Chapter 313 "Teppanyaki War Edition"

昏暗的天地, 沸腾的地面, 瓢泼的大雨, 以及大雨中嘶鸣的魔兽、哀嚎的士兵……
This apocalyptic picture stunned everyone present.
Even His Majesty the Emperor was stunned and momentarily forgot to give orders.
“地狱亡灵!”炼金分院的老师脸色发白, 嘴唇动了动。
亡你个头!如果执行官不是老师, 云苔就直接爆粗口了。要知道亡灵法师可是比黑暗系魔法师更不受待见的魔法师。
大喘气之后, 云苔说道:“天为盖,地为炉,不就是普通的侏罗兽烧烤铁板烧战争版, 老师难道你野外烧烤吃野味的时候要用到亡灵法术的吗?别闹了,老师
,醒醒, 仗还没打完呢, 趁对方还没有反应过来,快快快。”
侏罗兽烧烤铁板烧战争版?别的吃货是变着花样吃, 寻找着不同的食材吃。到了云苔这里倒好, 把吃的方法延伸进了不同的行业领域。之前白逸轩治疗时候的
三蒸三煮, 还有现在的侏罗兽烧烤铁板烧战争版。火邈不由感叹能吃到这样的境界云苔果然非常人所能企及!
天为盖, 地为炉,听着是大气, 可是在看过了这战争版的侏罗兽烧烤铁板烧, 以后他们野外历练还怎么直视那些烧烤的野味?还怎么填饱肚子?难道说真的要
黑暗天幕是黑暗法术中的二级法术。军营里的魔法师等级虽然都不高, 但架不住人多啊。原本雨天乌云密布,天本来就暗, 再加上黑暗天幕,然后是鬼哭狼嚎
Sound effects...
It clearly should be a blue sky and white sun, yet it has been turned into a hell mode by the moss on the clouds.
Bai Lieyan smacked his lips and suddenly asked, "What do you think the people sitting in the airship and looking at the ground feel?" Translation: The sound effects... The scenario seems to be a clear blue sky and sunny day, but it has been altered to appear like hell due to the moss on the clouds. Bai Lieyan licked his lips and abruptly asked, "How do you think those sitting in the airship and observing the ground feel?"
Survivor? If you don't die and still stay mentally stable, Carle doesn't consider you a normal person anymore. And joining the elite forces? Carle gave Gorgor a skeptical look. Translated content: The speaker expresses doubt and surprise regarding someone being a survivor without experiencing mental breakdown and joining the elite forces.
"Continue the attack!" Lan Hao understood that if they ordered a retreat at this moment, the army would surely be defeated and completely scattered. The morale of the troops would be crushed. The sound of explosions woke up the Emperor, but failed to wake up the executing officer, Liezhen. His actions were distorted, and several errors occurred. It can be said that the morale of the army was completely suppressed. It is in a state of defeat.

Fu Songhe shook his head. It seems that I am still too immature! But it is understandable, as even Lie Zheng was startled.
"Attack? Bullshit!" Gege'er sneered, "If it were on a real battlefield, forget about attacking, just being able to maintain formation would be good enough."
"Double." Yun Tai was not polite at all.
Just as the vanguard troops, who had finally escaped from the hell mode, were regrouping, they were hit by another wave. This attack surprised Lan Hao with its intensity. The strengths of both sides were evenly matched, as he had anticipated, but the magic in Stone City...
The mage team shouldn't have such strong offensive power.
Of course, such an attack power is nothing major in Lan Hao's eyes. He has prepared three sets of defensive measures for how to deal with Yun Tai's secret. Although this firepower is somewhat unexpected, it is still within Lan Hao's control.

Due to long-range attacks, there are no magicians in the vanguard troops.
As expected, before the army could approach, a fireball fell from the city wall...
With a 'swoosh', the entire river turned into a river of fire.
Many students twitched their brows. Earth is supposed to be able to restrain water, but today when earth encountered water, it boiled! Just now, Yun Tai sternly accused the illusion parameters of being incorrect, claiming that when water and fire meet, they will explode. They are still waiting for the fire.
Without realizing it, everyone has put the side fighting against Cloud Moss in a disadvantaged position. Only the executive officer of Cloud Moss, the old teacher from the Alchemy Division, sympathizes with the plant-based magician in his magical army. While other magicians are either participating in defense or offense, the plant-based magician first plants bamboo (to be split into strips for weaving baskets) and then tirelessly cultivates a common plant called rapeseed, which is processed into oil and poured into the newly dug moat outside the city walls! They are grateful that this is just a fictional scenario, as in a real military...

Who dares to make the esteemed magician do such work? Before the magician could even say anything, they would be drowned in the soldiers' saliva. It seems that only Yuntai treats the magician like an ordinary person!
The colorful fabric on the hot air balloon seriously challenges Gege's aesthetic sense, and his face twists in disgust. Is this a serious military unit? Or a beggar's group on a trip?
Liezheng uses ground-to-air tracking projectiles for defense.
The tracking projectile in mid-air directly transformed into a weapon in the hands of the wind mage, turning around to strike the ground. Is there anything more satisfying than using the enemy's ammunition to attack them?
The flying boats dispersed, forming a horseshoe-shaped defensive formation. The first batch of hot air balloons descended to a certain height, and ropes with nodes were thrown out of the baskets. Well-trained soldiers landed quickly. After the soldiers were deployed, the hot air balloons joined in.
Defensive circle system. Half of the hot air balloon squadron joins the defensive system, while the other half continues their transportation of troops and ammunition.
This new type of offensive strategy appears dazzling indeed. It is only when faced with a worthy opponent that the true strength of Yun Tai can be revealed. Looking at the overall situation of the battle, Yun Tai has created a grand spectacle. However, apart from the explosion on the southwest path, the actual destructive power on the front battlefield is not as great as it appears, because what it kills is not people, but rather the hearts of people. It is precisely because His Majesty has understood this point that he has ordered the continuation of the offensive. It is a pity, however, that Lie Zheng...
Still a bit lacking.
There's no need to waste any more time persevering until the end. Lan Hao could see that there was not a trace of confidence on the face of his executive, so he readily admitted defeat.
The attendant next to him moved his lips but didn't dare to speak, knowing that several ministers were already waiting outside the palace. After all, His Majesty had just lost! Lost!
"Miss, how did you create the effect of boiling on the battlefield? Did you really sprinkle some powder? I had instructed the earth elemental mage to remove all the topsoil and flatten it beforehand, so there shouldn't be any problem, right?" Lan Hao.
"That's why you need to identify the composition of the soil and the wall stones from the beginning." Lie Zheng suddenly realized.
"In warfare, knowing oneself and the enemy is the key to victory in every battle." Yun Tai's heart filled with excitement.
Winning is always a delightful thing.
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