Chapter 83

"Hey, bro, I advise you to choose to live with us. Although you can only stay here and cannot go out, we have a lot of beautiful women here. If you don't believe me, brother, I can immediately find you a few. Even if you are powerful outside, I guarantee that you won't last ten moves before being caught by us. It won't be fun if we lock you up. And it's not just me saying this, we are all already at the level of what they call "sword saint" outside. You have no chance of winning against us."
The orc elder saw Seven Nights surrounded and thought of his earlier offer to recruit him as a subordinate, so he tried to persuade him.
"Um... could we possibly resolve this peacefully? I can guarantee that once I leave, I will never mention anything about your village to anyone. If you don't believe me, I can leave some money here as a deposit. If I were to disclose any information, the money would belong to you. Of course, if I don't say anything, the interest on the money will be collected, otherwise I would be at a loss. So, what do you think?"
Seeing the orc elder with a gloomy face, he said,
"It must have been difficult for you to reach this level at such a young age. You should choose to take the Severing Grass, although it will lead to a partial loss of memory. With your abilities, it should still be easy for you to dominate outside."
Mayor Li Tianci looked at the besieged Qiye with some regret and said, "
But I don't want to forget anything. Who among you is willing to forget the past? Or should we do as I said? I can guarantee that I will never swear to the great god of light and all the gods..."
"It's not that we don't trust you, but this has been a tradition in our clan for thousands of years, and we have now changed the rule of killing intruders to the peaceful act of consuming the Breaking Intentions Grass."
"Can we really only use force to explain?"
"Qiyue got a headache, and he didn't want to choose any of it. He regretted why he let those people be captured. He should have known that it would cause chaos. If a fight broke out, he wouldn't be able to control his powers properly. Moreover, what the orc elder who claimed to be the boss said seems to be true. These middle-aged elders and village chief around him already possess incredibly intimidating presence with just casual expressions. If it were his former self, he would have been shocked."
"There is no way you can resist us, the Ice Hunter Tribe. If you continue to resist, don't blame us if you get hurt."
Seeing Qiyao attempting to resist, the elder elf picked up his magic staff - one embedded with a high-purity purple crystal.
"Um... I'm afraid it will be you guys who get hurt because I can't control myself yet, so..."
Qiyue looked at the village chief and elders of Bingqu Village with some hesitation. His current power is like a volcano about to erupt, completely uncontrollable.
"What? We're the ones afraid of getting hurt?"
"Upon hearing Qiyue's words, the two elder orcs, who were the strongest and referred to Qiyue as 'little brother,' became furious. As the elders of the Binghu Village, it was the first time they had ever heard such words. Even Village Chief Li Tianci wouldn't dare to say such things."
"How dare you speak this way? Don't blame us for not showing mercy."
Other elders also clenched their fists. As elders, they held respected positions in the village. Now, being told by an outsider that they would be the ones hurt in front of so many younger generations, they couldn't help but feel angry.
"Now you can choose to stay or take the Broken Intention Grass. If you decide to fight, I cannot guarantee your safety, and getting injured will greatly affect your future cultivation."
Seven nights clenched his right fist tightly, slowly concentrating his power on his fist.
As Seven nights gathered his strength, a powerful aura emerged from him, causing the young men who were originally watching to retreat and stand closest to the village chief and elders, who looked shocked.
Village Chief Li Tianci began to suspect whether he had underestimated this outsider, Ye Zi. With his cultivation at the level of Sword Saint and full of martial energy, he actually felt a faint urge to be blown away. Moreover, under Ye Zi's imposing aura, he was even tempted to bow down and worship, as if he had offended an existence that should not be offended and involuntarily wanted to kneel down.
With a loud shout, Qiyue unleashed a powerful punch into the sky, causing a tremendous force to explode from his fist. The wind picked up and dust filled the air, making everyone's vision blurry.
"You should know by now that I am not lying," he said.
After swinging a demonstrative punch, Shichuyue looked confidently at the elders around her who could barely stand. As for the young men on the outskirts, they had already been blown away by the force generated by this punch. With the power that she originally had no intention of using, she could break a mountain, but now, with this punch, even a Great Sword Saint would not be able to withstand it.
“Who... who are you exactly?”
After finally gaining his balance, one of the elder winged warriors pointed at Qiyue and asked about the power contained in the punch he had just witnessed. He was astounded by it and knew that even he and all the other elders combined would not be able to withstand that force.
"No... no... it's not good, the barrier has been shattered..."
At that moment, the elven elder, who had been safeguarded by a magical shield, suddenly looked up at the sky and shouted loudly.
"What? The barrier has been broken?"
"Sound the alarm. All clan members be prepared."
Village chief Li Tianci solemnly issued instructions once again upon hearing the confirmation from the elder of the elves.
"Dangdangdang! Dangdangdang! Dangdangdang!" After Li Tianci finished speaking, young villagers on the outskirts of the village ran to the middle of the open space and vigorously struck the large bell. The resounding bell echoed throughout the village.
Hearing the bell, thousands of villagers who were originally practicing on the open field in the distance rushed over to this side, and the several streets leading to this empty space were filled with villagers holding various weapons, including orcs, elves, winged creatures, humans, dwarves, and even half-beasts. There were also some individuals whose races were unknown, as they had distinct characteristics of one race while also having features of another, similar to the half-beasts who are born from intermarriage between different races. Furthermore, the sky started to fill up with the people of Ice Hunting Village, as if they wanted to occupy the entire sky above Seven Nights.
" was just an accident...don't be so impulsive, everything can be discussed, I can fix it for you, no need to get angry, getting angry easily can hurt your health...look, you guys are old, I mean you guys look young..."
Seven nights watched as more and more people from the Ice Hunting Village came here, and couldn't help but explain in a panic, while persuading the elders whose eyes were already glowing with flames. He never expected that his punch into the air would have such an effect. He just wanted to prove his strength and make the elders of the Ice Hunting Village retreat, but who knew that using just a little force would break that barrier? It seems that this barrier is very important to them, especially when those Ice Hunting villagers came out one by one as if they were trying to fight desperately. Seven nights looked at them with a bitter expression, wanting to force a smile to ease the atmosphere, but couldn't.
"You are ready to take action, but no one can leave here alive after breaking our barrier."
Li Tianci drew his long sword from his waist. A cold sword aura emanated from the scabbard. As the village chief of Ice Hunting Village, his duty was to protect the village from intrusion and stay away from the outside world. However, the barrier that they relied on for defense and concealment was unexpectedly broken by Qi Ye with a fist. He must make Qi Ye pay the price, even if it costs his own life.
"Can we resolve this peacefully? If not, I might as well choose to stay."
"Seeing those ice-hunting village residents with bloodshot eyes, ready to attack and kill me at any moment, Nana Yoru's scalp began to tingle. These villagers clearly seemed like fearless warriors in a war, the most terrifying kind, because they would never retreat and would fight to the death."
"It's a pity that now you only have one way to choose, and that is death."
Li Tianci stared coldly at Qiyue, and qi emerged from his body. At the same time, other elders took out their weapons and emitted qi. The magic elders without qi flew into the sky, waving their magic wands to prepare for forbidden spells. They didn't believe that ordinary magic could be useful against him, who could break through barriers with a single punch.
"I don't want to hurt you! Please don't intervene!"
Suddenly, a iron rod strikes towards Qiyue from behind with a huge gust of energy.
Facing the Elder Beastman's powerful strike, Qiyue doesn't dodge, but only manages to prevent the force from breaking through his body and causing indiscriminate destruction. If he were to rely on luck or evasion in this battle, it's highly likely that his power would become uncontrollable and he might end up slaughtering the Ice Hunting Village. In that case, it would be difficult to explain the situation."
'Bang!' A fierce iron rod with a fighting spirit struck heavily on Qiyue's back.
"Impossible, impossible..."
The orc elder who looked strong and powerful and had only a handle left in his hand, or rather, an iron handle, looked at Qiyue in horror.
"I said I really don't want to hurt you guys, but now I can't even control my own power. If you don't believe me, stand here and let me take the hit."
"At the moment of being hit, the power on Qiyue's body automatically turned the iron rod with Qi energy into crushed iron. Fortunately, Qiyue controlled his power in time and forcefully suppressed the counterattack of the power inside his body. Otherwise, the orc elder might not have died, but would have been severely injured."
"Lao Lun, how did your strength weaken?"
"Seeing that strong orc elder holding a iron rod with a broken handle who previously called Qiyue his little brother, the orc elder seemed to have a mocking tone."
"If you can do it, Lao Bao, then go ahead and hit me."
The ridiculed Orc elder known as Lao Lun spoke with a cold face. In front of so many younger generations, he launched a near-sneak-attack full-force strike, but unexpectedly, the opponent didn't dodge or avoid it, instead using their back to directly receive the attack. As a result, it was Lao Lun's iron club that shattered.
"If you dare fight, then fight! Don't you dare back off, or don't blame me for being impolite."
"Known as Old Bao, the orc elder raised his arm-thick Wolf Fang Club and smashed it towards Qiyue's shoulder. The earthy yellow fighting spirit almost enveloped the Wolf Fang Club."
Looking at the Wolf Fang Club coming through the air, Qiyue smiled bitterly and told herself not to hide. In fact, she couldn't hide at all. Who knows what would happen if she used her strength carelessly? Besides, she also said that it didn't matter if she got hit casually.
'Bang!' The wolf toothed club hit Yeyo's left shoulder with a loud noise, just like before. Under the vigor of qi and inner power, the wolf toothed club turned into fragments in an instant, and due to facing Yeyo head-on, the elder beastman was forced back several steps by the impact force.
"Hey, little brother, why are you so disrespectful? He hit you and you didn't even step back. When I hit you, you push me back. Do you think I'm easy to bully just because I'm honest? Let me tell you, I'm not someone to be messed with. If you continue like this, be careful, I won't spare you."
The Orc elder who was forced to retreat had a flushed face. He had always considered that Orc elder, Aaron, as his rival. Now, he was embarrassed in front of everyone, even more so than that guy. How could he swallow his pride?
"I'm really sorry, big brother. If you had rushed straight over, he would have secretly attacked you from behind. Of course, as someone who is more enlightened, I promptly counterattacked with a little luck. But big brother, by retreating only two steps, you demonstrated much greater wisdom. You truly are a heroic figure among orcs."
Of course, Qiyue wouldn't be foolish enough to understand what was going on at first glance, so she praised the Orc Elder.
"Aaron, look, you are really unbelievable. How can you launch a surprise attack? Watch how skillful I am and attack fairly."
Hearing Seven Nights say this, Elder Abao, the orc, suddenly laughed happily. If you didn't know, you would think he had won the battle instead of being forcefully pushed back by the opponent after a full-force strike.
"A Bao, step back." Li Tianci called the orc elder to step back. "His power is too strong, we are no match for him in a one-on-one fight. Lulu is ready to use the power of light."
"We agreed that you can call me Xiaolu, why keep calling me Lulu or Lao Lulu? I am obviously the youngest."
The elder elf in the air, holding a wand, seemed a bit displeased but still followed the chief's instructions and waved the wand.
"The boundless light from the sky..."
"Summon the radiant light of ice hunting in the name of Haobai..."
As the elder elves in the sky start using magic, other elders begin reciting together.
"Great golden hue..."
The elder orc known as Allen followed along and recited:
"Illuminating the space between the sky and the earth..."
The elder orc named A-Bao, who referred to Qiye as his little brother, solemnly recited.
"The omnipotent power of light..."
"Accompanied by the master of brightness as we move forward..."
"With your invincible radiance..."
"Grant us strength and courage..."
"Defeating our enemies..."
"...Wrath of the Sun!"
After the village elder Li Tianci of Bingku Village uttered the last sentence, a golden light radiated from the bodies of each elder. The villagers of Bingku Village also emitted a faint golden glow. These glows gradually converged and formed a massive and robust heroic deity holding a bow, appearing in the sky with a golden radiance. With the golden light, he drew his bow and aimed a golden arrow at Qiyue's chest. As the golden arrow was released, the heroic deity gradually disappeared, but the glow of the golden arrow became brighter and brighter. Qiyue reached out to cover his eyes. He didn't expect to dodge it because he felt a familiar energy on that golden arrow. Although it should have been the first time he had seen it, it seemed as if he had seen it a long time ago.
The golden arrow pierced the chest of Oyamaki. Seeing this scene, Li Tianci lowered his head with some pity. He knew that the other party didn't intentionally break the barrier of the Ice Hunt village. If they had malicious intentions, they would have killed all of them long ago. Even when the elder orc attacked with full strength, the other party silently took it without retaliating. However, he had no choice because the first rule in the ancient regulations of the Ice Hunt clan was that anyone who broke the village's barrier must be killed. Moreover, they could use the all-powerful divine power inherited from the great Sun Lord, which was unbeatable.
"This is me, Shichiyoru."
When Shichiyoru was shot by the Golden Arrow, he felt a surge of energy burning within him, a familiar sensation rushing to his heart. However, as the energy from the Golden Arrow gradually faded, the energy within him also came to a halt.
"Why did you come here?"
Li Tianci continued to ask.
"I just got lost while following this map to Long Valley... Huh! Where is my map? It was in my pocket... Last time, even though my clothes were completely torn, the map was still okay..."
Seven nights tried to take out a map from his arms to prove that he had accidentally gone to Dragon Valley. However, when he searched for a while, the map was nowhere to be found. At this moment, a small golden ring fell out from his arms.
"When did this appear? It's really strange."
Seven nights before the ring dropped on the ground, he caught it with his foot and gently picked up the ring back into his hand. He looked at this extra ring with some curiosity. He didn't remember buying this kind of thing in the Adventure Village.
"That, can you show it to me?"
Upon seeing the golden ring in Qiyue's hand, Li Tianci and all the elders were astonished. Li Tianci put away his long sword and approached slowly, asking with a surprised and excited expression on his face.
"This can't be yours, right? I just found it a moment ago. I really don't know why it ended up on me. I'm not lying to you."
Qiyue held the golden ring, neither giving it nor not giving it.
"I'm sorry, this ring is not mine, but it looks very similar to something that has been passed down in our family. I want to see it for myself and confirm if it is indeed that thing."
Li Tianci quickly shook his head, indicating that he just wanted to take a look.
"Then you take a closer look, if it really belongs to you, then I'll give it back to you."
Qiyue handed the golden ring to Li Tianci.
"It's really, really, really the Ring of the Sun, it's really the Ring of the Sun!"
After receiving the golden ring, Li Tianci first looked at it and then stared at it carefully, before suddenly raising the ring and shouting loudly.
"Is the Ring of the Sun really the Ring of the Sun?"
"The patriarch said that the Sun Ring must be correct and there will be no mistakes."
"Finally, the day has come, finally waited."
"The Sun Ring is out, we don't have to stay here anymore."
"This really belongs to you I'll give it back, it definitely wasn't me who stole it, really."
Seeing the excited Ice Shou people and the elders, Qiyue felt a bit embarrassed. It must be their lost item. As for how it ended up on himself, he was truly puzzled.
"No, no, this doesn't belong to us. It is merely something our great master left behind. By the way, may I ask your name?"
Li Tianci respectfully hands the gold ring back to Qiye.
"I've said before that my name is Seven Nights, a night that comes after the seven days."
With the ring called the Ring of the Sun, Seven Nights feels like a hot fireball.
"No, no, I'm asking for your full name."
"Full name? My full name is Qiyue. What's wrong with Vantajia?"
Qiyue looked at Li Tianci Fandaya strangely. Nowadays, few people ask for a full name unless they need to register or something. For example, when Qiyue came out of the Holy Night Academy and registered with the Mercenary Guild, she had to write her full name. But when she entered the Infantry Division of the Mad War Empire, she never had to write her full name.
"Fan... Fan... Fandaga..."
Hearing Qiyue say the name, Li Tianci took a step back in a terrified manner, while the rest of the elders displayed an expression of extreme fear on their faces.
"Is this Fandagga exactly the forbidden name for you...?"
Seeing the expressions of Li Tianci and the other elders, Seven Nights began to suspect that he had had some bad luck today. First, he got lost, then accidentally broke the barrier, and now he couldn't find the map. On top of that, he seemed to have a problem with his name. It would be best if it wasn't the name of that demon that has been passed down through generations. If it is, then he's in big trouble.
"I didn't intentionally choose this name, it's just what I am called when I came out..."
"I, Li Tianci, the leader of the Binghu Clan, leading the entire clan, pay respects to the Lord Vandagar."
As Seven Nights was preparing to explain, Village Chief Li Tianci and the elders of Ice Hunting Village knelt down and respectfully called out. Behind them, all the villagers of Ice Hunting Village saw this scene and for a moment, they couldn't adapt. They didn't understand why all the clan chiefs and elders in front suddenly knelt down. The originally lively and joyful atmosphere suddenly became cold and quiet. All the villagers stood still in a daze.
"This... this is..."
After seeing Li Tianci and the others kneeling down for seven nights, he was equally at a loss. He recalled that he was just explaining himself, but why did these people suddenly kneel down? Could it be that they are planning to sacrifice me? Could this be one of those ancient villages that I read about, where live humans are sacrificed? Thinking of this, seven nights became cautious and prepared to leave at any time. Although he couldn't control his power to fly into the air suddenly, it was still better than being a human sacrifice here.
"The Ice Hunters welcome the arrival of Lord Vandarga to the Ice Hunting territory."
"Li Tianci turned around and saw that the villagers did not kneel down and shouted loudly once again."
"The Ice Hunters respectfully welcome Lord Vandarga."
All the elders filled with qi and shouted loudly.
The pupils of all the Ice Hunt disciples suddenly enlarged, and a look of awe appeared on their faces. All the villagers in the air returned to the ground or on the houses and knelt down together.
"The Ice Hunting Clan respectfully welcomes the Lord Vanderga to the Ice Hunting Territory."
"All villagers of the Ice Hunting Village humbly bow their heads and reverently call out in unison to Lord Vanderga who stands among the village chief and elders."
"What... what's going on?"
Facing the kneeling Ice Hunt tribe villagers, as well as the village chief and elders, Seven Nights was stunned.
"Oh Lord Vandarga, our Ice Hunt tribe has been waiting here under the command of the Supreme God for thousands of years, not daring to disregard the orders of our master. Finally, we have witnessed your return, Oh Lord Vandarga."
Li Tianci glanced up but dared not look directly at Qiyue's face, only staring at his feet.
"Are you waiting for me here according to Jiuyao's command?"
Hearing Li Tianci's words, Qiyue still didn't understand what was going on. It seemed like his brother Jiuyao had asked these people to wait for him here.
"Yes, Lord Vanga, we, the Bing Shu clan, have been waiting for generations, following God's instructions, for your return to lead us back to the Great Heavenly Palace."
"Could you only stay here before and not go anywhere else?"
On the night of the seventh, Qiyue asked.
"Yes, it is true. Before your arrival, our Ice Hunting clan has been guarding the Dragon Valley. Only when you, Lord Vandaga, arrive can we leave this place."
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