Other Novels Fantasy World Vedic Heaven Chapter Seventy-Seven The chapters mentioned above are already in English. How can I assist you further?

Chapter Seventy-Seven The chapters mentioned above are already in English. How can I assist you further?

In the sky, a seven-night long remote magic battle with the leader of the demon beasts was getting more and more surprised. No matter what magic he used, whether it was ice, fire, thunder or other level three, four, five or compressed magic, the demon beast leader couldn't easily deal with these magic attacks. It only extended its giant claw or used its huge forehead to face the attacking magic and let out a loud roar. Those fireballs, ice arrows, and solid wind blades were all crushed by magic. In the sky, they flickered first and then turned into scattered magic elements.
Although magical attacks are basically ineffective, Qiyue did not stop attacking. Before finding the weak point of the orc leader, he had to constantly attack and not give the orc leader time to catch his breath, so as not to let the orc leader attack himself or the undead army ahead.
In the continuous remote magic attacks, Qiyue gradually understood that the Warcraft leader was able to disperse his magic attacks because whenever the Warcraft leader swung its claws or roared, although it didn't appear to have anything special, Qiyue felt that there were magical elements appearing in the gust of wind created by the giant claws or in its roar. This type of attack did not have any magical elements causing disturbances. It felt just like the magic shots that he created himself, directly unleashing the magical elements and dispersing his own magic attacks. However, the Warcraft leader didn't need to gather its magic power like Qiyue did, because he couldn't feel any abnormality in the magical elements over there, unlike when he used magic shots, where he had to gather all the magical elements around his hand.
In the gaze of Heman below Shiman, he looked up at Shiman and the distant leader of the monster in a magical battle, feeling as if he and Shiman were not from the same world at all. This is because not only does Shiman not need to recite long magic spells like other mages when using magic, but he can also complete both small and large-scale magic spells with just a wave of his hand. What amazed him the most was that Shiman could use magic from four or more elements, including opposing water and fire magic. Although he is just a pure warrior and doesn't understand magic very well, living with elves and half-elves in the tribe for a long time has given him some knowledge of magic. If one is proficient in the two opposing magics, the other can only be described as weak. And Shiman has used water or fire magic several times, which surpasses even the great magicians in the tribe.
"You wait for me here, I'll come over."
As the continuously attacking Seven Nights suddenly saw signs of retreat among his undead army under the second wave of demonic attacks, his heart couldn't help but panic. Although the undead soldiers were not afraid of death and had strong attack power, they clearly had a gap in strength when facing those large demons that had fallen into madness. He decided to personally deal with the leader of those demons, because he felt that every time the demon leader roared, the demons in front became even more frenzied. He vaguely felt that the key to this battle was in that demon leader.
"Then... what about those spirits? If you leave, who will control them?"
Seeing Qiye preparing to fly forward, Ximan worried that if he flew away, the army of uncontrolled spirits would be broken through by those crazy demons. At that time, it would be the Migrant Tribe who would have to face these crazed demons.
"Don't worry, the Death Knight is leading the Undead Army, so there won't be any problems."
Seven Night transformed his magic shield into a frequency magic shield and engaged in battle with the creature that was almost stronger than the Archmage. He couldn't afford to be arrogant and not defend himself.
"Are you sure there's no problem?"
"Heman is still worried because if the undead army is breached, it will be a disaster for the nomads in the wandering tribe."
"This can control them. If they retreat, just aim this at them and they will automatically advance again."
Seeing Ximan's worried and anxious look, Qiye sighed helplessly and took out the 'Necromantic Holy Grail' from his pocket and threw it to him.
Taking the 'Necromantic Holy Grail', Ximan still had doubts about the usefulness of this silver skull. He remained cautious and kept his attention on the front, ready to use it there if anything went wrong. At the same time, he mobilized his Qi to be prepared to help the undead army resist the tribal troops if necessary.
Seiya flew straight from the sky towards the leader of the demon beasts, but the leader did not attack. Instead, it stared at Seiya with its enormous red eyes.
As Seiya flew over the battlefield, where blood and flesh were flying, he couldn't help but feel frustrated at the decreasing number of undead army below. If those demon beasts were not driven into madness and continuously fought without rest, he would have already used the power of undead in the 'Undead Holy Grail' to turn all the dead demon beasts into undead beasts. In that case, he wouldn't have to worry about the undead army not being able to hold the line. Instead of decreasing, the undead army would increase as they killed more and more, until all the demon beasts were turned into undead beasts.
When Qiyue flew to the zone between the Warcraft chieftain and the raging Warcraft fighting in front, without any warning, the chieftain opened his mouth and spewed out a dark red fireball. The speed of the fireball was more than twice as fast as before, and the angle was extremely accurate, flying straight towards Qiyue. If Qiyue didn’t immediately turn around, he would be facing this dark red fireball containing tremendous magic power head-on.
"Good Lord, setting a trap won't work on me."
Seven Nights saw the jetting dark red fireball coming towards him, but instead of being shocked, he smiled. He hadn't expected that a monster would deliberately not attack him, waiting for him to fly closer and lower his guard before attacking.
Recite the incantation silently in his heart, Seven Night gathered the airborne wind element in his right hand and transformed it into solid wind blades repeatedly overlapping dozens of times. Then, he used ice magic to completely freeze the outer layer of all wind blades. He threw them towards the forward howling dark red fireball. The speed and angle of his throws made the consecutive ice blades look like they were connected.
Just as Bladefrost was about to strike, Seven Nights suddenly felt a strange willpower energy interfering with his control over Bladefrost, and it felt as if the control over the solid wind blades inside Bladefrost was cut off as well.
Qiyue looked at the leader of the monsters and wondered if this strange energy came from it. But when she saw the leader open its mouth, preparing to spit out a second fireball to attack her, she knew that it definitely wasn't the leader. Qiyue felt strange because besides the leader of the monsters, were there other creatures here? Or was the leader of the monsters not the most powerful? Was there a monster king after the leader of the monsters?
However, at this moment, the situation did not allow Qiye to think too much about the icebound blades that he had lost control of. Inside them, the solid wind blades had already lost control and turned into gas, rapidly expanding and causing explosions within the sealed ice layer. The icebound blades turned into mist and disappeared into the air.
When the Frozen Blade exploded into mist, the dark red fireball was already less than ten meters away from Qiyue. The hot flames were about to rush towards her face, and the outer layer's high temperature had already ignited the air into a scorching heat. In the dark red fireball, the red tongues of fire were happily leaping inside, as if excitedly burning something.
As the dark red fireball approached within five meters, Qiuyue activated her full power and used the Solid Technique of Flame Yang True Qi. Knowing that it would not harm her, she usually used Qi to protect herself in battles. However, this time, facing such a powerful dark red fireball, she exerted all her Qi and believed that she would be fine, even if it was a forbidden spell.
When the deep red fireball was only two meters away, Qiyue concentrated the red fighting spirit on his palms, preparing to catch the fireball. The explosive fireball in the sky that just broke his magic made him aware of the tremendous power contained within it. Therefore, he couldn't dodge and avoid it, because behind him was the battlefield where thousands of undead soldiers were fighting. If he dodged, the fireball would explode in the battlefield, turning those undead soldiers and monsters into ashes. He couldn't restore those ashes back into undead.
The dark red fireball finally collided with the Frequency Magic Shield one meter in front of Qiye. In the collision, bright sparks erupted. Qiye had condensed the Frequency Magic Shield to its smallest size, so the magical power of the shield was extremely powerful. Instead of breaking through, the dark red fireball turned into an oval shape in the instant of impact, and the originally dark red flames became fiery red. Qiye, who wanted to break the dark red fireball with Dou Qi, didn't expect this change. His face changed drastically, and he quickly gathered Dou Qi throughout his body while turning his back to the dark red fireball.
A loud bang followed by a sudden expansion of a dark red fireball, which grew several times in size. Fire elements fiercely ignited and wildly erupted from within the fireball, engulfing everything within a half-mile radius centered around the Seven Nights.
"No! Danger!" Miezu No. 5, located underground, sensed the explosion on the surface and quickly transmitted a message to the other two Miezu: "Hurry! He's going to die!"
"It's okay, I'm just trying out his abilities to see if I can trap him later. At least that fireball didn't kill him." The voice of Miezu No. 3, lurking in the rear, reached the ears of No. 4 and No. 5: "No. 4, speed up with No. 5. I will create magnetic interference after the explosion, disrupting his control over magic and forcing him into close combat. That's when we strike."
"Okay, Number Three."
Number Three and Number Four replied together.
After the first dark red fireball exploded, the second fireball from the beast leader followed and aimed at the ground. After the smoke from the explosion cleared, dozens of beast corpses that were swept into the air by the explosion fell and scattered around the big pit created by the blast.
"It's unexpectedly so powerful, it seems there's no room for mercy... What's going on? Can't gather?"
"After the smoke clears, Seven Nights, who is radiating intense red light from head to toe, stands in the center of the huge pit that was created by the explosion. Although the second dark fireball hit him again just now, he was unharmed due to his strong fighting spirit, only his sturdy armor became riddled with holes."
Just now in the explosion center, the fireball in the middle of the seven nights was actually pure fire element, and it was just like his magic shot, completely immune to video magic shields. Fortunately, he had already activated his fighting spirit to protect his whole body. Although the fire element was powerful, it was not as strong as his magic shot. Otherwise, he would not only have his armor turned into that.
And being made a mess by the two fireballs, Qiyue couldn't help but feel angry and impulsive, because even when facing the undead leader Sterling or completely forbidden spells, he had never been so embarrassed. So he was ready to use a forbidden spell to show some color to this monster leader. After all, he had already flown to the side of the monster leader, far away from the fighting monster group and the undead army, so there was no need to worry about involving undead soldiers in the forbidden spell. However, when he gathered magic power to prepare for the forbidden spell, he felt that the magic elements in the air were no longer following his will and were gathering around him like the out-of-control solid Wind Blades just now. He didn't know that this was actually caused by the extermination number three underground. He was just very puzzled why this area was unable to gather magical power, just like the room he used to be in at the Holy Spirit Tower and Peantis.
In the night when magic gathering is forbidden, the Warcraft leader once again spits out a fireball and the target is still Yeyue standing on the ground.
"Does he think I'm a meat target? Wait and see how I turn you into minced meat later."
Facing the jet of fireballs, Qiye spat out the curses he had learned in the army and licked his dry lips before swiftly running on the ground. With his current true qi and over a decade of intermittent cultivation, his speed and agility on the ground exceeded that of flying in the air, and he instantly dodged the dark red fireball, leaving it behind.
    With a 'boom!', a fireball exploded behind, sucking in a group of charging monsters and turning them into unlucky corpses.
    "They're really dumb. Well, at least this saved me a lot of energy."

Like a serpent, Qiyehou ran forward, looking back at the monsters that were blown away. Suddenly, he changed his course and dove into the group of monsters behind him. The leader of the monsters, followed closely behind, throwing fireballs one by one, blasting the monsters into pieces. Even though a few of them managed to escape after the explosion, Qiyehou turned back again to ensure that every single monster was killed before moving on to the next group.
After spitting out another fireball, the Warcraft leader seemed to realize that this kind of attack was useless, so it stopped its attacks and instead let out a loud roar towards the sky. The Warcrafts that were previously advancing and those that had not yet moved all turned red-eyed and rushed towards the place where Qiyue was located.
"Is it necessary to do this? Hmph! You'll regret it later."
In the face of the numerous crazy surging Warcraft, Seven Nights was ecstatic as he shuttled between them. Because he attracted a large group of Warcraft here, the burden on the undead army fighting in front was alleviated.
Seven Nights flexibly traversed between the cracks of the manic War Beasts' claws. Ever since the battle with Shilo in the Parker Fortress, he had been practicing martial skills whenever he had free time. At this moment, even without using the Flamesun True Qi Solidification Technique, he could still use Dou Qi. And if he were to use the Flamesun True Qi Solidification Technique, his Dou Qi would immediately rise by three levels, reaching the true Heavenly Stage Dou Qi, transforming his Dou Qi into armor. Just now, when faced with the War Beast leader's dark red fireball, he only used all his strength and did not fully utilize the Flamesun True Qi Solidification Technique. For now, let's not talk about these brainless War Beasts, they can't even catch Seven Nights' figure. Even if he stood still in the middle and let those War Beasts bite and scratch, they wouldn't be able to harm him in the slightest.
Seven nights in the Warcraft group dodges while continuing to move towards the direction where the Warcraft leader is located. Now there are more and more Warcrafts in front, almost crowded together without any gaps. He draws his long sword from his waist, preparing to kill his way through. However, after the long sword is unsheathed, he realizes that during the explosion of the fireball from the previous Warcraft leader, the long sword had already been shot through by the fire element, turning into dozens of pieces of iron fragments.
After escaping the flanking attack of the two-headed demon beast, Qiyue tried to gather magic power again, but he still couldn't gather the external magical elements as before. However, he found that he had control over the magic elements within his body. So, he took out the water element within him and condensed it into an icy sword.
With the Ice Sword in hand, Qi Ye's martial skills and killing power are displayed. He moves like a fish among the demons, jumping agilely and wielding the Ice Sword, which transforms into a white light. Wherever the light touches, the demons let out painful howls.
In the midst of fighting and advancing, Zunetsu finally found an effortless solution. With the Warcraft trapped in madness, he realized that in order to kill a Warcraft, he needed to sever its head. However, he discovered that if he could blind the Warcraft's eyes, they would start biting each other in a frenzy, relentless and immortal.
After sensing the weakness of the crazed Warcraft, Seven Nights swiftly swung his wrist, causing his ice sword to transform into a myriad of stars in the night sky. Any beast that stood in front of him or by his side was turned into a blind beast, as they could not see and went on a rampage, attacking everything around them.
"It turns out that low-level creatures like to procrastinate even a little bit." The third extermination member underground felt the battle situation on the surface and cursed dissatisfiedly, "Number Four, how much magic grass do you have left? Give it all to me, I want to make that experimental subject delay us a little longer.
"There are still four plants, one of which is the mother plant and the other is the improved one. If all of them are given to the experimental subjects, there is a possibility that they may explode due to an excessive amount of magical power, and then they cannot be used for another experiment."
"It's okay, we have already obtained the results we need. As long as the next batch of well-grown magic grass takes shape, we can complete our plan."
"Then it's up to you, Number Three. If anything happens and that experimental subject gets all of it, I won't take responsibility when Number Two and Number One wake up."
"Then just use two plants. If we only use two plants, the experimental subjects should be fine."
After a moment of silence, Destroy Clan Number Three still decided not to let the experimental subjects explode and die because the plan had been delayed for thousands of years, and he didn't want to wait any longer. He believed that Number Two and Number One felt the same way.
Amidst countless raging Warcraft beasts, Qiyue finally killed his way to a half-mile ahead of the Warcraft leader. Behind him, the blinded beasts were madly biting at other beasts trying to rush forward. However, after Qiyue advanced a bit further, those unblinded beasts stopped in the back and no longer chased after him. Instead, they stared at Qiyue crazily.
"It looks like I've entered your personal territory. You truly are an arrogant leader."
"Seeing that even the Warcraft behind me dares not enter here, only revealing their long fangs and howling, I am no longer in a hurry to move forward. There are no more brainless beasts to use as scapegoats or meat shields. I must be cautious in my next actions."
Seven Nights slowly walked towards the leader of the Warcraft. Although it was slow, compared to just flying through the group of Warcraft a moment ago, in fact, it took him less than a minute to carefully and vigilantly approach the leader of the Warcraft.
When Qiyue walked in front of the monster leader, he looked up from below and felt the opponent's figure was terrifyingly huge.
If previously, when looking at the monster leader from a distance, it appeared like a small hill, then at this moment, when looking up at it, Qiyue felt it was like a towering mountain and he himself was like a small bug below.
"What on earth did it eat to grow this big?"
As he looked at the colossal head of the Warcraft leader, his seven night eyes scanned the surroundings, paying attention to any suspicious areas. Since he stepped into the territory of the Warcraft leader, the external magic elements that were originally unable to gather had become normal, and he believed that there must be a problem among them.
"You're so fat, even the dragon from before wasn't as fat as you..."
After scanning the surroundings and finding nothing unusual, Shichiya's gaze focused on the motionless leader of the monster, and he commented.
"Magic dragon... magic dragon... the fireball you spew is just like a magic dragon's fireball, but you are much more powerful than a magic dragon. I wonder if you grew up eating fire. However, it really does feel somewhat similar..."
Although the Warcraft chief did not make any move, it did not affect Qiye's soliloquy. He recalled the familiar feeling of the fireball just now and carefully identified this Warcraft chief. Although it is somewhat similar to the dragon, its body is too huge and covered with spikes and hard horns.
As Qiyue looked at it more and more, he felt more and more confused. Although he escaped from the Holy Night Academy and used the Dragon to escape from the Moonlight Kingdom, he lived together with the Dragon for more than a month and then left at the border of the Moonlight Kingdom. However, he didn't believe that the Dragon that left at that time would appear in the northern plains of the Alliance and it might mutate into such a giant with stronger magic.
Not strong with magic? At this time, Yeyan only discovered that the leader of the Warcraft didn't seem to care about him approaching, but its magic power was skyrocketing like a top-quality purple magic crystal being infused with all the magic power by hundreds of archmages.
"Oh no! It's bad! It's broken!"
As Qiyue prepared to come up with ideas to stop it, the leader of the monstrous beasts had once again started to mutate. Its already enormous form began to enlarge even more. The seemingly motionless red liquid that had seeped out from between its scales slowly solidified, attaching itself to the sharp thorns on its exterior, forming a layer of red shell. From afar, it looked as if it had adorned itself with a suit of red armor.
Seeing the Warcraft chieftain's unimaginable mutation, Qiyeyi did not stop him because even if he wanted to stop him, he didn't know how to.
But Qiyeyi is wracking his brains, searching for a way to destroy the Warcraft chieftain from his memory. At this point, the magical power within the chieftain has surged to the level that can rival a perfect forbidden curse. Although it cannot compare to the power of Sterling or Melifis, it has reached the limit of a grand mage, almost reaching the level of accumulated magical power like the ancient Tyanbes of thousands of years.
At this moment, Qiyue absolutely cannot allow the Warcraft chieftain to attack it freely. It's not about whether the magic defense of the chieftain can be broken or not, but rather if the chieftain is harmed or killed, a tremendous amount of magic power will burst out, engulfing this entire area. Qiyue may still have confidence in surviving, but the crazed Warcraft and the undead army ahead won't be as fortunate. This kind of magic explosion, which can rival a complete prohibition spell, turning everything into ashes, is already a stroke of luck. Otherwise, it would disappear completely without a trace as if it never appeared in this world.
Can a magic shield seal the space it is in? No, that kind of powerful magic is beyond my remaining magic capabilities, and sealing the space would also consume a large amount of my magic.
Escape immediately? No, if we run away, this mutated monster leader will just keep shooting fireballs, which is annoying enough. The magic teleportation array might also be destroyed.
Kill it instantly? No, there is no magic that can immediately kill such a monster with powerful magic fusion, even the highest level of fifth-level magic... Oh, and there are also forbidden spells.
After constantly rejecting his own methods, Qiyue finally came up with the best solution for the current situation.
Looking at the orc chieftain, whose whole body had turned blood red, Qiyue took a breath and raised his hands. With a small amount of power from the 'Divine Artifact of Light' in his body and the magic power that recently emerged from the 'Necromancer's Holy Grail' in his palms, the same kind of magical elements in the surrounding air continuously permeated through him and gathered together.
"From the underworld's heaven..."
"... carrying the power of darkness..."
"... creating a black sky and vast time..."
"... the great lord of the underworld..."
"... to the seventh night. The name of Dagga... "
"... Darkness consumes!"
An entity darker than the darkest night manifested in the hands raised by Seven Nights. This is the most sinister and terrifying form of necromancy he remembered from his undead magic studies. He learned it from a book that Sterling had given him last time. When they were establishing the undead healing guild, Johnsen handed him all the categorized books to review and determine which ones could be shared with the necromancer healers for observation and which ones needed to be banned. This forbidden curse magic found in those banned books was the strongest and most feared magic documented, and Seven Nights personally undertook its sealing.
Is death scary? It can be scary and it can not be scary.
People with strong beliefs are saved by their faith when they die, so they do not find death scary. Instead, they believe that death will take them to heaven and to a world that is different from reality.
However, for those without faith, death brings only terror. Everything is lost, with nothing to continue by our side, sinking into a dark abyss, slowly fading away in the cold…
And "Dark Devour" is a form of magic born from the terror of death, carrying the final form of the idea formed by the fear of the dying and the dread of the unknown darkness. It is the power that devours everything into the darkness of fear.
Since knowing about this magic, Qiye immediately banned it completely at that time. If it weren't for the fact that it was Sterling's book, he might have burned it on the spot because he couldn't imagine the danger that this terrifying magic could cause if used.
At this moment, the 'dark devour' in the hands of Qiyue, which is only the size of a fist, is even darker than the night. It slowly grows larger. The air around it is sucked in by it in less than a moment. It also gradually begins to expand from the size of a fist to the size of a fireball.
At this moment, Qi Yeyuan continued to enlarge the "Dark Devour" and threw it forward, controlling it with his will.
During the time it was thrown, the length of the "Dark Devour" also gradually increased, and when it stopped above the head of the Warcraft leader, not only the surrounding air, but also the soil and weeds on the ground were attracted by its powerful suction force and flew into the dark darkness.
Seven Nights works hard to control 'Dark Devour' with his own magical power, because if he doesn't control it, it will eventually pose a threat to himself.
Because "Dark Devouring" is the fear that swallows all living beings or objects around into the darkness, corrupting them in a cold and desolate space. Even a Seven Night released can be sucked into the terrifying space of death and darkness, as long as it is within the control range of "Dark Devouring". This is also why he personally sealed it when he saw this magic, because if the magic book was not Sterling's, he would have burned it when he saw it. However, because he has seen this magic, he can now use his strong memory to perform this magic, which is also the best way to deal with the high-rise magic beast leader.
'The darkness consumed' finally transformed into a giant black ball of about five meters, resembling a massive black hole, after devouring a considerable amount of soil and roots.
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