately rushed forward, eager to greet Maria and hoping to leave a positive impression on her.
Two secretaries who were next to Maria wanted to stop her, but in less than a second, they were brushed aside like invisible wolves.
Maria politely listened to the wolves' self-introduction, but when she saw them getting closer to her, she couldn't help but get angry.
"What are you doing here? This is the city hall, not a noisy place."
"Miss, they are here for official business."
An official, covered in sweat, crawled from the crowd and approached Maria.
"Office matters? All of them?"
Maria looked suspiciously at the crowd of people in the city hall, wondering if they were all there to deal with office matters. It was the first time since she took office in the city hall that she had seen so many people with office matters in one day.
“Not bad, Miss Maria.”
Light and others nodded in agreement.
After a while, Maria said,
“In our department, we only handle various tasks related to major transactions worth more than 200,000 gold coins. If your business is below 200,000, please go to the office of the City Commerce Department.”
"Why haven't you left yet?"
Maria screamed at Lait and the others, she couldn't stand the way they were looking at her. She felt as if she were completely naked under their gaze.
The officials present saw the usually amiable Maria igniting a fire and knew that they couldn't afford to let it go on any longer.
"Is there anything else?"
Maria asked displeasedly.
"Miss, are they all noble families sent to buy weapons from various countries, and there is also an introduction letter from the Karinag family..."
"Noble families? Like them?"
Looking at herself, Marie frowned as the saliva kept flowing out of her mouth.
"Miss Maria, they certainly cannot be called nobles, they are just scum among the nobles. But I am different, Miss Maria. I, Alex, wonder if you are available today. Shall we have Chinese dinner together later?"
Inviting Maria with gentleman's etiquette, Alex said.
"You, kid, get out of my way!" Wright quickly rushed forward and kicked Alex: "Miss Maria, I am Wright. If you want to have a Chinese meal together, please make sure to go with me. I can guarantee that no one will dare to disturb us."
"That's not necessarily true, Wright!"
Alex and the others glared angrily from behind.
"Back off! Don't come too close!"
Wright struggled to hold back Alex and the others, positioning himself at the front.
"Miss Maria, hello, my name is James. Although I am currently just a mercenary, I believe that in the future, I can definitely..."
"You... You... Can you come down..."
Amelia looked at the city hall office flying in mid-air and felt a headache coming on. She didn't know what was happening today, how could this group of people appear here? They shouldn't be wolves but they showed up anyway.
"Of course I can, I'm happy to do that... What's the matter?... Ah!"
Just as Mums was about to come down to Maria, he was startled by multiple punches along with wind magic blowing him around, causing him to scream in panic.
"Don't cut in front of me!"
"Hurry up and acknowledge me!"
"Don't block my view of Miss Maria!"
"What! It's you blocking me!"
"Hey, if you want to fight, move aside and don't block me..."
Soon, the crowd, who had calmed down because of Maria's beauty, once again made the office of the city hall lively.
"It seems that we finally arrived in time..."
La Nuit hurriedly pulled Boulouf and rushed to the town hall, relieved to see a scene that was different from what he had imagined.
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