Other Novels Extraordinary Doctor in Another World Chapter 314: Fu Songhe's Invitation to Battle

Chapter 314: Fu Songhe's Invitation to Battle

云苔是神清气爽了, 甚至还有点小兴奋, 穿越了这么多年第一次与人玩战争游戏还赢了, 看以后还有谁敢说她是游戏白痴!云苔心里得小人得瑟地昂头大笑。
皇帝陛下一点也没有将输赢放在心上。胜败乃是兵家常事, 更不用说这原本不过是他放松心情的游戏, 反之他心里还有一点小小地窃喜, 他坐上那个位子之后
终于出现了一个敢赢他的人了!看到站在一边一脸苦相得侍从, 皇帝陛下终于摆了摆手,退出了课堂,回归公务中。
可看到第一个进来汇报工作的人, 陛下拿起的茶杯又放下了,盯着对方左右打量,一脸的困扰。
云翊一脸淡定, 在这样的注视之下连眼皮都没有抖一下。看陛下这个样子他就知道八成又有什么利国利民的好事发生了, 而且还跟云苔有关。而且论当木桩的
As for Yunyi, he thought highly of himself. Originally, he came to report to Your Majesty on the series of defense changes in the imperial capital after several emperors and fighters left. But now, Yunyi lowered his gaze, waiting for Your Majesty to speak first.
“不就是收了两年尸体吗, 没道理差距会这么大啊?”澜昊想不明白。
看看云苔和烈峥, 同样是军事世家,遗传基因应该差不多, 如果说学习环境, 烈峥还是烈家从小精心培养的, 云苔却是连半点基础也没有,烈峥也不是没有去军营呆过, 澜昊相信,他去军营肯定也不是去玩的。可现实却是一个没有学过一天战术指挥的人将指挥系的首席打得没有半点脾气,甚至连出手的机会都没有。
After calculating, besides Yun Tai who has such a generous heart to willingly seek trouble, who else is on the same airship?
"Der der, seeing you like this annoys me, I might as well taunt your smug orange face to your father." Lan Hao said impatiently.
The servant standing in the corner of the wall secretly lifted his eyelids and gave the nobleman a sympathetic look. This is a clear case of redirecting anger. But it is also a form of intimacy.
"Your Majesty, this is the latest defense deployment of the Imperial Guards..." Yun Yi remained unfazed.
Just as Yun Yi stepped out of the study, he received a message. His previous speculations were incorrect; it was not any of the individuals on the airship who had been tortured, but rather the one working in the study. And it turned out to be the person he himself had brought to their doorstep.
The atmosphere in the flying boat is strangely quiet. These powerful individuals are merely here to spectate, never really considering the possibility of Yun Tai's victory. But in the end...should they say that Yun Tai is too ruthless or that the emperor's skills have declined?
Ahem, um. We are currently in class!" Xiao Jinyan reminded in a low voice. Although the powerful individuals were conscious of keeping their voices restricted within the airship, just in case. In the eyes of those students, everything inside the airship
People are the objects they worship and pursue, and their image must be maintained!
If they forget to bring their phone charger, can't we blame the moss?
You should know that using the excuse of a dead phone battery from a past life won't work in this time and space. Here, we use magical phones and the air is filled with magical elements…
The possibility of slipping or making a mistake is almost close to zero. Haven't you noticed that the teachers at the level of Sorcerer Mage are all crowded in the back? She has a Saint Emperor powerhouse on her left hand, a Fighting Emperor powerhouse on her right hand, and also numerous other Fighting Emperor and Saint Emperor experts following behind her.
The signs of the decline of mages?
Otherwise, with so many smart people here, there's no need for her to come and play in the dust and rubble.
"This..." Yun Tai instinctively wanted to refuse. The two of them were simply not at the same level. If she joined, she would only be a liability.
"There are no limitations, you can use any magical props that you can think of and that can be realized in the illusion. You have complete control over the battlefield, weather, and the size of the army," Fu Songhe tempted.
Find more inspiration and enhance the strength of the military, that's where the real gains lie.
"If you find those students annoying, just end the class and dismiss them," Ge'ge'er added another sentence.
The practical magic item of
Song Gorg nodded: "Yes, I guess I haven't forgotten everything I learned."
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