没多久,两人点的料理全都上桌了,林辰曦贴心的将餐具一一的擦拭一遍后才递给傅若涵,伸手接过后傅若涵歪了一下头笑着对林辰曦说道“ 谢谢我贴心的傅太太哟!”林辰曦抿一抿唇笑着说道“ 娘子是不是觉得我特别贴心又贤惠呢~”边说她还边装作一副小媳妇的模样,傅若涵一看就知道这人怕不是戏瘾又发作了,于是就配合的回答道“ 是的呢!”这回儿林辰曦玩心大发,于是就再说道“ 那....娘子你.....打算何时才将我迎娶过门呢?”一副娇娇欲滴的模样,还真有点隔壁家的羞涩姑娘的样子,林辰曦演的有模有样的,这可把傅若涵一下子给逗乐了,笑着连连摆手表示自己演不下去了。有时候生活就是这样,想要开心快乐不一定需要很富有,不一定需要什么权利,甚至是地位之类的,简简单单一个你爱的也爱你的人,那你就拥有了一切快乐的源泉。(题外话!这个让我想起一个很经典的问题,你爱的人和爱你的人,你会选择哪一个呢?)
During their meal together, Lin Chenxi picked up a piece of raw fish and dipped it in some wasabi and soy sauce before placing the chopsticks in front of Fu Ruohan's mouth and gesturing for her to say "Ah~". Fu Ruohan looked down and smiled before opening her mouth and eating the fish. Lin Chenxi looked at her with tenderness and softly asked, "Is it delicious?" Perhaps she already knew the answer when she saw Fu Ruohan eating like a squirrel, but she still wanted to ask. Fu Ruohan chewed and said, "It's delicious! It's very fresh and sweet, but not as sweet as you are~" At some point, Fu Ruohan also learned Lin Chenxi's way of speaking, perhaps this is what they call "birds of a feather flock together." As for whether they are red or black...Lin Chenxi couldn't help but laugh. "Tell me, where did you learn this from?" Lin Chenxi raised her hand and lightly lifted Fu Ruohan's chin with her thumb and index finger, and "asked" with a smile. Fu Ruohan looked up with pride and said, "I learned it from my Mrs. Fu!" Her little confident appearance made it seem like she owned the whole world.
With a shy smile, Lin Chenxi gently tapped Fu Ruohan's nose and said, "You little one learn so fast! The child is indeed teachable!" Finally, he even blew a kiss towards Fu Ruohan from across the table. Fu Ruohan happily served Lin Chenxi some food, and playfully said, "Eat up! Don't you dare flirt with me again!" Lin Chenxi shrugged innocently and replied, "How is it flirting? It's all my love for you." Lin Chenxi spoke with conviction and looked genuinely sincere, causing Fu Ruohan to continuously smile. Their sweet and adorable interaction made the girl sitting at the next table envious. She kicked her boyfriend under the table, signaling for him to take notes. In her mind, she thought to herself, "He's such a block of wood. There's no sweet words or romantic gestures." Her boyfriend looked at her with a face that said, "What did I do wrong?" The girl didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her clueless boyfriend, but she couldn't help loving him anyway! Sometimes love is like that, it's inexplicable. Even if he/she is far from the ideal partner you imagine, you still love him/her without explanation. So, their Valentine's Day meal was spent playing and laughing, teasing each other in a pleasant atmosphere. Even though they saw the couples around them with flowers and gifts, they both silently agreed to wait until they were home to present them.
At this moment, the two of them had just finished dinner. It was still early, only about eight o'clock, and Fu Ruohan did not want to go home so early. So she pulled Lin Chenxi to walk around near the restaurant and feel the atmosphere. Actually, there was nothing special, just many couples walking around the square, holding hands, embracing each other, and taking pictures. Everyone went out to join the festivities. Couples were everywhere, showing their love. Fu Ruohan also wanted to show off, so she pulled Lin Chenxi to take a photo. "Xi, let's take a picture!" Fu Ruohan suddenly remembered that they hadn't taken a photo together since they started dating. Lin Chenxi gently smiled and touched her hair, saying, "Okay! Following the wife's command." Fu Ruohan pulled Lin Chenxi to a less crowded area to avoid having bystanders in the picture. She picked up her phone, opened the camera, and clicked the shutter at Lin Chenxi's face. However, Lin Chenxi was confused. Why did she suddenly get a kiss? Didn't they agree to take a photo? Lin Chenxi gently rubbed her cheek, and a thought appeared in her mind. "I also want to use my phone to take a picture!" So she took out her phone, adjusted the angle, and waited for her little fish to take the bait. At that time, Fu Ruohan was facing the camera, fixing her hair, and completely unaware of what Lin Chenxi was doing. "Wife!" Lin Chenxi called her, and Fu Ruohan turned her head subconsciously. As Lin Chenxi had expected, their lips met. Lin Chenxi immediately clicked the shutter and recorded this moment.
Lin Chenxi was looking at the photos on her phone with a smile on her face. She immediately set this photo as her phone wallpaper and after a few more glances, she put her phone in her bag, satisfied. However, Fu Ruohan gently hammered Lin Chen's back with her elbow and said, "Xi, you've become bad!" Lin Chenxi's shy expression made her feel a little uneasy. She grabbed her hand and kissed her, saying, "Who was the first one to be bad and steal my fragrance?" Lin Chenxi looked at the person in front of her with a smiling mouth, but her slightly reddish ears betrayed Fu Ruohan's shyness. "Who's naughty?" Fu Ruohan pretended to be innocent, as if it wasn't her who did it just now. Lin Chenxi leaned forward and whispered in her ear with a wicked smile, "Honey, I'll show you some naughtiness later when we go back!" The deliberately lowered voice made Fu Ruohan's whole body tingle, as if a bunch of small ants were walking all over her body, and it was a comfortable feeling like electric current passing through her body.
Fu Ruohan was extremely shy, with a blushing tsundere attitude, she said, "You're so bad! I'm ignoring you!" After speaking, she turned and walked away, but in reality, she was quite happy and a bit excited. Lin Chenxiu noticed that her footsteps did not show any signs of speeding up and she did not walk too far, so he quickly followed after her, and hugged her from behind. He whispered in her ear, "Wife~~ I was wrong, when we get home, I will let you punish me however you want, okay?" He used a very soft and clingy tone that made Fu Ruohan think, "Wow, my wife is so good, I am completely eaten up and have no resistance, but I really enjoy it." Seeing that Fu Ruohan did not respond, Lin Chenxiu sneaked in a kiss on her cheek and said, "Wife~~ is it okay? If not, then I will have to decide my own punishment." In front of Fu Ruohan, Lin Chenxiu always had a certain spirit, and what is a thick face? Pleasing his wife was the most important thing! He exemplified having a thick face! "Who said I would let you decide? Just wait until we get home and see what I will do to you." She spoke softly and without any apparent threat, but Lin Chenxiu knew one thing for sure - tonight, her "dessert" would be taken care of!
两人不顾四周的眼光和窃窃私语,一直抱在一起 “好的哟,老婆说什么就什么!” 其实傅若涵也一早就已经准备好一份礼物要送给林辰曦,只是藏的很好没被林辰曦发现,为的就是等这一天的到来。傅若涵在林辰曦的怀里转了个身,面向着林辰曦说道 “ 我们再逛多一下就回家好吗?” 说完一脸期许的看着林辰曦,这种表情让林辰曦该怎么说得出拒绝的话呢 “ 当然没问题 ” 林辰曦放开了傅若涵,改为牵着她的手,感受到林辰曦的手后,傅若涵将自己的手和林辰曦的手十指相扣,虽然现在还没入冬但傅若涵觉得,这个冬天自己的手就不会再冰凉冰凉的了,因为有她的傅太太牌暖宝宝在给她传递温暖,这种温度不仅能暖手还能暖化她的心。还是很常听见的那句话,一屋两人三餐四季,就是最简单平凡又让人向往的生活,可有时候却不是那么容易,虽说生活不易但有个人陪在身边,似乎一切都没那么难了。(好像说的有点矛盾.....)
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Latest additions: Fragrant Medicinal Herbs at the Farm Gate: Finding a Husband to Farm with I'm Playing Glory in Another World The King of Peerage I Have a Gentleman Sister in the Academy City Nine Nine Raises the Night Sky My Whimsical Ideas Have Come True Cultivating Love and Fate: The Three Lives Star God Xian Lu Zhi Bu Bu Shen Yuan The Strongest Landlord in History The Phoenix Royal Dynasty The Prince Chasing His Wife is Too Remote I Promise You, Okay? Rebirth Maze When Singing and Drinking The Book of Moses Rebirth of the Mortal Biography A small beggar who used to beg on the street Rebirth Joy What? I am the antagonist. Thousand Seed's Guide to Another World